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Module 4,Unit 2 If a snake bites you, take a photo.,讲课人:谢全河,snake,snake,展示目标,能识读生词及短语dish、cool、save ones life等。 初步理解 if 引导的条件状语从句。 能够简单表述手机用途;学会遇事冷静、增强自我保护意识。,bite,bite bite-bit-bitten 咬 save ones life 挽救某人的生命 dish 盘子;一道菜 appear 出现 hide hide-hid-hidden 隐藏 cool 冷静的,New words,New words,chest 胸膛 hurt hurt-hurt-hurt 刺痛 wrong 失常的 medicine 药物 suggest 建议 turn off 关上 text 文本;课文 mobycard 手机电子贺卡,New words,What can you use a mobile phone to do?,make telephone calls,take a photo,take a photo,take photos,listen to the music,show the time,Talk about what you can use a mobile phone to do? A: What can you use a mobile phone to do? B: I can use a mobile phone to,make telephone calls send short messages listen to music take a photo,play games wake me up show the time take video,You can do it,1)What is the man? ( ) A) A cook. B) A teacher. C) A newsreader. 2)Where did the doctors send the photo of the snake? ( ) A) Beijing Zoo. B) London Zoo. C) London Park.,Listen and choose the best answer:,A,B,Read the passage and check if you guessed correctly .,Read loudly and quickly,Read the passage and choose the best answer,1.When the snake bit Mr Jackson, it was_. A) hiding in a box of bananas B) climbing out of a box of bananas C) lying under a dish D) climbing into the fridge 2.Mr Jackson threw the snake across the room probably because_. A) he was surprised B) he wanted to get a better photo C) his chest began to hurt D) the fridge door was open,3.Mr Jackson closed the fridge door so that _ A) he could take a photo B) the snake couldnt go back to the zoo C) the snake became cool D) he was safe from the snake 4.The doctors gave Mr Jackson the right medicine when_, A) London Zoo told them what kind of snake it was B) Mr Jackson sent the photo to the hospital C) he left hospital the next day D) the snake bit him,Language points save ones life 挽救某人的生命 补全句子: The dog .这条狗救了我的命 拓展: save ones face 保全面子 pick up 拾起,捡起(代词宾格必须放中间) ” 搭车“和”乘车”补全句子: I think you should .(捡起钢笔) bit him on the hand 咬伤了他的手 动宾介the + 身体某一部位,saved my life,pick up the pen,Can you find the rule of the sentences,1.If a snake bites you, take a photo with your mobile phone! 2.If the snake doesnt smile for its phone, dont worry. 3.If a snake bites you , pick up your phone.,If 引导的条件状语从句如果主句是祈使句,从句用一般现在时表示。,Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the words,1.If you _ (receive) a test message ,_ (answer) it. 2.If you _ (do) some work on your computer,_ (save) it. 3.If a photo _(be, not) good,_ (not, show) it to your friends. 4.If you _ (want) more information,_ (look) on a website.,receive,answer,do,save,isnt,dont show,want,look,1、Are you afraid of a snake ? 2、If you are Henry Jackson, what will you do?,Fre


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