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Preventing Chemical Exposure 预防化学物质暴露,The aim of this session is to simply highlight potential problems we all may encounter every day of the week. Whether or not we are at home or at work, chemicals are around us every where. 本次会议目的是强调我们日常工作中都会遇到的潜在问题。无论我们在家还是在工作,化学物质都与我们息息相关。 How we prevent contact with them and subsequent harm can be very simple. 预防与化学物质的接触及其危害后果是非常简单的。 Hopefully at the end of the session we will be more aware of the potential problems posed by them and also we just may be able to apply what is needed to be a little safer today than we were when we came into the room. 希望在会议结束的时候,我们能够比开始的时候更加了解化学物质的潜在危害,同时在今后的工作中也能够更加安全的操作。,Preventing Exposure to Chemicals,What is it that is a poison ? 什么是有毒物质? All things are poison and none without poison. Only the dose determines that a thing is poison. 任何物质都是有毒的,没有什么是无毒的。只有不同的剂量来确定一种物质是有毒物质。 Paracelsus 1538.,Preventing exposure to chemicals,Hazard and Risk危害与危险 Hazard - the intrinsic property of a material. Example, a solid block of hardwood timber is hardly going to cause a problem. However the same block being planed or sanded creates a much greater hazard. The creation of wood dust poses a serious health hazard. 危害-一种物质的固有属性。例如,一块实心硬木料很少会导致任何问题。然而同样的木块,经过刨平或者铺沙,就会产生很大的危害。木料灰尘的产生可导致严重的健康危害。 Risk- The form of a material is important in determining the risk to health from that material. No matter how toxic a substance is, if it cannot gain entry or onto the body it cannot have a toxic effect. The result in toxic effect is zero. 危险-一种物质的组成对于确定它对于健康的危险是非常重要的。无论一种物质的毒性有多大,如果它不能进入人体或与人体接触,那么它就不能构成毒害。毒性作用为零。,Preventing exposure to chemicals预防化学物质暴露,Contaminants污染物 Gas - Nitrogen, Cyanide, Carbon Dioxide, Chlorine. 气体-氮气,氰化物,二氧化碳,氯 Vapour - Solvent vapour, process vapour. 蒸汽-溶剂蒸汽,工艺蒸汽 Dust - Wood dust, household dust. (need to consider micro size). 粉尘-木料粉尘,生活灰尘(需要考虑微小颗粒) Mist - Oil mist, acid or chrome from electroplating. Fume -diesel fume, welding fume. 烟雾-油雾,电镀产生的酸或铬合金。 浓烟-发动机-柴油机烟雾,焊接烟雾 Liquids - solvents, acid and alkaline. 液体-溶剂,酸和碱。,Preventing chemical exposure预防化学品暴露,Toxic effects毒性作用 Local - at point of contact. 局部-接触点发作 Systemic- site away from point of contact. Where it lands. 全部-包括接触点以外的部位。涉及的所有范围。 Acute- effects occur very quickly. 急性-迅速产生毒性作用 Chronic - may take months or even years for result to show. 慢性-毒性作用可能需要几个月甚至几年的时间显现。,Preventing chemical exposure预防化学物质暴露,Routes of entry 摄入途径 Inhalation- Exposure to gas, vapour or dust. 吸入-与气体,蒸汽或灰尘接触 Skin contact- Poor hygiene, splashing and absorption. 皮肤接触-简陋卫生条件,化学物质飞溅,然后被皮肤吸收 Ingestion- Poor hygiene.Coughing and swallowing. 摄食-简陋的卫生条件,咳嗽,吞咽。 Injection- Sharps, glassware. 注射-锋利物刺入,玻璃制品。,Preventing chemical exposure预防化学物质暴露,Asphyxiants - Simple and chemical. N2 CO. 窒息型-简易直接的化学物质,如N2 CO. Irritants -Solvents. Dust. Nickel itch.(watch straps and jewellery). 刺激型-溶剂,粉尘,镍的痒痛刺激(手表带和首饰)。 Corrosives -Acids, Alkalines. 腐蚀性-酸,碱 Narcotics -CNS -Central Nervous System - Common solvents, Toluene, Xylene, MIBK. 麻醉型-CNS-中枢神经系统-普通溶剂,甲苯,二甲苯,甲基异丁基酮。,Sensitizers - Lung and Skin. 致敏性-肺和皮肤 Mutagens - change in DNA. 致突变-DNA改变 Carcinogens - constant cell growth to outgrow blood supply and tissue /organs suffer damage. 致癌变-持续的细胞增长超过血液供应能力,组织/器官受到破坏 Reproductive/Teratogenic - adverse effects on reproductive mechanisms or fetus. 生殖/致畸形-对于生殖系统或胎儿的反作用,Types of effects作用类型,Preventing chemical exposure,BRAIN - CNS Solvents. 大脑-中枢神经系统溶媒 EYES - Lachrymators. 眼睛-催泪物质 LIVER- Alcohol.Carbon tetrachloride. 肝脏- 酒精、四氯化碳 KIDNEYS -Cadmium.Mercury.Lead. 肾脏-镉、汞、铅 SKIN-Degreasers, solvents 皮肤-脱脂剂、溶剂 The total surface area of the skin is around 1.8m2 皮肤表面积大概为1.8M2 LUNGS-Gas. Vapour, particles. 肺-气体、水蒸气、微粒 BONE- Lead. 骨头-铅 Blood-Benzene, CO, Nitrites and Nitrates. 血液-苯,一氧化碳,亚硝酸盐,硝酸盐,Target Organs. 目标器官,Preventing Chemical Exposure预防化学物质暴露,Chinese Regulations 国家相关规定 Requires that exposure to hazardous substances must be prevented (by elimination or substitution) or be adequately controlled. 要求必须防止有害物质的接触(通过清除或替换)或者对其采取有效的控制。,Prevention of Chemical Exposure预防化学物质暴露,Three locations where control can be achieved. 可以在三处实现控制。 At source. 源头 Along transmission path. 沿运输管线 At the worker. 操作者,Approach to Control控制手段,Preventing Chemical Exposure预防化学物质暴露,Hierarchy of Control 控制等级 Prevention by elimination or substitution 预防包括清除和替换 2. Engineering by design, enclosure, extraction and segregation. 工艺工程包括设计,封闭,萃取和隔离。 3. Procedural by safe working procedures, reduction in exposure time and training. 程序包括安全工作程序,减少暴露时间和培训。 Worker based, by PPE. 工人操作以PPE为前提。,Prevention of Chemical Exposure预防化学物质暴露,Provide adequate instruction, information and training. 提供足够的操作说明,信息和培训。 Provide good supervision. 提供良好的监管。 Take care of welfare facilities. 爱护公共福利设施。 Attention to workplace cleaning. 注意工作场所的清洁。,Human Factors人为因素,Prevention of Chemical Exposure预防化学物质暴露,Daily Routines - Human Factors日常工作-人为因素 Correct use of equipment. Engineering and RPE/PPE. 正确使用设备、工程技术和RPE/PPE. Ensure footwear is clean before entering offices. 进入办公室之前保证防护鞋干净。 Adequate spillage controls and equipment.、 适当的泄露控制和设备控制。 Efficient clearing of spillage and residual chemicals. 高效率地清扫溢出物和剩余化学品。 Reporting of defects, leaking pipe work, plant or equipment. 报告不合格品,泄露管线、车间或设备。 Acting upon reports and carrying out repairs where needed. 根据报告采取行动,在需要的地方进行维修。 Removal, storage and disposal of gloves and other items of PPE. 移走、存放和处置手套和其它的PPE。 Correct assessment of and selection of PPE. 正确估价和选择PPE。,Preventing Chemical Contamination预防化学物质暴露,Cement水泥 At the time of this session- Jan 2002 one set of figures account for - 450 construction workers a year develop allergic dermatitis and about 1 in 10 bricklayers leave the industry after developing it. Once developed an allergy to cement is permanent. 这次培训中-我们可以参考2002年一月的一系列数字-一年中有450名建筑工人患了过敏性皮炎,大约每10个砖瓦工就有1个在患了过敏性皮炎后离开了这个行业。一旦对水泥过敏就是永久性的。 Cement contact can lead to severe burns and allergic dermatitis. 接触水泥能导致严重的烧伤和过敏性皮炎。 Why have I told you this ? 为什么我要告诉你们这些呢?,Preventing Chemical Contamination预防化学物质暴露,Many ways are available by which we can prevent chemical contamination. The hierarchy of control is the first priority, however as individuals we can help greatly in by applying basic, good hygiene standards to our work.我们可以通过很多种方法防止化学污染。首先是要利用控制等级,然而,作为个人我们可以将基础的,良好的卫生标准应用于我们的工作并从中受益。 One area we have seen that can be damaged is the skin.我们可以看到的被损伤的一个部位就是皮肤。 Another is our lungs.另一个是我们的肺。,Preventing Chemical Exposure预防化学物质暴露,Skin Hazards 皮肤危害 Solvents, 溶剂 Grease,油脂 Oils,油 Acids酸 Bleaches.漂白剂 Cutting fluids.切削液 Cement.水泥 Mr.Muscle.肌肉 Nail varnish remover洗甲水 Hair dye.染发 Any more ?更多,Preventing Chemical Exposure预防化学物质暴露,Irritant Reaction刺激物反应 What we can see is typical of an irritant reaction. This is not uncommon and fortunately it can be easily avoided. 我们所看到的是一个典型的刺激物反应。这是很常见的,幸运的是这很容易避免。 Prolonged or frequent contact with substances like those mentioned earlier can cause these reactions.长时间或频繁接触像之前提到的物质能导致这些反应。 Correct hand care and glove selection will help avoid such results. 正确的手部防护和手套选择将帮助避免这样的后果。,Preventing Chemical Exposure预防化学物质暴露,Protect Your Hands保护你的手 Select the right glove. 选择正确的手套 Do not wear gloves beyond there limit. 别戴过期的手套 Check the glove for defects. 检查手套的破损 Check how long you have had them. 检查佩戴的时间 Remove carefully and dispose of them correctly. 小心摘下并正确处置它们 Do not share gloves. 不要与他人共用手套。,Preventing Chemical Exposure预防化学物质暴露,Wash your hands before and after use. 使用前后洗手。 Ensure any minor and abrasions are treated as soon as possible. 保证最少的磨损 Do not ignore any sign of skin rash or irritation 不要忽视皮疹或过敏的任何迹象,Preventing Chemical Exposure预防化学物质暴露,Glove Types.手套类型 Nitrile丁腈橡胶 PVC 聚氯乙烯 Neoprene氯丁橡胶 Viton氟化橡胶 Butyl 丁基合成橡胶 Latex (not used on site). 乳胶(工厂不用) PVA聚醋酸乙烯酯,Preventing Chemical Exposure预防化学物质暴露,We dont always have to be encapsulated in plastic to protect our lungs. 我们不必总是用塑料把自己包裹起来以保护我们的肺。 However sometimes we have no alternative due to the serious acute effects of any contamination regardless of dose.然而,有时候我们是毫无选择的,因为无论污染的量是多少,化学品都会给我们带来严重的影响。 As an earlier slide showed, we have other ways of protecting staff from exposure to chemicals which should be considered first before RPE/PPE.正如之前的幻灯片所显示的,我们有其它的方法保护员工不暴露在化学品中,这些应在选择RPE/PPE之前提前考虑。,Preventing Chemical Exposure预防化学物质暴露,This slide shows the damage as a result of coal dust exposure to the lungs. 这副图片显示的是煤尘对肺的损害结果。 Other dusts (particles) may have a similar effect. 其它的粉尘(颗粒)也有类似的影响。,Respiratory Protection呼吸防护,Preventing Chemical Exposure预防化学物质暴露,One we are all familiar with Asbestos. 一个我们都很熟悉的例子-石棉 Regardless of type, asbestos will cause lung disease. As you can see, this is only one fibre ! 无论什么类型,石棉都将会导致肺疾病。正如你们看到的,这只是一个石棉纤维。 Can you imagine hundreds, or even thou


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