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XYZ/A-001XYZ机电股份有限公司管理信息系统 A-001.X公司ERP管理信息系统文档格式说明文档作者:A公司咨询顾问 创建日期:03/01/2002确认日期:03/02/2002控制编码: X公司/A-0001当前版本:2.0Note: Control Number and Version are marked by a Word Bookmark so that they can be easily reproduced in the header and footer of documents. When you change either of these values, be careful not to accidentally delete the bookmark. You can make bookmarks visible by selecting Tools-OptionsView and checking the Bookmarks option in the Show region.审批签字:Highlighted Variable宋体、10X公司公司项目经理A公司公司 项目经理Note: To add additional approval lines, Press Tab from the last cell in the table above.拷贝数量_Note: You can delete any elements of this cover page that you do not need for your document. For example, Copy Number is only required if this is a controlled document and you need to track each copy that you distribute.文档控制更改记录日期作者版本更改参考03/01/2002A公司咨询顾问1.0没有前面的文档03/02/2002A公司咨询顾问2.0修改说明审阅姓名职位签字03/02/2002A公司项目经理03/02/2002X公司项目经理分发人员编码姓名地点和位置1档案室234(9-Dec-96)目录文档控制ii更改记录ii审阅ii目录iii编写说明iv使用对象iv参考文档iv格式详细说明5封面说明5文档控制页说明6文档控制页说明7编写说明本文档规定本项目所有文档的格式。所有与项目有关的文档必须遵守本格式。Note: Describe the requirement in terms of business objectives, not application features. Answer these questions: What? Why? Who? Gap or Design Note (i.e. non-Gap)? Clearly define the reason(s) for the requirement, along with references to any support information (like policy or mission statements, etc.).使用对象适合所有ERP系统的参与人员使用。参考文档Note: To update the table of contents, put the cursor anywhere in the table and press F9. To change the number of levels displayed, select the menu option InsertIndex and Tables, make sure the Table of Contents tab is active, and change the Number of Levels to a new value. (9-Dec-96)努力了的才叫梦想,不努力的就是空想!如果你一直空想的话,无论看多少正能量语录,也赶不走满满的负能量!你还是原地踏步的你,一直在看别人进步。X公司文档格式说明 7格式详细说明Note: Describe the requirement in terms of business objectives, not application features. Answer these questions: What? Why? Who? Gap or Design Note (i.e. non-Gap)? Clearly define the reason(s) for the requirement, along with references to any support information (like policy or mission statements, etc.).封面说明说明 格式为:Highlighted Variable、Book Antiqua、小二 格式为:Highlighted Variable、宋体、小一、兰色内容为:文档编号+客户名称文档编号规则:阶段编码三位流水号阶段编码为:A- 项目准备阶段B- 项目及软件功能培训阶段C- 业务调研阶段D- 基础数据收集整理阶段E- 总体解决方案阶段F- 详细解决方案阶段G- 软件及方案测试阶段H- 软件设置阶段I- 最终拥护培训阶段J- 上线准备及上线试运行阶段K- 系统运行检查及项目验收阶段 格式:Highlighted Variable、宋体、小一、兰色内容:文档名称 格式:正文文字,body text、宋体、10内容:作者、日期、控制编码、版本控制编码规则:项目名称缩写/文档编码 格式:Highlighted Variable、宋体、10内容:双方确认签字 格式:正文文字,body text、宋体、10内容:记载拷贝数量文档控制页说明 页眉页脚:页眉格式:Highlighted Variable、宋体、8、兰色内容:X公司管理信息系统(靠左) 控制编码(靠右)页脚格式:Highlighted Variable、宋体、8 、插入页码页脚内容:X公司+文档名称 大黑条


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