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1 目的Objective 对原材料、协配件、半成品、成品的不合格品及可疑产品严格控制,防止不合格品的非预期使用转序和出厂,确保产品质量受到控制。The objective of this procedure is to avoid the unexpected use, alternation and ex-factory of unacceptable products through strict quality control over raw materials, accessory parts, semi-finished product and finished products.2 适用范围Applicable Scope 适用于经检验和试验后判定为不合格的原材料、协配件、半成品、成品和可疑产品的控制和处理。This is applicable to the control and disposal of the raw materials, accessory parts, semi-finished product and finished products that are confirmed to be unacceptable through inspection and test.3 职责Responsibility3.1 质量部负责原材料、协配件、自制件,半成品、成品的检验和判定。负责组织不合格品和可疑产品的处置。监督不合格品的纠正预防措施的实施。The Quality Department is responsible to inspect and confirm the raw materials, accessory parts, self-made parts, semi-finished products and finished products, to organize to handle unqualified products and questionable products, and to supervise the implementation of corrective and preventative actions towards unacceptable products. 3.2 采购物流部负责不合格的原材料、协配件的处置方案的执行。The Purchase & Logistics Department is responsible to implement the disposal programs of unacceptable raw materials and accessory parts.3.3 制造部负责不合格半成品、成品的处置方案的执行 The Manufacture Engineering Department is responsible to implement the disposal programs of unacceptable semi-finished and finished products.3.4 技术工程部参与不合格品的评审,提出合理有效的处置方案。 The Engineering & Technical Department shall participate in the appraisal and examination of unacceptable products and propose appropriate disposal programs. 3.5 重不合格品和致命不合格品处置需由副总经理对提出的处理方案进行审批。 The disposal programs for severely unacceptable products and fatally unacceptable products shall be submitted to the deputy General Manager Office for examination and approval.4 定义Definition4.1 退货或拒收:采购回的原材料、协配件或车间生产的半成品出现致命不合格或多次重不合格,向分承包方或车间提出退货或拒收。Return or Refusal: If the raw materials and accessory parts purchased, or the semi-finished products in workshop are fatally unacceptable or repeatedly severely unacceptable, they shall be refused or returned to the sub-contractor or the workshop.4.2 返工:允许生产车间对生产过程中出现的不合格半成品、成品采取重新加工或装配达到规定要求。Rework: The workshop is allowed to remachine or reassemble the unacceptable semi-finished products or finished products found in production process, thus to make them meet the requirements.4.3 返修:一种或多种质量特性,不符合规定要求,允许经过返修,使其满足使用要求。Repair: The product with one or more quality characteristics unconformable to the specifications is allowed to reach application requirement through repair.4.4 回用:原材料、协配件、半成品不合格的特性在一定范围内,并限于一定期限或数量的产品因生产急需采取的书面让步接收认可。此认可应限定期限或数量。Compromised adoption: In case of urgent need in production, the raw materials, accessory parts and semi-finished products with unacceptable characteristics limited within a certain scope can be concessively accepted in written form, but only limited to a certain time period or quantity. This acceptance shall specify the time limit or quantity.4.5 报废:对生产过程中的原材料、协配件、半成品出现的致命或重不合格进行的处理。Scrap: This is the disposal of the raw materials, accessory parts and semi-finished products that are found to be fatally or severely unacceptable during production process.4.6 不合格品的分类Classification of Unacceptable Product)致命不合格品:指有一个或一个以上的致命缺陷,也可能还有严重缺陷和(或)一般缺陷、轻微缺陷的单位产品。Fatally Unacceptable Product: It refers to the unit product that has one or more fatal defects and possibly, some severe defects and/or general defects, or slight defects.)重不合格品:有一个或一个以上严重缺陷,也可能还有一般和(或)轻微缺陷,但不包含致命缺陷的单位产品。Severely Unacceptable Product: It refers to the unit product that has one or more severe defects and possibly some general and/or slight defects, but without fatal defects.)轻不合格品:有一个或一个以上一般缺陷或轻微缺陷,但不包含致命和严重缺陷的单位产品。Slightly Unacceptable Product: It refers to the unit product that has one more general or slight defects, but without fatal or severe defects.5 工作程序Work Procedures不合格品的评审及处理Review and handle of Unacceptable Products来料检验Material Inspection质量部检验员进行产品检验时,发现不合格品时,应立即通知采购物流部隔离存放,并作好标识。由检验员填写不合格品通知单,通知质量工程师。由质量工程师填写不合格品评审处置表后传递到技术部等相关部门评审,并通知采购物流部按不合格品的处置意见进行相应的处理。When the Quality Departments inspector is conducting product inspection, any unacceptable products thus found shall be immediately informed to Purchase& Logistics Department to store them separately and label them. The inspector should fill in “unqualified product notice” and notice the quality engineer. After “unqualified product review and action form” is filled in by quality engineer, it will be passed to relevant departments such as engineering department for a review. Finally, it is quality engineer responsibility to notice the Purchase & Logistics Department to give the action according to the unqualified handle opinion.生产过程检验Production Process Inspectiona. 制造部操作工在操作过程中,发现不合格品或可疑产品时,按照现场管理要求将不合格品或可疑产品放置在规定的存放处,能立即返工的,由操作工直接进行返工。不能返工的,作好标识和记录,通知生产主管,由生产主管以质量信息反馈单通知质量部。由质量工程师填写不合格品评审处置表后传递到技术部等相关部门评审,由制造部按评审意见进行相应处理。 During the operation process of workers, the unacceptable or questionable products thus found shall be stored at a specific place as required in site management. Those that can be available for rework immediately should be reworked directly. Whereas others should be marked and recorded properly and be noticed to production controller who will notice Quality Department in a written form of “Quality Information Feedback Sheet “. Then the quality engineer will fill in the “unqualified product review and action” and pass them to the relevant departments such as engineer department for a review. Manufacture department can conduct the action according to the reviewing opinion give by the relevant departments. b. 当检验员发现不合格品时,应立即通知作业班长进行标识,隔离存放。由检验员填写不合格品通知单,通知质量工程师。由质量工程师填写不合格品评审处置表后传递到技术部等相关部门评审,由制造部按评审意见进行相应处理。 If finding unacceptable products, the team leader shall be immediately notified to mark and store separately, inspector will inform quality engineer in a form of “unqualified notice sheet”. Then the quality engineer will fill in the “unqualified product review and action” and pass them to the relevant departments such as engineer department for a review. Manufacture department can conduct the action according to the reviewing opinion give by the relevant departments. .产品最终检验Final check of products在产品最终检验过程中,发现不合格时,应按生产现场管理要求,将不合格品放置在指定的区域或容器内作好相应的标识,并记录。按5.1.2.b执行The unacceptable products found during product final inspection shall be placed in specified areas or containers as required in site management, and be labeled and recorded. We will carry out according to5.1. 2库房产成品Finished Products in Storagec. 在原材料和成品库房发现不合格品或可疑产品时,应由库房管理员进行标识,进行隔离放置,同时做好相应的记录。由检验员填写不合格品通知单由质量工程师填写不合格品评审处置表后传递到技术部等相关部门评审,并通知相关部门按不合格品的处置意见进行相应处理。For the unacceptable or questionable products found in raw material and finished product warehouses, the store man shall make labels and isolate and record them. The “unqualified product notice” by inspector and “the unqualified product review and action” by quality engineer shall be passed to the relevant departments such as engineer department and the relevant departments are noticed to handle according to the unqualified product handle opinion. 可疑产品questionable products在生产各个环节中,发现的可疑产品,发现部门以质量信息反馈单通知质量部,由质量部组织人员进行重新检验。检验合格,则入库或流入下道工序;检验不合格,按5.进行处理。Once questionable product is found during production, the quality department shall be informed in a form of “quality information feedback sheet” by the department who found it and organize people to recheck. If it is found qualified, this product will be stocked or flow into the next process. Whereas it will be carried out according to5. 不合格品的管理Management of Unacceptable Product1因生产急需,而让步接收的原材料或外购件,质量部应将不合格信息反馈给分供方,要求其采取纠正预防措施进行改进,并对下次供货的同类产品进行质量跟踪,确认改进已完成。 If the unqualified product is found among the raw material and outsourced parts which we got through concession for business need, the quality department should feedback this information to the subcontractor and require them to take corrective and preventive measure for improvement and keep track of the quality of the similar products of next time to assure the completion of the improvement.5.2.2 成品入库前,经检验确认为不合格(致命、重、轻)应及时进行处置,发生致命和重不合格品,由质量部填写质量信息反馈单进行调查,执行纠正和预防措施控制程序。 When the product is regarded as a rejected one (lethal, serious, slight) though check before products are stocked, the action should be taken on time. Quality department should fill in “quality information feedback sheet” and investigate the reason and carry out “corrective and preventative measure and control procedure” when there is lethal or seriously unqualified product.5.2.3经评审判为报废产品的,应报副总经理批准,废品送交库房。The judgment to scrap the product should be authorized by DGM and the scraping product should be given back to warehouse. 5.2.4质量部每月对原材料、协配件及生产过程中出现的不合格品进行统计分析,在下月的工作计划中提出不合格品的优先减少计划,并将计划分发到相关部门。由质量部对该计划的落实进行跟踪并记录结果。 Quality department should statistic and analyze the unqualified products appearing during production and raw material and components and parts each month and present a plan to reduce the unqualified products on the prior basis and hand it to the relevant departments. Quality department is responsible to keep track of fulfillment of this plan and make a record of the result.5.2.4 因生产急需,而让步接收的产品,质量部应将不合格信息反馈给分供方,要求其采取纠正预防措施进行改进,并对下次供货的同类产品进行质量跟踪,确认改进已完成。技术工程部、制造工程部应提出相应的工艺处理方案,车间遵照执行并由检验员、车间监控。For the products of compromised acceptance due to urgent need in production, the Quality Department shall feed “Unacceptable” information back to the suppliers and require them to conduct corrective and preventative actions for improvement. Meanwhile, follow up the quality of the same type of products at next supply, thus to confirm if they are corrected. Technical Engineering Department and Manufacture Department shall work out relevant process programs. The factory shall follow the implement these programs, while the inspector and workshop shall conduct supervision and control. 5.2.5 顾客退回产品,由质量部进行检测分析,保留分析结果。并填写不合格品评审处理单,按5.2.1-5.2.3执行。并对存在同样质量问题的库存产品、在途产品,按产品标识和可追溯性程序及时追查追回,按检验和试验控制程序进行复检。 The products disposed back by customers should be conducted a checking analysis and the result is kept well. “Unqualified product review and action sheet” should be filled in and 5.2.1-5.2.3 should be carried out. The stocks and the products during transportation with the same quality problem shall be traced back on time according to “product identification and traceable procedure” and recheck according to “check and test control procedure” 5.2.6 经评审判为返工/返修的,按不合格评审处置单要求通知责任部门,不合格品经返工/返修后应按检验和试验控制程序重新检验。 The judgment of rework and repair should be noticed to the responsible department according to the requirement of “unqualified review and action sheet”. The unqualified products which have been reworked and repaired should be rechecked according to “check and test control procedure”. 5.2.7 对多次发生轻不合格品或发生一次重不合格品以上的相关责任部门进行原因分析,追究当事人及有关人员责任,并执行纠正和预防措施控制程序。The relevant department, which has many times of slight unqualified product or once seriously unqualified products, should analyze the reason and find out the concerned people and relevant person and carry out “corrective and preventative measure control procedure” 5.2.8 不合格品的评审结果分为:退货或拒收、返工、返修、回用、报废。The review results of unqualified products are divided into: d


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