



三年级下册英语听力训练(一) 根据所听到的内容,选出正确的单词1.meat eat 2.rice nice 3.thirsty thirty 4.fruit soup 5.foot food 6.four fourteen 7.eleven seven 8.morning evening (二) 根据听到的内容,画画1. 2. 3.4. 5. 6.(三) 听音标号肉 ( ) 鸡肉 ( ) 鱼 ( ) 土司和果酱 ( ) 面条 ( ) 水果( )(四) 根据所听到的内容写出数字1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7 8. (五) 根据所听到内容为下列句子排序.( )Would you like some ?( )No,thanks.i like some porridge for breakfast.( )I like some milk and bread for breakfast .( )Would you like some sugar /( )I put some sugar on the milk and some jam on the bread.( )Yes,pleast.(六) 根据所听到的内容,用图框中所给的单词填空Jenney :are you _?Danny :yes .Jenny;would you like some_?Danny :yes ,please. And Im _,too.Jenny :would you like some _?Danny :no ,thanks .i like _and _.Word list :fruit juice soup hungry thirsty dumplings (七) 根据所听到的内容,补充横线上所缺内容.What would you like,please?Id like _,_,_and _,please.(八) 听音排序Lets go and eat .My favourite food is donut.How about rice and chicken ?Im very hungry .and you ?How much for one donut?Me,tooOk.Two yuan.Ill take six.(九) 选出你所听到的单词1. A go B do C to 2. A good B food C foot3. A eat B tea C meat4. A what B water C watch 5. A milk B silk C like6. A pop B lot C hot (十) 听音标号面条 蔬菜 饺子 草莓 汉堡包 炸薯条(十一) 根据听到的内容,写数词1 2。 3。 4。 (十二) 选择听到的单词,将序号标在前面的括号内1. are you _?A cold B cool C sad2.that woman is a _.A teacher B nurse C doctor 3.i like _.A hamburgers B noodles C rice 4.where is your _? A father B mother C sister 5.we need some _.A salt B cereal C pepper 6.the woman is _.A pretty B handsome C beautiful(十三) 根据听到的内容,写出数词1. 2. 3. 4. 5.(十四) 根据听到的内容填空1. ill take tw_nty ,please.2. how much are the gr_pes?3. do you have any h_td_gs?4. Id like pizza and p_p,please?(十五) 根据听到的内容画画外套 鞋子 裤子 短袜 围巾 连衣裙(十六) 听音标号睡衣袍 睡衣裤 拖鞋(十七) 听音标号Is it new?No,its not mine .I like your pants.Whose sweater is this?is it your sweater?Thanks.Yes,its my birthday present from my dad.(十八) 根据听到的内容画画1. 2. 3. 4.5.(十九) 圈出你所听到的单词1. above about 2. dress dresser 3. sugar sure 4. ball doll5.water worker 6. rice juice 7.thirty thirteen 8 seven eleven (二十) 根据你所听到的内容,选出正确的单词1. A bed B head C leg2. A ball B tall C doll3. A big B pig C it 4. A dress B dresser C dresses5. A hat B eat C sad 6. A shirt B skirt C hurt 7. A thirsty B thirteen C thirty8. A rice B nice C eyes(二十一) 写出你听到的内容1._2._3._4._(二十二) 根据听到的内容,圈出正确的单词1.oh! its very ( cold hot ).2.how many bottles of ( water juice milk )? Thirty.3.I fee


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