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2018年高中英语备考题库一、单选题 1. They sell many kinds of _C_ in the shop.A.watchs B.watch C.watches D.watchs 2. The bridge is three hundred _A_ long.A.feet B.footsC.footes D.feets 3. In Britain the _A_ are all painted red.A.letter boxes B.letters boxes C.letters boxes D.letters boxes 4. He is a friend of _A_.A.my sisters B.I sister C.me sister D.me sisters 5. Yesterday evening we had a lovely evening at _D_.A.Peters and HelensB.Peter and Helen C.Peter and Helens D.Peter and Helens6. Where have you _ D_? Tom is looking for you.A.gone B.been to C.gone to D.been 7. There is going to _D_ a film tonight.A.are B.is C.have D.be 8. Who _A_ the picture? Its upside-down.A.hung B.hang C.hanged D.hanging 9. Look at the clouds. It _C_ rain.A.will B.shall C.is going to D.is 10. “Have you finished your work?” “No, _B_.”A.havent B.not yet C.already not D.dont yet 11. This story _B_ in a small village in European.A.was taken placeB.took placeC.took the place D.took the place of12. Im sorry you cant go in now. The room _A_ yet.A.hasnt been cleanedB.hasnt cleanedC.isnt been cleanedD.hasnt being cleaned13. These kinds of shoes _A_ well.A.dont sell B.are not sold C.wont be sold D.were not sold 14. “_ the letter _B_ to Mr. Black ” “No. Its still on my desk.”A.Isbeing given B.Hasbeen given C.Will.be given D.Wasgiven .15. The library _A_ at 5 oclock every day.A.closes B.is closed C.is closing D.will be closed 16. “May I put the chair near the fire?” “Yes, you _C_.”A.cant B.must C.can D.might 17. It is a fine day today. You _D_ take a raincoat with you.A.mustnt B.cant C.may D.neednt 18. “_B_ I go out and play now?” “No, you mustnt.”A.NeedB.May C.Shall D.Will 19. You _D_ water in the garden. It looks like rain.A.must B.may not C.dont need D.neednt 20. Its snowing now. Youd better _C_ at home.A.stayed B.to stay C.stay D.staying 21. _teacher has gone to America. _C_ of them are still in Shanghai.A.BothBoth B.BothNeither C.NeitherBoth D.Neither.neither 22. The boy has to look after himself, because his parents _A_ abroad.A.are both B.both are C.are all D.all are 23. I want some coffee but there was _C_ in the bottle.A.anyB.no C.none D.nothing 24. “Does she speak English or Russian?” “She doesnt speak _C_.”A.neither B.noneC.either D.all 25. Merry Christmas, George! Here is a card for _B_, with _ best withes.A.youyour B.youour C.usour D.usyour 26. I am _B_ grateful for the advice you gave me.A.deep B.deeplyC.depth D.deepen .27. Many students think foreign languages are _B_ science subjects.A.more difficult asB.less difficult thanC.much difficult thanD.so difficult as28. Alice isnt the tallest girl in her class, but she is taller than _D_.A.any of the girlsB.any other girlC.some the other girls D.some of the other girls29. If you like the fish, please have as _C_ as you can.A.many B.more C.much D.a lot .30. Everybody looked _A_ at the sick boy.A.sadly B.sad C.unhappy D.worried 31. _B_ of the surface of the earth is covered with water.A.Third-fourth B.Three-fourths C.Three-fourth D.Third-fourths 32. “When were you born?” “I was born _B_.”A.on October twelveth nineteen sixty-fiveB.on October the twelfth nineteen sixty-fiveC.in nineteen sixty-five October twelvethD.in nineteen sixty-five October twelfth33. Flight nineteen from New York to Washington is now arriving at _A_.A.Gate Two B.the gate two C.the two gate D.Second Gate 34. “Do you have enough chairs in your classroom?”“No, I think we need _D_.”A.three other B.more three C.three another D.three more 35. In _D_, my grandfather joined the Red Army.A.the 1930s B.1930s C.1930s D.the 1930s 36. He never has lunch at the factory, _.C_ he?A.has B.hasnt C.does D.doesnt 37. Everything is ready for the test, _C_?A.arent they B.are they C.isnt it D.is it 38. “Would you like to watch TV or listen to the radio?” “_D_.”A.Yes, Id like to watch TVB.No, I do not watch TVC.Yes, to listen to the radioD.Id like to watch TV39. “_D_ paper do you read?” “I readChina Daily.”A.Which B.How C.How many D.What 40. “Alice couldnt answer the question, could she?” “_A_.”A.No, she couldntB.No, she couldC.Yes, she couldntD.Yes, she answers41. Dont stand there in the doorway. Please _A_ come in _ go out.A.eitheror B.neithernor C.sothat D.andor 42. Ben had a broken arm _C_ the motorcyclist had a broken leg.A.for B.so C.and D.but 43. They had no food or drink _A_ they were very hungry and thirsty.A.so B.for C.but D.or 44. John can speak English and Mary can speak English _D_.A.also B.either C.as also D.as well 45. _D_ human beings _ animals can live without air.A.Not onlybut alsoB.BothandC.EitherorD.Neithernor46. “We can use MSN to talk with each other on the Internet.”“Really? Will you show me _D_ it?”A.how can I useB.what can I useC.what I can useD.how I can use47. He _D_ to bed _ he finished his work last night.A.dont gountilB.didnt goafterC.wentuntilD.didnt go till48. I dont know when he will come, but as soon as he _B_, Ill let you know.A.will come B.comes C.has come D.is coming 49. It is five days _D_ we came here.A.when B.before C.as D.since 50. I wont go home _A_ I finish doing my work.A.after B.until C.when D.while 51. The teacher told him _A_ late again.A.not to be B.is not C.dont be D.not be 52. The Greens have been in China for almost five years. They _B_ eating Chinese food.A.used to B.are used to C.used not to D.dont use to 53. I dont think the music is worth _C_.A.listening B.to listen C.listening to D.to listen to 54. When we found an old man _C_ on the ground, we sent him to a hospital nearby.A.lie B.lay C.lying D.lain 55. Is this room large enough for us _B_?A.to liveB.to live inC.to live in itD.to live at.56. John said that he _A_ having lunch when Paul called him.A.was B.is C.will D.would 57. The trousers _B_ too short for me.A.was B.are C.being D.is 58. Food and water more expensive than _D_ used to be.A.is B.them C.its D.they 59. The number of articles published on smoking _A_ surprising.A.is B.are C.were D.have been .60. There _D_ a tall tree and some flowers behind our house.A.have B.has C.are D.is 61. The plane arrived at London airport _A_ Wednesday.A.on B.at C.in D.for 62. _B_ New Years Eve people usually dont go to bed until midnight.A.At B.On C.For D.In .63. What do you usually do _B_ Christmas?A.on B.at C.in D.for 64. Is there anything interesting _D_ todays newspaper?A./ B.on C.at D.in 65. He came to see you _C_ the evening of May 10thA.in B.at C.on D.for 66. You may .D this book a little longer if you cant finish it in time.A.take B.borrow C.lend D.keep 67. “Will you give this message to Mr. White, please?” “Sorry, I cant. He doesnt work here A .”A.any longer B.any long C.no long D.no longer 68. He _B_ the same mistake again and again.A.did B.made C.had D.tried 69. The Chinese people first A paper in the world.A.invented B.discovered C.made D.did 70. She D a cold for three weeks.A.has caught B.has got C.has taken D.has had 71. My mother wont allow me to travel _A_.A.alone B.lonely C.one man D.along 72. Every student in our class is _B_ good progress.A.getting B.making C.doing D.taking 73. My father is an/a A workerA.ordinary B.common C.usual D.usually 74. I didnt hear what he D at the meeting.A.spoke B.told C.talked D.said .75. I like to A others playing basketball.A.watch B.see C.look D.notice 76. I A a lot more time in writing English than before.A.spend B.cost C.take D.put 77. The book is C too difficult for those pupils.A.quite B.very C.rather D.so 78. The visitor _C_ a message and went away.A.took B.brought C.left D.gave 79. After the football match we _D_ a bus and got to school on time.A.held B.missed C.saw D.caught 80. Its not good manners to _B_ the queue when you are waiting for a bus.A.stand in B.jump C.jump on D.walk over 81. Tom _A_ to Chinese food now.A.is used B.used to C.is using D.uses 82. The machine made a terrible A so we couldnt each other.A.noisehear B.voicehear C.soundlisten D.shoutlisten 83. My son B a cup of milk and sat at the table.A.wanted B.asked for C.asked D.required 84. I could C believe that he worked so there.A.hardlyhardly B.hardhard C.hardlyhard D.hardhardly 85. They _A_ every minute of it at the party yesterday.A.enjoyed B.pleased C.played D.wanted 86. You look sleepy. Youd better A A.go to bed B.be asleep C.sleep D.go to sleep 87. You must keep B in the reading-room.A.still B.quiet C.quite D.quietly .88. I have A English book but he has two English books.A.one B.a C.an D./ 89. “Did you B my English book yesterday?“No, I didnt. Did you it to Jane?”A.borrowborrow B.borrowlend C.lendlend D.lendborrow .90. He said he would give me the money, but he B hasnt given it to me.A.yet B.still C.already D.too 91. We will speak to her about it B next week.A.sometimes B.sometime C.some times D.some time 92. Will you please try to B for me what time that train arrives?A.find B.find out C.discover D.ask 93. Robots cant completely A humans though they are very clever.A.take the place ofB.take placeC.insteadD.instead of94. When did you C from Beijing tomorrow?A.leave B.begin C.start D.leave for .95. “Was the park _C_ yesterday?” “Yes, It _ at nine in the morning”A.openedopenB.openwas open C.openopened D.openedopened .96. What time are you going to B tomorrow?A.set up B.set out C.set down D.put up 97. Would you please C a piece of paper and a pen?A.bring out B.give out C.take out D.find out 98. The student C his hand to ask the teacher a question.A.question B.rose C.help up D.got up 99. When did you B from your trip last year?A.arrive at B.get back C.go ahead D.returned back 100. Chemical energy can C heat energy.A.become intoB.grow upC.be changed intoD.be covered with101. I cant go to the cinema with you. I must B the lessons first.A.go on B.go over C.go down D.go into 102. When Edisons mother was ill, he A a doctor. The doctor operated her at once.A.sent foron B.sent outin C.sent upon D.sendsin 103. A car is C many different parts.A.made of B.made from C.made up of D.made in 104. Her son is ill. She has to B him at home.A.look at B.look after C.look for D.see off 105. The girl C but could see nobody. She began to feel afraid.A.looked after B.looked for C.looked around D.looked at 106. Rising costs make it hard to A the business.A.carry on B.go on C.hold on D.put on 107. Do you know when the plane will A for Beijing?A.take off B.leave for C.come up D.go up 108. Dr Bethune didnt take a rest and he C working throughout the night.A.got on B.put on C.went on D.turned on 109. The glass fell to the floor and D .A.broke outB.give outC.got offD.broke into pieces110. Have you D the race?A.left for B.set out for C.asked for D.entered for 111. He was born in the north, but B in the south.A.brought up B.grew up C.picked up D.came up 112. Grandma is ill. I have to B her at home.A.take hold ofB.take care ofC.pay attention toD.put my heart into113. I saw my dog D a cat yesterday.A.run away B.run C.set out D.run after 114. I D and saw a plane in the sky.A.looked at B.looked for C.look about D.looked up 115. A monument to the brave fighter B in the middle of the town after the war.A.was put on B.was put up C.was put down D.was brought up 116. The mouse D as soon as it could when it saw the cat.A.gave back B.rang up C.went ahead D.ran away 117. Mrs. Black is a kind woman. She A others easily.A.gets on well withB.gets toC.gets intoD.get in118. She is so kind that everyone here C her their sister.A.looks afteras B.looks foras C.looks onas D.look upas 119. Dont lose heart. Ill help you B the others.A.go over B.catch up with C.go up D.run with .120. Why not B your pretty blue dress? Its your birthday.A.put up B.put on C.put down D.put into 121. If you have any questions, please B your hands.A.put out B.put up C.put on D.put down 122. Youd better A the name of the book before you forget it.A.write down B.put on C.work out D.turn down 123. Do your best and Im sure you will C your classmates.A.keep off B.keep away from C.keep up with D.keep on 124. He fell down on the road and was too weak to B .A.hold up B.get up C.bring up D.leave for 125. “What do you B the film?” “Oh, its very interesting.”A.think about B.think of C.get ready for D.ring up 二、阅读理解1. There was once a poor woman who lived in a little cabin(小木屋)in a forest. She had two daughters, Snow-White and Rose-Red. One cold winter evening, there came a knock at the door. Rose-Red opened the door. It was a bear. Rose-Red was frightened, but the bear called out to her in a mans voice. “Dont be afraid,” said the bear, “I will do you no harm. But I am half-frozen, and I beg that I may warm myself at your fire.” Every evening after that, all winter long, the bear came to the cabin. In fact, the bear was a kings son. A wicked(邪恶的)man had turned him into a bear. Only the death of the man could set him free.Then came spring. One day, the bear said unhappily, “Dear Snow-White, I must say goodbye today.” Snow-White felt very, very sad. Later in a fight, the wicked man was killed by the bear, who at once changed back into a young man. Then Snow-White married him and Rose-Red married his brother.(1) Snow-White and Rose-Red lived _ .CDABCA.in a small house in a villageB.in a small cave in a mountainC.in a small house in a forestD.in a small boat in a river(2) Why did the bear knock at the door one cold winter evening? The bear wanted_ .A.to eat up Snow-White and Rose-RedB.to sleep in the roomC.to find something to eat in the houseD.to warm himself at the fire in the house(3) The bear left the little cabin in _ .A.spring B.autumn C.summer D.winter (4) The bear changed back into a young man because _ .A.he had turned into a good oneB.he killed the wicked manC.he didnt do harm to peopleD.Snow-White and Rose-Red helped him(5) At last, the kings son married _ .A.Snow-White and Rose-RedB.Rose-RedC.Snow-WhiteD.the woman2. I was arguing about the price for a table in a second-hand shop when a young man came in carrying a chair, put it down before the manager and asked how much it was worth.“Three dollars,” replied the manager.The young man looked surprised. “It isnt worth more than that?”“Three dollars is all I can give you for that piece, son.” The manager shook his head and bent to examine the piece. “See that?” He pointed to a crack (裂缝) in the chair leg, adding, “And see here where the paint is peeling (剥落)? Well, three dollars is all its worth to me.”“All right then,” said the young man, smiling. “Ill take it.” He pulled out his wallet. “I saw it in front of your shop with something marked $10, but I thought maybe it was a mistake and you could tell me how much it was worth.”(1) The young man came to the shop _ .CDCDBA.to have an argument with the bossB.to carry an old chairC.to buy an old chairD.before the writer did(2) It is clear that _ .A.the chair belonged to the young manB.the manager had a good memoryC.the young man didnt have enough money to buy the chairD.the manager mistook the chair for the young mans(3) From this passage, we can see that the young man was _ .A.very honest B.a poor man C.very clever D.a cheat (4) Which of the fol


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