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新思维综合英语(3) 课程辅导unit 1 writing 巴州电大 冯晓梅 2011年 新思维综合英语(3)写作练习 vDirections: Write a short article about somebody you know, or you know of, or you have read about. Pay attention to the small details that can reveal the characters or personality of the person. You may also want to practice your ability of describing people, their appearance and actions. A Beggar v At a street corner squats a beggar. He is always there, under the tree, in the shade. Senile as he is, he crouches( 蹲;蹲伏) in some ragged pieces of cloth. He is there, always there, like a sculpture(雕塑品) in the street. Day after day, thousands of people pass by hurriedly. Some spare coins, most give a quick glance in disgus/g/(反感 、厌恶、嫌弃). It shocks me very much. What a miserable life a human being can bear! vAt the first sight, you will be appalled/(使惊 骇或沮丧) that God has created such a weak creature. His dark face is full of wrinkles/rikI/(皱纹), deep or shallow. They remind people of the hardship he has been through. His cheeks are bony (瘦的, 皮包骨)while his neck is so thin. His hair is like a nest, a nest with a coat of oil. What an impressive sculpture it is! vMost of the time, his mouth speaks while his eyes are half closed. But once a pedestrian(行人) passes by, he will keep nodding his head slightly and automatically as if a gust of wind had forced him to do so. At the same time, he raises his gnarled/na:Id/(变形的,指关节扭曲肿胀及皮肤粗糙 ) right hand from the ground, murmuring something to beg. What a hand! The wrinkles in his skin are stretching, twisting and intersecting( 交叉). Dirt fills the grooves. In front of him lies a broken bowl with only a few coins in it. vBeside him, there is a stick as slim as his legs as if the third leg of the poor old beggar. Believe it or not, it is more and more difficult to make a living by begging. vThe sun is shining in the sky, but it doesnt shine every corner of the world. There are still people who are not bathed(全被某物弄湿) in the sunshine. The beggar is just one of them. 范文二: A Miserable Talent(天才) v There once was a person who lived all his life in the kingdom established by himself, poor, lonely, and without any recognition by others. When he was 28, he fell in love with his cousin (表姐 )who was a pregnant (聪明、耐人寻味的)widow(寡妇 ). To express his love, he stretched his hand into the burning stove and seriously hurt his hand, almost disabling (丧失了能力 it. But his cousin didnt understand the special and weird(怪异的、古怪的) way of love, and refused him. He nearly killed himself for this incident. vOnce he went to a place requiring tickets. Without even five Francs, he was not allowed to get in. A woman named Rashell said to him, “Since you havent got any money, why not cut your ears instead?” He went back home and really cut his ears off with a sharp knife, then wrapped them in a piece of cloth, and sent them to Rashell. Most citizens in the town thought that he must be insane/ei/(精神失常的、疯狂的;愚蠢的), and even asked the government to send him to the madhouse. vHe loved painting, and he was a very talented painter. However, nobody could understand his pictures, nor could any one be aware of their value. His pictures could only be left in a tiny gallery administered(管理、治理) by his brother, but none of them was sold for years. Because of that, his brother was almost fired by the gallery holder. Perhaps there was only one picture finally sold out during his lifetime, which was named “Red Vineyard”/i /(葡萄园), at a price of four pounds. But the fact was that it was bought by his brother and friends who wanted to help him. vHis biggest wish was to find a cafe to exhibit his works, but no cafe was willing to offer the service until he was dead. In total desperation, he shot his abdomen/ (腹部) but not fatally/eit/(致命). He said to the doctor who came hurriedly, “It seems that I didnt do it well again.” He died in (无限的) despair and loneliness. His funeral was also very simple. Boundless generosity ,enthusiasm无比的慷慨热情 vHe was Vincent Van Gogh, the great painter. No one can rival(堪与某人相比) him in the artistic achievement even up to now. Every single one of his pictures is priceless. Now these pictures are collected in the museums in Paris, London and the Netherlands, and all of them are hung in the most conspicuous(明显的、惹人注目的) places. His birthplace Holland and his death place France both consider him a citizen. vWhy does God treat him so unfairly? Creating him as a talent while not creating even one person appreciating him? Does a talent need equal suffering to match with? Talented to the extreme极端、最高程度, miserable to the extreme? Maybe God has already figured it out. vFigure sb./sth. Out(esp. US):come to understand sb./sth by thinking理 解、弄明白;discover sth by using artithmetic ;calculate sth、计算出 范文一点评: v 本文用生动的语言形象地刻画了一位在路边以 乞讨为生的孤苦老人。作者非常注重细节的描写, 如乞讨者布满皱纹、饱经风霜的脸,乱蓬蓬油腻的 头发,半张半合的眼睛,粗糙的手,瘦弱的腿和脖 子,他面前的破碗,破烂的衣服等。还包括乞讨者 的动作,如向行人点头,伸手乞讨等。此外,作者 还描述了行人厌恶的神色,进一步渲染了乞讨者艰 难的处境,以唤起读者的共鸣。 v本文在语言表达上的一个特色是词汇丰富而准确。 如bony (cheeks),thin (neck),gnarled (hand), stretching,twisting,intersecting (wrinkles), broken (bowl) 等。作者还恰如其分地运用了一些修 辞手法,特别是比喻,如His hair is like a nest,a nest with a coat of oil;there is a stick as slim as his legs; he will keep nodding his head slightly and automatically as if a gust of wind had forced it to do so. v美中不足的是作者对乞讨者的描写没有遵循 一定的顺序。描写文的写作一般要按一定的 空间顺序组织,如:从上到下、从里到外、 从远到近等,使文章显得更有条理。此外, 在描写人物时,要抓住其最主要的特征,避 免面面俱到。 范文二点评: v 梵高是众所周知的世界顶尖画家,但他坎坷多 桀的一生恐怕不为许多人所知。细心的作者选取了 他生命中几个具有代表性的点滴,串成这篇以叙述 为主,夹叙夹议的人物速写,并采用了设置悬念的 手法,文章前半部分始终没有说明“他”是谁,谜底 到最后才揭晓,起到了很好的强化主题的作用。 v全文故事性强,信息量大,语言平实贴切,生动流 畅,扣人心弦,让人不由得随着故事情节而心潮澎 湃,为主人公感到义愤填膺,到结尾处更是使人恍 然大悟,平添几分崇敬之情。文末的几个设问是作 者情感迸发的高潮,或许也恰恰道出了主人公的心 声吧。 写这样的文章,要求作者需要做大量的素材收 集整理工作,在筛选素材的过程中,作者需要能够 抓住典型事件及其对人物性格、生活等方面的巨大 影响。这样,写出来的故事情节才能够具有很强的 感染力,才能够渲染气氛。 写作技巧之一:英语写作五原则 v 英语写作能力的培养是个漫长的过程,英语学习者需要 在平时的自主学习过程中不断坚持进行写作锻炼才能有所进 步和提高。为了帮助大家树立写好英语短文的信心,加强写 作训练过程,提高写作技巧的运用能力,本网络课程里每个 单元的写作训练部分,会向同学们提供一系列的“写作技巧” (一共12个),供大家自主学习时参考。 首先,在进行具体的写作训练之前,为了强调写作锻炼 的重要性,在本单元中,总结了英语写作的五个基本原则, 作为第一个宏观的技巧(或者要求)提供给大家,希望对大 家的写作训练能有所帮助。 一、渐进性原则 v 要坚持“句段篇”的训练程序,由易到难,循序 渐进。在英语写作的初始阶段,要始终注意培养良好的写作 习惯,狠抓基本功训练。在掌握了基本句型并能写出简单句 子后,再根据一些体例写出小段的文章。在段落写作中要学 会分析段落的结构、段落的中心句、句与句之间的逻辑关系 、写作手法等,这样有利于掌握一篇完整的文章的写作。在 文章写作中要逐渐学会如何构思文章、如何运用正确的写作 技巧等。在后几个单


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