An Analysis of Differences on Food Culture between China and the United States from the Stand of Spiritual Culture 从精神文化角度分析中美饮食文化差异.doc_第1页
An Analysis of Differences on Food Culture between China and the United States from the Stand of Spiritual Culture 从精神文化角度分析中美饮食文化差异.doc_第2页
An Analysis of Differences on Food Culture between China and the United States from the Stand of Spiritual Culture 从精神文化角度分析中美饮食文化差异.doc_第3页
An Analysis of Differences on Food Culture between China and the United States from the Stand of Spiritual Culture 从精神文化角度分析中美饮食文化差异.doc_第4页
An Analysis of Differences on Food Culture between China and the United States from the Stand of Spiritual Culture 从精神文化角度分析中美饮食文化差异.doc_第5页
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从精神文化角度分析中美饮食文化差异an analysis of differences on food culture between china and the united states from the stand of spiritual culture内容摘要饮食文化在现代文化研究中是一项非常重要的课题,并在人类物质文化的历史发展进程中占有至关重要的地位。由于自然环境,历史背景以及民族文化的不同,中美两国形成各具特色的饮食文化。因此,中美饮食文化差异分析对于中美文化的研究来说必不可少。这篇论文将通过对比分析的方式研究中美饮食文化差异以及探究导致这些差异的精神文化因素。最后,作者阐述研究中美饮食文化的差异对于跨文化交际和举办设美事务宴请的意义。本篇论文将从精神文化角度对中美饮食文化差异进行对比分析,其主体部分包括导论,正文和结论三个部分。主要内容如下:第一部分是导论部分,饮食是人类赖以生存的必要条件。因此,饮食文化是物质文化的重要组成部分。但由于中美不同的精神文化影响,使得饮食文化具有民族性和多样性。随着中美各方面交流日益频繁,饮食文化的交流也愈加受到人们关注。从精神文化角度分析饮食文化差异产生的根源,对于研究中美两国文化有十分重要的理论意义和现实意义。第二部分是正文部分,该部分包括以下三章:第一章介绍精神文化和物质文化的概念,并从精神文化角度分析中美饮食文化宏观差异饮食理念的差异。第二章首先从中美两个民族信仰角度对比分析中美饮食礼节文化,包括宴请时的座位安排和就餐顺序的差异。其次分析民族信仰对于中美人民餐具文化发展和继承的影响。第三章分析研究中美饮食文化差异对于跨文化交际的理论意义及对于举办涉美事务宴请的指导意义。第三部分是结论部分,对全文进行了概括和总结。本文通过从精神文化角度分析中美饮食文化差异,探究饮食文化在其继承和发展进程中差异产生的根源。关键词:饮食文化;精神文化;交流abstractfood culture is a very important subject of study in modern culture. it plays a crucial position in the process of history development of material culture. because of different natural environment, historical background and national cultures, china and the united states formed unique food cultures. so, the analysis of the differences on food culture between china and the united states is necessary for the study of chinese and american cultures. this thesis focuses on the contrastive study of differences on food culture between china and america and the spiritual factors of culture which cause the differences. finally, the author elaborates the significance of studying differences on food culture between china and america in aspect of cross-cultural communication and holding banquets concerning american affairs.the thesis analyzes the differences on food culture between china and america from the stand of spiritual culture. the article includes three parts: an introduction, a body and a conclusion. in the introduction, eating is an essential prerequisite for existence. therefore, food culture is an important aspect of material culture. however, by the influence of chinese and american different spiritual cultures, food cultures have strong national character and diversity. with china and america increasingly frequent communication in all aspects, exchange in food culture is paid more attention. analyzing the reasons for discrepancies on food culture from the stand of spiritual culture has very important theoretical significance and practical significance to studying chinese and american cultures. the second part includes three aspects. in the first chapter, the author introduces the concepts of spiritual culture and material culture, and analyzes the macro differences on food culture between china and america from the stand of spiritual culture, which are the discrepancies on eating concepts. in the second chapter, firstly, it analyzes differences on chinese and american etiquette culture which includes seats arranging and dinning orders in banquets from the stand of their national faith. secondly, it compares the influence of national faith on the inheritance and development of chinese and american dinnerware cultures. at last, it analyzes the theoretical significance to cross-cultural communication and the guiding significance to holding a banquet concerning american affairs through studying the differences on food culture between china and the united states. in the conclusion the whole thesis is generalized, through analyzing the differences on food culture between china and america from the stand of spiritual culture, the thesis studies the deep reasons for the discrepancies occurrence in the process of the development and inheritance of food culture. key words: food culture; spiritual culture; communicationiii contents内容摘要iabstractiiintroduction1chapter1 differences on concepts in chinese and american food culture from the stand of spiritual culture21.1. spiritual culture in national culture21.2. differences on concepts in chinese and american food cultures3chapter2 eating conventions under different national spiritual culture background92.1. the etiquette of chinese and american food culture92.2. dinnerware: chinese chopsticks vs. american knife and folk12chapter3 significance of studying differences on chinese and american food culture153.1. theoretical significance to cross-cultural communication153.2. guiding significance to holding banquets concerning american affairs16conclusion19bibliography20acknowledgements22使用授权说明23从精神文化角度分析中美饮食文化差异introductionfood, as an essential prerequisite for existence, is any substance that provides the necessary nutrient to maintain life and growth when ingested. it plays an irreplaceable role in the development of society and in the progress of human beings. as human developed, peoples needs to food is not only limited to nutrition; the content of eating abounded gradually and eating food became a kind of culture. however, people living in different countries are influenced by respective natural environment, historical background and national culture. then in the field of food culture, national discrepancies came into being. although the discrepancies on food culture originated from certain historical factors, their inheritance and development was dominated by spiritual culture which has the subjective tendentiousness. (hall, 1989)with the pace of economic globalization constantly marching, china and the united states come into contact increasingly frequently. the exchange of culture between china who is a booming developing country and united states who is a powerful country in the world is undoubtedly essential for both sides. therefore, this study endeavors to analyze the cultural differences and their root causes in chinese and american food cultures from the stand of spiritual culture. it helps people understand chinese and american food cultures better. in the meanwhile, people can deeply learn each others faith, philosophical ideology and mode of thinking. it has quite important theoretical significance to the two nations cross-cultural communication and also has practical guiding significance to banquets concerning american affairs.20chapter1 differences on concepts in chinese and american food culture from the stand of spiritual culturediet concept represents peoples subjective view to their eating styles. the discrepancies on macro elements of food culture between china and the united states are dominated by the two nations spiritual cultures. so studying diet concepts from the stand of spiritual culture is fundamentally analyzing cultural discrepancies 1.1. spiritual culture in national culturenational culture is the culture with the national characteristics, which was created by nations and progressed in process of historical development. it includes spiritual culture and material culture.spiritual culture (science, art, philosophy, religion, morality, customs and convention etc.) is a human specific ideology produced on the basis of production of human material culture. it is a collection of various human ideologies. spiritual cultural superiority is the inheritance of genes of human culture, as well as it can continue to be perfect and abundant in practice. this is also the inherent motive power, which makes the spirit of human culture push the material culture forward. material culture includes food, clothing, housing, production tools etc. in the culture system, material culture demonstrates spiritual culture and it is also restrained by spiritual culture. in brief, material culture is a reflection of a certain spiritual culture.zeng liya, a famous social science researcher, states in her dissertation on constructing contemporary chinese spiritual culture, “spiritual culture is a culture belonging to spirit, concept and ideology. it is a sum of spiritual achievement including mode of thinking, value orientation, ethic, mental state and aesthetic standard, all of which reflect the level of a national theoretical thinking and represent a certain national characteristics”. (zeng, 2006) therefore, food culture as an aspect of material culture forms and develops under the effect of different nations spiritual culture holding respective national distinguished feature. as time passed, every factor in food culture was labeled with national characteristics. 1.2. differences on concepts in chinese and american food culturesconcepts on food culture are formed in the process of cooking and eating. china and the united states have many differences in faith, philosophical ideology, mode of thinking and any other spiritual cultures. these differences affect chinese and american eating habits more or less. with the advancement of history, people belonging to the two nations have formed quite different concepts on food cultures. it makes people have different understanding and eating styles in either family daily diets or large-scale dinner. 1.2.1. ostentation vs. simplicityan ostentatious feast is a common phenomenon in chinese banquets. what should be considered first when chinese hold a family banquet, celebration banquet or business banquet is ostentation. at a chinese feast, the categories of food should be ample and various. generally speaking, there should be seven or eight dishes, excluding cold-dishes, light refreshment before the dinner, dessert and staple food. the more various and luxurious the dish are, the more hospitable affection of the host can be shown to the gusts. in addition, in order to express the generosity, the host always prepares dishes much more than the amount that gusts can eat up.chinese thoughts are influenced by a traditional conception that is being thrift at home, but being generous outside. in the final analysis, the traditional conception originated from chinese “mianzi” culture. if we are trying to find an english word that is similar to chinese “mianzi”, it is like face a little bit. but it is quite difficult to define the chinese face culture. chinese face culture plays a significant role in chinese traditional spiritual culture. the origination of chinese face culture is closely related to rite advocated by chinese confucian culture. rite is an ideal feudal social order preached by confucianism, which requires civilians to comply with the principle that the poor and the wealth, the noble and the humble, the young and the old must live and behave strictly as their family status, social and political position. (李明英, 1997 ) it has obvious class character and distinctiveness. because rite is the most important principles which restrict chinese behavior, chinese tend to do things as their identity and to show their so-called face. analyzed from social psychology, face represents peoples social position and prestige. chinese attach much importance to their face. under this situation, holding an ostentatious banquet undoubtedly provides a platform or an opportunity to show off their success and maintain self-esteem for the sake of hosts face. moreover, under the education of thought of rite advocated by confucian culture, a host show himself, and meanwhile, should express their sufficient respect to guests. therefore, the grade of a banquet can reveal the degree of attention paid by the host. a simple feast always conveys such information that the host merely pays little attention to the friendship with the guests and looks down on the guests.compared with chinese food culture that is ostentatious and full of implication, american food culture is simpler and more casual. an american-style banquet has three steps. the first step is drinking soup, which help diners to stimulate appetite. the second step, also the most important and delicious step, is enjoying the main courses, including steak, pork chops, toasted beef, vegetables, ham and even grilled lobster. the third step is eating some dessert. an american banquet will serve various desserts, such as cakes, pies, ice-cream and some fresh fruit. compared with chinese ostentation, the american-style banquet is much simpler. furthermore, american daily food is also monotonous, especially american fast-food. american party is typical representative of american food culture. in a party, the host just provides guests with beverage and some simple food. the main course will not be served. actually, in american concept, the party is a meeting for communication rather than a get-together for eating. americans take the party as an opportunity to communicate with each other, cement relationship and make new friends with people of different classes and circumstance. under this atmosphere, eating is inevitable, but it becomes a kind of medium but not the main point. so what should be attached importance is to how to construct a free, comfortable, harmonious environment for the guests, and make sure that everyone will enjoy pleasant time and leave with a happy mood. united states is a typical immigration country. the u.s. developed from original 13 british colonies. apart from the minority of landed aristocracies and privileged businessmen, the majority of people were born of lower classes. the reasons for the europeans coming are multifarious. among them, some escaped from persecution or natural disaster, some pursued religious freedom and better lives, there were also many people holing a gold rush dream of making fortune. in pursuit of ideal life in every pathfinders heart, christian culture became their food of the spirit and also a criterion to instruct peoples ideology and action. as opposed to chinese rite which characterized by social estate system, that everyone is equal is one of the main spirits of christianity. americans do not take a luxurious feast as a demonstration of the hosts hospitableness and showing off. they prefer to treat guests with simple but exquisite dishes in a relaxed and equal atmosphere without restraining of discrepancy between the hosts and the gusts status. in america, aiming at making guests feel unconstraint, people always serve simply and say: “be my guest.”1.2.2. emotionalism vs. rationalismchina is a country attaching great importance to food culture. it makes chinese understanding to eating has gone beyond the basic concept that eating food is in order to provide necessary energy for the survival of living things. for chinese who own cultural heritage for 5 thousand years have sufficient time to give eating more abundant connotation. chinese put the taste of food in an important position very early. they eat mainly for tastes but not nutrition. chinese think that a course with high quality must meets 5 essential elements, including color, smell, taste, appearance and mouth feel.(蒋艳, 2007) first, color is color matching of ingredients. next, smell can stimulate peoples olfactory feeling, thereby affecting eating behavior. following is the beauty of flavor that is the core of chinese food. the forth, beauty of appearance needs art to decorate. the last, mouth feel means feelings of ones mouth when chewing dishes, like soft, crisp, smooth and so on. chinese advocate philosophical theory that man is an integral part of nature. in laymans terms, human can communicates with nature and feel emotions of nature. under instruction of this philosophy, chinese pay more attention to tastes and the spiritual enjoyment of eating. therefore, in chinese eating concept, the emotional pursuit of food obviously overwhelms the rational pursuit. in addition, chinese traditional mode of thinking manifests early subject consciousness and strong emotional factors. it is good at intuitive thinking and inner experience but poor at logical thinking in abstract form. as a result, chinese understanding of objective things is oriented by emotion. chinese take eating as a medium of emotional communication. in china, weddings, giving birth, celebrating festivals, commemorating, holding welcoming and farewell party and funeral can not do without eating. in the occasions, eating is no longer to satisfy the appetite, but it is looked on as a down-lead to promote expression and exchange of mutual emotions. it can be said, eating runs throughout all areas of life. it is not only an necessary aspect of human existing, it also impact on peoples psychology, emotion and behavior in varying degrees, thereby constituting interesting phenomenon of food culture. consequently, the chinese diet focuses on opposed to chinese food concept, american food culture is rational. in the diet, americans lay stress on food nutritive value and as far as possible to keep the original flavor and inartificial nutrition. they do not care too much about the color, smell, taste and beauty of appearance. even if the tastes are stereotyped, they can also eat with keen pleasure. americans always adhere to practicality of meals. they eat for nutrition, seldom linking eating with spiritual enjoyment. no matter what the mouth feel like, rich nutrition must be guaranteed.most early american immigrants came from europe. so, it was deeply influenced by western culture. western culture originated from the aegean sea located in northeast of the mediterranean. because the natural means of livelihood provided by the birth land were deficient, people must strive to explore the mysteries of nature, and to get the wealth from the natural world as much as possible. from then on, exploiting and utilizing natural resources for the sake of human benefits had become the mainstream of the european spirit. the desire to explore and conquer the natural world promoted the birth of the natural sciences. in the process of conquering nature and cultivating a scientific consciousness, westerners emphasized the development of rational thought, and then rationalism became the typical characteristics. westerners specialize in the use of rational thin


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