



视听课Charlottes Web夏洛特的网Step I Introduction of the Movie 美丽的扎克曼农场,又迎来了“收获”的季节可爱的小猪威尔伯(多米尼克斯科特凯配音)的诞生给农场主的小女儿芬恩(达科塔范宁饰)带来了不尽的欢乐。但出于天性,小猪从出生那天起就十分担心,自己早晚有一天会成为人们餐桌上的美味。还好,聪明可爱的它很快博得了小姑娘芬恩的喜欢。也使得芬恩为了自己而苦苦央求她的父亲艾拉伯尔先生(凯文安德森饰)最终将自己的身份确定为小姑娘的农家宠物。在平日里嘻笑的陪伴玩耍中,小猪威尔伯和同样可爱聪慧的芬恩渐渐成了一对形影不离的“好朋友”。不过,时光如梭,很快就又到了年终岁末时。小威尔伯的体重似乎也已经到了“收获”的季节。而且有一天,老山羊塞缪尔听到了一个可怕的消息艾拉伯尔先生正计划着把威尔伯当作今年圣诞大餐的主菜!这下可吓坏了小猪威尔伯。还好,这一年来它在农场中结识了众多的动物好朋友都赶来为它出谋划策,设法躲过此劫。鹅太太古斯(奥普拉温弗瑞配音)和鹅先生高利、小老鼠坦普利特(史蒂夫布希密配音)、白马艾克(罗伯特雷德福配音),当然还有那只每天在门框上织网的灰蜘蛛夏洛特(朱莉娅罗伯茨配音)。而正是因为聪明善良的“蜘蛛女”夏洛特的妙计在门上织了一张写着“好猪威尔伯”大网才最终挽救了小猪威尔伯,使得它幸免成为餐桌的美味Step II Enjoy the Movie 影片片段一: 小猪Wilbur刚出生就面临被淘汰并处死的命运,因为它是猪妈妈一窝11只猪崽里最瘦弱的一只,吃不到奶水。危难之际,主人的女儿Fern挺身而出,从父亲Mr. Arable的利斧下救出了Wilbur。 Movie Script I 电影对白一: Fern: Youre not going to kill it, are you? Mr. Arable: Its a runt (一窝动物中的最小的动物). Now, go back to bed. Fern: No, its not fair! It cant help being born small. Mr. Arable: Careful. Fern: If Id been born small, would you have killed me? Mr. Arable: Of course not. A little girl is one thing. A runty pig is another. Fern: Theres no difference! This is unfair and unjust. How could you be so heartless? Mr. Arable: Come here. I want to show you something. You see that? You see? Theres 11 pigs and only 10 teats. Sow cant feed it, honey. Fern: Then I will. Ill feed you and take care of you and.Absolutely will not let you kill him.影片片段二:而影片中两位主人公Wilbur与Charlotte的友情始于一个晚上,Wilbur因为没有等到前来说晚安的Fern,烦躁不安,不肯睡觉。为了安慰孤独的Wilbur,Charlotte善意地安慰它,告诉Wilbur如果它肯乖乖入睡,第二天便与它“交谈”。Movie Script II 电影对白二: Wilbur: Good night. Good night. Good night! Charlotte: Good night. Wilbur: Huh? Who said that? Who are you? Where are you? Are you invisible? Charlotte: No, Im nocturnal, which means I work at night, when you should be sleeping. Now, I need to concentrate, so, good night. Wilbur: But I cant sleep now! Please, tell me who you are. Im just really lonely. Charlotte: So Ive seen. Look, you seem like a very nice pig, so Ill tell you what. If you go to sleep right now and let me work, we can converse tomorrow. Wilbur: Converse? Charlotte: I think your word was “chat.” Wilbur: Oh. Great! All right. Good night. Good night. Good night. Charlotte: Good night. Wilbur与Charlotte成为朋友后,兴奋异常,谷仓里的其他动物都觉得荒谬至极。 Wilbur: Why would anyone despise Charlotte? She made that amazing web, and she keeps bugs out of the barn. Templeton: Look at her. I mean, dont you think shes a little.Whats the word? Wilbur: I think shes beautiful. Samuel the Sheep: I beg your pardon. She is hideous! Are we even seeing the same ruddy creature? Wilbur: I guess not. Templeton: Hopeless. Bitsy the Cow: What a sorry little friendship thats going to be.影片片段三:为了拯救这只可爱的小猪,聪明的Charlotte在蛛网上先后织出了“Some pig”、“Terrific”、“Radiant”等字样,让人们相信这是一只special的猪。Charlotte也因此得到了谷仓所有动物的认可,成为了大家心目中的智慧女神,变成了友善、慈爱、睿智的象征。谷仓的动物们也不再心胸狭窄、斤斤计较,大家齐心协力,拯救可爱的小猪。也许观众一开始并不明白为何Charlotte会帮助小猪,直到影片快结束时Charlotte说,“You made me your friend, and, in doing so, you made a spider beautiful to everyone in that barn.”原来将心比心,给与和收获是诠释友谊的最佳法宝。同时,对朋友许下的诺言,是不可亵渎的: “Once a promise is made, it needs to be kept.”小猪也为朋友做了它能做的,影片最后它希望能带产卵后奄奄一息的Charlotte回家,许诺照顾她一生一世。当它知道这不可能的时候,它向Templeton求助,愿意用自己的每一餐作交换,等Templeton吃完它才会吃。势利依旧的Templeton最终答应了Wilbur的请求,把Charlotte的宝宝们带回了家。Movie Script III 电影对白三Wilbur: Ill carry you the rest of the way. Well go back to the barn, and Ill take care of you.Youve done so much for me! Charlotte: No, Wilbur. Dont you know what youve already done? You made me your friend, and, in doing so, you made a spider beautiful to everyone in that barn. Wilbur: I didnt do anything, Charlotte. You did it all. Charlotte: No. My webs were no miracle, Wilbur. I was only describing what I saw. The miracle is you.然而,遗憾的是,就算拥有奇迹,我们也没有办法得到永恒,生命不是永恒的。Charlotte实现了自己最初对朋友许下的诺言,用最后一口力气产下了514个卵后,与Wilbur告别:Charlotte: Im languishing. Wilbur: What does that mean? Charlotte: It means Im dying. Wilbur: What? You cant die! Charlotte: Wilbur, were born, we live, and, when our time comes, we die. Its just the natural cycle of life.Step III Assessment of the Movie Charlottes Web改编自美国散文名家E. B. White (18991985)所著的同名童话。从小喜欢动物,长大后更拥有自己农场的作家White,对于动物的刻画细腻传神而不落俗套,故事的铺陈更是充满惊奇引人入胜,搭配上流畅生动的行文,读过的孩子都爱不释手。Charlottes Web自1952年出版迄今,已经在全球各地以23种语言版本推出,陪伴了世界各地无数儿童与青少年成长,其在欧美之经典地位足以媲美小王子。White的另两部经典儿童小说分别是Stuart Little(精灵鼠小弟)和The Trumpet of the Swan(真爱伴鹅行)。With its messages about friendship, not judging books by their cover and how death can serve as a beginning as well as an end, “Charlottes Web” is a timeless story and one of the things that I enjoyed most about this film is that director Gary Winick and screenwriters Susannah Grant and Karey Kirkpatrick have resisted the urge to try to update the tale into contemporary terms. Although it takes place in no specified time period, there are no iPods, no hit songs and no pop-culture references to break the mood of the story because the filmmakers correctly realize that the basic story is sound and compelling enough that it doesnt requi


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