



教学资料参考范本北师大版三年级英语上册教案设计Dont walk!Lesson2推荐 撰写人:_ 部 门:_ 时 间:_单词教学:Dont walk/ litt er/ touch.No swimming/parking/ food/ smoking/ cameras.Lets sing教材分析:本单元是北师大版先锋英语第三册第一单元的第2课时词汇教学,在第一课时的基础上,对祈使句进行更深入的学习,共八个,分别由Dont, No引导,重在能够区分两种句子的区别。学生分析:在第一课时已经对祈使句有了初步了解,本课时要求在理解的基础上识记并运用,学生可能在理解Dont, No的区别上出现困难,要引导学生仔细观察,发现规律。设计理念:从复习故事入手,学习句子时要引导学生观察总结教学目标:知识与技能:能听说读写单词Dont walk/ litter/ touch. No swimming/ parking/ food/ smoking/ cameras. 能够在真实情景中运用No, Dont 引导的祈使句。过程与方法:通过听说读写唱做等形式,进行大量的语言操练。情感态度价值观:通过本课时的学习,教育学生在生活中要仔 细观察,留心见到的公共标志。教学重点:Dont walk/ litter/ touch. No swimming/ parking/ food/ smoking/ cameras.教学难点:Dont 与No的区别教学用具:教学卡片 录音机教学过程:一、 Greetings. (1分)T: Good morning, boys and girls.二、Warm up (3分)T: First lets review the story. open your books. Can you read the text? (学生跟读课文) In this story, we have said there are some warnings. Do you remember what are they? 引导学生回忆课文中的主要功能句三、Practice (15分)T: (出示Dont walk的图片) whats this? 引导学生回答 Read after me. 领读两遍 Group 1 read it one by one. 同样方法出示Dont litter/ touch. No swimming/ parking/ food/ smoking/ cameras.Now look at these words. Can you see any difference?引导学生观察单词的不同之处 (dont 后加动词,no后加名词或动名词) Follow me. Group by group. Look at my mouth and guess what I say.看口形猜单词 Now lets play a game. Whos missing? Close your eyes. (抽掉一张卡片让学生说出被抽掉的单词)四、 exercises (8分)Ok, good, open your books, listen to the tape, point and repeat.听录音指读1. This time, match the word with the right picture.2. Well done. Now lets look at some exercises. On page 4, there are some pictures. Look at the first one. What can you see? What should you say?引导学生观察图片 同样方法让学生描述其他图片3. Now lets listen to the tape together. And the first time, just listen and point to the picture. (放第一遍录音,学生指图片)4. The second time, write the numbers according to the order. (放第二遍录音,学生编号)5. Lets check your answer. 核对答案6. The third time, read after the tape and point to the picture. (放第三遍录音,学生指读)五、Sing the song (8分)1. T: do you like songs. Lets sing the song. (播放儿歌)2. Listen again and repeat.3. Sing the song group by group.4. Can you make a performance?六、Make a conclusion (3分)T: Today we learned some words. What are they?帮助学生归纳本课所学重点单词 Dont remember to read these words.七、Homework (2分)Listen to the tape and repea


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