人教英语八年级上册第二单元section b 2a 2e 教案_第1页
人教英语八年级上册第二单元section b 2a 2e 教案_第2页
人教英语八年级上册第二单元section b 2a 2e 教案_第3页




Unit2 How often do you exercise?SectionB(2a-2e)教学设计类别课时要点重点单词1.result(n.)结果;后果2.percent(n.)(per cent)百分之3online(adj.)在线的;联网的 4.television(n.)电视节目;电视机5although(conj.)虽然;尽管;即使 6.through(prep.)以;凭借;穿过7mind(n.)头脑;心智 8.body(n.)身体9such(adj.& pron.)这样的;那样的;类似的 10.together(adv.)在一起;共同11die(v.)消失;灭亡;死亡 12.writer(n.)作者;作家重点词组13.fifteen percent 百分之十五14.notat all 一点也不15the answer to the question 问题的答案 16.the best way to do sth.做最好的方式17such as 例如;像这样 18.spendwith 某人花费时间做某事19ask sb. about sth. 询问某人某事 20.go online 上网21be surprised that惊讶于重点句式22.She says its good for my health.她说它对我的健康有益。23It is good to relax by using the Internet or watching games shows.通过上网或者观看电视节目休息是不错的。24It is healthy for the mind and the body. 身心健康。25Start exercising before its too late! 要尽早地开始进行锻炼!Step 1Warm upT:Good morning, class. Lets read Study Aims together.then listen to an English song to lead in new class. After listening.T: Do you like listening to music in your free time? I often relax through listening to music and exercising in my free time. Write “through”on the black board .T: but the best way to relax is through exercise.Do you like exercise in your free time? I wonder how many students like exercise .If you exercise ,please hand up.Then count number ,say and write “about ninety percent 90%” on the blackboard.T:Do you want to know what No.5High School Students do in Their Free Time.Letgo! Open you books and turn to page 13.Then read the article to finish some tasks.Step 2 PresentationRead the article quickly and answer the questionWhat is the article mainly about? (No more than 11 words) _ _方法指导:文章中心句一般可在标题、文章开头或末尾找到。同时,要注意答案的字数要求。The questions about No.5 High School Students free time s activities are :_,_ and_.Step3 Careful readingTask 1: Read the second paragraph and answer the questions:T:You read carefully ,then discuss with your partner.1.How many percent of the students exercise every day?2.How many percent of the students exercise four to six times a week?3. How many percent of the students exercise only one to three times a week?4.How many percent of the students do not exercise at all?percent百分数 基数词 + percent ,percent没有复数 以它所修饰的名词来判断谓语的单复数【探究点】Twenty percent of the workers _(be) women. Thirty percent of time _(go) by.Task 2: Read the third paragraph and fill in the blanks with the right words.1.We all know that many students often_(上网/在线上).2. We were _(surprise) that ninety percent _(用电脑) every day.3. The other ten percent use it _(至少) three or four times a week.4. Most students use it_(为了乐趣) not for homework.surprise n. - surprised adj. surprising adj. 【探究点】All of us were _ to hear the _ news. A. surprised; surprising B. surprise; surprising C. surprised; surprise D. surprising; surprised Task 3: Read the fourth paragraph carefully and translate the sentencesAlthough many students like to watch sports, game shows are the most popular._although=though conj. 尽管,虽然 不能与but连用. 【探究点】e.g. 尽管他离家很早,但是他还是迟到了。Although he left home early, but he was late. ()Although he left home early, he was late. ()many children like junk food, _they are unhealthy. A. but B. although C. andTask 4:Read the fifth paragraph carefully and know what suggestion (建议) the article gives:The suggestion is:_Why:_Remember:_ 1.We can learn English _(通过读).2._(放松的最好方法) is through exercise_(例如) playing football.Step4 Read again complete the pie charts on page 14.Then check the answer.After that ,ask the students :合理安排自己的空闲时间,不要让游戏和电视占据了你的大部分时间。Step5 Summarise the structure ofthe article中心句调查结果建议Step 6Practice Group Work Write about your own pie chart according to the result of survey in a group of six people.Step 7ProductionThis period weve learnt some words and learnt to interview somebody with the sentence:How often?Step9 Homework1. Read 2b for 10 times。 2. According to the result of each group to write re


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