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Now we will tell about several ancient wonders that still exist today. The three Pyramids of Egypt were built about 4500 years ago as burial places for ancient kings. The largest is called the Great Pyramid. It is almost 140 meters high. It covers an area of more than four hectares. The Greek historian Herodotus said more than 100,000 men worked for more than thirty years to build the Great Pyramid. The Great Wall was begun more than two thousand years ago. It extends about 6700 kilometers across northern China. The Great Wall of China is one of the largest building projects ever attempted. It is also the only object built by people that can be seen from space. One of the oldest structures ever built by people also belongs on a list of ancient wonders. It is a circle of huge stones on the Salisbury Plain in southwestern England. It is called Stonehenge. Experts believe work began on Stonehenge about five thousand years ago. Much has been written about Stonehenge, but experts say they still are not sure what it was used for. India is famous for its temples and buildings. The most famous is the Taj Mahal, considered one of the most beautiful buildings ever constructed. Experts say nothing could be added or taken away to improve the beautiful Taj Mahal. The fifth Mughal emperor, Shah Jahan, ordered it built in Agra in 1631. He built it as a burial place in memory of his wife. Task: Fill in the chart with proper information according to the passage. WondersCountriesTime the Great Pyramid 1. _2. _ the Great Wall 3. _ 4. _ Stonehenge 5. _ 6. _ the Taj Mahal 7. _8. _ in 1631 EgyptAbout 4500 years ago China England India more than 2000 years ago About 5000 years ago 1. valuable adj. 珍贵的 (worth a lot of money; very useful or important) Does a culture relic always have to be rare and valuable? 文化遗产必定是稀 有而贵重的吗?(P1) 读一读 阅读下列句子,指出 划线单词的词性、意义和搭配。 We all have to learn how to stop wasting our valuable water. (词性_;意义_)adj.珍贵的 The dictionary is of great value to me. (词性_;意义_; 搭配_ ) Money can be counted by amount, but love is invaluable. (词性_;意义_) n.价值, 重要性 be of great value = be very valuable adj.无价的 练一练用value的适当形式填空。 The painting we had thought to be of great _ turned out to be _ . value n. priceless) valueless adj. 没有价值的(=of no value; worthless) 记一记 valueless value 2. survive v.幸存(continue to live); 幸免于;比长寿(continue to live after) Is it enough to have survived for a long time? (P1)是否存在了很 长时间就已足够呢? 读一读 Few buildings survived after the earthquake. (词性_;意义_) He was the only survivor who was lucky to have survived the accident. (survivor词性_;意义_; survive词性_;意义_) vi.幸存 n.幸存者 vt.幸免于 John survived his wife by three years. (词性_;意义_ ) I cant survive on 40 yuan a week. (词性_;意义_; 搭配 _ ) 生存 vt.比活得更长 vi. survive on 靠存活 练一练 用survive 的适当形式填空。 His doctors said he had a 50-50 chance of _, and luckily he was one of the _ . Some strange customs_ from earlier times. The young lady _ the drowning because of the mans timely rescue. survived survival survivors have survived survive sth.在之后仍然生存, 从中逃生 survive sb.比活得长 survivor n. 生还者,残存物 survival n. 生存,幸存 记一记 Look at the pictures below and discuss what they are and whether they are cultural relics or not. (P1) 请看下面这几 幅图画, 并讨论它们是什么以及他们是不 是文物。 句型 whether .or not是否(引导宾语从 句) 1.你明天能不能来这里,请告诉我一声 。 Please let me know _ _. 2.我们明天才知道是不是应该参加考试 。 Well be told tomorrow _ _. 仿写 whether we should take the exam or not whether you can come here tomorrow or not 3.一切都取决于她喜不喜欢这个老板。 It all depends on _ _. whether she likes the boss or not 说明 引导宾语从句的whether .or not, 其中的whether也可用if替代, 如: I dont know whether/if he will come in time or not.我不知道他是否能及时来。 但whether or not连在一起时, 就只能用 whether。如: Tell me whether or not youre interested. 告诉我你有没有兴趣。 在介词后(如仿写3)或在discuss后(如课本 原句)也只能用whether。 此外, whether .or not还可引导让步状语 从句, 表示“不论是否”“不管是不是”。如: Whether it rains or not, were playing football on Saturday. 无论下不下雨, 我们 星期六一定踢足球。 1. The house was so strong that it s_ the storm. 2. He made a _ (讨论)with his friends over the matter. 一、单词拼写 urvived discussion 3. The higher we go above the earth, the r_ the air is. 4. Im afraid this painting is not drawn by Picasso. Its only a copy and so its v_. arer alueless 5. I lifted the _(花瓶)between my thumb and forefinger. vase 1.They were sent to help the _ of the earthquake. 2.This is a ceremony which is a _ from ancien


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