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酒店各部门应急计划操作程序Objective 目标:To ensure that the hotel and all staff are adequately prepared for any emergencies that may arise.确定酒店所有部门及员工对可能出现的紧急情况有充分的准备。Procedure 程序:In the event of a computer stoppage, the hotel will continue to function on a manual basis until the computer system is restored.在电脑系统发生故障期间,酒店所有部门将会采取手工操作程序,直到电脑系统恢复为止。Front Desk 前台The Front Office Duty Manager will carry out the following task:前厅部值班经理将会执行以下任务:1. Advise the following key personnel immediately:立刻通知以下关主要相关人员:-IT Manager / IT Co-coordinator on Duty 信息技术部经理或信息技术部值班人员-General Manager 总经理-Director of Finance 财务总监-Rooms Division Manager 房务总监- Front Office Manager 前厅部经理-Executive Housekeeper 客房部行政管家-Manager on Duty 行政值班经理- Service Centre Staff 客户中心员工- Outlet Cashiers 各站点收银员2. Supervise and manually update the last print-out of the following contingency reports to be produced from the latest back-up disk before the breakdown:从系统发生故障前最新的备份磁盘上打印出来以下报表,并准备开始手工更新:-Registered Guests (By Name) 在店客人报表(按名称排序)-Registered Guests (By Room Number) 在店客人报表 (按房间号码排序)- Arrival Report 预计抵达客人报表- Departure Report 预计离店客人报表- Folios for departing guests 所有预计离店客人的明细帐单- Guest Ledger Trial Balance 客帐余额报表- Room Lists (for all rooms) 房间列表报表(所有房间)3. Update the Registered Guests reports by obtaining information from the Arrival Report for guests who have checkin after the last printout and from the Front Desk staff for the guests who have checkout after the last printout.根据预计抵达客人报表中的信息对已登记客人报表中内容进行检查更新,并通过从前台接待处了解的信息,对在报表打印后办理了入店手续的客人以及离店客人的信息进行更新。 4. Update the Room List report through telephone communication with Housekeeping Department and feedback from Front Desk staff.通过前台员工的回馈信息,并通过电话与客房部进行沟通,以此来更新房间列表报表5. Assign one Front Desk staff to inform concerned departments / sections about guests checkout so that no more charges to the guest folio.指定一名前台员工将已离店客人的信息通知相关的部门,避免客人办理离店手续后,在其他营业站点的消费被当成在店客人的客帐处理。6. Ensure that having checked-out each guests, the front desk staff will put a “VD” remark in the Room List report and inform Housekeeping Department to clean the room. When the room is ready for sale, the Housekeeping Department will report to Front Desk who will change the room status to “VR”. The Front Desk staff will mark off the Room List and update the Registered Guests reports whenever a room is sold.每当有客人离店时,前台员工需要在房间列表报表上对相应的房间做出“VD(空的需要清洁的房间)”标记,并通知客房部打扫房间。当房间清洁完毕,可以出售时,客房部通知前台,并由前台员工将房间列表报表上的相对应房间的状态改成“VR(空的可以出售)”,前台员工在卖出一间房间后,需要及时在房间列表报表上做出标记并更新在店客人报表。7. Ensure that the Arrival Report is updated manually at all times by inserting the room numbers next to the name of the guest and this report is to be kept in the Front Desk for input into the computer system when the system is back in operation.确保预计抵达客人报表随时都在手工更新,更新时要在客人姓名后插入房间号码,这份报表需要一起保存到电脑系统恢复运行时,并由前台员工依照报表上的信息输入到电脑系统中。8. Assign one Front Desk staff to sort out all the guest checks by floor for that day. The guest folio balance up to the room charges for the preceding day can be obtained from the Guest Ledger Trial Balance report. All F&B cashiers must firstly inform the Front Desk staff and then forward the signed restaurants checks to the Front Desk staff as soon as possible. The Front Desk staff will manually add the charges for that day (including all charges which were automatically posted during normal operations) to the balance carried forward amount in the folio so that it could be presented to the guest for payment when the need arises.指定一名前台员工挑出所有客人的当天帐单,并按楼层顺序排列好;客人帐单上的余额为当天帐单金额加上前一天客人余额报表上的的数额。所有餐厅收银员必须在第一时间通知前台员工并将有客人签名的餐厅帐单尽快转达给前台,前台员工手工累加当天所有客人产生的费用(包括在系统正常时自动入帐的费用),帐单最终余额会体现在客人房间帐单上;如当客人付帐时需要核对帐单,便可将这些帐单呈递客人。9. Ensure that the Front Desk staff keeps the balance brought forward folio and guest checks for posting to the computer when the system is back in operations.确保前台员工将客人所有帐单(包括其它部门所转来的帐单)保存完好,并在电脑系统恢复正常后输入系统。10. Ensure that the Front Desk staff politely explain to guests about the existing computer problem and informing the guests that copies of the folio will be mailed to them immediately when the computer resumes operations. 确保前台员工有礼貌地向客人解释由于电脑系统出现故障给客人带来的不便,并告知客人当电脑系统运行正常后,会在第一时间将客人帐单的复印件通过邮件发送给客人。Reservation and Sales Departments 预订部和销售部1. The Reservation and Sales Departments staff will take reservations as per normal through the telephone. The staffs are to be aware of the black out dates to avoid overbooking. Input the bookings into the computer when the system resumes operations. 预订部和销售部的员工可以像平时一样通过电话来接受预订。预订部员工要注意的是不要超出当天的预订。当电脑系统正常后将这些预订信息输入系统。2. Ensure to perform the Holidex update when the system resumes operations.确保在系统恢复正常后要更新Holidex中的预订信息。3. All the same days new reservations including amendments and cancellations which are received during the computer breakdown should be forwarded to the Front Desk as soon as they are confirmed.所有当天在电脑系统发生故障期间所收到的新的预订,包括更改的和取消的,在确认后需要转给前台。Housekeeping Department 客房部1. Housekeeping staff will update manually the Room List, which is kept by them as a source document during normal operations. 客房部员工需要手工更新房间列表,这些报表将被保存,并做为电脑系统恢复正常后的输入系统的依据。2. Housekeeping staff to report by telephone all clean and vacant rooms to the Front Desk to update the Room List report kept by the Front Desk.客房部员工通过电话向前台通报所有已清洁房间和空房间,并由前台员工更新手里的房间列表报表。3. Forward all Mini Bar Voucher and Guest Landry Voucher to Front Desk. Front Desk staff will calculate the amount and put vouchers into guest folio by guest room number.将所有迷你吧帐单和洗衣单送到前台,前台员工在计算帐单合计后根据房间号将这些帐单放在客人帐夹中。Service Centre 客户服务中心1. The last print-out of the following reports must be updated manually:以下报表在系统发生故障前最后打印出的必须手工进行更新- Registered Guests (by Name) 在店客人报表(按名称排序)- Registered Guests (by Room Number) 在店客人报表 (按房间号码排序)2. The Service Centre staff can obtain information from both reports updated by Front Desk.客服中心员工可从前台获得最新的报表和相关的信息。3. Whenever chargeable calls are made from guestrooms, Service Center staff should immediately prepare the Miscellaneous Charge Voucher and pass them to the Front Desk for updating the Guest Folio.只要有客人从房间打出应收费电话,客户中心员工应立刻填写“杂项收费单”并送交前台,以便更新客人的帐单信息。IT Department 信息技术部1. The IT Manager and his assistants must report immediately to the Hotel and take command of the computer system.信息技术部经理及其助手应立刻报告酒店相关部门,并对系统进行检查。2. In the event that it is a hardware breakdown, the IT Manager will report to the vendor and request immediate dispatch of a Customer Engineer to rectify the problem.如果是因为硬件故障产生的问题,信息技术部经理必须及联系硬件供应商并要求立刻派遣客户服务工程师来解决问题。3. In the event that it is a software breakdown, IT manager should immediately contact support engineer, describe the problem to support engineer, request to solve the problem through telephone or remote control. 如系统故障是软件故障,信息技术部经理应立即联系系统供应商的技术支持人员,将故障现象准确、详细地告知技术支持工程师,由技术工程师通过电话或远程控制尽快解决问题。4. IT manager should communication all relative department through telephone, report the processing to Director of Finance & Business Suport. If system restore, check all systems and interfaces to ensure system resumes operations, and inform all department to stop manually process.信息技术部经理应通过电话与所有相关部门进行联系,并将进展情况通报财务总监。在系统恢复后,应检查所有关联的系统和接口,如果一切正常,通知所有部门停止手工操作。5. All IT staff must stay in the Hotel until the system is up and in operation again.所有信息技术部员工需要留在酒店直到系统恢复正常为止。6. All system support contact list must be placed on the visible position, IT staff can report to support engineer immediately by this list.所有系统技术支持工程师的联系方式应被置于一个明显的位置,信息技术部员工可通过这个联系单尽快联系到相关的工程师。Manager on Duty and Front Office Duty Manager 当日值班经理和前厅部经理Should always be on standby at the front desk and lobby and to extend help whenever called for.必须留在前台和大堂待命并在接到电话后随时提供帮助。Emergency Plan for Credit Card 对信用卡的运作的应急计划Front Desk and Front Desk should have sufficient stock of various kinds of credit card charge vouchers and credit card imprinters. Telephone number list for the credit card centers must always be kept in each counter. Arrange sufficient staff to work in the counters for manual operations in the event of a computer breakdown. All cashiers are to be trained on manual credit card settlement procedures.前台和财务部必须确保各类信用卡的单据和压卡机有充足的库存量,每个收银站点必须要有一份各银行信用卡中心的电话列表。在电脑系统发生故障期间必须在每个收银站点安排足够的员工,所有收银员必须受过手工信用卡结帐的培训。Front Office 前台- Imprint credit card voucher upon guest check-in,客人办理入住手续时压印信用卡单。- Call the authorization center for approval code and mark it down on the credit card voucher.打电话到授权中心要到授权号并把它记下信用卡单上。- Upon guest checkout, write down the total amount onto the credit card voucher that is imprinted upon guest check-in.客人结帐退房时,把总金额写在客人入住时压印的信用卡单上。- Ask for guest signature and verify the signature against the one credit card.要求客人签字,并与信用卡的签字进行核对。- Return the credit card and the customer copy of the charge voucher together with the 1st copy of the guest check to guest.将信用卡和卡单的客户联连同客人帐单的第一份复印件一同交还给客人。- Front Desk to send the other copies of the credit card voucher to Finance for further processing.前台将卡单的其他联交给财务部,以进行下一程序的操作。Emergency Plan for POS breakdown 餐饮系统故障期间的应急计划Each outlet cashier counter should have some pre-printed manual guest checks available. When the system breakdown, F&B is to arrange sufficient staff to work in the counter for manual operation. Outlet supervisor to patrol each outlet to assist and to send guest checks to Front Desk for posting. All cashiers are to be trained on the manual procedures for guest check settlement including the use of calculators for bill computation.每个站点的收银柜台内必须存有印刷好的客人手工帐单。当系统不能正常使用时,餐饮部应该安排足够的员工以应付手工运作的需要。各站点的主管应该在每个站点进行巡视以提供帮助,并将各站点客人消费的帐单送到前台进行入帐,对所有的收银员必须进行手工结帐工作程序的培训,其中包括如何使用加数器。1. Waiters/Waitress will take orders from guests using manual Captain Orders.服务员应该使用手工的点菜单进行点菜。2. Upon receipt of Captain Orders, the cashier to post the orders to the manual Guest Check immediately.在收到手工点菜单时,收银员立刻将这些点菜单上的信息手工加在客人的帐单上。3. Clip the Captain Orders together with the Guest Checks and put them into pits according to table numbers.手工点菜单和客人的帐单用夹子夹在一起并把它们放在标有台号的帐单架内。4. When guests ask for the bill, take out the Guest Checks from the pit and calculate the total amounts of the Guest Checks with calculator. After that, give the Guest Check to the waiter/waitress for presentation to guests.当客人要求结帐时,从相应的格子中找出客人的帐单并用加数器计算出总金额,最后由服务员将客人帐单呈递给客人。5. Settle Guest Checks by different types of payment methods as follows:依据客人结帐方式的不同,请分别参照以下的相关内容:Cash 现金结帐- Stamp “Paid” to the Guest Check upon receipt of money.收到现金后在客人的帐单上盖上“PAID”章- 1st copy of the Guest Check to be returned to guests for record将客人帐单的第一联交还给客人。- 2nd copy of Guest Check together with Captain Orders to be kept and submitted to Finance.客人帐单的第二联和手工点菜单放在一起并交给财务部。- Mark down details of the Guest Checks to “Cashier Balance Report”.在“收银员帐目报表”上写下客人帐单的明细。Credit Card 信用卡结帐- Post the credit card to the EDC machine with the total of the Guest Check amount.使用银行的刷卡机收取客人相应的金额,- Imprint the credit card onto the guest checks.把客人的信用卡压印在客人帐单上。- Pass the credit card voucher to the waiter/waitress for guests signature and return the credit card and the customer copy of the voucher together with the 1st copy of the guest check to the guest.把信用卡单交给服务员并请客人签字,然后将信用卡和卡单的客户联以及客人帐单的第一联一同交给客人。- 2nd copy of Guest Check and credit card voucher together with Captain Orders to be kept and submitted to Finance.客人帐单的第二联和信用卡单和手工点菜单一起交给财务部。- Mark down details of the Guest Checks to “Cashier Balance Report”.在“收银员余额报表”中写下客人帐单上的明细。Guest Ledger 挂帐- Verify the room number and guest name against Registered Guest report that is sent from Front Office.依照前台发出的“在店客人报表”核对客人的房间号和姓名。- Telephone Front Desk immediately with the details of the Guest Check including room number, guest name, outlet name, Guest Check number, amount and record the name of the Front Desk staff that received the call.立刻打电话通知前台,告知前台员工客人帐单上的详细内容,包括房间号码、客人名称、站点名称、客人的帐单号码、帐单的总金额,并记录下接电话的前台员工的姓名。- Send the 1st copy of the Guest Check to the Front Desk.将客人帐单的第一联送到前台。- 2nd copy of Guest Check together with Captain Orders to be kept and submitted to Finance客人帐单的第二联和手工点菜单一起交给财务部- Mark down details of the Guest Checks to “Cashier Balance Report”.在“收银员余额报表”中写下客人帐单上的明细。 Upon the system retrieve to operation, the waiter/waitress has to post and print checks; the cashier will close the check in POS system. For any guest ledger charges, the cashier can use offline to close the check.一旦系统恢复正常,服务员必须在点菜机上输入并打印帐单,收银员必须在POS系统中关闭帐单,如果要对客人帐单进行挂帐处理,收银员可以使用离线来关闭客人帐单。 All manual check must be attached with the correspondence printed checks .Especially for those checks settled by guest ledger. 所有手工的帐单必须附上相对应的系统打印出来的帐单,特别是挂客帐的帐单。Emergency Plan Holidex Holidex的应急计划1. The IT Manager, Director of Rooms, Director of Finance & Business Support and Revenue Manager should be informed immediately.系统出现问题后,应当及时通知信息技术部经理,房务总监,财务总监和收益管理经理。2. The Reservation staff should inform Holidex system Reservation Center in Guangzhou, China, the telephone number is 8008306368.预订部员工应该通知Holidex中国区预订中心,号码为80083063683. At the same time, the Reservation staff should inform the Holidex Administrator in Asia Pacific Office and get the following reports by fax for maintaining normal operation.在同一时间,预订部员工就通知亚太区Holidex系统的管理员,并通过传真机得到以下报表以实现正常运作。a) The previous days LCU (List of Commission Update) and LPU (List of Priority Club Update).前一天的LCU(更新的佣金列表)报表和LPU(更新的优悦会会员)报表b) The present day and next days LEA (List of Expected Arrivals).当天和第二天的LEA(预计抵达客人列表)c) The present days LCD (List of Commission Departures) and LPD (List of Priority Club Departures).当天的LCD(已离店客人佣金报表)和LPD(已离店优悦会会员的列表)d) The next days LCA (List of Commission Arrivals) and LPA (List of Priority Club Arrivals).第二天的LCA(已到店客人的佣金列表)和LPA(已到店优悦会会员报表)e) GNR (Reservation Orders).GNR(预订单)f) VID (View Daily Inventory) for the present day and the next three days onward.当天和以后三天的VID(每日房间信息列表)4. Record the Holidex bookings and complete the LCU report and send back to Asia Pacific Office for processing.记录下Holidex中的预订信息并完成LCU报表,然后发送回亚太区办公室进行处理。5. Update the LPU report to calculate the Priority Club Points for in-house guests and send back to Asia Pacific Office for processing.更新LPU报表并记算出在店客人优悦会员的累计分数,然后发送回亚太区办室进行处理。6. For handling of Priority Club enquiries, Reservation staff should contact the Priority Club Center directly.在处理优悦会会员的咨询时,预订部员工必须直接联系优悦会会员中心。7. Reservation Manager should check the daily forecast against the VID report to make sure that the Holidex Inventory is under control. For any change of the room inventory in the Holidex, Reservation Manager should inform Asia Pacific Office to update the Hotel.预订部经理必须根据VID报表对每日预记的住房率进行检查,必须确保Holidex中的房间清单处在良好的控制之下,Holidex中如果有任何的房间信息的更改,预订部经理必须通知亚太区办公室以更新酒店信息。8. For handling onward reservation for sister hotels, Reservation staff should directly contact the concerned sister hotel by telephone or by fax. Booking can also be referred to the Reservation Center. Written confirmation should be obtained and presented to guests.处理集团内部酒店的预订信息时,预订部员工应通过电话或传真直接联系相关的酒店,此预订应该被发送到预订中心,写下确认号并呈交给客人。9. Once the Holidex system is up, Reservation staff should inform the Holidex Administrator in Asia Pacific Office to stop sending the reports to the hotel via fax.在Holidex恢复正常运行后,预订部员工必须通知亚太区办公室的Holidex管理员,以停止通过传真发送报表。Emergency Plan Lifts 应急计划_电梯1. Staff who discovered the breakdown To inform the Service Center staff immediately by identifying himself/herself and giving exact details of the breakdown.如果员工发现故障,应立即通知客户服务中心员工并告知自己的身份,并且将故障现象明确地描述给客户服务中心的员工。2. Service Center staff- To inform the following:客户服务中心员工 - 应通知以下人员:a. General Manager 总经理b. Manager on Duty 当天值班经理c. Chief Engineer 总工程师d. Director of Rooms 房务总监e. Security Manager 保安部经理f. Executive Housekeeper 行政管家g. Director of F&B 餐饮部总监3. Engineering Department 工程部- To contact the supplier of the lifts immediately.立刻联系电梯的供应商。- To go to the location of the breakdown for investigation and rectification.立即前往故障发生地点,对故障原因进行调查并着手解决
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