



1. Be truthful.Do what you know is right,put forth effort when it is called for and persist. The more you do so, the more easily youll be able to do so.要坦诚,要做你认为对的事,当有需要时便应奋力而为,并坚持到底。你越是这样,越会觉得游刃有余2. 【名著翻译】1.西游记Pilgrimage to the West 2.三国演义The Romance of the Three Kingdoms 3.红楼梦A Dream in Red Mansions 4.水浒传Heroes of the Marshes 5.聊斋志异Strange Tales of a Lonely Studio 6.论语Analects of Confucius。3. 【表示喜怒哀乐的短句】1.人们极度快乐时会说:Oh,good!噢,好! Well done!干得好! Hurrah!好哇! Great!好极了! Excellent!妙! Splendid!真好! 2.愤怒或厌恶时会说:Well!well!够了! Fancy!哼! Well,i never!真是没见过! Hell!畜生! Confound it!真该死! Confound you !混帐!4. 在美国,你还能很溜的说出“我要一个全家桶,两个新奥尔良烤堡,一份土豆泥”吗? 1) 圣代 sundae 2)新奥尔良烤翅餐:New Orleans Roasted Wing Combo 3) 劲脆/香辣鸡腿堡餐:Extra-tasty Crispy Burger Combo /Zinger Burger Combo 4)土豆泥:mashed potato5. 今天我们学习下如何暗示别人他们没有把事情做正确并希望他人能够改进的言语表达。 Im a little bit concerned about 我有点担心 You need to work on 你需要改进 Perhaps you should think about. 或者你需要想一想6. 【工作口语】Thats a touchy issue! 这是个辣手的问题!| I have totally sold out to your idea. 我百分之百地赞同你的意见。| My boss went nuclear on me today. 今天我的老板对我大吼大叫。| He did the dirty work on that project. 他在那个项目中做的是吃力不讨好的活儿。7.【美剧口头禅】1.Bazinga逗你玩儿 2.Whatever/up to you. 随便 3.This is sick./gross/disgusting.太恶心了。4.Its a deal.一言为定 5.I screwed it up.我搞砸了 6.Let me handle it.让我来摆平。7.Whats the big deal?有什么大不了的8.【道别】1.Goodbye, it was a pleasure meeting u.再见,和你见面很高兴。2.Goodbye, hope to see u again.再见,希望再次见到你。3.Bye, see u later.后会有期。4.Bye, see u next time.下次再见。 5.Bye,take care.多保重 6.Goodbye, thank you very much for coming.再见,感谢您的光临!9. 【感悟人生】Everything will be okay in the end. If its not okay, its not the end.每件事最后都会是好事。如果不是好事,说明还没到最后。10.【抱怨】That traffic this morning really sucks! 今早的交通糟透了!| Im so pissed off with his attitude. 我对他的态度感到非常反感。| Its a far cry from what I expected. 这离我想要的差远了。|The food is terrible/horrible. 食物很难吃。11. 旅游英语(1)旅行journey;trip 旅游tour 旅游者tourist 旅行指南 itinerary 旅行路线route 商务旅行business trip 出境游outbound tourism;outbound travel 出境游客outbound tourist 背包旅行者backpacker 环程旅行circular tour12. 厨房里常见的,refrigerator 冰箱;automatic rice cooker 电饭锅;steamer 蒸锅;oven 烤箱;grill 烧烤架;toaster 烤面包机 egg beater 打蛋器;ice crusher 刨冰机;food processor 食品加工机 ;paper towel 纸巾;apron 围裙;plate 盘子;dish 碟子;bowl 碗13. 【搞砸了】Why did you blow it? 你怎么搞砸了? | I tripped up in the interview and said something rather silly. 我在面试中不慎说了一些蠢话。| I bombed the test. 我考砸了。| Dont goof up. 别出岔子。14招呼客人常用短句:1. Have fun.玩得高兴点 2. My treat.我请客 3. Im full.我饱了 4. Im home.我到家了 5. Bottom up干杯!6. Whats new有什么新鲜事儿吗?7. Anything else还要别的吗?8. Help yourself别客气 9. Enjoy yourself.祝你玩的开心10. Make yourself at home.请不要拘礼15.【购物口语】buy one get one free? Thats such a great bargain! 买一送一?真心划算啊!| Skinny jeans are a must-have in todays fashion. 紧身牛仔裤是时尚潮人的必备单品。| I got these pants from the end of season sale. 我这条裤子是换季大甩卖的时候买的.16. 【励志】No matter how you feel, get up, dress up, and show up. 不管你的感觉如何,你都要起床,打扮好自己然后开始新的一天17. 【牙齿问题】My tooth is killing me. 我牙疼得受不了。| How can I stop my roommate from grinding his teeth? 怎样才能让我的室友不再磨牙?| My gum has been bleeding a lot lately. 我的牙龈最近总出血。|How much does it cost to fill a cavity? 补个牙得多少钱?18. 【我们谈谈吧】You got a minute? 你有空吗?| May I have a little talk with you? 我可以跟你谈一下吗?| Can I bend your ears for a minute? 可不可以借我一分钟?我有事要跟你说。| Can we sit down and talk it over? 我们可以坐下来好好谈一谈吗?19. 【常用美式俚语】went up in smoke化为乌有,落空;hit the road出发;shape up好好表现;scared the shit out of me吓得屁滚尿流.;pulled some strings有关系,走后门;flipped out丧失理智;stick in the mud老古董,老古板;守旧的人;spring for付钱,请客20. 【英语表达各种“节气”】立春 Spring begins;雨水The rains;惊蛰 Insects awaken;春分Vernal Equinox;清明Clear and bright;立夏Summer begins;小满 Grain buds;芒种 Grain in ear;夏至 Summer solstice;小暑 Slight heat;大暑 Great heat;立秋 Autumn begin21. 【网上聊天常用语】:Hi, there. 嗨, 你好 ; A/S/L? 年龄/性别/所在地? Lol.(laugh out loud)很好笑 After seven sounds cool. 七点之后听起来不错 Are you a newbie? 你是新手吗? Give him a boot. 把它给踢出去 Yup/ Nope. 是的/ 不是的 See ya. 再见 Sup? (Whats up)什么事? OIC-Oh I see(我明白了); BRB-Be right back(马上回来); BFN-Bye for now(再见);LOL-Laughing out loud(大笑); ASAP -As soon as possible(尽快);BTW-By the way(顺便说一下); JK-Just kidding(仅仅是玩笑); TTYL -Talk to you later(晚点说)22. 【后悔】Oh, no! I shouldnt have done it. 哦,不!我真不该那样。| I really screwed up this time. 这次我真的给弄糟了。| It was hasty of me to do so. 做那种事,我也太不小心了。| I know I went too far. 我知道我做得太过分了。23. 【书籍的结构表达】封面front cover;目录table of contents;前页front matter; 硬封面hardbound;软封面softcover; 书脊spine;序言foreword; 前言preface; 章节chapter;附录appendix; 索引index;附注notes;参考文献bibliography; 献词dedication;版权copyright24. 趣味音译合集:1.copy拷贝 2.sofa沙发 3.cigar雪茄 4.bikini比基尼 5.ruble 卢布 6.model模特 7.mousse摩丝 8.logic逻辑 9.disco迪斯科 10.guitar吉他 11.gene基因 12.cartoon卡通 13.humor幽默 14.chocolate巧克力 15.coffee咖啡16.bus巴士 17.fans粉丝 18.ballet芭蕾 19.cool酷25. 【耐心】All in good time。别急,还有时间。|Please bear with me while I tell you the story。请耐心等我把这个故事说完。| I think it is necessary to look before you leap。我觉得你应该想好了再行动。|Theres a time for everything。事情要一件一件地做。26.【安慰鼓励】Wipe your tears. Dont cry. 擦擦眼泪别哭了。| Come on! Pull yourself together! 重新振作起来。| You can do anything if you really want to. Thats the spirit!只要你想做,你就一定能做得到。那才是好样的! | Hang in there! 坚持下去!27.【言归于好】Cant we talk it over? 我们就不能好好谈谈吗?| Lets forgive and forget! Let bygones be bygones. 过去的事就让它过去吧。| Isnt there any way you can patch things up? 就没有什么办法让你们和好吗?28.【mother母亲有关的英语】1) mother tongue 母语;2) mother wit 天资;5) birth mother 生母;6) expectant mother 孕妇;7) mother country 祖国;8) mother-in-law 岳母;9) Mother of God 圣母玛利亚;10) mother love 母爱;11) be mother 倒茶,Ill be mother. 我来倒茶。29.【公交】拉环 support ring,座位 seat,老有病残专座 priority seat,路线图 route map,下车铃 stop bell,前门 front door,悠游卡感应器 EasyCard sensor,垃圾桶 trash can,广告海报 poster,台阶 stairs,投币箱 coin box,紧急出口 emergency exit30.【微博控控控】 The Silent Sharer 只转不评 ; The Commenter


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