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单词拼写 1. The _(改编)of the play for radio was easily done. 2. Two men formed a _(阴谋)to rob the bank. 3. He did not _(犹豫)to ask her to sit beside him. 4. _(使人心烦)financial problems depressed him. 5. This book was the _(结局)of a tremendous amount of scientific work. 6. He saw the grey summit of the mountain against a b_ background of blue sky. 7. Later he was for a short time a_ to France. 8. The part of the arm between the elbow and shoulder is called the u_ arm. 9. If she marries a foreigner, will her s_ as a British citizen be affected? 10. I really like the a_ much better than modern art.,adaptation,plot,hesitate,Troublesome,outcome,rilliant,mbassador,pper,tatus,ntique,选用适当的短语填空:show.in, the other day, in disguise, make ones acquaintance, take away, passoff as, in amazement, once more, in need of, fade out, in terms of, generally speaking,1. He stared at me _ for my sudden appearance. 2. I went to visit a museum in our city _. 3. The idea seemed to _ and the club was never formed. 4. Your visit will _ the sting of her sorrow. 5. _ money, hes quite rich, but not in terms of happiness. 6. He_ glass _ a gemstone and sold it to a buyer. 7.The congenial host and hostess_ their guests _ the party room. 8. They made every effort to save the crops _ water on this dry land. 9. _, youths of eighteen are too young for such work. 10. Im very pleased to _ your _. 11. He sent her a blessing _, in fact , he hated her a lot. 12. I failed in the experiment, I decided to do it _ and I believe I will make it.,in amazement,the other day,fade out,take away,In terms of,passed off as,showed in,in need of,Generally speaking,make acquaintance,in disguis,once more,句型转换 1. He is a boy who often makes trouble. He is often a _ boy. 2. He is friendly to his classmates . He treats his classmates in _ _ _. 3. They are alike. He mistakes Tom for Mike. They look exactly like each other. He _ Tom _ Mike. 4. Once made, the plan must be carried out at once. As long as _ _ _ made, the plan must be carried out immediately. 5. They sat face to face and they were lost in conversation. They sat face to face,_ _ conversation. 6. What happened to you a few days ago? What became of you_ _ _?,troublesome,a friendly way,takes for,it has been,deep in,the other day,7. The sound of the footsteps faded away. The sound of the footsteps_ _. 8. The concert was successful. The concert _ _ well. 9.The headache disappeared gradually. The headache _ _. 10.In the light of what you said ,I shall act in a different way. _ _ what you said ,I shall act in a different way. _ _ _ what you said, I shall take action differently. _ _ _ what you had told me, I shall act in a different way. 11. He led me around the school and visited it for three hours. He _me _the school for three hours. 12. She praised proudly her necklace in public. She _ _her necklace before the public.,faded out / died away,passed off,passed off,According to,With regard to,in terms of,showed around,showed off,Listening on P.70,2. Listen and decide whether they are true or false.,1) Mrs Higgins is not interested in the experiment. 2) Clara enjoys the new small talk. 3) Eliza thinks somebody killed her aunt. 4) Henry is disappointed with how the experiment is going. 5) Mrs Higgins thinks Eliza can go to the ambassadors garden party. 6) Henry thinks he will take Eliza to the pictures.,4. Listen and decide whether they are true or false.,TESTING ELIZA HH = Henry Higgins CP = Colonel Pickering MH = Mrs Higgins F = Freddy E = Eliza M = Maid C = Clara N = Narrator N: Elizas first test is a tea party at Henrys mothers house. HH: Well, hello, mother! This is Colonel Pickering, and this is Eliza. CP: Good afternoon, Mrs Higgins. E: (slowly and carefully) Good afternoon, Mrs Higgins. MH: (to both) Good afternoon. (murmurs) Now Henry, how is your experiment coming along? HH: Well, mother, well. M: (announces loudly): Here is Mr and Miss Hill! MH: Good afternoon, Freddy and Clara. Its so good of you to come. Let me introduce you to Miss Eliza Doolittle, my son Henry and his friend Colonel Pickering. F: How dyou do? (shakes hands with everyone) HH: Delighted Im sure. N: Eliza talks to Clara and Freddy while the others listen. E: (very carefully): How do you do, Mr Hill and Miss Hill? C: Good afternoon. May I call you Eliza and do please call me Clara. How pretty you look? F: Yes, indeed. May I sit next to you, Eliza? E: Oh, yes. Please do. F: Now, will it rain, do you think? E: There are indications that the rain to the west of these islands is likely to move to the east. F: Oh, how funny! E: (crossly) Whats wrong with that, young man? I bet I got it right. C: I hope it wont turn cold though. Theres so much flu about. E: My aunt died of flu, so they said. But I believe they done the old woman in. C: Done her in? Please what does that mean, Mr Higgins? HH: Oh, thats the new small talk. To do a person in means to kill them. E: (continuing) Yes, why should she die of influenza? She recovered from diphtheria the year before. I believe they done her in. C: (turning to Eliza) Do you mean that? E: (getting enthusiastic) Yes, I do! What became of her new straw hat that she promised to me? Somebody stole it, and what I say is: the person who stole it, done her in. Her family would have killed her for a hat-pin, let alone hat! F: (cant help laughing) I like the new small talk. E: (angrily) If that was right, why were you laughing? Have I said anything I oughtnt, Mrs Higgins? MH: Not at all. E: Well, what I say is HH: (looking at his watch) Ahem! E: (taking the hint and rising) Well, I must go. So pleased to have met you. Goodbye. MH: Goodbye. F: May I walk you home? E: Walk? Not likely! Im going in a taxi! (exits) (Freddy and Clara also rise) C: Its time for us to leave. Thank you, Mrs Higgins. MH: Its been my pleasure. See you next week then? (exit the Hills) HH: Now, mother, do you think she is ready for the ambassadors garden party? MH: You silly boy. Of course not. She looks all right, of course. But she gives herself away with every sentence she speaks! HH: Never mind about that! Pickering and I will just have to work a little harder. Do you think, Pickering, we should take her to the theatre? CP: Yes, what a good idea! But do you think shell(fade out as they leave the house),TESTING ELIZA HH = Henry Higgins CP = Colonel Pickering MH = Mrs Higgins F = Freddy E = Eliza M = Maid C = Clara N = Narrator N: Elizas first test is a tea party at Henrys mothers house. HH: Well, hello, mother! This is Colonel Pickering, and this is Eliza. CP: Good afternoon, Mrs Higgins. E: (slowly and carefully) Good afternoon, Mrs Higgins. MH: (to both) Good afternoon. (murmurs) Now Henry, how is your experiment coming along? HH: Well, mother, well. M: (announces loudly): Here is Mr and Miss Hill! MH: Good afternoon, Freddy and Clara. Its so good of you to come. Let me introduce you to Miss Eliza Doolittle, my son Henry and his friend Colonel Pickering. F: How dyou do? (shakes hands with everyone) HH: Delighted Im sure. N: Eliza talks to Clara and Freddy while the others listen. E: (very carefully): How do you do, Mr Hill and Miss Hill? C: Good afternoon. May I call you Eliza and do please call me Clara. How pretty you look? F: Yes, indeed. May I sit next to you, Eliza? E: Oh, yes. Please do. F: Now, will it rain, do you think? E: There are indications that the rain to the west of these islands is likely to move to the east. F: Oh, how funny! E: (crossly) Whats wrong with that, young man? I bet I got it right. C: I hope it wont turn cold though. Theres so much flu about. E: My aunt died of flu, so they said. But I believe they done the old woman in. C: Done her in? Please what does that mean, Mr Higgins? HH: Oh, thats the new small talk. To do a person in means to kill them. E: (continuing) Yes, why should she die of influenza? She recovered from diphtheria the year before. I believe they done her in. C: (turning to Eliza) Do you mean that? E: (getting enthusiastic) Yes, I do! What became of her new straw hat that she promised to me? Somebody stole it, and what I say is: the person who stole it, done her in. Her family would have killed her for a hat-pin, let alone hat! F: (cant help laughing) I like the new small talk. E: (angrily) If that was right, why were you laughing? Have I said anything I oughtnt, Mrs Higgins? MH: Not at all. E: Well, what I say is HH: (looking at his watch) Ahem! E: (taking the hint and rising) Well, I must go. So pleased to have met you. Goodbye. MH: Goodbye. F: May I walk you home? E: Walk? Not likely! Im going in a taxi! (exits) (Freddy and Clara also rise) C: Its time for us to leave. Thank you, Mrs Higgins. MH: Its been my pleasure. See you next week then? (exit the Hills) HH: Now, mother, do you think she is ready for the ambassadors garden party? MH: You silly boy. Of course not. She looks all right, of course. But she gives herself away with every sentence she speaks! HH: Never mind about that! Pickering and I will just have to work a little harder. Do you think, Pickering, we should take her to the theatre? CP: Yes, what a good idea! But do you think shell(fade out as they leave the house),Listening on P.70,2. Listen and decide whether they are true or false.,1) Mrs Higgins is not interested in the experiment. 2) Clara enjoys the new small talk. 3) Eliza thinks somebody killed her aunt. 4) Henry is disappointed with how the experiment is going. 5) Mrs Higgins thinks Eliza can go to the ambassadors garden party. 6) Henry thinks he will take Eliza to the theatre.,4. Fill in the table according to the listening material.,1. her dress,2. her pronunciation,3. her manners,1. her grammar,2. her choice of conversation topics,3. her language,Using words and expressions,Ex. 1,1. in terms of,2. in need of,3. in favor of,4. in spite of,Ex. 2,Once there was a girl whose rich father wished her to marry a rich man but she was determined to find her own husband who would love her for herself. At first her father _ her point of view. But she insisted and at last they came to a _. She would have one year to find herself a husband. If she couldnt find one, shed _ reconsider the rich man her father suggested. So she left home. Unfortunately all her money was stolen, and she had to work in a _ washing clothes. It was heavy work and she often _ at night with tiredness, but she stayed. One day she got so thirsty that she went into a teashop. At a table was a young man wearing a _ coat. “Would you like to join me?” he asked. “You look as if you are _ a drink.” The young man poured her a cup of tea from a _, added _ and offered her a _. She gratefully accepted and before long they were chatting like old friends. The young man happily paid several _ for the food. Imagine their _ when they discovered that they were both rich and looking for true love. Her fathers happiness was complete when the girl returned with a rich husband.,overlooked,compromise,once more,laundry,sobbed,shabby,in need of,teapot,cream,cookie,shillings,amazement,Ex. 3,Henry wanted Eliza to make the acquaintance of the American ambassador, so he could act as a referee and judge whether he had passed her off as a lady. When the thief robbed the shop, he only took two items: an antique musical box and a wax disk with traditional folk songs on them. Before Eliza got into the bathtub, Mrs Pearce made her tae off her dirty vest and horrible stockings. Eliza required help in terms of English grammar and pronunciation. She needed to start by saying the alphabet correctly. As Eliza was practising her curtsey, she caught her dress on a nail and tore it. Believers in Buddhism usually will bow to the Buddha with their hands together when they see a statue of Buddha.,Using structures,Ex. 1,1. born,2. Tired,3. created,4. Assisted,5. Changed,6. informed,7. connected,8. Faded,9. Swept,10. introduced,Ex. 2,Amused by Elizas funny “small talk”, Freddy couldnt help laughing. Laughed at bt Freddy, Eliza felt very happy. Worn out in the language class, Eliza fell asleep early at night. Fascinated by Elizas charm and beauty, Freddy fell in love with her. Stared at by all the guests, Eliza felt rather uneasy. Ignored by Henry Higgins all the time, Eliza decided to leave him. Very surprised, Henry discovered the next morning that Eliza had gone.,Ex. 3,Armed,experienced,Concerned,Frightened,Frozen,rooted,Determined,frightened,covered,scared,这些团队只带着一盏灯、一些食物和一张地图,在洞穴里寻找那个危险的动物。 他们的队长带路,他在洞穴探险中很有经验。 考虑到队长的安全,其他队员朝着洞穴望下去。 他们吓坏了,转身正要离开洞穴,可是正在这时,他们听见身后一声低沉的怪声。 他们害怕得僵住了,生根似地站在那里,盯着那动物。 他们决定不让那个可怕的猛兽发现队长,于是朝着怪物冲去,大声喊叫并向它挥动胳膊。 这下轮到那头猛兽害怕了,跑了回去。 几乎在同一时刻,他们的队长出现了,全身都是泥,像是另外一只小一点的怪兽。 他们尖叫着,吓得要死。,Listening task P.73,THE AMBASSADORS GARDEN PARTY The ambassador, his wife and their friend, Mr Pommuck, are receiving guests as they arrive at the party. Henry, Colonel Pickering and Eliza arrive together. Mr Pommuck catches sight of Henry as he enters the room and rushes up to him. P = Mr Pommuck H = Henry Higgins C = Colonel Pickering E = Eliza A = the ambassador W = the ambassadors wife O = official announcer P: Well, hello, Professor Higgins. Do you remember me? H: No, I dont. Who the devil are you? P: Im Pommuck. I was our first student, your best and greatest pupil. H: What are you doing here? P: Im an interpreter of the ambassador and I can speak THIRTY-TWO languages. Nobody can fool me when it comes to discovering what country they come from. (Colonel Pickering and Eliza stand in line ready to be introduced to the ambassador and his wife.) C: Are you nervous, Eliza? E: No, not me. (laughs) Oh, Colonel, this is too much of a dream for that! O: (loudly) Miss Doolittle, Colonel Pickering and Professor Higgins. W: Hello, my dear. The ambassador and I are so happy to meet you. E: (slowly and clearly) How do you do? (passes on to the party) P: (catches sight of Eliza) My goodness, who is she? I must go and find out. (follows Eliza) A: Now come on, Henry. Tell us about the wonderful young lady. H: What wonderful young lady? W: You know very well. They tell me there has been nothing like this for years. They are all standing on their chairs to look at her. (Mr Pommuck comes back.) A: Ah, heres Pommuck. What have you found out about Miss Doolittle? P: Ive found out all about her, ambassador. Shes a cheat. W: A cheat! Oh no! P: Yes, yes. She cant hide it from me. Her name cant be Doolittle. H: (nervously) Why? P: Because Doolittle is an English name. And shes not English. W: Nonsense. She speaks English perfectly! P: Thats it! Too perfectly. Can you show me any English woman who speaks English so well? Only foreigners can speak it so well. W: Well, if shes not English, what is she? P: Hungarian. EVERYBODY: (astonished) Hungarian? P: Hungarian and a princess. H: Did you speak to her in Hungarian? P: I did. She was very clever and said (imitates Eliza) “Please speak to me in English. I dont understand French”. Impossible. She knows both. H: And a princess? P: Yes, yes, Professor Higgins. W: I agree. She must be a princess. A: I agree too. H: Well, I dont agree with you. (Pickering enters with Eliza) E: (to Henry) Im ready to go home now. I dont think I can bear it much more. People stare at me so. An old lady said I spoke just like the Queen. Im sorry if I lost the bet, but I did my best. C: Youve not lost it, my dear. Youve won it ten times over. (to Henry) Lets go now, Henry. Elizas tired and Im hungry. Lets go now, Henry. Elizas tired and Im hungry. Lets go and have supper somewhere. E: Yes please! Lets eat whelks. I feel like some simple food tonight. (all exit),THE AMBASSADORS GARDEN PARTY The ambassador, his wife and their friend, Mr Pommuck, are receiving guests as they arrive at the party. Henry, Colonel Pickering and Eliza arrive together. Mr Pommuck catches sight of Henry as he enters the room and rushes up to him. P = Mr Pommuck H = Henry Higgins C = Colonel Pickering E = Eliza A = the ambassador W = the ambassadors wife O = official announcer P: Well, hello, Professor Higgins. Do you remember me? H: No, I dont. Who the devil are you? P: Im Pommuck. I was our first student, your best and greatest pupil. H: What are you doing here? P: Im an interpreter of the ambassador and I can speak THIRTY-TWO languages. Nobody can fool me when it comes to discovering what country they come from. (Colonel Pickering and Eliza stand in line ready to be introduced to the ambassador and his wife.) C: Are you nervous, Eliza? E: No, not me. (laughs) Oh, Colonel, this is too much of a dream for that! O: (loudly) Miss Doolittle, Colonel Pickering and Professor Higgins. W: Hello, my dear. The ambassador and I are so happy to meet you. E: (slowly and clearly) How do you do? (passes on to the party) P: (catches sight of Eliza) My goodness, who is she? I must go and find out. (follows Eliza) A: Now come on, Henry. Tell us about the wonderful young lady. H: What wonderful young lady? W: You know very well. They tell me there has been nothing like this for years. They are all standing on their chairs to look at her. (Mr Pommuck comes back.) A: Ah, heres Pommuck. What have you found out about Miss Doolittle? P: Ive found out all about her, ambassador. Shes a cheat. W: A cheat! Oh no! P: Yes, yes. She cant hide it from me. Her name cant be Doolittle. H: (nervously) Why? P: Because Doolittle is an English name. And shes not English. W: Nonsense. She speaks English perfectly! P: Thats it! Too perfectly


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