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管理学原理课程编号:35111022课程名称(中文):管理学原理课程名称(英文):Management Principles学分数/学时数:3/54开课单位/开课学期:信息管理系/第2学期课程类别:专业必修面向专业:信息管理与信息系统课程负责人:肖永英课程内容简介:通过本课程的教学,本课程希望学生能够系统地掌握管理学的基本原理和方法,并探讨管理学的基本原理和方法在具体实践领域(尤其即信息管理与信息系统领域)的应用。教学要求:(1)牢固掌握管理的基本原则,其中包括:效益原则、人本原则、系统原则和道德原则;(2)正确理解管理的基本职能,其中包括:决策、计划、组织、领导、控制和创新,并认识这些基本职能之间的相互关系;(3)通过对相关案例的分析,加深对管理学基本原则和职能的认识;(4)了解管理学原理和方法的最新发展状况和趋势。本课程为大学本科一年级学生所开设,重点介绍一般管理学的基本原理和方法。在此之后,学生可根据个人兴趣选修与管理学原理相关的其他课程,其中包括:人力资源原理、组织战略行为学、管理心理学、企业管理和财务管理。国外图书馆学情报学进展课程编号:35112714课程名称 (中文):国外图书馆学情报学进展课程名称 (英文): Development in Library & Information Science abroad学分数/学时数:2开课单位/开课学期:信息管理系/第二学期课程类别:专业基础选修课面向专业:信息管理与信息系统;图书馆学;档案学课程负责人:徐文晖课程内容简介(中文):课程主要介绍图书馆学、情报学、档案学在国外(主要是欧美国家,但也涉及发展中国家如在非洲和拉丁美洲)的最新进展(包括理论研究与实践探索);专业领域的国际合作,尤其与中国的交流与合作;中国图书馆、档案学、情报学事业置于世界环境比较中之未来发展趋势与发展模型探讨。 课程内容简介(英文):The course introduces about the development in Library & Information Science mainly in the USA and Europe, including but also the developing countries such as in Latin America und Africa. Described are research works and practices, international cooperation, especially collaboration with China, Chinese Librarianship 管理信息系统课程编号:35116095课程名称(中文):管理信息系统课程名称(英文):Management Information Systems学分数/学时数:4开课单位/开课学期:信息管理系,第七学期课程类别:专业必修面向专业:信息管理与信息系统课程负责人:路永和课程内容简介(中文):系统分析与设计概述:系统参与者,信息系统构架块,信息系统开发,项目管理。系统分析:需求分析,数据模型与分析,过程建模,可行性分析与系统处理。系统设计:应用程序体系结构与建模,数据库设计,输出设计与原型,输入设计与原型,用户界面设计。系统实施:系统构建与实现,系统操作与支持。面向对象分析与设计: 面向对象的分析与建模, 面向对象的设计与建模课程内容简介(英文): The Context of Systems Analysis and Design, presents the information systems development introduce the student to systems analysts, other project team members(including users and management), information systems building blocks(based on the Zachman framework),a contemporary systems development life cycle, and project management.Systems Analysis Methods, covers the front-end life cycle activities, tools, and techniques for analyzing business problems, specifying business requirements for an information system, and proposing a business and system solution. Coverage includes requirement gathering data modeling with entity-relationship diagrams, process modeling with data flow diagrams, requirements specification in a data dictionary, and solution identification and the system proposal.Systems Design Methods, covers the middle life cycle activities, tools, and techniques. It includes coverage of both general and detailed design with a particular emphasis on application architecture, rapid development and prototyping, external design (outputs, inputs, and interfaces), and internal design. System Implementation , is a capstone unit that places systems analysis and design into perspective by surveying the back-end life cycle activities. Specifically, it examine system implementation, support, maintenance, and reengineering. Object Oriented Analysis and Design Methods, teaches object oriented analysis and design using the Unified Modeling Language. 档案文献编纂学课程编号:35114115课程名称(中文):档案文献编纂学 课程名称(英文): Archival Literature Complication学分数/学时数:开课单位/开课学期:课程类别:专业必修课面向专业:档案课程负责人:黄广琴课程内容简介(中文):档案文献编纂学以研究档案文献编纂原理与方法为基本内容,以档案文献编纂活动的客观规律为研究对象,其目的是指导档案文献编纂活动生产出高质量的档案文献信息产品服务于社会,是一门理论性、应用性、综合性较强的科目。该课程共分为四篇,分别为“原理篇”、“体例篇”、“程序篇”、和“技能篇”。“原理篇”包括档案文献编纂的基本概念、基本理论、基本功能、历史源流等内容;“体例篇”主要研究档案文献的体裁和凡例;“程序篇”研究档案文献题目的选定、档案信息的筛选、档案文献的加工和出版;“技能篇”研究编纂者的策划、选择、阐释、建构等技能。课程内容简介(英文): Archival Literature Complication is a strongly theoretical, practical and all-around course. Its basic contents are about the principles and methods of the archival literature complication, and its research object is the disciplinarians in the archival literature complication activities, in order to make the archival information of good quality service the need of the society. There are four parts: principles part, manners part, programs part and skills part. The principles part includes the basic conception, theoretics, functions and its history development of the archival literature complication. The manners part is mainly on the research of the types of the literature. The programs part is about how to select the subjects and related useful information, and the archival literature processing and publication. The last part describes the compilers skills of planning, selection, illustration and establishment.程序设计课程编号:35111062课程名称:程序设计课程名称:Program Design学分数/学时数:开课单位/开课日期:课程类别:必修面向专业:课程负责人:课程内容简介(中文):本课程全面介绍了面向对象的程序设计概念、方法和设计技术。以C+为语言基础,从C+语言的基本数据类型和控制结构入手,逐步深入阐述函数、类和对象、服务、消息、封装、继承、多态、动态联编等内容,同时讲解高级的编程技巧和算法。培养学生具备如何进行逻辑与分析式思考能力、了解并灵活运用各种解决问题的基本方法、掌握基本面向对象的程序设计能力、养成良好的程序设计风格。 课程内容简介(英文):This course has introduced Object-oriented program design concept, method and designing technique overall. Based on language C+, start with the basic data type of C + language and structure of controlling, progressively deep to explain function , class and object, service, message, encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism, dynamic binding etc, Simultaneously explain advanced programming skill and algorithm。train students to possess how to learn basic skills in analytical and logical thinking、understand and apply basic problem solving techniques、grasp basic Object-oriented program design capacity、form the good program design style。参考咨询服务课程编号: 35112116课程名称(中文):参考咨询服务课程名称(英文):Reference Services学分数/学时数:3/54开课单位/开课学期:信息管理系/第6学期课程类别:专业必修面向专业:图书馆学课程负责人:肖永英课程内容简介: 参考咨询服务是图书馆实践活动的重要环节之一。本课程的开设对象是图书馆学专业高年级学生,其目的是为了使学生系统地学习参考咨询工作的基本理论和实践方法。内容包括:参考咨询服务的产生与发展历程、参考咨询服务的研究现状、参考咨询服务的基本过程、参考馆藏的建立参考咨询工作的基础、咨询接谈参考咨询服务工作的核心、参考咨询服务的主要模式、用户信息素养的培训、参考咨询政策的制定和实施、参考咨询服务的质量评价、参考咨询服务的组织管理、信息技术在参考咨询过程中的运用、参考馆员的素质要求和角色演变、参考咨询服务的未来发展趋势。C语言程序设计课程编号:35118031课程名称:C语言程序设计课程名称:C Language Program Design学分数/学时数:开课单位/开课日期:课程类别:必修面向专业:课程负责人:王乐球课程内容简介(中文):本课程以程序设计为主线,介绍C语言的基本概念,讨论C语言的各种数据类型、控制结构和函数的定义及使用,突出函数、指针类型、结构类型和文件概念的讲授,强调在程序设计中对指针与结构的使用和实际的应用,培养学生运用程序设计语言解决实际问题的能力,使学生能结合自己的专业,发挥计算机在本学科的作用。课程内容简介(英文):This course regards program design as the thread, introduce the basic conception of C language , discuss definition and use of different type of the data 、structure of controlling and function of C language, stress the teaching of the function , indicator type、structure type and file concept, emphasize the use for indicator and structure and real application in designing program, train students to use the programming language to solve the ability of the practical problem, enable student to combine ones own speciality, give play to the computer on the function of this discipline 。科技档案管理学课程编号:35114053课程名称(中文):科技档案管理学课程名称(英文):The Archival Management of Science and Technology学分数/ 学时数:3 学分/ 60学时开课单位/开课学期:信息管理系/第二学期课程类别:必修 面向专业:档案学课程负责人:徐富荣 课程内容简介(中文): 科技档案管理学是档案学专业的必修课和主干课之一。在学生的专业知识中有着重要的作用,它为学生以后的工作和学习打下扎实基础。 本课程的任务是:使学生系统地掌握科技档案管理学的基本理论、基本方法,熟悉科技档案及科技档案工作;了解科技档案的种类、功能;了解科技文件的形成;熟悉科技档案的收集、整理、保管、鉴定、统计、开发利用。课程主要内容有: 科技档案概要, 科技档案种类、构成,科技档案的功能,科技档案工作的任务和基本原则,科技档案事业的发展,科技档案事业的组织与管理,科技文件的形成和积累,管理, 检查,科技文件的鉴别、整理工作,协助与指导科技文件归档,科技档案的收集、整理、鉴定、保管、统计、开发利用,科技档案开发利用的反馈控制。 课程内容简介(英文): The Archival Management of Science and Technology is a required course and major course of archival profession .It has important function for special knowledge of student .It is good basic for futuristic works and learns of students. The tasks of the course are : The students know well basic theory and basic theory of The Archival Management of Science and Technology by the numbers , know well archive of science and technology as archival work of science and technology ; know the kind of archive of science and technology , the function of archive of science and technology ; know the form of records of science and technology ; know the collection 、 the arrangement 、 the safekeeping 、 the appraisal 、the statistics 、the development and utilize of archive of science and technology .The major contents of the course have : The essentials of archive of science and technology , the kind of archive of science and technology , the composing archive of science and technology , the function of archive of science and technology , the tasks and the basic principle of archival work of science and technology , the enterprising development of archive of science and technology , the enterprising organization and management of archive of science and technology , the form 、accumulation 、management and check of record of science and technology , the distinguish 、arrangement of record of science and technology , helping and guiding organized archive of record of science and technology , the collection 、 the arrangement 、 the safekeeping 、 the appraisal 、 the statistics 、 the development and utilize of archive of science and technology , the feedbacks control of the development and utilize of archive of science and technology .Java语言课程编号:35112594课程名称:Java语言课程名称:Java Language学分数/学时数:开课单位/开课日期:课程类别:指选面向专业:课程负责人:王乐球课程内容简介(中文):本课程全面介绍了面向对象的程序设计概念、方法和设计技术。从Java语言的基本数据类型和控制结构入手,逐步深入阐述类和对象、包、接口、服务、消息、封装、继承、多态等内容,同时讲解高级的编程技巧和算法,及Java在图形用户界面、多线程、网络、多媒体和数据库方面的应用。培养学生具备如何进行逻辑与分析式思考能力、了解并灵活运用各种解决问题的基本方法、掌握基本面向对象的程序设计能力、养成良好的程序设计风格。 课程内容简介(英文):This course has introduced Object-oriented program design concept, method and designing technique overall. start with the basic data type of Java language and structure of controlling, progressively deep to explain class and object, package、interface、service, message, encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism etc, simultaneously explain advanced programming skill and algorithm, and the application in graphics users interface , many thread , network , multimedia and database of Java。train students to possess how to learn basic skills in analytical and logical thinking、understand and apply basic problem solving techniques、grasp basic Object-oriented program design capacity、form the good program design style。组织战略与行为学课程编号:35113036课程名称(中文):组织战略与行为学课程名称(英文):Organizational Strategies & Behaviors学分数/学时数:3/3开课单位/开课学期:信息管理系/6课程类别:指选面向专业:图书馆学/档案学课程负责人:马芝蓓课程内容简介(中文): 本课程概述组织战略与行为学中的基本理论观点,主要向学生阐述对组织中个体及群体所表现的组织行为研究成果的运用,重点定位在商业组织环境中应用这些信息,并选用案例、实例来进行练习,帮助他们结合所学知识在实际情景中加以把握。课程内容简介(英文): This course provides a basic strategic and behavioral perspective on the management of organizations. Purposes of the Course: 1To provide the student to primary research and the application of associated theories to individual, group, and organizational level behavior. Emphasis will be placed on the application of this information to the business organizational environment. 2To provide cases, examples, and exercises that will help students incorporate contemporary knowledge of organizations into their thinking and behavior. 政务网站与网页设计课程编号:35118776课程名称(中文):政务网站与网页设计课程名称(英文):Government Affairs Website And Web Page Design学分数/学时数:开课单位/开课学期:课程类别:指选面向专业:课程负责人:徐健课程内容简介(中文):政务网站的设计、实现与维护是电子政务建设的重要组成部分,也是电子政务建设的主要任务之一。本课程通过对电子政务网站的特点和设计方法的系统介绍,并结合上机实验,使电子政务专业学生能基本掌握政务网站的设计方法,并且具有一般的政务网站建设能力。本课程对学生的实际操作能力要求较高,对提高电子政务专业学生的动手能力和综合应用能力具有较好的效果。本课程的主要内容包括:电子政务的概念与原理;电子政务网站的特点和功能;静态网页的特点;静态网页技术的简要介绍;Web基础知识;ASP.NET简介;VB.NET语法基础简介;如何使用ASP.NET控件;ASP.NET的优势和使用;如何在ASP.NET中使用XML语言;政务网站的安全性问题;政务网站实例分析。课程内容简介(英文):The design, actualize and maintain of government affairs website is an important component of electronic government affairs construction. Through introducing the characteristic and design method about website of electronic government affairs systematically, and integrating it with practice, students can learn about the design method about website of government affairs. And it also let students have the ability to construct government website. The course has a higher requirement to the operation ability of the students. And it has a better effect to improving the ability of students in practice capability and compositive application capability. The major contents of the course includes: the concepts and theories of electronic government affairs; the characteristics and functions of electronic government affairs; the characteristics of the static web page; the general description of the static web page; the background of Web; ASP.NET introduction; syntax of VB.NET introduction; how to use the ASP.NET control; the superiority and use of ASP.NET; how to use the XML in ASP.NET; security problem about electronic government affairs; example analysis about electronic government affairs.运筹学课程编号:35116667课程名称(中文):运筹学课程名称(英文):Operational Reasearch学分数/学时数:4开课单位/开课学期:信息管理系,第四学期课程类别:专业选修面向专业:信息管理与信息系统课程负责人:路永和课程内容简介(中文):绪论:运筹学的起源、发展与分支,运筹学的研究方法。线性规划:线性规划模型,图解法,单纯形法,计算机求解法。线性规划的对偶理论与灵敏度分析:对偶问题及其性质,影子价格,灵敏度分析,对偶理论在灵敏度分析上的应用,参数线性规划,目标规划。运输和指派问题:运输问题及数学模型,运输问题的求解方法,指派问题及求解方法。图与网络分析:图与网络基本术语,最短路径问题,最大流问题,最小费用问题,网络单纯形法。动态规划:动态规划的模型、特征,动态规划的解法。整数规划:整数规划的数学模型,解纯整数规划的割平面法,分枝定界法。非线性规划:非线性规划的数学模型,图解法,一维搜索,无约束极值问题,约束极值问题。排队论:排队系统模型,指数分布模型,非指数分布模型。课程内容简介(英文):Introduction: The Origins of Operations Research and Its Developments and Branches. The Operations Research modeling Approach.Linear Programming: The Linear Programming Model. The Interrior-Point Approach. The Simplex Method in Tabular Form. Computer Implementation.Duality Theory and Sensitivity Analysis: The Essence of Duality Theory.Economic Interpretation of Duality. The Essence of Sensitivity Analysis.The Role of Duality Theory in Sensitivity Analysis. Parametric Linear Programming. Linear Goal Programming and Its Solution Procedures.The Transportation and Assignment Problems: The Transportation Problem,A Streamlined Simplex Method for the Transportation Problem.The Assignment Problem.Network Analysis: The Terminology of Networks. The Shortest-Path Problem. The Minimum Spanning Tree Problem. The Maximum Flow Problem. The Minimum Cost Flow Problem. The Network Simplex Method.Dynamic Programming: A Prototype Example for Dynamic Programming. Characteristics of Dynamic Programming Problems. Solving Dynamic Programming Problems.Integer Programming: Some Other Formulation Possibilities with Binary Variables. Some Perspectives on Solving Integer Programming Problems. The Branch-and -Bound Technique and Its Application to Binary Integer Programming.Nonlinear Programming: Graphical Illustration of Nonlinear Programming Problems. Types of Nonlinear Programming Problems. One-Variable Unconstrained Optimization. Multivariable Unconstrained Optimization. The Darush-Duhn-Tucher(KKT)Conditions for Constrained Optimization.Queuing Theory: Basic Structure of Queuing Models. The Role of the Exponential Distribution. Queuing Models Involving Non-exponential Distributions. Priority-Discipline Queuing Models.信息组织课程编号:35116106课程名称(中文):信息组织课程名称(英文):Information Organization 学分数/学时数:4/72开课单位/开课学期:信息管理系/第5学期课程类别:专业必修面向专业:信息管理与信息系统课程负责人:曹树金课程内容简介(中文):信息组织是建立信息系统,进行信息管理的基础工作之一,其质量影响着信息系统为信息用户服务的效果。本课程的任务是让学生掌握信息组织的基本理论、信息描述和标引的基本方法;具有初步分析和研究与本课程内容相关的各种问题的能力。课程主要内容包括信息组织引论,信息描述规范元数据标准,信息描述工作元数据应用,信息主题及其分析和标引,信息标引语言,分类语言,主题语言,分类主题一体化语言,自然语言标引、检索及其智能化方法,信息组织的数据库方法,数字图书馆的信息组织,Web的信息组织,知识组织等。课程内容简介(英文):Information organization is a basic work of building information systems and information management. The mission of this curriculum is to let students mastery of the basic theories of information organization and the basic method of information description and indexing, possess the ability of analysis and research issues about information organization. This curriculum contents includes introduction to information organization, information description criterion, metadata application, information subject and subject analysis and Indexing, indexing(retrieval) language, classification language, subject language, integrative classification and subject language, natural language indexing and retrieval, database method of information organization, Web information organization, knowledge organization. 信息资源共享课程编号:35112136课程名称(中文):信息资源共享课程名称(英文):Information Resource Sharing学分数/学时数:3学分/60学时开课单位/开课学期:信息管理系/第6学期课程类别:专业必修面向专业:图书馆学专业课程负责人:程焕文教授、潘燕桃副教授课程内容简介(中文): “信息资源共享”是图书馆学专业的一门专业核心课程。其内容包括信息资源建设与服务的基本概念、基本定理、基本原则、基本政策、各种技术与方法、信息资源共享的理论、方法、国内外信息资源共享计划等方面。该课程注重理论与实践相结合、传统方法与现代技术相结合、印刷信息资源与电子信息资源相结合、中国国情与国际潮流相结合,特别突出了在网络环境下的信息资源建设、服务与共建共享,例如:网络信息参考咨询服务,馆际互借(ILL),电子文献传递(EDD),信息资源及其服务的评价、世界各国信息资源共享计划等,理论丰富、内容新颖、资料全面,更加切合当前图书馆事业的客观实际、更加切合国际的发展潮流与趋势,是一门理论丰富、可操作性强的致用性图书馆学专业课程。课程内容简介(英文): Information Resource Sharing is a core curriculum of library science. This course deals with the basic concepts, laws, principles, policies, technologies and methods of information resource development and service; the theory and practice of in formation resource sharing; and the programs of information resource sharing in the world. This course lays stress on combining theory with practice, combining traditional methods with current technologies, combining printed resource and digital resource, and combining Chinese situations with world trends, especially on networked information resource development, service and sharing, including online information reference, ILL, EDD, evaluation on information resource, and programs of information resource sharing in developed countries. 信息检索语言课程编号:35112676课程名称(中文):信息检索语言课程名称(英文): Information Retrieval Languages学分数/学时数:2/36开课单位/开课学期:信息管理系/第6学期课程类别:专业选修面向专业:信息管理与信息系统专业、图书馆学专业和档案学专业课程负责人:武立斌课程内容简介(中文):信息检索语言是信息管理系本科生三年级下学期的选修课,该课程的主要任务是使学生掌握有关信息检索语言的基本理论和基本方法;了解各种具体的信息检索语言的构成原理、性能及应用;初步具备对文献进行主题分析的能力及文献的分类标引和主题标引能力。该课程主要介绍等级体系型分类检索语言、分析-综合型分类检索语言、标题词型主题检索语言、单元词型主题检索语言、叙词型主题检索语言、关键词型主题检索语言和分类法主题法一体化检索语言,另外也介绍自然语言在信息检索中的应用问题。课程内容简介(英文):Information Retrieval Languages is a selected course for third-year students. The mission of this curriculum is to let students mastery of the basic theories, knowledge and methods of information retrieval languages; know the principles, properties and apply met
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