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牛津 深圳版 七年级 第44期,第二版,语法透视,情态动词 can, may, must, need,【热身训练1】 . 用can, may, must及其否定形式填空。 _ your brother speak English very well? No, he _. 2. _ you play tennis? Yes, I _.,Can,cant,Can,can,3. The box is too heavy. Tom _ move it. 4. What about seeing a new film this evening? I am afraid I _. I _ finish my homework first. 5. Its nearly 9: 00 pm. We _ leave now. 6. _ I come in, please? Yes, you may.,cant,cant,must,must,May,7. Little Tom is only three. He _ read or write, but he _ sing and dance. 8. Look, the red light is on. We _ stop at once.,must,cant,can,【词义提示】 mustnt 不准,不可以,禁止; neednt 不必要 通常用于must问句的否定回答。,Time is flying. We _ waste our time. 2. You _ be afraid of the difficulty. Well give you a hand.,. 选用mustnt 和 neednt 填空。,mustnt,neednt,3. Must I hand in my homework tomorrow? No, you _. You may hand it in the day after tomorrow. 4. Tom, you _ read in the moonlight. Its bad for your eyes. 5. You _ worry so much. Im sure hell be well soon. 6. You _ write to me if you dont have time.,neednt,mustnt,neednt,neednt,7. You _ run. Im sure you wont be late. 8. You _ forget to call me when you arrive there.,neednt,mustnt,【融会贯通】 情态动词是用于表示说话人的某种情感或 语气的动词,可用来表示请求、允诺、愿望、命令、能力、需要、拒绝等情感和态度。情态动词有以下特点:有词义但不完 整;不能单独作谓语,必须和主要动词一 起构成谓语;没有人称和数的变化。, 肯定句: 主语 + 情态动词 + 主要动词 +其他。 否定句: 主语 + 情态动词 + not + 主要动词+其他。, 一般疑问句: 情态动词 + 主语 + 主要动词+其他? 肯定回答:Yes, 主语+情态动词; 否定回答:No, 主语+情态动词与 not 的缩写。, 特殊疑问句: 疑问词 + 情态动词 + 主语 +主要动词 + 其他?,常用的情态动词有 can / could表示“能力”; may / might表示“允许”; must表示“不可推卸的责任”; neednt表示“没有义务”; will / would表示“预告”; should / ought to 表示“不可推卸的义务和责任”。,can, may, must 表推测的用法区别,【热身训练2】 用can, may, must的肯定或否定形式填空。 He _ be at home, because the light in his room is on. 2. _ it be Tom in the playground? No, it _ be him. He never wears red clothes. 3. Linda _ be at the library, but I am not sure.,must,Can,cant,may,【融会贯通】 can, may, must都可以表示“推测”,但用 法有区别,具体如下: can表推测时语气比较强,其否定形式 译成“不可能”。一般只用于疑问句或否定 句中。 may表推测时语气很弱,表示说话者 没什么把握,不敢确信,所以一般译成 “也许”或“大概”。它可以用于各种句式中。 must表推测时语气很强,表示说话者 很有把握,一般译成“肯定”或“一定”。 一般只用在肯定句中。,Language 操练广场,. 用can, cant, must, mustnt, neednt, may 填空。 1. Must we go back at once? No, you _. 2. _ you get on well with your classmates? 3. My son is ill. I _ take care of him at home. 4. Your shoes are so dirty. _ I wash them for you? No, I _ wash them by myself.,neednt,Can,must,Need / May,can,5. Zhang Xiao always gets to school early. She _ be in the classroom now. 6. What _ I do for you? Id like a cup of tea. 7. We _ work hard at all the subjects. 8. You _ stay up so late. You _ get up on time tomorrow. 9. You _ finish your homework before dinner, or (否则) you _ have dinner. 10. _ I come in? Yes, come in, please.,must,May / Can,can,must,mustnt,cant,must,cant,. 单项填空。从A、B、C、D中选出可以 填入空白处的最佳选项。 1. Where is my umbrella? Its fine today. You _ take an umbrella with you. A. cant B. neednt C. mustnt D. must 2. Look! These _ be dinosaur eggs because they are so big. A. must B. cant C. have to D. mustnt,3. There _ many animals on the island. A. maybe B. maybe have C. may have D. may be 4. You _ learn English well, Im sure, without opening your mouth. A. neednt B. cant C. mustnt D. can,5. Must I write all the words down now? No, you _. A. must B. cant C. wont D. neednt 6. May I have a pear, Mum? Certainly. But you _ wash your hands first. A. mustnt B. must C. cant D. neednt,7. Could I look at your picture? Yes, of course you _. A. could B. can C. will D. might 8. You _ go and ask Meimei. She _ know the answer. A. must; cant B. mustnt; may C. need; cant D. can; may,9. You _ worry about me. Its nothing serious. A. can B. mustnt C. neednt D. must 10. Theres somebody at the door. Who _ it be? Is it the postman? No, it _ be him. Its just seven oclock. Its too early. A. may; cant B. will; wont C. may; mustnt D. must; may not,. 下列各句中的划线情态动词有用法错 误,请改正。 Excuse me. Must I have a look at your photos? _ 2. This is a reading room. Look at the sign. You may not sing here. _ 3. Hello, this is Dean. Will I speak to the headmaster, please? _,MustCan / May,maymust,WillCan,4. You mustnt hurry. There is a lot of time. _ 5. Need I knock at the door before I come in? Yes, you must. _,NeedMust,mustntneednt,. 把下列句子译成英语。 1. 我可以坐在这里吗? _ 2. 她现在不可能在那里。 _ 3. 你不许把它拿走。 _ 4. 我必须现在就把它完成吗? _ 5. 你不必担心他,他能照顾好自己。 _ _,You neednt worry about him. He can look after himself.,May I sit here?,She cant be there now.,You mustnt take it away.,Must I finish it now?,can, neednt, may, must, mustnt,. 根据短文内容,从方框中选择适当的情态动词填空。(可重复使用),Dear Mum You (1)_ worry about me at all. I (2)_ take care of myself. I found a part time job, and I (3)_ earn ten dollars a day.,neednt,can,can,There are many rules in our new school. Let me tell you about them. We (4)_ get up at 6:30 every morning. We (5)_ stay out of school after 9:00 pm. The teachers always tell us that we (6)_ work hard at all the subjects. How about you? Mum. (7)_ you write to me soon? (8)_ you be happy! Love, Jane,May,must,mustnt,must,Can,阅读广场,第三版,A篇 1-5 CADBA 6-10 BCDBA B篇 1-5 CADCB C篇 1-5 CCDBD D篇 1-5 CCADB,第四版,听说训练 ( 5 ),. 听录音,在A、B、C选项中选出你 听到的句子。(句子念两遍) 1. A. Can you type? B. Can you fly? C. Can you spell?,2. A. Lisa can count B. Lisa cannot count. C. Lisa cannot shout. 3. A. Sir, you may smoke there. B. Sir, you must not smoke here. C. Sir, you must not ski here.,. 听录音,在A、B、C选项中选出与你听到句子意思最相近的句子。(句子念两遍) 4. A. They are really wings. B. They are the same as wings. C. They are like wings, partly. 5. A. There are no fossils of dinosaurs in this museum. B. There are many fossils of dinosaurs in the museum. C. We cannot find dinosaurs now.,. 请根据实际情况和所提供的情景完成对 话。(问题念两遍) 我们的生活,处处离不开电。苏珊和你 正在讨论有关电的常识。 6. _ 7. _


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