人教课标版英语必修3 Unit5 Canada---The True North Reading教学设计.doc_第1页
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人教课标版英语必修3 Unit5 Canada---The True North Reading教学设计.doc_第5页
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Unit5 Canada-The True NorthPeriod Warming up Reading一、教学设计分析1. 教材分析the analysis of the text本单元reading(阅读课)部分是一篇游记,以日志的形式记述了李黛玉和刘倩去加拿大看他们的表兄妹的途中见闻,向我们展示了加拿大的概况,包括面积、地貌、城市、人口、生态环境等。本文对加拿大的介绍涉及面较宽,但没有详述。教材分为Warming up, pre-reading, Reading(1),Comprehending, Learning about language, Using language, Reading(2) , Listening, Speaking和Writing几个部分。从话题内容和功能上分析Warming up, Pre-reading和Reading话题相同,我把它们整合成一节阅读课,作为第一课时。 2. 学情分析the analysis of the class对于高一下学期的高中学生来讲,应该说具有一定的英语基础,但由于平时较少阅读到真人真事式的游记这样题材的文章,对这篇文章很好的阅读理解还是有一定难度。所以课前有意布置学生课前查找出有关加拿大的一些资料,让学生有了一定的知识准备以利于很好的理解课文。 3. 设计理念和教学思路teaching theory阅读课的目的就是培养学生一定的阅读技巧,引导学生浏览课文标题及相关的图示做出正确的推理和判断,懂得通过有略读和精读从文章中摄取必要的信息,并完成相关的阅读理解题。我采取了多媒体和学生搜索材料主动参与学习相结合,设计问答题,选择题,画路线题和看示意图复述等,涉及到的题型也比较广。这不仅检查了学生对文章细节的把握也检查了学生对文章所作的推理和判断。二. 教学目标Teaching goals 1. Target language目标语言a.重点词汇和短语rather than, baggage, scenery, eastward, chat, surround, harbor, measure, aboard, have a gift for, within, manage to do, catch sight of, eagle, acre, urbanb.重点句子Rather than take the aeroplane all the way, they decided to fly to Vancouver and then take the train from west to east across Canada.The thought that they could cross the whole continent was exciting.Going eastward, you will pass mountains and thousands of lakes and forests, as well as wide rivers and large cities.2. Ability goal 能力目标a. Learn how to describe the places that Li Daiyu and Liu Qian visit in Canada. b. Understand the noun clause used as appositive. c. Enable the students to understand the details of the passage about Canada and find the correct answers to the questions in the post-reading.3. Learning ability goals学能目标a. Improve the students reading ability - guessing words, searching for information.b. Learn the information about Canada.c. Master the expressions for describing directions and locations.4. Moral goals情感目标a. Guide the students to know more about Canada.b. Help the students to plan a trip and describe what they see and hear on the trip.三、教学重点难点Teaching important and difficult points1. 教学重点Teaching important pointsa. Learn to read the traveling report according to the traveling route.b. Understand the use of noun clause - appositive clause.c. Learn the methods of writing a traveling report about.2.教学难点Teaching difficult pointsa. Help the students to learn to read the traveling report.b. Understand the use of noun clause - appositive clause.四、教学方法、工具Teaching methods and aids1. 教学方法Teaching methodsFast reading and careful reading; Asking-and-answering activities;Make out and draw traveling route;Discussing and speaking activities2. 教具准备Teaching aids 电脑多媒体、电子白板、黑板等五、教学过程teaching procedureStep 1: Greetings and Duty reportStep 2: Lead-in and Warming Up1. T shows Ss the national flag of Canada. And ask: Whats this ? The national flag of CanadaHow much more do you know about Canada? (Do a quiz) Group competition (one group prepares and asks a question about Canada, and one group answers) .由这些问题切入到本单元的话题加拿大,并简单了解一些关于加拿大的信息,为阅读做好埋下悬念,做好准备。Step3: Pre-reading T: As you have known so much about Canada:Would you like to take a trip to Canada? What three words would you use to describe Canada?Step4: ReadingHere, today, we are going to follow two girls to have a trip to Canada.1. Fast-reading(1). T asks the Ss to look at the title the pictures and try to guess: 1.What kind of passage is it? DA. a story B. a piece of newsC. an advertisement D. a travel journal2.What is the passage mainly about?3.What is “The True North”? 4. Draw the route of the two girls traveling across Canada on the map on Page 33Answers:1D.2. The passage is about a trip of two girls, and it tells us some information about Canada.3. “The True North” is the train that goes acrossCanada / the cross-Canada train.4. Vancouver-Rocky Mts.Calgary-Thunder Bay-L. Superior-Toronto通过快速浏览回答这4个问题,锻炼学生摄取文章信息的能力和获取文章大意的能力和口头表达能力。2. Careful reading1.What do you know about each city? Vancouver : the warmest part of Canada; the most beautiful city in Canada many Asian want to live there;the trees are extremely tall. the oldest and most beautiful forests in the world Calgary: famous for Stampede Cowboys come to compete in riding wild horses. good at working with animals they can win a lot of money in prizes. Thunder Bay: at the top end of the Great Lakes;a very busy port, close to the centre of the country ,so that ocean ships can go there. 2. T or F (Get Ss to correct the false sentences). 1). The girls went to Canada to see their friends in Montreal on the Atlantic coast of Canada.(F)(cousins)2). Their friend, Danny Lin, was going to drive them to Vancouver.(F) (the train station to catch the cross-Canada train) 3). You cant cross Canada in less than five days by bicycle. (T)4. Ottawa is the most beautiful city in Canada.(F)(Vancouver)5. The girls looked out the windows and saw a grizzly bear, mountain goats and wild scenery. (T)6. Calgary is a busy port city at the top end of the Great Lakes. (F)(Thunder Bay)3. Detailed information Ask Ss to find out what these numbers refer to: Second second largest country 5,500 It is 5,500 km from coast to coast. 320 Most Canadians live within 320 km of the USA border ThirtyThe population of Canada is only slightly over thirty million. one-third Canada has one-third of the worlds fresh waterStep 5: Fill in the blank and retell the storyLi Daiyu and Liu Qian took the train in Canada from _ to _ . Their cousins friend, Danny Lin, took them to the train station to catch “_ _ _”. Canada is the _ biggest country in the world. It is 5,500 kilometers from _ to _. As they go _, they saw beautiful scenery as well as cities. Vancouver is _ by mountains on the north and east. When the cousins _ _ in the seats, they looked out of the window. They saw mountain goats and even a _ bear. Calgary is famous for its competition. Many of the cowboys from all over North America _ _ _ _ working with animals. Then they _ _ a wheat-growing province. Thunder Bay is a busy port. It is _ _ the center of the country.Step 6: Discussion1. if someday you go to Canada, where wil you go?


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