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,Unit 1(Revision) Cultural relics,Step1:Difficult points(难点),2.doubt,3.thinkof,4.情态动词+have done,5.非限制性定语从句,1.remain,Step2:important points,1.remove,(去掉,开除,脱掉,搬开,搬家),2.belong to,(属于)无被动,3.pretend+,(that从句,不定式to do/to be doing/ /to have done),4.fancy,(1.vt.想象,喜爱,2.adj.奇异的),Step2:important points,5.decorate/decoration,(装饰),6.dynasty(朝代)/period,(时代/时期),7.survive/survival/survivor,(生存、生还vt. n./生还者),8.at war,(交战),at peace讲和/at work在工作/at table在进餐,Step2:important points,9. in return(for),(作为报答,回报),10.rare(稀有的)/scarce,(不足,缺乏的),11.explode(爆炸)/explore/burst,(探索/胀破,爆裂),12.amaze/surprise/shock,(惊讶 /吃惊 /震惊),13.search搜查/search for寻找/in search of寻找,Choose the right answer.,1.I have no doubt in my mind_they will be glad to see me. A.if B.whether C.that D.about 2.No one has explained why this happened,so it still_ a mystery. A.looks B.keeps C.leaves D.remains 3.Our friends have done a lot for us,but we have done little_ . A.in turn B.by turns C.in return D.in answer,4.My bicycle isnt where I put it,who_have moved it ? A.Would B.must C.should D.could 5. “ Jim!Did you have a good time at the party?” Yes,but I really _have, because I have lots of work to do A.neednt B.mustnt C.shouldnt D.couldnt 6.He said hed been working in the office for hours,_was true. A.He B.this C.which D.who 7.They will fly to washington,_they plan to stay for two or three days. A.where B.there C.which D.when,8.The old man had a daughter and three sons,_treat him well,_made him very sad. A.none of them; it B.none of whom; which C.neither of them; which D.no one of whom; as 9. This decision (决定) was due to (由于)_ you wouldnt get everything ready on time. A. that B. the doubt that C. the doubt which D. the doubt of 10. 34. She pretended _ me when I passed by. A. not to see B. not seeing C. to not see D. having not seen,填入单词的正确形式,1.The _(剩下的)leaves on the tree have turned yellow. 2.They spent a week_ (装饰)the living room. 3.The computer_ (属于)my father doesnt work. 4.lets hope for his_ (生还). 5.The boy has many_ (奇异的)ideas in his mind. 6.How many_ (朝代)are there in Chinas history? 7.At that time our country was_ (交战)with Japan. 8.She_ (很少)shows herself off in public. 9.The doctor asked Mr King_ (脱下)her trousers to examine his injured legs.,remaining,decorating,belonging to,survival,fancy,dynasties,at war,rarely,to remove,能力提升:用所学知识翻译句子,1.我将努力工作来回报那些关心我,帮助我和爱我的人。 2.你把我想的这样坏,我真的很难过。 3.三个学生因不良表现被从学校开除。 4.当年青人外出务工时,只有老人和儿童留守在村里。 5.毫无疑问,他是我知道的最用功的学生。,(in return for),(thinkof),(remove),(remain),(doubt),1.I will work hard in return for those who care for me,help me and love me. 2.Im really sorry that you think so badly of me. (you think so badly of me, which makes me really sorry.) 3.Three students were removed from school because of their bad behavior. 4.Only the old and children remain in villa


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