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如何向SCI生物医学期刊投稿,Scientific communication is a two-way process,A scientific experiment is not complete until the result have been published, read, and understood (readable),What Journal Editors Want,What Journal Editors Want,新颖性 重要性 真实性 可读性 重视读者,How to Write a English Paper,Getting Oriented,Follow the journals guidelines! Medical College of Ohio, Toledo Mulford Library /instr/ CONSORT Statement for reporting randomized controlled Trials, Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals,/,Publishing & Editorial Issues Manuscript Preparation Ethical Consideration,Guidelines for Authors,Preparing the Article,IMRAD Format Introduction(前言) : Why did you start? Methods(方法): What did you do? Results(结果): What did you find? and Discussion(讨论): What does it mean?,1.文题 (title),Most important part of the paper To attract readers,Content of Titles,Independent variable (s) Dependent variable (s) Who or what was studied Circumstances of data collection Research design Effect of X on Y in / under Z Y in Z,How to Writing Titles,Omit the phrases The Role of A Study of / on Preliminary Studies of Observations on Contributions to A Review of Clinic Experience The,A,An,How to Writing Titles,Subtitle Influenza Vaccination in the Elderly: A Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial,2.作者 (authors),Authorship: substantive intellectual contributions List authors in order Corresponding author Avoid ghost writing,3.摘要(abstract),Most important part of a biomedical article, after the title For readers For the reviewers,Types of Abstracts,Publication abstracts - Unstructured abstract descriptive informative - Structured abstract,Unstructured Abstract,Descriptive abstract - Used for review articles - Usually limited to 150 words Informative abstract - Used for research papers - Consists of four section - Usually limited to 150 to 250 words,Structured Abstract,Often required for original papers To include several short headings Usually limited to 250 words,How to Write Abstracts,Should be specific & selective Avoid vague statements Not contain figures, tables, and citations of references Write in phrases under headings of a structured abstract,Problems with Abstracts,Missing information Inconsistencies with full article,4.前言(introduction),FUNCTIONS To tell what the study is about To tell why the study is important,5.方法(Methods),FUNCTIONS To allow readers to judge the quality of the study To allow the study to be repeated (maybe) To establish the authors credibility,Methods,Material/Subject - Material or drugs - Subjects Methods - Protocol - Methods of measuremen - Analysis of data - Methods of randomization - Ethical approval,Methods,Chronological order Avoid trade name or proprietary name Human subjects: IRB informed consent Statistical analyses,FUNCTIONS To tell what happened during the study To present the findings (data) of the study To explain any changes from the study as planned,6.结果(results),Results,Two ingredients Use text, figures, and tables Unexpected results Explain any missing data The exact P value (unless P 0.001) P0.012,P0.86,Table 2. Serum cytokines level of the patients with the coronary artery disease (pg/ml),AMI: acute myocardial infarction; UAP: unstable angina pectoris; IL-1: interleukin-1;sIL-2R: soluble interleukin-2 receptor; IL-6: interleukin-6; TNF-: tumor necrosis factor-; IFN-: interferon *P 0.05 compared with control group. (*P 0.05 AMI group vs. control group.),7.讨论(discussion),FUNCTIONS To explain the findings To tell why they are important,Should discuss the implications of results , not repeat them Comparison of results with previous work Discussing limitations your conclusion,Discussion,8.参考文献(References),引用重要的、相关的、已发表的原始文献 以近期文献为主,尤应注意近3年的文献,综述尤强调“新” 核查文献,确保每一个细节均准确无误 正文中引用的文献必须出现在文后参考文献表中 以文中出现先后排列文献序号, 文献15不能出现在9前 不用文献自动生成格式标注,Creput C, Durrbach A, Samuel D et al. Incidence of renal and Liver rejection and patient survival rate following combined liver and kidney transplantation. Am J Transplant 2003; 3: 348-356. R.G. Uzzo and A.C. Novick, Nephron sparing surgery for renal tumors: indications, techniques and outcomes, J Urol 166 (2001), p. 6. Sondheimer, N., and Lindquist, S. (2000). Rnq1: an epigenetic modifier of protein function in yeast. Mol. Cell 5, 163-172.,References,Making Your Writing Effectively,Use the first person Verb tenses in the paper: - Present tense - Past tense Avoid abbreviations,USE STOCK PHRASES State the problem: To determine whether, we To determine the cause of To investigate To evaluate and validate To answer this question, we To test the hypothesis that, we We asked whether,Making Your Writing Effectively,USE STOCK PHRASES Methods: We measured We studied We assessed We compared,Making Your Writing Effectively,USE STOCK PHRASES Results: We found that Answer: We conclude that These experiments demonstrate that These findings show that These results indicate that Thus, Therefore,Making Your Writing Effectively,Making Your Writing Effectively,Spell out any number that begins a sentence For number of 10 000 or greater, use a half- space to separate every 3 digits,How to Publish a English Paper,To read the guidelines of authors To scan a recent issue of the journals,How to Choose a Journal,How to Choose a Journal,Scope Prestige Publication lag Acceptance rate Audience Open policy Payments,2010 Cited Information,Editorial Policies,Duplicate publication or submission Copyright transfer Conflict of interest statement Clinical trial registration,1. Duplicate Submission,Acceptable Secondary Publication: Certain types of articles, such as guidelines In the same or another language, especially in other countries, is justifiable and can be beneficial provided that the following conditions are met,2. Copyright,Copyright transfer agreement Copyright permissions Works made for hire,3. Conflict of interest,An author (or the authors institution), reviewer, or editor has financial or personal relationships that inappropriately influence (bias) his or her actions (such relationships are also known as dual commitments, competing interests, or competing loyalties). Statement: disclosing all financial and personal relationships that might bias authors work,4. Clinical Trial Registration,The ICMJE member journals will require, as a condition of consideration for publication in their journals, registration in a public trials registry. Medical interventions,ClinicalTrial America ISRCTN Englang ANZCTR Austral
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