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命题作者:院桥镇中心小学 王 琦 2008.4六年级英语上册第四单元测试题得分 (考试时间:40分钟 满分:100分) Part Listening(听力部分) 30%同学们,欢迎光临“哈利波特号”。登机啦!戴上“伸缩耳”,仔细听有用的信息。一. Listening and circle.(听录音,圈出你听到的字母组合) 6% ( )1. A. ep B. ip ( )2. A. ag B. rj ( )3. A. VIP B. VSP ( )4. A. SOS B. AOS ( )5. A. nbw B. mvw ( )6. A. ytpu B. yeqzBA二. Listen and tick.(听录音,选出与所听内容相相符的图片) 8%ABA(. ) 1. ( )3.ABB A( )2. . ( ) 4. 三. Listen and choose.(听录音,选出你所听到的单词,词组或句子) 6% ( ) 1. A. dive B. drive C. ride( ) 2. A. by bike B. by bus C.on foot ( ) 3. A. goes home B. goes to work C. goes to school( ) 4. A. play the violin B. make kites C. take a trip( ) 5. A. reads books B. teaches English C. watch TV( ) 6. A. Does he teach math B. Does he teach you art C. Does he like teaching math四. Listen and choose.(听小对话,选出正确的图片) 10%ABC( ) 1. ABC( ) 2.ABC( ) 3.ABC( ) 4. ABC( ) 5. Part Writing(笔试部分) 70%没有“伸缩耳”的指点,这回看你的真本事啦!一. Write down the missing words (仔细观察,按字母表顺序填写字母,注意大小写形式) 7%1. B D 2. x z 3. v 4. F 5. p 二. Read and choose.(看图,圈出正确的答案) 4%( ) 1. A. watches TV ( ) 2. A. teaches P.E. B. reads books B. teaches math( ) 3. A. play ping-pong ( ) 4. A. diving B. play football B. riding a bike三. Find the different one. (找出不同类的选项填在括号里) 6%( ) 1. A. morning B. evening C. afternoon D. Tuesday( ) 2. A. play football B. make kites C. collect stamps D. clean the room( ) 3. A. park B. museum C. teacher D. school( ) 4. A. go to bed B. go to work C. go to school D. study( ) 5. A. English B. Chinese C. Beijing D. P.E.( ) 6. A. watch B. write C. make D. pictures四. Read and choose (根据图片选出正确的答案) 10%( ) 1. A. My mother is a teacher. B. My mother is a doctor. ( ) 2. A. I like swimming. B. I like diving. ( ) 3. A. He goes to work by subway. B. He goes to work by bike. ( ) 4. A. Dad reads comic books at night. B. Dad reads newspaper at night. ( ) 5. A. Lets go to the bookstore on Saturday. B. Lets go to the bookstore on Sunday . 五. Read and choose.(选择合适的答案填在括号里) 10%( ) 1. 当你想知道对方的爱好,应该怎么问: A. Whats your hobby ? B. What do you do ?( ) 2. 当你询问朋友他的妈妈是否教英语时,应该问: A. Does your mother teach English ? B. Does your mother like English ?( ) 3. 下午碰到熟人怎么打招呼: A. Bye . B. Good afternoon .( ) 4. 当对方说谢谢的时候,你应该怎么回答:A. No,thanks. B. Youre welcome .( ) 5. 当你询问朋友是否喜欢集邮时,应该问: A. Are you collecting stamps ? B. Do you like collecting stamps ?( ) 6. How do you_there ? A. goes B.get( ) 7. His parents_ stamps , too . A. likes collecting B. like collecting( ) 8. I _an e-mail to Alice every week . A. write B. reads( ) 9. Who _math ? A. teaching B. teaches( ) 10. I like_ kites . A. make B. making六. Read and choose. (圈出与图片相符的句子) 8%( ) 1. A. He likes reading books. ( ) 2. A. She goes to school by bike . B. He likes making kites . B. She goes to school by bus .( ) 3. A. He likes swimming . ( ) 4. A. She likes jumping . B. He likes diving . B. She likes skating . 七. Read and tick or cross.(看图读对话,并判断“”或“”错) 10%1. - Does she live in the city ? - No , she doesnt . ( ) 2. - Does he teach English ? - Yes , he does . ( ) 3. - Whats your hobby ? - I like playing the violin . ( ) 4. - Does he go to school on foot ? - Yes , he does . ( ) 5. - Does your dad read magazines every day ? - Yes , he does . ( ) 八.Make sentences (连词成句) 5%1. is your What hobby ?2. like collecting I stamps .3. he Does Shanghai live in ?4. goes bike He to by school .5. father teaches My English .九.Read and choose. (阅读理解) 10%To : Sarah penpal . comFrom : Liu Yun penpal . comDear Sarah ,English must be fun ! I live in China with my mom , my dad and my little brother . My mom is an English teacher . She likes listening to music. My dad is a doctor . He likes watching TV . My little brother is only four . He likes playing with his dolls . Im a student . I like drawing pictures and collecting stamps . Your new friend Liu Yun ( ) 1. Where does Liu Yun live ? A. China B. America( ) 2. Does Liu Yun like drawing pictures ? A. Yes , she does . B. No , she doesnt .( ) 3. What s her mother s hobby ? A. watching TV B. listening to music( ) 4. Is her father an English teacher ? A. Yes , he is . B. No , he isnt .( ) 5. How many people are there in Liu Yuns family ? A. 3 B. 4同学们,本次的旅行的终点站已到,欢迎您的下次光临!附: 听力材料一. Listen and circle.(听录音,圈出你所听到的字母组)1. ip 2. ag 3. VIP 4. SOS 5. mvw 6. yeqz二.Listen and tick.(听录音,选出所听内容相符的图片.)1. play the violin 2. collect stamps 3. teaches English 4. make kites三.Listen and choose(听录音,选出你听到的单词,词组或句子.)1. ride 2. by bike 3. goes to work 4. take a trip 5. reads books 6. Does he teach you art ?四.Listen and choose(听小对话,选出正确的图片.)1. -B: Hello , Chen Jie . Whats your hobby ? -G: Mm , I like collecting stamps , painting Oh , I like swimming best . It makes me happy .2. -G: Hi , Im Lin Lan . Im a Chinese girl . I am quiet . I like playing the violin .3. (电话铃声) -B1: Hello . -B2: Hi , this is Mike . What are you doing , John ? -B1: Im doing my homework . -B2: Do you want to go to the museum ? -B1: Sure . What time ? -B2: 9:30 . -OK . See you later . - Bye .4. -A: Does your sister go to school by bus ? -B: No , she doesnt . She usually goes to school on foot . Because my home is near .5. -A: Look at the boy ! Whats his hobby ? -B: He likes singing . -A: Oh , I see . He is a singer .参考答案及评分标准 Part Listening(听力部分) 30%一. Listening and circle.(听录音,圈出你听到的字母组合) 6% 1.B 2.A 3. A 4. A 5.B 6.B本题共6分,每小题1分. 二.Listen and tick.(听录音,选出与所听内容相相符的图片) 8%1.B 2.A 3. B 4. A 本题共8分,每小题2分.三.Listen and choose(听录音,选出你听到的单词,词组或句子.) 6%1.C 2. A 3.B 4.C 5. A 6. B本题共6分,每小题1分.四.Listen and choose(听小对话,选出正确的图片.) 10 %1.A 2. A 3.B 4.A 5. C 本题共10分,每小题2分.Part Writing(笔试部分) 70%一. Write down the missing words (仔细观察,按字母表顺序填写字母,注意大小写形式) 7%1. C 2. y 3. u w 4. E G 5. q本题共7分,每写对1个字母1分.二. Read and choose.(看图,圈出正确的答案) 4% 1. A 2. B 3.B 4. A本题共4分,每小题1分. 三. Find the different one. (找出不同类的选项填在括号里)


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