



FONTANA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICTSUMMARY OF PERFORMANCE (SOP)An SOP is a summary of the students academic achievement and functional performance, including recommendations on how to assist the student in meeting post-secondary goals. An SOP formneeds to be developed for each student whose eligibility for special education is terminated due to graduation with a regular education diploma, certificate of completion, or reaching maximum age of majority (22).PART 1: BACKGROUND INFORMATIONStudent Name: DOB: Meeting Date: Address: City: Zip Code: Phone #: Current School: Primary Disability: Native Language: Student Has Participated in Transition Activities (Check all that apply) Vocational Classes Independent Living Skills Community Based Instruction Regional Occupational Program Other: Self-Advocacy Training Transition Portfolio Paid Employment Service Learning Other: Job Shadow Pre-Vocational Skill Training Work Experience Career Counseling Other: Students Goals for Different Areas of Their LifeContinued Education or Training None Maybe some community college classes Community college to study in: Trade/vocational school for: University to Major in: Other: Other: Employment or Military None None, raise a family Military Part-time while going to school Full-time employment Volunteer work Other: Living Arrangements Live in a group home Live with my parents Live with some roommates Live on my own Live with other family members Other: Community Participation (Recreation & Leisure Time) Continue my current friendships Join community groups/sport team(s) Meet new friends at work/school Develop some new hobbies/interests Continue my hobbies/interest of: Other: PART 2: DOCUMENTATION SUMMARY (Attached) Individual Education Plan (IEP) Formal or Informal Measures of Academic Performance Career Interest Inventory Achievements/Academics Other: Classroom Observations Psychologist Report(s) Behavior Support Plan (BSP) Transcripts Other: Language Proficiency Assessments Reading Assessments Assistive Technology Other: Other: PART 3: SUMMARY OF ACADEMIC/COGNITIVE & FUNCTIONAL PERFORMANCE (Fill in all areas)Academic/Cognitive PerformanceFunctional PerformanceREADINGGeneral Reading ability is: Word Analysis/decoding ability is: Reading comprehension is: Reading fluency is: Reading speed is: SOCIAL SKILLS & BEHAVIORSAccepts responsibilities: Works independently: Follows directions: Interacts with teachers/peers: Identifies consequences of behaviors: WRITTEN LANGUAGEGeneral writing ability is: Spelling ability is: Word usage (vocabulary) is: Writing fluency is: Grammar ability is: Sequencing/organizing ability is: SELF-DETERMINATION/SELF ADVOCACY SKILLSAbility to identify & articulate postsecondary goals: Articulate learning strengths and needs: Ability to ask for help: MATHGeneral math ability is: Reasoning/logic ability is: Calculation ability is: Algebraic problem solving is: Highest Level of Math Completed is: INDEPENDENT LIVING SKILLSSelf-care: Personal hygiene: Transportation: Personal safety: Budgeting and banking: Leisure skills: GENERAL ABILITY & PROBLEM SOLVINGReasoning/processing: CAREER & VOCATIONALCareer interests: Job training: Career exploration opportunities: ATTENTION & EXECUTIVE FUNCTIONINGEnergy level: Sustained attention: Memory functions: Processing speed: Impulse control: ENVIRONMENTAL ACCESS/MOBILITYAssistive technology: Mobility: Transportation: PART 4: STUDENTS POST-SECONDARY GOALS & RECOMMENDATIONS TO ASSIST Employment: Education/Training: Independent Living Skills: Recommendations To Assist The Student In Meeting Postsecondary GoalsRelated to Support Check for understanding Preferential/assigned seating Use of notes for tests/assignments Use of assignment notebook or planner Provided with progress reports Supervision during unstructured time Cues/prompts Instructions/directions repeated/rephrased Supervision during structural activities Assistance with personal needs Interpreter Extended time on in-class assignments/tests Open book for tests/assignments Note taking assistance Access to computers on campus Use of a scribe/word processing Physical modifications Offer choices Use of a calculator Peer tutor Prior Behavior Support Plan (BSP) Other: Other: Other: Presentation of Materials & Instruction Book on tape and/or CD Assignments/tests modified to address needs Closed caption Tests/assignments/directions read orally Tests questions/assignments given orally Visual aids: flash cards, maps, posters, etc. Tests/assignments modified Tests/assignments given in smaller parts Visual model for task completion Large print materials Braille Present one task at a time Break task into small parts Questions on tests/assignments rephrased Instructions/directions repeated/rephrased Preview of tests/assignments Hand-over-hand task instruction Use of voice amplifier English language development materials Manipulative/study aids Other: Other: Other: Response to Materials & Instruction Test questions/assignments given orally Use of notes for tests/assignments Proof reader Reduced/shortened tests/assignments/tasks Extended time on in-class tests/assignments Use of a calculator Open book for tests/assignments Other: Other: Other: Settings Access to study carrel for task/assignments/tests Place for short active breaks Free from visual distractions Quiet environment free from excessive noise In a small group environment Other: Other: Other: PART 5: STUDENT PERSPECTIVE1. Which of the accommodations/modifications in Part 4 have helped you to succeed in school?2. Will you need help to obtain any services, supports, or programs after you leave high school? Yes N


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