



新目标7-9年级单词巧记 按照字母组合、发音、形似等规律重新编排了所有单词,使记忆单词变得更简单1. namegame same came became 2. amexamexampleexaminationstamp3. Aceface race place palace4. hamsterhamburgerchampioncampaignprogram programmercamelfamily5. casebookcase pencilcase6. basebaseballchase phrase7. anfanpan panda pancake pants8. ate late later date rating9. cancandy cancer candle10. graduate graduation11. and land Thailand hand band stand sand sandy sandwich12. celebrate celebration13. frustrate frustrating translate14. grandparents grandmother grandfathergrandchild grandchildren15. donate donation 16. take mistakelake pancake bake bakeryshake snake make wakeawakeearthquakeskate skater17. rankbankblankthanksthanksgiving18. antangryancestorpianothanplanplanet19. made home-made man-madea) agecagestage agent20. strange change exchange21. athatcatthatchat chatline22. danger dangerous endangerous23. taste waste24. ashas Bastille 25. gave wave have behave behavior26. tag bag zigzag magazine27. mad bad dad had sad salad add28. headache toothache stomachache29. fax relax relaxing relaxed30. paper newspaper31. pack back backpack backboardblack blackboard racket bracket32. baby babysit33. able disable unable34. Asian Canadian Australian35. act actor actress36. fact factory exactly37. conversation vacationapplicationpunctuation relationshipstationabbreviation association inspirationtransportation organization pronunciationeducation educational exclamationpopulation application38. mat hmatch 39. grade arcade apple lemonade40. amaze amazing amazed41. embarrassed embarrassingcarrot parrot42. daytoday holiday may pay stay43. play player playful playground display44. way away subway say45. carrymarrymarried46. talenttalented47. habithabitat48. balance balanced 49. fail mail e-mail 50. paint painting rain rainy complainmain remain mainly entertainment51. wait waiter waitress 52. straight aid afraiddaily raise 53. avenue animal Africa African Amazonadult albumalgebraadvertisingadvertisementaquaticabacus54. eighteightheighteen eighteenth eightyeightieth 55. trash flashcard 56. tragedystrategy 57. charity character 58. hey theyokay59. breakgreat60. rang sang hang bang61. heshe the we me theme 62. yes desk 63. yesterday besttestcontest rest festival question questionnairewest western suggestion64. these Japanese Chinese65. eve even eveningfever66. medium metre kilometre 67. legegg athlete trek cheffetch secret extremely scenerecent recently fresh stepneck mess less unless 68. press express expression impress pressure69. stressdress address70. ingredient convenient 71. see seen seem sightseeing 72. meet meeting73. chess success successful successfully74. agree disagree agreement disagreement75. freefreedomtreethree green76. elementary entertainmentgentle mental77. speechseek week weekend sweep78. teen teenagerthirteenfourteenfifteensixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen 79. invent inventor invention80. trendy plentyenterrentcentral81. endendingsendlendspendblend82. teethfeet sweet feed need83. pen pencilpenguinexpensive inexpensive depend84. sleep sleepy oversleep asleep85. hen then ten tenth when whenevertwenty twentieth rent went bench86. keepgoalkeeperGreececheesesneezebeefsucceedChimpanzee87. steel heel peel feel feeling 88. sea season seat 89. eatmeattreat90. teateambeach teach teacher 91. sell shellfellbell pot-belliedtellwellspell smellwell-known 92. helphelpful 93. twelve twelfth 94. belt felt himself shelf else elbow95. weak speaksneaker 96. cream dream97. lead leader mislead98. read reader reading99. red bed bedroomfled 100. set let net Internet Tibet yet wet pet met get forget 101. cheap cheapie102. east easternnortheastsoutheast103. clean bean mean means meaningjeans 104. easy easily105. mealsealdealreveal106. elevensevenseventhseventyseventieth seventeen seventeenth107. peace peaceful108. thief piece field midfield believeachieve achievement109. September November December110. eitherneither receive111. empty emperor temperature lemonmember remember melon watermelonmenu medal medicine medical 112. present represent113. special especiallyspecially114. letter newsletterbetter115. collect collectorcollection(correct)116. tennisterrifyterrifiedterribleterrorist117. reciperelishresolution118. everhoweverwhatever119. everyeverywhereeverybody everything120. deafdeaddeath121. healthhealthyhealthilyunhealthyunhealthily122. headbreadinstead123. weatherfeatherleather124. pleasantunpleasantpleasure125. friendfriendlyfriendship126. againagainst127. anymanyanyoneanythinganybodyanywhereanymoreanyway128. exerciseexhibitionextraexcellentexperienceexclamationexceptexpectexpressionexamexactly example129. ice nice rice price twice slice advice 130. ishisthissisterassistantChristmaslistenhistorycrispy biscuit131. kiss miss132. fivearrive drive driver alive lively133. diskrisk134. listtourist touristy artist scientist dentist pianist violinist psychologist optometrist135. kindfind findingmind remind blind136. nine ninth nineteen nineteenthninety ninetieth137. wishEnglish dish relish fish fishingfisherman finish138. pine shinefine mine wine line online chatline combine (time)139. fixmix140. sixsixth sixteen sixteenth sixty sixtieth141. likedislike unlike142. strike striker bike hike143. provinceconvince (promise)144. site white write writer 145. inyintwinskin146. sink pinkthink drink napkin sprinkle since sincerely147. excite excitedexciting148. invite quite polite politely impolite149. begin bargin beginning150. violin dolphin win bingo151. high night alright tonightrightbrightfightflight light lighting delightspotlight sightseeing152. windwindywindow153. interviewerInternetinternational interestinterested interesting154. side inside outside countryside besidebesides155. invite invitationinstructioninstrument156. decide guide guidebookprovide divide wide worldwide157. picktrickstick broomstickquick quickly kitchen chicken 158. wife life lifestyle knife159. sizeprize price organize criticize realize memorize surprise rise160. fridgebridge161. dictionarydirectiontraditionposition162. ChinaChinese163. science scientific scientist (license)164. giraffecigaretteetiquette165. kiddidforbidforbidden166. trip hairclip chip167. diner dinning dining168. himswimpimpleimprove169. silent silence170. important importance171. withwithout172. milesmilewhilemobiletile 173. thingringbring interesting springsingsingular single beginningearringthrillinglistingstringfingerlivingfrustrating174. wild child grandchild175. by my myself why type trycry July fry shy sky guy buy176. illillnesstilluntilstilllittle kill177. byegoodbyestyleeye178. builtbuild building179. panic picnic comic Pacific strict athletic Olympic public topic180. sign design 181. tiepiedielie182. eitherneither183. fifth fifty fiftiethfifteen fifteenth184. difference different differently(difficult)185. little litter186. musicmusicalmusician 187. convinceconsidercontinue188. communicationcompetitioncompliment189. itbithithabitItalysitbabysitsitcomvisitvisitor190. giveliverivercreativepositive191. discussdistancedisagreedislikedisagreement192. mistakemislead193. no go ago Chicago outgoing zero hello video photo tomato potato piano194. so also soda 195. over overseas oversleep196. long belong along197. close chose those suppose198. note notice notebook199. home homework homeless home-made homeland 200. lonely alone stone phone telephonehomophone201. spoke spoken spokesperson202. program programmer programming203. clothes clothing204. post postcard host most mostly ghost205. old cold gold hold fold sold told soldier206. hole whole207. bow low snow snowy slow slowlyyellow follow own ownerHalloween bowl tomorrow borrowwell-know window elbow throw below208. boat coat raincoat throat209. coast coaster toast210. though although through thoughtbought brought211. fox box 212. job Bob213. hot lot not got gotten spot214. pop popcorn top stop shopdrop chop 215. soft off office officer 216. on fond blond month monster217. song ping pong wrong strongly218. sock rock rocket clock oclockshock knock219. confuse concentrate confidentconsequence contest220. possible impossible popular population221. province proper probably222. borrow tomorrow follow following223. comment common comma companycomfortable uncomfortable comiccomedy compliment competition sitcom224. cross across crossing225. point disappointment226. photo photograph photographer227. honest dishonest 228. knowledge knowledgeable229. was wasnt want


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