



闽教版六年级词组复习1 winter vacation 寒假 2 see a flower show 看花展 3 see the ice carvings 看冰雕 4 go to the fair 去庙会5 (at) Spring Festival (在)春节 6 make snowmen 堆雪人7 play at the seaside 在海边玩 8 climb a mountain 登山 9 stay at home 呆在家里 10 learn English 学习英语11 do ones homework 做家庭作业 12 do ones housework 做家务13 help each other 互相帮助 14 go to school 去上学15 have a cold 感冒 16 have a fever 发烧17 have a toothache 牙痛 18 have a headache 头痛19 in the morning 上午 20 in the evening 晚上21 in the afternoon 下午 22 drink a lot of water 喝许多水23 stay in bed 呆在床上 24 talk about 谈论25 look like 看起来像 26 give birth to 产仔27 lay eggs 生蛋 28 live at the South Pole 住在南极29 in water 在水里 30 on land 在陆地上31 in trees 在树上 32 Mothers Day 母亲节33 do some shopping 购物 34 take a photo 照相35 what about 怎么样 36 how about 怎么样 37 roast beef 烤牛肉 38 roast duck 烤鸭39 apple pie 苹果馅饼 40 pumpkin pie 南瓜馅饼41 orange juice 橙汁 42 carrot juice 胡萝卜汁43 vegetable salad 蔬菜色拉 44 chicken soup 鸡汤45 fish ball 鱼丸 46 good idea 好主意47 in the sky 在天空中 48 have / has to 必须49 go to a middle school 去上中学 50 have a farewell party 开告别聚会51 make a year book 制作毕业纪念册52 telephone number 电话号码53 make a CD / card 制作光盘 / 贺卡 54 have a good time 玩得愉快55 a spring outing 春游 56 last year 去年57 get to 到达 58 Sports Day 运动会59 Thanksgiving Dinner 感恩节晚餐 60 shopping center 购物中心61 three years ago 三年前 62 be worried about 担心63 be good at 擅长 64 by train 乘火车65 by plane 乘飞机 66 by bike 骑自行车67 by bus 乘公交车 68 on foot 步行69 in New York 在纽约 70 Childrens Day 儿童节71 in the park 在公园 72 on holiday 度假73 play basketball 打篮球 74 play the piano / violin 弹钢琴/小提琴75 ice cream 冰淇淋 76 go to hospital 去医院77 read an interesting book 读一本有趣的书 78 watch TV 看电视79 go ones wedding 去参加婚礼 80 meet many friends 遇到许多朋友 81 visit different places 参观不同的地方 82 want to be 想当;想成为83 an art / English class 一节美术 / 英语课84 an American girl 一个美国女孩 85 an airhostess 一名空姐86 an hour 一个小时 87 long hours 长时间88 be going to + 动词原形 (表示将要做某事)90 will + 动词原形 (表示将要做某事)89 be going for + 名词 (表示将要做某事) 91 be + 动词 ing (表示正在做某事)1 winter vacation 2 see a flower show 3 see the ice carvings 4 go to the fair 5 (at) Spring Festival 6 make snowmen 7 play at the seaside 8 climb a mountain 9 stay at home 10 learn English 11 do ones homework 12 do ones housework 13 help each other 14 go to school 15 have a cold 16 have a fever 17 have a toothache 18 have a headache 19 in the morning 20 in the evening 21 in the afternoon 22 drink a lot of water 23 stay in bed 24 talk about 25 look like 26 give birth to 27 lay eggs 28 live at the South Pole 29 in water 30 on land 31 in trees 32 Mothers Day 33 do some shopping 34 take a photo 35 what about 36 how about 37 roast beef 38 roast duck 39 apple pie 40 pumpkin pie 41 orange juice 42 carrot juice 43 vegetable salad 44 chicken soup 45 fish ball 46 good idea 47 in the sky 48 have / has to 49 go to a middle school 50 have a farewell party 51 make a year book 52 telephone number 53 make a CD / card 54 have a good time 55 a spring outing 56 last year 57 get to 58 Sports Day 59 Thanksgiving Dinner 60 shopping center 61 three years ago 62 be worried about 63 be good at 64 by train 65 by plane 66 by bike 67 by bus 68 on foot 69 in New York 70 Childrens Day 71 in the park 72 on holiday 73 play basketball 74 play the piano / violin 75 ice cream 76 go to hospital 77 read an interesting book 78 watch TV 79 go ones wedding 80 meet many friends 81 visit different places 82 want to be 83 an art / English c


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