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_name:_ I believe I can do the best! 我相信我能做得最棒!Chapter 1 Travel目标导读重点单词:plan ; call ; afford ; provide ; culture ; cost ; relax construction ; event ; following; product ; bank; shop ; however ;重点短语:used to,be used to 与 be used to doing ; be similar to与 look like ; arrive 与 reach ; manage to do sth; try to do sth 与try doing sth ; be abroad 与 go abroad重点句子:1. Kings and queens used to live in the old castles there.2. People with children will find EuroDisney a good place to visit.3. These days, you can shop for many French foods in large cities in China.4. It is easy to learn French quickly.5. How do I get to Renmin Road ?6. However, the number of visitors is still restricted.重点语法:1.冠词 2.专有名词【核心词组】1.national flag 国旗 2.start to plan 开始计划3.summer holidays 暑假 4.why not 为何不5.spread ones wings 展翅高飞 6.with coasts on three sides 三面有海岸 7.go skiing 去滑雪 8.in central France 在法国中部 9.grow crops 种植庄稼 10.such as 例如11.the most scenic areas 景色最优美的风景区 12.the Loire Valley 卢瓦尔河谷 13.used to do sth 过去常常做某事 14.one of the most beautiful cities 最美丽的城市之一 15.famous attractions 著名的景点 16.the Fiffel Tower 埃菲尔铁塔 17.the Arc de Triomphe 凯旋门 18.an hour from 距离.一小时的路程 19.the same .as 与.相同的 20.be famous for 因.而著名 21.art and culture 艺术与文化 22.film festivals 电影节23.exhibitions and concerts 展览和音乐会 24. better understand 更好的理解【知识备忘】1go skiing 去滑雪2Call v. 呼叫 ;召唤 call sb 呼唤某人;给某人电话 eg: Call me tomorrow morning. 拓展call on 拜访 I will call on Tina this evening.3. plan v. 计划,打算,安排 (过去式:planned 现在分词:planning) plan sth 为制定计划 plan to do sth 计划去做某事例句:We are planning a trip to France this summer holiday. They plan to arrive there after two oclock. n. 安排,计划 make a plan for 为制定计划例句:We cant change our plans now.We need to make plans for the future.拓展plan on 打算Plan to do sth 计划做某事4used to do sth 过去常常做某事(现在不做了,只用于过去时)eg: Kings and queens used to live in the old castles there .He used to drink coffee in the morning.拓展be used to doing sth 习惯于做某事(现在还这样做,可用于现在、过去、将来时态中)He will be used to getting up early. be used to do sth 被用来做某事 Wood can be used to make paper.5Provide 提供; 供应eg: On Sundays my mother provided dinner as well as breakfast . provide sth 提供某物拓展 provide sb with sth / provide sth for sb 给某人提供某物eg: The hotel will provide breakfast. The school provided food for the students The school provided the stu 6. be similar to 与相似 , 和很像 the same as 和一样 be different form 与不同eg: My bike is similar to yours 我的自行车和你差不多。 She is the same height as you. My coat is different from yours.拓展be similar to 用法广泛 look like 只指视觉上相似eg: Kate is similar to Mary . Kate likes studying and Mary likes studying as well . Lucy looks like Lily .We usually mistake them for each other.7.Why not do sth ? 为什么不做某事类似提建议句型:Why dont you do? / What about doing? / How about doing?eg: Why not cross the street ?= Why dont you cross the street?8. be famous for 以.而著名 类似于be well-known for be famous as 作为而著名; 以身份而出名be famous to 对来说是出名的 Gulin is famous for its beautiful scenery. Luxun is famous as a writer. The Great Wall is famous to all of us.9 defeat v. 打败;击败辨析:defeat 意为“打败,战胜”,后跟表示人或集体的名词。 win 意为“赢,获胜”,后通常跟表示活动或事件的名词。例句:We played very well, and we defeated No. 3 Middle School. Tom can win the 100-metre-race.10 spread v. 伸开,伸展 过去式:spreadspread ones wings 展开翅膀 例句:We can spread our wings and fly away.11. such as 举例 通常放在所列举的事物前面for example 例如 常用逗号与前后隔开例句:Some students such as Mary and Lisa like to watch TV. I like eating fruit , for example, apples, oranges and so on.12. one of + 形容词最高级+可数名词复数 中最之一Haikou is one of the most beautiful cities in China.13. offer v. 提供offer sth 提供某物offer sb sth (主动,自愿)提供给某人某物offer sth to sb 提供某物给某人例句:Window of the World offers miniature scenic attractions of the world. Will you offer the guest some tea? The shop offers free coffee to the customs.14. include v. 包括 强调宾语所述人、物是整体的一部分。include sth 包括某物例句:The textbook includes a chapter about France.including prep. 包含,包括15. shop v. 购物 n. 商店shop for sth 购买某物 类似:buy sth例句:Ill shop for some presents tomorrow.16. help sb (to) do sth帮助某人做某事help sb with sth 帮助某人做某事help sb in doing sth帮助某人做某事例句:His aim is to help the student (to) achieve their aims.He always helps his mother with housework.I need contacts that could help me in finding a job.我需要能帮我找到工作的社会关系。17 enjoy用法总结:1) enjoy sth 享受2) enjoy doing 喜欢做某事3) enjoy oneself 过得愉快 类似:have a good time / have funI. 词汇题 A. 根据句子意思和括号中的中文提示,用该词的适当形式填空,已提供首写字母1. some students want to climb the m_.2. Xiaomeisha is on the east _ (海岸) of Shenzhen.3. The bird s_ its wings and flies o the sky.4. You have to drive home so youd better not drink w_5. Beijing is the c_ of China.6. I think drinking _ (矿泉水) water is better than drinking coffee.7. He enjoys attending c_. (音乐会) 8. They p_ to go to France last year, but they didnt make it.9. the boy likes c_ so his father bought him a bike.10. Some bakeries in Shenzhen _ (提供) French break and cakes.B 用所给单词的正确形式填空。11. My book is _ from yours. (difference)12. There are quite a lot of _ in Beijing such as the Great Wall, the Palace Museum and so on. ( attract)13. Lets go _ (swim) in the beach next week.14. It is difficult _ English well. (learn)15. EuroDisney is an _ place for children. (interest)II. 单项选择( )1. We _ in the river, but now the water is badly polluted.A. used to swimming B. were used to swimming C. used to swim D. were used to swim( )2. I enjoy _ around the world to visit some scenic areas.A. to go B. go C. went D. going( )3. The restaurant is famous _ its delicious food. A. to B. for C. with D. by( )4. If you want to _, you can go to the sea and walk along the beautiful beach.A. go skiing B. relax yourself C. play tennis D. go cycling( )5. He _a blanket over the grass and sat down on it. A. spread B. spreaded C. spreading D. spreads( )6. I like eating fruit, _ apples, bananas, oranges, and pears.A. such as B. for example C. such D. example( )7. Paris is a good place _ sightseeing.A. to go B. going C. go D. goes( )8. The teacher introduced the history of our school first and then _ us _ our classroom.A. tookto B. tookin C. tookfor D. tookwith( )9. The man _ a book in his hand is our new English teacher.A. with B. has C. takes D. have( )10. Shenzhen is one of _ in China.A. the good city B. the best city C. the good cities D. the best cities( )11.Most of the restaurants _ tea _ the customers for free.A. offer; to B. offer; for C. provide ; to D. provide; with( )12.-Whats your plan _ your holiday? -Im planning _ Disneyland.A. for; visit B. of; visiting C. for; to visit D. of; to visit( )13.-_ playing football with me after school? -Good idea.A. Why not B. What about C. Lets D. Would you like( )14. My brother is of the same _ as me.A. weight B. heavy C. weigh D. heavily( )15.-Did you _ at the party last night? -No. It was too noisy.A. enjoy yourself B. have a good time C. have fun D. all of the aboveIII. 根据中文提示完成句子,每空一词。1. 深圳以良好的生活环境而著名。Shenzhen _ _ _ its good living environment.2. 我们全家过去就住在这座老房子里。All my family _ _ _ in the old house.3. 王强能说几种语言,例如法语、英语、日语和汉语。Wang Qiang can speak several languages, _ _ French, English, Japenese and Chinese.4.为什么不和家人一起到日本旅游呢?_ _ _ to visit Japan with your family?5. 中国是世界上最大的国家之一。China is _ _ the biggest _ in the world.Language 语法-定冠词 the定冠词的基本用法1) 1 表示特指的人或物2) eg: Do you know the boy over there ?3) 你认识那边的那个男孩吗?4) 2.表示谈话双方都知道的事或上文中提到的事。5) eg: Near the hospital you will see the shop .6) 在医院附近你会看到那家商店7) 3 表示世界上独一无二的事物8) eg:The earth is bigger than the moon. 地球比月亮大9) 4.用在序数词和形容词的最高级前。10) eg: Winter is the coldest season in a year .11) 冬季是一年中最冷的季节。12) 5. 用在专有名词前13) eg: the Great Wall 长城 the West Lake 西湖14) 6. 和某些形容词连用表示一类人15) eg: the poor 穷人 the rich 富人 the sick病人16) 7. 在西洋乐器或在方位名词前17) eg: He likes playing the violin 他喜欢拉小提琴18) 8. 在一些惯用语中19) eg: in the morning , in the end , at the age of语法the 定冠词1.第一次提到用不定冠词a/an,但是当第二次提及时要使用定冠词theJudy bought a case and a bag. 朱迪买了一个箱子和一个包。(第一次提到)The case cost 266 yuan and the bag cost 118 yuan. 箱子花了266元。(第二次提到)2.当我们谈到双方都确定或明确的东西时用定冠词 theJudy:Excuse me . Where is the bank ? 打扰一下,请问银行在哪里?Miss Lu:Its over there by the post office. 就在邮局旁。3.当我们谈到世界上唯一的事物时也要使用定冠词 the,如常用的the sun,the moon,the earth等。Beijing is the capital of China.北京是中国的首都。(中国的首都只有一个)It has many attractions such as the Eiffel Tower.它有许多景点,比如埃菲尔铁塔。(法国的埃菲尔铁塔景点只有一个)4.表示特指用定冠词 theThe woman in red is my aunt. 穿红衣服的女人是我阿姨。5.江河、湖泊、山脉、平原和盆地等地貌特征的名词前要用定冠词theThe Wutong Mountain is far from our school.梧桐山离我们学校很远。6.与形容词连用表示一类人。the rich 富人 the poor穷人 the old 老人 the young 年轻人 the sick 病人7.用在序数词和形容词最高级及only,very,same 等前面。Where do you live ? I live on he second floor.你住在哪里 ?我住在二层。Thats the very thing Ive been looking for.那正是我要的东西。8.与复数名词连用,指整个群体They are the teachers of this school.(指全体教师)They are teachers of this school(指部分教师)9.表示所有,相当于物主代词,用在表示身体部位的名词前。She caught me by the arm.她抓住了我的胳膊。10.用在某些国家名称、机关团体等专有名词前。the Peoples Republic of China 中华人民共和国 the United States 美国11.用在表示乐器的名词之前She can play the piano. 她会弹钢琴。12.用在习惯用语中in the day,in the morning/afternoon/evening, the day after tomorrow, the day before yesterday,the next morning, in the sky /water /field/country, in the dark, in the rain, in the distance, in the middle (of),in the end,on the whole, by the way, go to the theatre.13.用在姓氏的复数名词前表示一家人。the Greens B, 专有名词1.专有名词的首字母需要大写。2.专有名词包括人名、地名、月份名、星期和节假日。3.有的名词小写和大写意思不一样。west 西方 (表示方向) West 西方(指西方国家) earth 土壤 Earth 地球china 瓷器 China 中国 great wall 大的城墙 the Great Wall 万里长城middle school 中学 No 1 Middle School 第一中学Language练习单项选择( )1.Lo can jump higher than _ Eiffel Tower. A.a B.an C.the D./( )2.Try this little quiz before you read _article on the next page. A.a B.the C./ D.an( )3.Which one of these is _ national flag of France ? A.the B,an C.a D./( )4.-Why not _ to France in summer holiday, Mum ? -Good idea,dear. A.go B.going C.went D.goes( )5.There is _ u in _ word useful. A.a,/ B.an,/ C.a,the D,an,the ( )6.Give me _ book on the desk,please. A.a B.the C./ D.those( )7.This is _useful book and is also_ important one to me. A.an,an B.an, the C.a,an D.a,a( )8.The teacher wrote _ s and _ f on the paper. A.an,a B.an,an C.a,a D.a,an( )9.My teacher is also _ friend of _. A.the ,mine B.a, me C.the , my D.a ,mine( )10.He is _ honest boy. I have known him since he was _ one-year-old boy. A.a, an B.a, a C, an,an D.an, a( )11.-Where is _teachers office ? -Its on _ sixth floor. A.the , a B.a,a C.the, the D.a, the ( )12.You need to take _umbrella with you all the time in England. A.a B.the C./ D.an( )13.Hannan is _ beautiful island. A,a B.the C./ D.an( )14._ sun travels around _ earth day and night. A.The ,a B.A, a C.The, the D.A,the ( )15._ Christmas is as important as _ Spring Festival to the foreigners. A.The, a B,/ C.The, the D./.the ( )16._ may be the most beautiful bell tower in all of Italy. A.The tower of Pisa B.The Tower of Pisa C.The Tower of pisa D.the Tower of Pisa( )17.Simon works at _. A.faraway travel service B.Faraway Travel service C.Faraway Travel Service D.Faraway travel service( )18.He defeated _. A.the British B.The British C.the british D, British( )19.In _ centre of France they grow wheat and sunflowers. A.a B.an C.the D./( )20.Paris, _ capital of France , is one of _ most beautiful cities in the world. A.the ,a B.a, a C.the , the D.a, the 1-5 CBAAC 6-10 BCBDD 11-15 CDACD 16-20 DCACC( )21.He used _ to work by bike. A.to go B.going C.to going D.go( )22.China is famous _ the Great Wall. A.as B.of C.for D.to ( )23.I like eating fruits,_ bananas ,apples, grapes and oranges. A.for example B.such for C.such as D.as example( )24.Would you like _ a drink ? A.having B.to having C.have D.to have( )25.Do you enjoy _ films? A.see B.to see C.seeing D.sees( )26.Why not _ to school earlier tomorrow ? A.will come B.come C.to come D.coming( )27.Take _ turning on the left. A.the two B.come C.to come D.coming( )28.-Would you like to be my e-friend? -Yes,_. A.Id like to B.I would C.Id like D.Id love( )29.Go _ the road. A.cross B.crossing C.across D.crossed( )30.Thank you for _ me. A.help B.helping C.helps D.to help( )31.Do you enjoy playing _ ? A.tennis B.guitar C.the computer D.the baseball ( )32.We can _ new words in an English-Chinese dictionary. A.look for B.look after C.look up D.look over( )33.There is _h and _ u in _ word hour. A.an, a , the B.a,a,the C.an,an,the D.an,a,/( )34.What about _ ourselves in the countryside this weekend ? A.enjoy B.enjoyed C.enjoying D.to enjoy( )35.Its great pleasure _ you again. A.see B.to see C.seeing D.to seeing句型转换1.People with children will find EuroDisney a good place to visit. (对划线部分提问) _ _ find EuroDisney a good place to visit ?2.In central France they grow crops such as wheat and sunflowers ?(对划线部分提问) _ _ they grow crops such as wheat and sunflowers?3.The building of the Pisa Tower began in August 1173.(对划线部分提问) _ _ the building of the Pisa Tower begin ?4.France is famous for its art and culture. (对划线部分提问) _ _ France famous for ?5.The Tower of Pisa is 54.5 meters tall.(对划线部分提问) _ _ is the Tower of Pisa?6.You can swim at its good beaches. (改为一般疑问句)_ _ swim at its good beaches ?7.It also has many attractions.(改为一般疑问句)_ it also _ many attractions ?8.Why not spread your wings and visit France ?(改为同意句)_ _ you spread your wings and visit France ?9.Perhaps Bonanno Pisana was the architect of the Tower of Pisa.(对划线部分提问) Perhaps _ _ the architect of the Tower of Pisa ?10.It has 294 steps up to the bell chamber.(对划线部分提问)_ _ steps _ _ up to the bell chamber?句子解释1.why not do sth?=why dont you do sth ? Why not come and ask me for help when you have some questions ?_2.Becasuse he was ill yesterday, he didnt go to school._3.be famous for = be well-known forMost pop stars are famous for their music and movies._4.help sb (to) do sth =help sb with sth He usually helps his mother do the housework after school._5.visit. =go /be on a visit to . They will visit the Birds Nest next weekend._6.enjoy oneself =have a go


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