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Culture and Language-The Cultural Differences between English and Chinese郑州大学升达经贸管理学院商用英语专业指导教师AbstractLanguage is closely related to culture. Language expresses and embodies cultural reality. If we are in different countries, we must know their cultures. Thus, we can use the language freely. In our English study, it is unavoidable to meet some differences of culture and language between Chinese and English, which demand that we should not only master the two languages but also be acquainted with the two cultures and cultural differences as well. Cultural differences between Chinese and English can be found in many aspects of daily communication, including addressing, greeting and parting, compliments, apologies, thanks and so on. This paper discusses the cultural differences between Chinese and English. Keyword:cultural and language differences, communication, custom culture, Chinese and English-speakers IntroductionAs is well known, language is a mirror, in front of which culture is reflected. Meanwhile, culture is also a kind of language. Many people always think that poor ability of English is the cause of misunderstanding in communication. However, in the daily communication with our foreign friends, lots of people who are good at English, are still confused during their communication. Culture and language are important reasons. Because language is related to knowledge, and knowledge in turn is related to culture. Culture and language complement each other. The realize of culture is a prerequisite to learn language well. Language is the carrier of culture. The difference of culture must reflect in the language of different nations. Cultural differences between Chinese and English can be found in many aspects of daily communication languages, including addressing, greeting and parting, compliments, apologies, thanks and other aspects. So this paper will talk about some of the differences. Furthermore, it will talk about how to learn western culture. 1. Cultural Differences in Communication1.1 Greeting and partingGreeting is an important part in daily life. When people meet friends or acquaintances, they often greet each other. The purpose of greeting is to establish or keep the social contact. But because of the cultural differences between Chinese and English, the manner of greeting and parting are different, it often causes misunderstanding. In China, people greet their friends might say: “Where are you going to do?” or “Have you eaten yet?” while American usually say “Hi” or “Hello” instead. If an English speaker does not understand this difference, he will sure misunderstand his Chinese friend who really wants to know where he goes or invite him to eat something. As a foreigner, he maybe treats them as a real question. In English society, English-speaking people believe that to visit someone is to have respect for him, to finish the visiting is not of ones own free will, but because of some other arrangements, therefore they always say some expressions with apology, such as I am afraid I must be off, I have to and so on. And, English-speakers often signal several times before leaving. Well, its been nice to see you again. I do enjoy our talk and the lovely dinner, but I must be going soon. Thank you very much for asking me over. I hope well be able to get together again before longBut in Chinese society, people strongly emphasize that to consider things from the party angle. So Chinese leave-taking is very short and quick, such as you are busy, so I will be off and dont interfere with you. With these words, they may stand up from their seats and prepare to leave. But English-speaking people think it so abrupt that they have not prepare for it.1.2. AddressBoth English and Chinese people have two kinds of personal names-a family name and a given name. But the order and the use of these names in the two languages are somewhat different. So for the beginner of English, English address is not so easy to learn. Because of the culture differences, Chinese often put the family name in the first place; while American is used to put it at the end.In formal situation, English speakers are used to call men as “Mister”, married women as “Misses” and unmarried women as “Miss”. If the person has an M.D. or PhD, they will often be called as Doctor(abbreviated as Dr.).In informal situation, English speakers address is more casual than Chinas. For example, in the university of USA, professor used to ask their students to address his name instead of using “Dr” to keep the keen relationships. But in China, addressing the elder name directly is regarded to be impolite. Sometimes, English speakers introduce each other by first name without titles. If you are introduced to somebody by first name, you can address him or her by first name the next time you meet.1.3. Compliments and ResponseEnglish and Chinese cultures are at polar opposites about compliment. In Chinese culture, the Chinese people regard modesty as a traditional virtue. So they will always accept others compliments with modest attitude. However, The English-speaking people are more active to praise others and to be praise than Chinese people; they express their feeling frankly and directly. If an English-speaking hostess is complimented for her cooking skill, she likely to say: “I am so glad that you liked it.” But to a Chinese hostess, she likely to say: “oh, no! Where, where I just made some dishes casually and they are not very tasty.” which made his foreign friend embarrassed. Appropriate compliments can serve as effective supplementary means in inter-personal communication. So when we meet our friends, wed better accept their compliments directly.1.4. Apologies and ResponsesApologies are a necessary part of daily life, as to how to offer apologies, both English and Chinese people may say: “I am sorry”, “I apologize for” and so on. But the ways to respond to apologies are different. When a person expresses apology: “Oh, I am sorry, I forget it.”, English-speaking people likely to respond “Thats all right!” And a Chinese people will say “it doesnt matter” instead. “It doesnt matter” is a common pattern in china to respond to apologies, but to English-speaking people, he maybe will think the Chinese people is a sharp person who simply cannot forgive a very little wrong thing.1.5. Thanks and ResponsesThank you is widely used in English to show gratitude in such cases as being invited, helped, given a gift and so on. Cultural differences exist between Chinese and western in how to express thanks and responses. In fact, Thank you is expressed in English for more than acknowledging favor or gratitude, and it is often a means to show politeness. On many occasions, the English use Thank you while the Chinese may do not say a word at all but just smile or nod. As a matter of fact, Thank you is used more widely by westerners than Chinese for minor favors like borrowing pencil , asking directions, requesting someone to pass on a message, receiving a telephone and so on. Thank you not only shows politeness but also carries a persons grateful feeling for those who offer help. Without using expressions of gratitude, misunderstandings may arise because the help seems to be taken for granted and is mot appreciated, For westerners, each person is an equal individual, whether he is a family member of not. In Chinese, Thank you is not frequently used between intimate friends and family members because it may imply a certain distance between the addresser and the addressee. Think of the situations below. Your mother is busy in the kitchen. She suddenly asks you to fetch a bowl for her. You do so. Whatll your mothers response be? Probably shell just continue doing the cooking. After a while, the dinner is ready. Your mother hands you your bowl of rice. Whats your response? Probably just begin to eat. Thats what I want to say. In Chinese families, we rarely say “Thank you” to other family members for receiving help or service. Neither will we say so between good friends. Its such an unpopular response that if you say it, the counterpart will think you are treating him as a stranger, otherwise you are lacking of intimacy. But in the West, thank you is one of the most frequently used sentences. Teachers will thank a student for answering a question; husbands will thank his wife for making a coffee. English-speaker speakers may respond to Thank you” by saying: You are welcome /Its a /my pleasure/ Not at all/ Dont mention it/Thats all right. While Chinese people may say: “this is I should do”, which may convey to westerners the message that the Chinese did not really want to do it, or that he /she did it only because it wall his/her duty. This message is quite different from what the Chinese speaker intended to express. 1.6. PrivacyAmerican places a high vale on privacy, such as their salary, age, marriage or family background. While in China, we do not regard age or salary as privacy. So when we talk to the English-speaking people, we must avoid asking some questions like this unless the Americans indicate clearly that they do not mind: How old are you?、Are you married?、How many children do you have?、How much do you make?、Whats your weight?、Do you go to the church?1.7. Invitation and Saying Good-Bye In the culture of English , it is very important to consult a time before you invite somebody to attend a party or take part in social activities. Especially. in America, invite somebody means you are borrow times of others. So they respect time very much. While in China, people are preferred to an uninvited guest. And otherwise, you will be thought unfriendly if you cannot receive an uninvited guest very well. 1.8. IdiomsAs different cultures entail different language expressions, and cultural-related idioms and proverbs should be intelligible through studying the culture itself. For example, in English, people would use “dog” in many idioms such as “luck dog”, “clever dog” to express something good because they believe dog is their best friend, but in China we may use dog for something bad, In China people may refer bull as hard-working people but in America, it may just describe a person with an irritable characteristic. Still, we can find many different language expressions connected with the culture. Such as the color words, “blue” in China may suggests a sentimental or unhappy feeling while a blue book in America is a book with well-known names. 2. Differences in Custom Culture2.1. Colors Chinese have saying of “红白喜事”, it is not difficult to understand “红喜” once connected red with having a baby, marriage or birthday congratulations etc which westerners call “the red-letter day”. But they couldnt understand why Chinese think it to be “a happy thing” when someone passed away. In fact, in western culture, the connotation of “Red and White” is contrary with that of Chinese custom, westerners often associate Red with blood and death sometimes with radical action or rebellion, which carries a certain political color. Also, red can bring their minds to debts or deficits. There are some example:“He is in the red” means “He is in debt”“A red mother” refers to “the mother with deficits”“A red battle” means “a bloody battle” and “red ringence” means “bloody ringence”“A red revolution” refers to “ the proletarian revolution”. There is another fact to show this difference In 1905, a place in “Sichuan” call “the globe” was a famous brand and was tasty. But it had not a good market in western countries. The reason is that therere red flag on the globe, in the brand, such brand was considered to be dangerous and rebellions, so the people in western countries were unwilling to buy it. After learning this different custom the Chinese omitting the red flag. Of course, the situation turn good as well. The understand ring of white is similar while it symbolizes purification and sincerity in western culture, bride often wears wedding dress in white. In addition, white is also marked by good luck and happiness. On the contrary, white in Chinese express purification in todays China. However, in most situation, it has the unlucky meaning including the connotation of revolt. When somebody passed away, the family will b all in white, wearing white dress, white flowers and putting up white paper such action is so deviation from the understanding of the western customs, the followings are concrete examples to illustrate this difference in order to make it clearer, here some other examples of other colors are included. “One of the white day of somebodys life” here “whiter day” means “lucky day”, “happy day”. “Please give me a black coffee” here “black” doesnt refer to “heavy, thick” but “ light” “A black lie” means “a lie unforgivable”, but “a white lie” means “a lie with good will” “In the black” means “to make a profit” In the green doesnt means “in the grass” but refers to “in the course of adolescence”. “I am green with envy when I go to Peking and see them facilities” here “be green with envy” means “envy very much” From these example, we can see differences in customs and background of two cultures in understanding of colors. Only we get to know the differences, we can avoid series of difficulties and leave gaps bridge in trans-cultural communications.2.2. Numbers In recent year, some Chinese people are sensitive and particular about something connected with number. Such as choosing the number of lucky day, telephone number or Bp call number, license number for eight, six or nine which are considered lucky numbers, the order of numbers had better be “888” , “666”or “999” expressing a kind of “ lucky and good wishes.” In Chinese culture “8” is the homophonic with “发”, which means success while “6” corresponds to the homophonic of “六六大顺” which has the meaning of satisfactory and gratification. “9” means permanence and eternity because of its homophonic sound in Chinese such meanings and connotation express the idea of happiness, luck and success. These numbers therefore become the lucky numbers. But “4”is the homophonic of “ death” in Chinese. So people try to avoid this number. Lets see how the westerners act when they meet with some of these number. Because it is impossible to appear homophonic between the number and the meaning in English, their reflection would not be probably similar with that of Chinese. However, there still exists some cultural customs in number. They avoid “13” in particular, the number viewed as taboo and has the saying of “black Friday” etc. In 1972, American Present Nicson once visited China, but when Premier Zhouenlai went to call on the delegation in Shanghai. He found that they were arranged to settle down on floor thirteen, he was so surprised and serious to say “ Why were they arranged to this floor?” They take “ thirteen as taboo most!” When Premier Zhouenlai went into their room, they all stood up, but smiled uneasily, Premier Zhou explained in a suit chance “were very sorry to ignore your custom of avoiding “thirteen”, but you know, there is a fable in China. Once there was a man, the more he thought of the ghost, the more to look for ghost, the ghost also disappeared unexpectedly So the number “thirteen” in your culture is like the ghost in Chinese, such word help to dispel the misgivings and anger of foreigners. This example gives us such a truth that if we take ignorance of culture differences between China and foreign countries, it is unavoidable to appear the embarrassed cases intrans-cultural communications. This is limited and regulated by the development of long history of each culture, which shouldnt be treated lightly by every person inside or outside the certain culture.3. How to Learn Cultural Differences3.1. Establishing a right attitudeEstablish a right attitude toward cultural different Attitude is a manner of feeling and behaving. It can form a part of ones perception of self, of others, and of the culture in which one is living. A foreign language learner should set up a right attitude toward different culture. For example, to be open-minded to them. Prejudice should be avoided. Prejudice in culture refers to an intolerant, unfair or biased attitude toward another culture. Regardless of the existence of Prejudice, cross-cultural communication may become difficult because it stands in the way of acquired knowledge in it. When facing a new culture, people should be flexible and able to adapt themselves to the new situation. being open-minded to cultural difference is a prerequisite to a successful communication with native speakers. 3.2. Reading extensivelyHaving the successful communication is the main purpose of English. The cultural information that the students need in authentic communication greatly exceeds that covered in any courses. To developed peoples communication competence, people should read authentic materials such as foreign newspapers, advertisements, journals, short stories, novels, plays and other types of literature works. Literary works are of great significance to foreign language learners. In many cultures, particularly those whose languages are widely taught, literature performs an important role in society. They can reflect a culture, help readers gain deeper insights into the target society, enable them to have a better understanding go the national character of the people who produce the literature, and of the values they cherish. If we regard literature as a treasures house, then paying a visit to it will enable us to absorb cultural information stored in it. Informative works relevant to national character studier are another source of c
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