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Oxford English 1A My name ContentI am Aims1. To learn how to use the appropriate sentence structure to introduce oneself. 2. To use formulaic expressions to greet people.3. To be polite of everyone.Language focusTo bring up pupilsinterests of learning EnglishTeaching aidsMultimedia , finger puppets, etc.ProceduresStepTeachers activitiesStudents activitiesPurposePre-task preparation1. Wave my hand and introduce myself to the class: Hello, I am Miss Chen. I am your English teacher. You can call me Miss Chen.To elicit: Follow me2. Have the students listen to and watch the song “Hello” on the CD-ROM. Tell the meaning of “Hello”.3. Wave my hand and say Hello to the class.4. Tell how to greet:T: Class begins.S: Stand up.T: Hello, boys and girls.S: Hello, Miss Chen.T: Sit down, please.1. Know the English teacher and try to call her.2. Listen to and watch the animated song and understand the meaning of “Hello”.3. Learn how to use Hello.4. Learn how to greet at the beginning of the class.认识新老师,学会用英语称呼。歌曲使学生带着浓厚的学习兴趣进入英语课堂。让学生在情景中体会Hello的含义。初步学习课前问候语,尝试问好。While-task procedure1. Have the students watch the first part of the CD-ROM.2. (1) Have the students watch the rhyme on the CD-ROM and repeat it:I am Lulu.Hi, hi, hi.I am Coco.Hello, hello, hello.(2) Say the rhyme slowly and use finger puppets to indicate the characters.(3) Then have them read the rhyme after me twice.(4) Then have them practice it in pairs. (5) Invite the students to perform the rhyme in front of the class by using finger puppets and praise them if they can do well.3.(1) Have the students watch the dialogues on the CD-ROM.(2) Have them repeat the sentences.(3) Play a game.Ask pupils to pass a balloon to a classmate, when the music stop, he/she should say: “Hi/Hello, I am ”1. Watch and understand the general meaning of the contents.2. (1) Watch the rhyme twice.(2) Listen to and look at the teacher.(3) Read the rhyme after the teacher twice.(4) Practice it in pairs.(5) Try to perform the rhyme in front of the class.3. (1) Watch the dialogues on the CD-ROM.(2) Repeat the sentences.(3) Play the game. Try to introduce themselves.通过观看第一部分动画,了解大致意思。观看动画儿歌, 通过语境的创设,让学生投入其中,感受英语学习的乐趣。老师通过演绎儿歌,吸引学生的注意,培养兴趣。通过两两语言交流,虽然难度颇高,但真正达到了运用语言的目的。上台表演更激发了学生的表现欲。观看对话,仿说句子,培养学生的听说能力。使学生在游戏中巩固所学的新知,并体验无穷的乐趣。Post-task activity1. Have the students listen to the song “Hello” again. Have them sing and act with me.2. Have them appraise their feeling and attitude.1. Listen to the song again and sing and act with the teacher.2. Choose the face and color the stars on the paper.回顾歌曲,唱唱演演,提高实际运用语言的能力。对学习态度和感受作出评价,激励学生学习。Assignment:Greet your new friends.通过对新朋友的问候巩固课堂所学知识。板书设计My nameHello Hello, I am Hi Hi, I am 教学反思Oxford English 1A My bag ContentBag, pencil, bookAims1. To learn about the supplies they use at school. 2. To learn how to talk about their school supplies.3. To enjoy the study environment.Language focusTo bring up pupilsinterests of learning EnglishTeaching aidsMultimedia , school supplies, etc.ProceduresStepTeachers activitiesStudents activitiesPurposePre-task preparation1. Greetings:T: Class begins.S: Stand up.T: Hello, boys and girls.S: Hello, Miss Chen.T: Sit down, please.2. Have the students listen to and watch the song 3. Say “Hello” to the students and encourage them to respond to me.Have them introduce themselves to each other.1. Greetings.2. Listen to and watch the animated song 3. Respond and introduce themselves to each other.S1: Hello, I am S2: Hi, I am 课堂问好,使学生熟悉英语学习环境。 歌曲带动学生以浓厚的学习兴趣进入英语课堂。复习用Hello问好。鼓励学生向同学问好、自我介绍。While-task procedure1. Have the students watch the cartoon clip in the CD-ROM.Bag: Hello, I am a bag.Book: Hello, I am a book.Pencil: Hello, I am a pencil2. Show some school supplies to the students and tell the corresponding English words. Ask the students to say after me.3. Have the students watch the cartoon clip again, and repeat the sentences. (Show them the school supplies.)Then have them read the sentences one by one.4. Have the students perform in front of the class with their school supplies.5. Have the students watch the animated rhyme on the CD-ROM and repeat it.e.g. A book, a pencilI can see.A book, a pencilFor you and me.Have them read after me and then choose several pupils to read and mean while clap their hands.1. Watch and understand the general meaning of the contents.2. Learn how to say some school supplies in English.Say after the teacher and read one by one.3. Watch the cartoon clip again, and try to read the sentences.4. Perform with their school supplies.5. Watch the rhyme on the CD-ROM.Read together and then read by oneself, meanwhile clap hands.通过观看第一部分动画,了解大致意思。展示一些文具,教授学生对应的英语单词 。通过观看和朗读,初识新单词。再次播放动画短片,让学生朗读句子,加深印象。让小朋友们上台拿实物表演,激发他们的表演欲,并锻炼口语能力。通过观看动画儿歌,跟读并抽学生边拍手边朗读,让他们熟悉儿歌教学模式。Post-task activity1. Have the students listen to the song “The Finger Family” again. Have them sing and act with me.2. Have them appraise their feeling and attitude.1. Listen to the song again and sing and act with the teacher.2. Choose the face and color the stars on the paper.回顾歌曲,唱唱演演,提高学习兴趣。对学习态度和感受作出评价,激励学生学习。Assignment:Listen to the tape according to Page23 of the English book.让学生预听第一课部分录音,早做准备。板书设计My bagbag Hello, I am a bag.book Hello, I am a book.pencil Hello, I am a pencil.教学反思Oxford English 1A My friend ContentHello! Bye-bye!Aims1. To learn the appropriate expressions of greetings and farewell. 2. To learn how to use the expressions of greetings and farewell.3. To be accustomed to the classroom learning environment.Language focusTo let pupils concentrate on learning activities.Teaching aidsMultimedia, masks of some famous cartoon characters.ProceduresStepTeachers activitiesStudents activitiesPurposePre-task preparation1. Greetings2. Have the students listen to the song on the CD-ROMand then greet them. Have them respond to me through waving their hands. Tell the meaning of the sentence.3. Have the students watch and listen to the animated song Hello, Im Dotty on the CD-ROM. Let them know the general meaning of the song. Have them say “Hello” to Dotty and wave their hands.1. Greetings.2. Listen to the song Learn the meaning of “How are you”.3. Watch and listen to the song. Learn the general meaning of the song. Say “Hello” to Dotty and wave their hands.歌曲带动学生以浓厚的学习兴趣进入英语课堂。初识“How are you?”,并理解意思。通过歌曲复习用Hello问好。引导学生问好。While-task procedure1. Have the students watch the video on the CD-ROM. Have them repeat what she said or respond to Jane by introducing themselves.Jane: Hello, Im Jane. (Follow her)2. Have the students watch the video on the CD-ROM in which a cartoon rabbit bids farewell to the students. Tell the meaning and then have them repeat or say “Bye-bye” to each other.Rabbit: Bye-bye.3. Have the students listen to the song “Hello. How are you” again, and sing along with it, waving their hands at appropriate points. Have students try to find a friend and greet each other by using “Hello”.1. Watch the video. Ss: Hello, Im Jane.Ss: (Wave their hands to Jane on the screen) Hello, Jane. Im 2. Watch the video. Learn the meaning of “Bye-bye”.Ss: (Wave) Bye-bye.S1andS2: (Face to face)S1: Bye-bye.S2: Bye-bye.3. Listen to the song again. Sing along with it, waving hands at appropriate points.Try to find a friend and greet each other.观看动画,重复或回应动画中Jane的话,学会”Hello” 的实际应用。观看另一部分动画,学会用英语告别。重复朗读”Bye-bye”,尝试和同学们告别,配合手势,增强记忆。再次播放歌曲,让学生随着旋律唱,在适当的时机招手。通过找朋友问好,增加学生间的友谊。Post-task activity1. Have the students greet the teacher or classmates.They can put on the masks of different cartoon characters.2. Have them appraise their feeling and attitude.1. S1: Hello! Im Mickey.S2: Hello, Mickey! Im superman.S1: Bye-bye, Mickey!S2: Bye-bye.2. Choose the face and color the stars on the paper.使学生用卡通面具向老师、同学问好,提起学生的学习兴趣。对学习态度和感受作出评价,激励学生学习。Assignment:Listen to the tape according to Page45 of the English book.让学生预听第一课后半部分录音,早做准备。板书设计My friend Hello!Bye-bye!教学反思Oxford English 1A My teacher ContentMr Miss Aims1. To learn the usage of “Mr” and “Miss”.2. To learn how to address male and female teachers. 2. To learn to address teachers and older people respectfully.Language focusTo have the students pronounce correctly.Teaching aidsMultimedia, pictures of some famous figuresProceduresStepTeachers activitiesStudents activitiesPurposePre-task preparation1. Greetings2. Have the students enjoy the rhyme.3. Have the students listen to the two songs . Tell the meaning of good morningThen say “Good morning” to the students and have them respond to me. 1. Greetings.2. Enjoy the rhyme.3. Listen to the song.Learn the meaning of “Good morning”. Respond to me with the appropriate actions.儿歌及歌曲激发学生浓厚的学习兴趣,进入课堂英语学习。初步涉及“Good morning?”,要求学生理解意思,并尝试问好。While-task procedure1. Have the students watch the cartoon, in which Miss Fang and Mr lee greet the students. Then have them greet Miss Fang and Mr Lee.T: Lets say “Hello” to Miss Fang and Mr Lee.2. Have the students practice saying the words “Miss Fang” and “Mr Lee”. Tell the usage of “Miss” and ”Mr”T: (Point to the screen)Miss FangMiss Lee3. Have the students close their eyes and listen to the video clips and then guess who is speaking in the video.Miss Lee: Hi, Im Miss Lee.Mr Chen: Im Mr Chen. Good morning.Have them watch the video and greet the people they see on the screen.1. Watch the cartoon. Ss: Hello, Miss Fang. Hello, Mr Lee. (Wave their hands.)2. Say after the teacher.Ss: Miss Fang Mr LeeLearn the usage.3. Listen to the video clips and guess.Ss: Miss LeeSs: Mr ChenWatch the video and greet the people.Ss: Hi, Miss Lee.Ss: Good morning, Mr Chen.通过动画,引导学生向老师问好教授”Miss”和”Mr”,通过朗读、纠正读音,使学生明确其用法。通过让学生闭眼睛听动画,来感知男女教师,锻炼口头表达。观看动画,通过向人物问好,加深记忆。Post-task activity1. Have the students look at the pictures of famous figures or teachers and address them.Have the students work in pairs. One holds the picture of a famous figure and greet his/her partner. The other greet his/her partner by addressing his/her appropriately with “Miss” or “Mr”.2. Have them appraise their feeling and attitude.1. Look at the pictures and address the figures with “Miss” or ”Mr”.Perform the figures and greet his/her partner.2. Choose the face and color the stars on the paper.通过用著名人物图片来进行角色扮演,相互问好,巩固了新授,又提起了学生的学习兴趣。对学习态度和感受作出评价,激励学生学习。Assignment:Listen to the tape according to Page67 of the English book.让学生预听第二课部分录音,早做准备。板书设计My teacher Mr Miss 教学反思Oxford English 1A My classroom ContentNice, cleanAims1. To learn about their new study environment.2. To learn how to describe their classrooms. 2. To adapt to the new study environment.Language focusTo have the students pronounce correctly.Teaching aidsMultimedia, pictures of some famous figuresProceduresStepTeachers activitiesStudents activitiesPurposePre-task preparation1. Greetings2. Review the students knowledge of introductions and greetings.T: Hello, I am Miss Chen.Then review the students knowledge of different school supplies.T: Show me your bag (pencil, book, ruler).3. Have the students watch and listen to the two songs .T: Look, Miss Fang is in the classroom. What can you see in this classroom?1. Greetings.2. S1: Hello, Miss Chen. I am Ss: (Show their bags)Bag.3. Watch and listen to the songs. Pay attention to the video.选择一位学生,巩固问好。用祈使句让小朋友展示学习用品,并表达出来,复习旧知。播放歌曲,让小朋友们投入其中,并理解老师的提问。While-task procedure1. Have the students watch the video clips of the classrooms. Then act as a guide and introduce our classroom to the students.T: This is my classroom. Its nice. Its clean. I love it. (Show a heart gesture.)2. Have the students watch the video clips again, and repeat the words “clean” and ”nice”.T: Look, this is my classroom. Classroom.T: Its clean. Clean.T: Its nice. Nice.3. Describe our classroom to the students. When come to the words “clean” and ”nice”, pause and have them call out.T: This is my classroom. Its (pause)Its (pause)Do you love it?1. Watch the video clips and listen to the teacher.2. Watch the video clips again and repeat the two words.S: Classroom.S: Clean.S: Nice.3. Listen to the teacher and call out the missing words.S: Nice. Clean.通过动画,引出“我的教室”,再给小朋友介绍我们的教室,激发他们学习的兴趣。再次播放动画,重复重点单词,引导学生朗读单词,教会学生表达对教室的热爱之情。再次介绍我们的教室,在重点单词之前停顿,引导学生表达,达到巩固和加深理解的教学效果。Post-task activity1. Have the students watch and listen to the rhyme on the CD-ROM. Then have them listen again and repeat after it.e.g.A classroom, a classroomI can see.A classroom, a classroomNice and clean.A classroom, a classroomFor you and me.Have the students repeat the rhyme.2. Have them appraise their feeling and attitude.1. Watch and listen to the rhyme. Repeat the rhyme.2. Choose the face and color the stars on the paper.通过让学生念儿歌,巩固了新授单词,增添了活跃的课堂气氛。对学习态度和感受作出评价,激励学生学习。Assignment:Listen to the tape according to Page89 of the English book.让学生预听第二课后半部分录音,早做准备。板书设计My classroom nice clean教学反思Oxford English 1A My school ContentI love Aims1. To learn to talk about the school and what they can do in it.2. To get to know more about their school. 2. To be motivated to love their school.Language focusTo have the students say the sentence “I love”.Teaching aidsMultimedia, paper, pictures of the students schoolProceduresStepTeachers activitiesStudents activitiesPurposePre-task preparation1. Greetings2. Have the students watch and listen to two rhymes on the CD-ROM, and repeat after it.A classroom, a classroomI can see. A classroom, a classroom Nice and clean.A classroom, a classroomFor you and me.A bag, a book I can see.A bag, a book For you and me.3. Review the students knowledge of describing a classroom, and asking the students to call out the missing words.T: This is a classroom. Its for you. Its (pause)Its (pause)1. Greetings.2. Watch and listen to


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