



广告语言和广告的变通翻译法【论文学科】英语语言文学论文【论文级别】硕士论文,硕士毕业论文,硕士研究生论文【中文关键词】【中文题名】广告语言和广告的变通翻译法【英文题名】Advertising Language and Adapted Translation of Advertisement【所属分类】哲学与人文科学,外国语言文字,英语【英文关键词】【中文摘要】我国社会主义商品经济的蓬勃发展,促进了广告事业的不断繁荣,而这种繁荣又对我国经济发展有进一步的推动作用。作为广告研究的核心,广告语言远不只是单纯体现其商业性,它是集语言学、美学、心理学、广告学和市场营销学等学科原理及区域社会历史文化渊源为一体的宣传性语言艺术。在全球经济趋向一体化的今天,广告语言艺术在区域文化特点不断丰富的同时,也日益具有国际性。 广告语言作为广告的载体,其从一种语言形式转换到另一种语言形式,同时又要保留原有的市场功效,远不是一般单纯的语言翻译所能够实现的。广告翻译既要体现原文中语言表达艺术和商品实用特点的内在联系,又要蕴含丰富的地区文化历史特征以满足特定区域消费者的不同要求和消费趋向。在中国加入世贸组织,中国经济与世界经济日益接轨的今天,通过实例深入分析和探讨广告翻译理论和国际市场对广告翻译的需求,总结现有的广告翻译模式,并在中国经济迅猛发展的大环境下进一步探索广告(来源:A2b2bBC论文网)翻译的新方法,不仅能加深我们对全球跨国公司广告运作的认识和了解,同时也将对中国企业走向世界,迅速融入全球经济发挥重要的作用。 本文旨在讨论广告语言的特性,并尝试对广告翻译做初步研究。文章首先介绍了全文的构架,然后从词法、句法、修辞学及语义学四方面详尽介绍了广告语言的特点。在以上基础上,文章第三节主要通过实例研究广告翻译。该章简要介绍了现有翻译理论和翻译原理,并列举出四种翻译方法:音译、直译、意译和变通译法。其中变通译法是本文论述的重点。 所谓变通译法,即通过谐音双关翻译法、仿拟等一系列灵活变通的翻译方法,使广告译文为读者所接受、喜爱,并达到促进销售的目的。变通译法是在尤金奈达的翻译动态对等理论和彼得纽马克的语义交际翻译理论基础上产生的。为了详尽研究变通译法,本文将广告语的“中译英”和“英译中”分开考虑,在大量例证的基础上逐一论证。任何一则广告都是在特定语言环境中创作产生的(来源:ABC论文66网),具有极强的文化特性。因此,广告译者还须深谙源语、目的语文化及其不同的语言表达习惯,这样译文对目的语读者产生的效果才可能大体等同于原文对源语读者的效果。此外,广告译者还应具备相当的市场营销知识,配合翻译理论站在市场高度理解广告翻译的功效,使目的语广告最大限度的发挥作用。 文章的最后一章通过对全文的总结,再次论证了变通译法在广告翻译中的重要性,并将广告翻译囊括进跨文化传播学的研究范畴。广告译者在进行广告翻译的同时,应分析源语读者和目的语读者在语言学、美学、心理学等方面的差异,并以此指导广告语的翻译实践。总之,广告译者须掌握广告翻译理论,了解其它相关学科和历史文化背景,通过大量的实践和读者反馈不断丰富自己翻译经验,提高翻译水平。(来源:Ab7a7BC论文网)【英文摘要】Advertising is something that we are all exposed to everyday. It is also something that is likely to affect us in a number of different spheres of our lives. Advertising takes many forms, but in most of them language is of crucial importance. The wording of advertisements is especially crafted to meet the purpose of informing, persuading and influencing. In todays world, with the extraordinary growth in the number of businesses operating internationally, the need of translating advertisement is increasing at a very rapid rate. However, advertising translation is still a relatively new subject in China that lacks sophisticated guiding theories or principles. Therefore, it is necessary to revisit the existing models of advertising translation and explore effective new approaches in this regard to meet the increasing demand of the international market.This thesis aims to discuss the characteristics of advertising language and advertising translation between English and Chinese. After a panoramic view of the whole thesis, the second chapter of the thesis discusses the linguistic features of advertising language in four perspectives, namely morphology, syntax, rhetoric and semantics. Based on the above understanding, the third chapter talks about advertising translation. The chapter starts with a brief account of the existing translation theories and an explanation of the translation process. It is followed up by a list of four approaches for translating advertisements, i.e. transliteration, free translation, literal translation and adapted translation.Adapted translation is defined here as a strategic means of advertising translation. It is developed from Nidas dynamic equivalent translation and Newmarks concept of semantic and communicative translation. Besides some commonly applied strategies in advertising translation between Chinese and English, the thesis discusses particular translation tips for translating English advertisements into Chinese or vice versa, taking into consideration the unique linguistic features of both languages. Besides the substantial details put into the linguistic perspective in advertising translation, cultural and marketing factors cannot afford to be ignored. Advertising reflects the culture of the society. Thus thorough understanding of both the source and target language cultures is required for the translator to capture the unique expectation of the target markets. Likewise, translators who possess knowledge of marketing will contribute to the final advertising product that is ready to go for the market at the lowest possible cost. A large number of examples were recorded and analyzed to support the theories advocated or tips offeredfrom practice.The concluding chapter reiterates that adapted translation based on Nida and Newmarks principles is the chosen approach for advertising translation, so to produce functionally adequate target texts especially tailored to the target audiences and achieve the ultimate goal of sales. To end the thesis, the author concludes that advertising translation is an intercultural topic and requires further study on intercul


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