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U910重点短语句型和练习第一部分:一、阅读理解。WriterTopic: Whos a better actor, Jackie Chan or Kim Soo Hyun (金秀贤)?Li FangKim Soo Hyun is the best. I like him so much because of hisYou Coming from Stars.It was so wonderful that I got his signature when he came to my city. I did cry because he is so handsome!Lin FengKim Soo Hyun is only an actor. Although he has white skin and beautiful face, its not real handsome. Jackie Chan is different. He has Chinese Kungfu which is famous around the world. Jia LiI think Jackie Chan is the best actor. I prefer his action movies so much. He performs the role with his true skills and never shows off. I love his movies!TomI think they are the same. They are actors whose job is to perform all kinds of roles. I dont likeYou Coming from Stars,and I dont hate Kim Soo Hyun. I knew Jackie Chan when I was in America. He is famous for his Chinese kungfu.( ) 1. Who likes Kim Soo Hyun best? _.A. Lin Feng B. Li Fang C. Jia Li D. Tom( ) 2. Why did Li Fang cry? Because _.A. she was sad at a concert. B. she had a broken heart.C. she was angry at Jackie Chan D. she thought Kim Soo Hyun was very good looking( ) 3. Whats Lin Fengs opinion? _.A. Kim Soo Hyun is handsome. B. Jackie Chan stands for Chinese kunfu.C. Kim Soo Hyun can sing equally well. D. Jackie Chan cant sing well.( ) 4. Why does Jia Li think Jackie Chan is the best actor? Because _.A. he has Chinese Kungfu which is famous around the world.B. he is really handsome.C. he can perform well.D. he performs the role with his true skills and never shows off( ) 5. Which of the following is TRUE? _A. Nobody likesYou Coming from Stars.B. Tom has the same opinion as Jia Li.C. Tom thinks Kim Soo Hyun is as bad asYou Coming from Stars.D. Lin Feng thinks Jackie Chan is different.【参考答案】1-5 BDBDD二、任务型阅读。阅读短文,按要求完成问题。You can tell a lot about your friends by what they carry in their schoolbags: what they read, and other things they like to do out of school.In the bags of middle school-age boys in the UK, you can find hand-held computer games and footballmagazines(杂志). Girls usually have a book in their bag (maybe a romantic novel) and somemake-up(化妆品) andhair clips(发夹). Boys and _ both often have an iPod, a mobile phone, and, of course, last nights homework!By looking in a friends bag, you can tell what kind of person he/she is. A clean and tidy bag without trash shows anorganized(有条理的) person. A bag full of textbooks and pens belongs to someone who works hard.British middle school-age children also have alocker(有锁的存储柜) at school. They store their books or sports things, such as a football or tennis racket there. They use pictures to make the inside of their lockers beautiful. Maybe they have pictures of their favorite music or sports star, or photos of their friends. So just like their bag, their locker says a lot about the person.1题补全句子;2题简略回答问题;3题在原文横线上填上合适的词;4题总结文章的主旨大意;5题把划线句子翻译成汉语。1. You can_ about your friends by the things in their schoolbags.2. What things are there in bags of middle school-age boys in the UK?3. _.4. _.5. _.【参考答案】1.tell a lot 2.hand-held computer games and footballmagazines 3.girls4.You can tell a lot from someones bag5.通过看一个朋友的书包里面,你可以说出他/她是什么样的人。三、重点短语回顾1. _为做准备2. _去看医生3. _其他时间;别的时间 4. _闲逛;常去某处5. _前天 6. _后天7. _照料;照顾 8. _拒绝9. _去旅行 10. _(帮助)分担工作、解决难题11. _盼望;期待 12. _接到(某人的)信、电话等13. _炸土豆片;炸薯条 14. _保守秘密15. _分成两半参考答案:1. prepare for2. go to the/a doctor3. another time4. hang out5. the day before yesterday6. the day after tomorrow7. look after8. turn down9. take a trip10. help out11. look forward to12. hear from13. potato chips14. keep.to oneself15. in half第二部分:一、完形填空Dear Miss Li, Id like to thank you for sending money to “Animal Helpers”,an organization which 1 to help disabled people. You have helped make it 2 for me to have “Lucky”, who has filled my life with pleasure. Most people cant imagine 3 , deaf, unable to walk or use hands easily. In fact many people 4 these challenges, and Im one of them. Then one day last ycat, a friend said that she could 5 . She said she would talk to “Animal Helpers” to see 6 it would be possible for me to get a 7 trained dog. She thought a dog might cheer me up. I 8 .After 9 with a dog, I was able to bring him home. You see, I could have a“dog-helper” 10 your kind donation! 11 does Lucky help me? Well, he 12 to understand different situation. Forexample, I say “Lucky! 13 my book” and he does it at once. Lucky is an amazing dog. Ill send you 14 if your like. Thank you again for supporting “Animal Helpers”. Its important that this organization does not 15 . Your donation is greatly appreciated and the money is well used to help disabled people like me.Best WishesLiz Smith1Awas set upBwas establishedCis builtDhas put up2AnecessaryBeasyCpossibleDimportant3Abe blindBto be blindCblindDbeing blind4AfaceBhateChadDlike5Acheer me upBhelp me outCget a dogDlook after me6AwhenBifCwhatDwhy7AspecialBespecialCspeciallyDparticular8AagreedBgot thrilledCdisagreedDrefused9Asix months trainingBa six-month trainingCa training of six-monthDa six-months of training10AA because ofBforCasDinstead of11AWhyBWhatCHowDWhich way12Ahas been trainedBwas trainingCis teaching Dhad been learning13ACarryBFetchCGotDTake14Aa photo of himBa photo of herCa photo of heDmy photo15Agive away moneyBgive out energyCrun out of moneyDuse up money【参考答案】1-5ACDAB 6-10BAABA 11-15CABAC二、重点句型展现1. Im sorry. _ _ _. 真抱歉,我没有空。 2. Oh, but Sam_ leaving _ next Wednesday. 哦,但是萨姆要一直待到下周三才离开。3. _so much_ planning this. 非常感谢你计划这么做。4. _we talk to someone, well certainly_ _. 如果我们不和别人谈谈,我们肯定感到更糟。 5. _ _ _ _ _run


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