



Active Physics Curriculum PlanningDriving the Roads investigates how reaction time is related to following distance and concepts of velocity and acceleration. Students learn why reaction time is critical to avoiding accidents while driving. understand the significance of uncertainties in measurements, and distinguish between accurate and precise measurements in order to maintain a safe distance to avoid a collision. understand the difference between average speed and instantaneous speed, use graphs of motion to measure velocity, and use equations to calculate average speed and velocity. examine how a change in velocity determines the acceleration of an automobile and learn the difference between positive and negative acceleration. learn how the speed of an automobile is related to its braking distance. Explore the concept of negative acceleration. understand why it is unsafe to stop a vehicle beyond the STOP Zone when the tight at an intersection turns yellow. learn why it is important to slow down while driving around a curve.H (handout) PS (problem set) T (test) TE (Teachers Edition) SE (Student Edition)Approx DateMaterials neededObjectivesClassworkHW9/3“Welcome to Active Physics” (H) SE p xii - xxi“Course Objectives” TE p. xxiv “Chaper 1 Outline” SE p. xxiv, TE p xxviPoster with some course objectivesOutline courseDescribe approachMaterials needed9/7“Set up Physics Log” SE p. xxiiWebsite overview, tools and resources.Understand rationale for log-style note-keeping.Create the journal.9/819/13Scenario, Your Challenge, Criteria for success, Scoring RubricRead material on Engineering Design Cycle and give three reasons why you think engineers follow this process.29/14Section 1: Discuss What Do you See? And What do you think?Complete Investigate.Read and summarize the Physics Talk in your Active Physics log, answer Checking Up questions.39/15Review Investigate, summarize results, discuss Physics Talk, review Checking Up, What Do You Think Now?, and Reflecting on the section and the Challenge. Do PTG #3 and discuss.Measure your reaction Time:/games/reaction-time.htmlAnswer PTG #4 7 Answer Preparing for the Chapter Challenge in your log. 49/16Review PTG, Students discuss their answers to Preparing for the Chapter Challenge in their groups.Section 2: Discuss What Do you See? And What do you think?Complete Investigate Steps 1-7.Read and summarize the Physics Talk in your Active Physics log, answer Checking Up questions.5LAB DAYReview Investigate, summarize results, Complete Investigate Steps 8 9. Discuss Physics Talk, SI System, review Checking Up. Take Section 1 QuizAnswer PTG 1, 3 8 and record Preparing for the Chapter Challenge in your log.69/17Review PTG, Students discuss their answers to Preparing for the Chapter Challenge in their groups.Discuss What Do You Think Now?, and Reflecting on the section and the Challenge. Do PTG #3 and discuss.79/20Take Section 2 Quiz Section 3: Discuss What Do you See? And What do you think?Complete Investigate, doing Steps 4 8 as Teacher-Led demo. Can also use Motion Detector preprogrammed graphs as challenge, if time allows.Read and summarize the Physics Talk in your Active Physics log, copy Sample Problems 1 and 2 into log, answer Checking Up questions.89/21Discuss Physics Talk, review Checking Up. Do more practice problems, supplement with worksheets if necessary. Answer PTG 1 12 and record Preparing for the Chapter Challenge in your log.99/22Review PTG, Students discuss their answers to Preparing for the Chapter Challenge in their groups.Discuss What Do You Think Now?, and Reflecting on the section and the Challenge. Do PTG #3 and discuss.Section 4: Discuss What Do you See? And What do you think?Complete Investigate, as Teacher-Led demo. Read and summarize the Physics Talk in your Active Physics log, copy graphs on p64 into log, answer Checking Up questions. Do PTG #1-6, 9-12, 15109/23Take Section 3 QuizDiscuss Physics Talk, review Checking Up. Review PTG, Students discuss their answers to Preparing for the Chapter Challenge in their groups.Discuss What Do You Think Now?, and Reflecting on the section and the Challenge.11LABSection 5: Discuss What Do you See? And What do you think?Complete Investigate, Steps 1 4 as Teacher-Led demo. Students do Steps 5 8. Discuss What Do You Think Now?, and Reflecting on the section and the Challenge.Read and summarize the Physics Talk in your Active Physics log, answer Checking Up questions. Do PTG #2-4,8,10,11129/24Take Section 4 QuizDiscuss Physics Talk, review Checking Up. Review PTG, Students discuss their answers to Preparing for the Chapter Challenge in their groups. Students start preparation for the MiniChallenge.Read about the Mini-Challenge. Choose areas to be addressed in the Mini-Challenge and discuss with the group.139/27Take Section 5 QuizStudents start preparing for the MiniChallenge, disucss with their groups who will complete wach part and what will be in the challenge.Write out response to MiniChallenge.149/28MiniChallenge presentationsUsing the school library or internet sources, find out how a yellow light works, and record your responses in your log.159/29Section 6: Discuss What Do you See? And What do you think?Complete Investigate, Parts A and B as Teacher-Led demo. Discuss Physics Talk, answer Checking Up questions, and What Do You Think Now?Read and summarize the Physics Talk in your Active Physics log, answer Checking Up questions. Do PTG #1-6169/30Review PTG, and students discuss what they might write for Preparing for the Chapter Challenge. Section 7: Discuss What Do you See? And What do you think?Complete Investigate, students do Steps 1 3, and Steps 4 - 10 as Teacher-Led demo. Discuss Physics Talk, answer Checking Up questions, and What Do You Think Now?Read and summarize the Physics Talk in your Active Physics log, answer Checking Up ques


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