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Speaking for BEC vantagePartFormat / contentTime1Interview3-4 m2Mini-presentations6 m3Collaborative task and discussion5 mPart I InterviewQuestions in phase 1Good morning / afternoon / evening. Im and this is my colleague S/he just going to listen to us. Could I have your mark-sheets, please?To A: Whats your name? Where are you from? Thank you.To B: And you? Thanks.Do you work or are you a student, B?What about you, A?What do / did you like most about your studies / jobs, A? (Why?)What about you, B? (Why?)Topics in phase 2Starting a new job TeamworkLooking for a job working with other peopleJob interviews new technologyGoals and objectives Internet salesCareer and motivation working environmentsCareer goals Leisure and workBusiness news Work and holidaysTraveling abroad on business clothes for workTime management ConferencesManaging staff Selling productsTraining opportunities Customer service1. Part 1a. Part 1 phase1b. Practicec. Part 1 Phase II (examples)I: Im going to ask you both same questions about office hours. How many hours do you study every day, X?C: About 10 hours.I: What about you, Miss X?C: Eight hours.I: Do you think working overtime is a good thing for a company, Miss X?C: No, I dont think so.I: Why not?C: Working overtime will cause complains from employees and ruin their health in the long run. If the workers form the habits of working overtime, their efficiency tends to be lower. And that means the company should pay more for them.I: What do you think of it, Mr. X?C: I dont think working overtime a good thing. That makes the job very stressful and tiring. Of course, its understandable to work overtime occasionally when its really busy and necessary.I: Mr. X, do you think people in the future will work longer hours or shorter hours? Why?C: I think people will work shorter hours in the future. With the help of computers, work efficiency will be much higher than before. Within the short hours, they can do the same even more work than what they can do now.I: Do you think people will feel free to choose the work hours in the future, Miss X? Why?C: Yes, I guess so. Computers have made it possible for people to work at home. So they may choose to work in the part-time or full-time, work in the office or at home as they like.d. more examplesTopic 1 Working as part of a team1) Do you prefer working as a member of a team on your own? (Why? / Why not?)- I prefer working in a team because working in a team I wont feel lonely. And whats more, as the old saying goes, many heads are better than one. Working in a team, I will be stronger. When I am faced with problems, my team will give me their hands.- Personally speaking, I prefer working on my own. It has something to do with my personality. I am kind of shy introverted. And I dont like disturbed by others all the time.2) Which do you think are more effective, small teams or large teams? Why / Why not?- In my opinion, small teams are better than larger teams because small teams are easily controlled. Make sure that everybody in the small team is charge of something. This way can keep the team more focused. Moreover, I think, most large teams may cause overstaffing.- Just as the old saying goes, many hands make light work. I believe large teams are more effective than small teams. The more people, the more strength.3) Do you think its important for a team to have a leader? Why / Why not?Of course, teams need to have a leader. A leader is just a core. All staff will work around him or her. Without a leader, the company will be out of control.4) Do you think teams always need to have a regular meeting? Why / Why not?- I dont think its important to have a regular meeting. As far as I am concerned, too many business meetings are ill-directed, digressive and draw out. So we should call a meeting only when its absolutely critical, and structure it firmly so that it achieves its purpose.- Having regular meeting is a good idea. Im afraid that most people dont think so. But as far as I know, members in a team will know more about each other by meeting regularly.Topic 2 Customer service 1) How to understand customer service? - Simply speaking, good customer service is the bread and butter of business. So its very important. Its involves not only good service but also good relationship with customers. You have to know well what they need and meet their needs. In a word, good customer service means satisfying their needs at all cost.- Good customer service is a positive way of relating to people that lets them know you care about them. If you offer good service, each customer will leave with a smile on his face and feel satisfied and valued.2) What do you think companies can do to improve their customer service?- In my opinion, there are a lot of secrets that help improve their customer service. Building business to customer loyalty is my Number One customer service secret, and is by far the most important one. When you can show concern about what matters to your customer, thats Business to Customer Loyalty, and you bet on it, youve just acquired a customer for life.3) Should employees always be trained to deliver good customer service? Why / Why not?- When it comes to whether training is necessary for delivering good customer service, I think, it depends. The most important thing is that every employee should realize customer service is every staffs responsibility. Undoubtedly with training, employee will deliver better customer service.- Training is necessary because if people arent trained on specifics (not just smile and use peoples names), they dont know how to build customer loyalty even when they want to.4) Do you think you would like to work in customer service? Why / Why not?Frankly speaking, I dont think I will be the right person to work in customer service because its really a demanding for me. Im impatient sometimes. But I do have the chance, Ill have a try and Ill try my best to do a good job because I do think good customer service is the bread and butter of my business.Topic 3 Business news1) What kind of business news is the most interesting for you? Why?- Generally Im interested in all kinds of business news. After all, a member in working in business should be very sensitive to all kinds of business news. Those business news related to the job Im doing right now is the most interesting, I think.2) How important is it for people working in business to keep up-to-date with business news? Why / Why not?- Its very important for people working in business to keep up-to-date with business news. Up-to-date business news will provide you the latest, real-time and accurate news. Neglecting this news, you will lag behind.3) Do you think the internet is a good way to get business news? Why / Why not?Of course, Internet, a global web of computer networks, has been a hothouse for business growth. Hundreds of companies are linking the internet each month in the brief that cyber space hold new customers, new profit and fundamentally new ways of doing business. Internet News provide real-time news updated throughout the business day, covering IT issues and Internet-related technologies for cooperate managers and high-tech professionals.4) Would you buy a business magazine regularly? Why / Why not? - Yes, as a businessman Ill buy business magazine regularly which offers plenty of business information and business opportunities as well. -Right now, I am a student, and I am short of money. So I couldnt buy a magazine regularly. But I am interested in business and plan to be a businessman after graduation. So I have formed the habit of reading business magazines in the library. They are free of charge.Topic 4 what people wear for work?1) How do you normally dress for work / college?- Normally I wear a sweater and jeans or slacks (宽松的裤子) foe college. I wear casually on campus.- It depends on jobs location. At a cooperate office, I wear a conservative business suit. A pantsuit with a sweater or blouse (宽松的上衣) is appropriate for informal office.- I generally wear a good-quality blouse or knit shirt. Sometimes I just wear a casual blazer (运动上衣) or cardigan (开襟毛衣) if appropriate.- I generally wear a collared shirt with an undershirt and wear khakis (卡其) slacks, Anyway I select clean, pressed and wrinkle-free clothes.2) Should companies have a dress code for their employees? Why / Why not?- In my opinion, the requirement for a dress code will vary from job to job within a company. Companies with employees that are in contact with customers will generally set fourth standards of dress, hygiene and attitude. That is, if anyone in your organization deals with the public, you should have a dress code for all employees. A dress code is a simple document that tells people in various functions what is appropriate work clothing, and why.3) Is it necessary to be smartly dressed to gain promotion? Why / Why not?Yes, I do think so. Because to an employer, how you dress says a great deal about you. Dressing well indicates that you love life and you love your work as well. Of course, whether you get promotion or not depends more on your performance.4) Do you think business people will dress more formally or less formally in the future? Why / Why not?In my opinion, business people will dress less formally, which is also my wish. Anyway it must be the trend because with the help of high technology, work time will be more flexible and people will even work at home. Then why not dress in a comfortable way since nobody will know?Topic 5 Promoting products and service1) What kind of way do you think is the most effective in order to promote product or service?There are a lot of ways we can employ to promote out product and service, including the print and graphic arts media. In my opinion, electronic media is the most effective because it allows customers from every corner of the word easy access to our business.2) How important is it to employ television to promote product or service? Why / Why not?Its really important to turn to television because television captures more audience time than any other medium and it has the powerful advantage of visual impact. Its generally believed that as much as 90 percent of a persons total perception is the result of images convoyed to the brain in one way or another.3) Do you think TV commercial is a good way to promote product or service? Why / Why not?Yes, I do. TV commercial is targeted at home audience in a relaxed and suggestive atmosphere, by using shout, repetitive, and high impact message. TV remote has changed viewing habits so that commercial spots are now formatted in clusters of ten and fifteen second clips.4) Do you have any other suggestion as to promoting product or service?Yes, I do have one. There are an increasing number of online directories available with which we list our business. Not only are many of directories available at reasonable rates, but also they allow customers from all parts of the province, country and the world easy access to our business.More extending for topics above:Topic 4(1) I want to be a successful business in the future. I am a business major, and I wan to apply what I learn in school in to the practical work.(2) Of course they should take professional advice. Doing this will save them many troubles, and also save them much time in consideration.(3) It depends. Ones ultimate purpose may always stay stable, but the periodical plan should be modified according to different situation.(4) A long-term goal is necessary. For a long-term goal will provide us with powerful and sustainable motivation.Topic 5(1) I am a student now. I usually wear casual clothes to class, for example, sports wear, T-shirt, jeans and so on.(2) I think a company may a dress code. Its a very important part of companys culture and image.(3) One should know that different kinds of dress suit different situation, so one can dress smartly. But the promotion comes with ones ability, not dress.(4) In my opinion, businessmen may dress less formally in the future, because people pay much more attention to personality and comfort, which means less rigid regulation. Topic 6(1) If I were to decide what is the most effective way to promote product or service, I would say that advertisement is my No.1 choice.(2) Television is the most direct and vivid way to make your promote and service known to your customer. So, every enterprise, including all the companies and factories, regards TV as their first choice.(3) TV commercial is definitely a good way to promote product and service. Because TV is now the most popular way of entertainment, and has the greatest number of audience, thus has the greatest influence among the people.(4) As far as I am concerned, I think to successfully promote product and service, one should but fully aware of the distinguished feature, then give prominence to it, and finally try to make it known and remembered by everyone who ever see the ad.Topic 7(1) Web site can provide me with the latest information, and also can express my information to the most people.(2) Normally, Id like to visit the websites which can provide the latest and complete professional information.(3) Most important elements of successful website for marketing are the following: latest information, popularity, classification of possible viewer and so on.(4) I think internet advertising is very promising in the future. with the developing of internet, and more and more people becoming net users, internet advertising will be more effective in the near future.Topic 8 selling products(1) What is most important to customers about a product? Why? I think quality of a product is most important to customers. The quality will affect the public image of the company. The high quality will help company to earn more customers.(2) Are you good at selling products? At present I am not good. But I am sure I will be good at selling products after some time. For one thing, I have great interest. For another, I will pursue further study, receive training and practice more.(3) Is training essential for a sales job? Yes, I think so. A sales job involves a range of skills, some of which are difficult to grasp. Salespeople should be equipped with such knowledge to facilitate their work.(4) Do you think employers should pay more money to sales staff who are successful? Yes. Employers should pay more money if sales staff sell more products. This kind of way can be incentives to motivate salespeople to do better.Topic 9 Starting a new job(1) What kind of information about a company do you want to get before starting work here? There is much to know about a company if planning to work there. But two things stand out for me: the first and most important is to find out how is its business. Is it doing well? Does it make big money? The second point is about the location, because I would prefer to work near my living place.(2) How can you get the information? Since its an information age, it is not difficult to get some information, for there are many channels. I think I will go to the internet and google the company first so that I can get access to many different links; I will also contract people who recommend me that company.(3) If you are an old employee, what will you do to welcome the new ones? I will be very friendly and nice to them, ready to offer help at any time. I will also give them some helpful tips for working in the company.(4) What should you do to create a good impression at the start of a new job? It is very important to leave a good first impression at the start of a new job. I will dress properly, speakly politely, take my job seriously, and get along well with my colleagues.Topic 10 Leisure & Work(1) Do you think companies should provide leisure facilities for their staff? Absolutely, Leisure facilities should be provided for the relief of staffs pressures from the daily work. They can relax themselves and job involvement may also be encouraged at the same time.(2) In your opinion, which matters more to business people, money or free time? Both are important. Its no denying that money is not everything. But without money they can do nothing. Free time is also indispensible. Are the saying goes: Rest is sauce to labor, people need relax and recharge themselves.(3) If you are required to work overtime, whats your first response? My first response is to say: no. I need take rest. However, when something is special or the company must finish the task ahead of time, I will work overtime.(4) Do you like business trips? Why (not)? Yes, I do. Business trips give me an opportunity to visit other places and people, made new friends and expand my career. In addition, if I have free time, I may go sightseeing.Topic 11 Career Choice(1) What kind of job would you prefer to take? Why? I am interested in business management, so Id like to follow the management career path. When I gain enough experience in management, I will start my own business.(2) What kind of profession will be most popular in twenty years time? To be honest, its difficult to predict things far into the future. But maybe farming will be popular in twenty years time. As we know, less and less people are engaged in farming and we cant live on without eating. We must rely on farm products. So I think to develop farming will be a tendency.(3) Do you pref


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