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外研新标准 初二上,南宁市第十七中学 涂小英,No.17 Middle School of Nanning Tu Xiaoying,Module 9,Animals in danger,Unit 1 We need to protect animals.,To listen and understand conversations about animals in danger. 2.To learn some key words and useful expressions . 3.To listen for specific words.,Objectives:,Am I lovely?,What animals do you like?,.,Do you know these animals?,Play a guessing game !,Who am I ?,panda,看图猜单词。,lion,snake,whale,bear,tiger,elephant,camel,I am orange and black. _ I am the tigers cousin. _ I am brown or black and I live in the forest. _ 4. I am very big and I live in the sea._ 5. I am long and thin. _ 6. I am big and I have a very long nose. _ 7. I can walk a long way without drinking._,tiger,lion,bear,whale,snake,elephant,camel,Read the words and expressions loudly.,danger protect orange cousin brown mad,n. 危险 v. 保护 adj. 橘色的 n. 橘子; 橘色 n. 同类; 堂兄弟; 表兄 弟; 堂姐妹; 表姐妹 adj. 棕色的 n. 棕色 adj. 极度激动的; 发狂似的,Words and expressions,surprising kill hard away dirty awful,adj. 使人惊讶的;出人意料的 v. 杀死 adj. 困难的 adv. 掉; 去 adj. 脏的 adj. 极讨厌的; 极不愉快的,Words and expressions,peace find out rare example nature surprised,n. 安宁; 和平 发现 adj. 稀有的; 珍贵的 n. 例子 n. 大自然; 自然界 adj. 惊奇的; 吃惊的,Words and expressions,What animals are in danger?,(处于危险),Listening,Activity2:Listen and answer,1.Which animals are they talking about? They are talking about_, _, _,_ and _.,2.Which animals are in danger?,pandas,tigers,lions,elephants,bears,All of these animals are in danger.,Why are some animals in danger?,It is awful to kill the animals for their meat.,It is terrible to kill the animals for their fur.,awful,= terrible,kill,Activity 3 Listen and answer. 1.Has Sally ever seen the pandas before? _ 2.Pandas and many other animals are _.,Yes, she has. No, she hasnt. I dont know.,A. in danger (处于危险) B. in peace (和平地) C. safe,Activity 4 Listen again and check the true sentences: ( )1.It is happy to think about(想起) animals in danger . ( ) 2.It isnt right to kill whales or elephants for their meat. ( ) 3.It is easy to stop the killing. ( ) 4.We need to protect animals. ( ) 5.We need to make the water too dirty (脏的)to drink.,T,T,F,F,F,Read aloud,Answer the questions. 1. When do you think this conversation happens? 2. Has Sally ever seen the pandas before? 3. Why do some people kill whales or elephants?,Just after they have visited the zoo. No, she hasnt. They kill them for their meat.,4. What happens when the villages and farms grow bigger? 5. Who has made the water too dirty to drink?,Many animals have no place to live in. Humans.,Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box.,When people _ too many animals , they become rare. 2. Elephants and whales are examples of animals _. 3. Nature _ are forests or large parks where animals can live in peace. 4. We can _ animals in danger if we give them somewhere safe to live . 5. We need to give animals fresh water and somewhere to live . This will help them live in _.,kill,in danger,Reserves,protect,peace,Read through it and find out the key phrases and drills.,Summary,Lets go over what we have learnt today.,1.It is sad to think about(想起) animals in danger . 2.It isnt right to kill whales or elephants for their meat. 3.It is hard to stop the killing. 4.We need to protect animals. 5.We neednt to make the water too dirty (脏的)to drink.,Sentence structures(归纳):,2.主语+need to do. 某人必须做某事,1.It+be+adj.+to do sth.做某事是的,(1). I was so excited to see the lovely pandas. (2). It was interesting to learn about Wolong Panda Reserve(卧龙熊猫保护区). (3). It is surprising to see the big elephant with a very long nose. (4). It is mad to see them killing the whales. (5). We are sad to find out that elephants are in danger. (6). It is hard to stop killing animals.,Everyday English, at last ! It makes me mad ! It just isnt right Absolutely ! Its really awful ! What on earth can we do ?,Its unhealthy _ (drink) dirty water .,We need _ (clean) water .,to drink,to clean,一、选择填空。,1. My fathers job is _ animals. A. feed B. to feed 2. He hurried to school without _ breakfast. A. having B. have 3. _ is difficult for him _ the book. A. That; read B. It; to read,Quiz,注: word 文档 点击此处链接,4. Im _ in the _ story. A. interesting; interested B. interested; interesting 5. Im tired. Lets stop _. A. walking B. to walk 6. Lets discuss how _ the animals. A. protect B. to protect,用所给单词的适当形式填空 clean, excite, eat, play, carry, get, buy, write, dangerous, kill, You need up early every day . It was interesting computer games . You should help him the heavy box . He is hungry but he has nothing _. Jim often comes to the shop things. Your homework is a composition . Its very hard to stop the . Students must make their classroom . We must help the animals in . Children are very to see the pandas .,to get,to play,(to) carry,to eat .,to buy,to write,killing,clean,danger,excited,From the lesson we have known so many animals are in danger.They are our good friends.So what can you do for them?,Groupwork:Which is the most important animals to protect ? Why?How to proect them?,The panda is the most important animal to protect.Because it has no place to live in. And it hasnt enough food to eat.We need to build more nature reserves.,参与植树,为“减碳行动”添色,Protect them!,Humans (人类) and animals are friends. We should live in peace (和平相处).,To love


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