



3eud教育网 百万教学资源,完全免费,无须注册,天天更新!第一课时(Section A 1a 2 d)一、 Teaching aims (教学目的)1. 检查考完试后所学的单词,巩固学习新单词。2. 学习几个日常交际用语,where,what引导的特殊疑问句。二、 Key points (本课重点)1. Words: pen pal, Australia, Japan, Canada, France, the United states, Singapore, the United Kingdom, country, Sydney, New York, Paris, Toronto, Tokyo2. Where is your pen pal from? Hes from Australia.Where does he live? He lives in. Paris3. Where is Johns pen pal from ?三、 Teaching aids (教学方法)Using what you know, deducing。Some cards with cities and countries.四、 Teaching procedures (教学过程)Step 1 GreetingT: Good morning! S: T: Lets start now.Step 2 Presentation1. 教师让学生合上书,认真听老师与学生的对话,教师找一名学生与自己对话T: Good morning ! What countries and cities do you know? ( Ss can speak in Chinese.)S: Learn the new words.Countries: China, Australia, Japan, Canada, France, the United States, the United Kingdom, SingaporeCities: Shanghai, Sydney, Tokyo, Toronto, Paris, New York, London, Singapore 2. 同样的方法,通过师生对话的方式引导出新句型,Where are you from ? I am from China . Where s your pen pal from? He is from Step 3 Practice 1. 同桌两人练习,并交换角色操练2. 老师在班内进行连锁式提问,看看学生对本课内容掌握情况,随时纠正学生出现的错误。Step 4 Consolidation1. Listen and circle the countries in 1a , 2b,2c.2. Play a game: Find the right cards with countries and cities .3. 让学生自己找搭档,两人一组编对话,然后表演。S1: HelloS2: HelloS1: My name is xxx. Where are you from ?S2: I am from xxx. Oh, where are you from ?S1: Where do you live ?S2: I live in Where do you live ?S1: S2: Step 5 Summary1 让学生总结所学内容2 预习下一节(Section A 3a4)Homework:1. 熟练运用本堂课所学内容。2. 自编对话,下堂课表演对话。第二课时(Section A 3a4)一、Teaching aims1. 继续巩固国家名称及where引导的疑问句。2. 新句型What language does she speak ?二、 Key points1. What language do they speak?2. What language does she speak ? She speaks 3. Where is Sydney ? (In) Australia 三、 Teaching aidsComplete chart and dialogue四、 Teaching procedures Step 1 Revision1. Free talk(用上节课所学过的知识组织对话)2. Check homeworkStep 2 Presentation1. 教师拿一组卡片,卡片上写好国家的名称和语言,让学生们识别,哪个是国家,哪个是语言,慢慢的引导学生识别国家和语言,直到熟练。2. 让学生在练习本上写好国家名和语言,然后运用What language do they speak ? What language does she speak ? She speaks English Where is Shanghai ? (In) China . 进行问答。Step 3 Practice1. 同位之间各拿卡片问答,熟悉国家和语言.2. 运用Where is Beijing ? where is London ? 同位之间或搭档之间进行问答。Step 4 ConsolidationCountryPeopleLanguageChinaChineseChinaCanadaCanadianEnglishJapanJapaneseJapaneseAustraliaAustralianEnglishFranceFrenchFrenchKoreaKoreanKoreanMexicoMexicanSpanishWhat languages does he speak ? 他讲什么语言?What language do/does + 主语+speak?这一句型用来询问某人讲什么语言。注意:讲某种语言用动词speak,且表示语言的名词前不加the .例如:What language do you speak ? I speak Chinese .What languages does she speak ?She speaks English and French .Step 5 Summary1. 总结本堂课所学内容。2. 预习下一节(Section B 1a3c)Homework:1. 掌握并熟练运用本堂课所学的内容2. 自编对话,下堂课表演对话。第三课时(Section B 1a3c)一、Teaching aims1. Listen 2a , 2b 2. learn a letter and write answers to the question3. make an information card .二、Key points1. Does she have any brothers and sisters ?2. Where is she from ?3. Is that from your new pen pal ?4. I like going to the movies and playing sports .5. Can you write to me soon ?三、Teaching aids 通过听录音,书信,填空题,制作信息卡片学习主要句子。四、Teaching procedures Step 1 Revision1. Free talk(用所学过的知识组织对话)2. Check homework Step 2 Presentation1. I like going to the movies with my friends and playing sports . 我喜欢和朋友们一起去看电影和进行体育活动。Like doing sth “喜欢做某事” , 后接习惯性的动作,爱好等。I like playing computer games .Do you like eating sea food ?2. I can speak English and a little French . 我会说英语和一点法语。表示会做某事,用带can 的结构。Can是情态动词,必须和实义动词一起构成谓语,不可以单独使用。Can you play the guitar ? I can sing English songs .说某种语言,用动词speak。Step 3 Practice1. Match the countries with the languages 2. Listen 2a and 2b , number the questions Step 4 Consolidation Fill in the blank.(1) T: _ is your pen pal from?S: She _ _ Australia.T: Where _ he _?S: He _ _ Sydney.(2) A: Where _ Johns pen pal _? B: Hes _ Japan. A: _? B: He lives in Tokyo.(3) A: Where _ you _? B: I _ _ the United States. A: Where _ you _? B: I _ _ New York.Step 5 Summary1. 让学生总结本堂课所学内容2. 预习下一节(Self Check)Homework:1. 掌握并能熟练的说出本堂课所学的重点句型。2. 能熟练运用本堂课所学的句型3. 制作信息卡片第四课时 (Self Check)一、Teaching aims1. 复习本单元所学单词,补充新词。2. 描述学生,姓名,年龄,国籍,语言等。二、Key points1. Key word check。 Imagine and describe the new students 2.Just for Fun ! 轻松一刻三、Teaching aids 图片四、Teaching procedures Step 1 Revision2. Free talk(用所学过的知识组织对话)3. Check homework Step 2 Presentation 1. 从Where are you from ? where is your pen pal from ? 开始复习本单元所学的主要句型。2通过图片,卡片复习所学的主要句型,国家名称,语言。Step 3 Practice在全班范围内进行连锁式练习本单元所学的主要句型,让学生表演本单元所自编的对话。随时纠正学生所出现的错误。Step 4 Con


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