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单元知识检测,教材回扣,.用本单元所学短语完成句子 1.They will keep their parents (了解) any progress they have made. 2.When the delayed flight will take off (取决于) the weather. 3.Previous generations (集中精力于) getting children to school on time,fed,dressed and ready to learn.,答案:1.informed of 2.depends on 3.concentrated on,4.The man, (被控告) stealing the expensive car,is being questioned by the policeman. 5.Your son (对很敏感) stories, so he will become a good journalist before long.,答案:4.accused of 5.has a good nose for,.课文缩写填空 Zhou Yang will never forget his first assignment as a 1. (report) in a popular English newspaper. At the office his talk with his new boss influenced 2. (he)life strongly. His boss first put him as an 3. (assist) to an experienced journalist and later allowed him to cover a story and submit the article himself. During the interviews,he had to listen for detailed facts and prepare the next question 4. (depend) on what the person said. 5. the interviewee agreed,he could use a recorder to get the facts straight. The boss also gave him 6. example of the importance of a recorder. Once a footballer 7. (accuse) of taking money for 8. (deliberate) not scoring goals to let the other team win. He admitted that someone had tried to bribe him,but denied 9. (take) money. The recording suggested that he was 10. (guilt).,答案:1.reporter 2.his 3.assistant 4.depending 5.If 6.an 7.was accused 8.deliberately 9.taking 10.guilty,语境活用,.单句语法填空 1.His concentration on the problem was (admire). 2.The camps have excellent horses, (profession) guides and lots of support workers. 3.I have an (appoint) with my dentist this afternoon. 4.The shop assistant was dismissed as she (accuse) of cheating customers.,答案:1.admirable 2.professional 3.appointment 4.was accused,5.Being a student,you should concentrate your study instead of addicting yourself to computer games. 6.Wed be (delight) to come to dinner on Friday. 7.If accepted for the job,youll be (inform) soon. 8.You should picture to yourself the brilliant future ahead you.,答案:5.on 6.delighted 7.informed 8.of,9.Brian is (gift) in writing music;he is very likely to be a Beethoven. 10.Im afraid you wont get your teachers (approve) to your three days leave.,答案:9.gifted 10.approval,答案:1.将practiced改为practice 2.accused 前加 was 3.去掉of 4.将thorough改为thoroughly,.单句语法改错 1.She spoke confidently because she wanted to make a good impression to her employer. 2.Giving the right kind of training,these young soccer players may grow into international stars. 3.Lainey can become excited about reading when presenting with literature on topics that interest her.(2016四川,完形填空) 4.Worrying about her daughter,the mother came to see her yesterday.,5.Youll be faced with two choiceswhether to be fired or not,depend on your performance in the work. 6.Im delighting to be appointed as chairman of the Students Union. 7.Reading is an excellent way to learn new things and stay informing. 8.He is senior than me,since he joined the firm before me. 9.Today,well discuss a number of cases that beginners of English fail to use the language properly. 10.In my opinion,the boy really has gift for oil painting.,答案:5.将depend改为depending 6.将delighting改为delighted 7.将informing改为informed 8.将than改为to 9.将that改为where 10.gift前加a,微写作,1.上个月,我作为业余记者的第一项任务是采访一位著名的摄影师。 2.我认为他非常专业,拍了很多令人赞赏的照片。,答案:1.Last month,my first assignment as an amateur journalist was to interview a famous photographer. 2.As far as I am concerned,he was professional and had taken many admirable photographs.,(借助过渡性词语或句子就能把5个句子连接成一篇小短文),3.采访中,为了获得全部信息,我问了许多不同的问题。 4.我专注地听一些事实细节,根据他的回答准备下一个问题。,答案:3.During the interview,I asked many different questions in order to acquire all the information. 4.Not only did I concentrate on listening to


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