Principles of Poetic Imagism in Cathay--A Case Study of Ezra Pound’s Translation Theory《华夏集》中的诗歌意象主义原则:庞德翻译理论的例案研究.doc_第1页
Principles of Poetic Imagism in Cathay--A Case Study of Ezra Pound’s Translation Theory《华夏集》中的诗歌意象主义原则:庞德翻译理论的例案研究.doc_第2页
Principles of Poetic Imagism in Cathay--A Case Study of Ezra Pound’s Translation Theory《华夏集》中的诗歌意象主义原则:庞德翻译理论的例案研究.doc_第3页
Principles of Poetic Imagism in Cathay--A Case Study of Ezra Pound’s Translation Theory《华夏集》中的诗歌意象主义原则:庞德翻译理论的例案研究.doc_第4页
Principles of Poetic Imagism in Cathay--A Case Study of Ezra Pound’s Translation Theory《华夏集》中的诗歌意象主义原则:庞德翻译理论的例案研究.doc_第5页
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毕业论文任务书 题 目: principles of poetic imagism in cathay: a casestudy of ezra pounds translation theory一、毕业论文的要求和内容1. requirements a) the paper should have some educational or academic significance to fit its title and should be written by you in person rather than a copy from somewhere.b) the paper should be no less than 5000 words in english (not including the references), and your contribution should be no less than 3000 words.c) quotations (direct or indirect) should be indicated, and should not exceed 2000 words altogether. references should be no less than 4 items. (consulting reading & writing across curriculum, chapters 15 for the way to indicate quotations and references.)d) please strictly abide by the format prescribed by the department.2. the underlined section is the focus for developing your topic1. 应用语言学专题研究2. 语言学专题研究3. 东西方语言、文化、教育、哲学、思想、社会研究4. 东、西方价值对比研究(人生、工作、爱情、死亡、未来、伦理、道德、家庭观念、自立意识、宗教、亲情、认知、知行统一、科学/实践精神、社会意识、敬业精神等)5. 西方文学/历史/文化名人与作品研究6. 国际问题或国别专题研究8. 语言应用问题研究9. 热门社会问题探讨10. 教育理念和思想研究 初选题目:二、研究方案、目标1. progress schedule1) complete literature research(文献调查) and selection of theme (at least 5 reference sources arerequired, and the theme must be of academic significance.)2) write the proposal(开题报告) for your paper, try to specify your theme, main argument, approach, and the general organization of your paper. 3) begin to write the first draft and hand it in for first inspection.4) revise the paper according to the feedback from the tutor and hand in the second draft. complete the final version. 5) write an abstract of about 200 words, fill in paper form, type and print the paper ( in 3 copies), and hand in them, and prepare for oral presentation with a simple power point file. 6) oral presentation2. suggestion for writing step a introduce a topic which deserves discussing on an academic level. step b try to define the issue, that is, try to say what is to be included in your discussion and to what extent. step c try to review what other people say about the issue, summarize, classify and analyze their statement.step d try to state your own opinion or viewpoint on that issue ideally with a well formulated argument.step e develop your argument and lead to a is strongly recommended that you read pages 296367 of a handbook of writing and the first 5 chapters of reading and writing cross the curriculum. (every one has a copy!) 三、阅读书目清单1ezra pound, how to read. t.s.eliot (ed.),literary essays of ezra pound, 2nd ed. london&boston: faber and faber.;2ezra pound, polite essays. london: faber and faber,1937; 3ira b.nadel, the cambridge companion to ezra pound, london: cambridge university press, 1999;4kenner, h. the pound ezra. london: faber and faber,1972;5lawrence venuti, the translators invisibility: the history of translation,london: routledge, 2005;6nida, eugene a., language and culture-contexts in translating, shanghai: shanghai foreign language education press, 2001;7nord, christiane. translating as a purposeful activity, shanghai: shanghai foreign language education press, 2001;8 peter wilson, a preface to ezra pound, being university press, 20059ronnie apter, digging for the treasure: translation after pound, new york; peter lang, 1984;10susan bassnett& andre lefevere, constructing cultures essays on literary traslation, multilingual matters ltd., clevedon, uk.,2000;11susan bassnett& andre lefevere, translation, rewriting and the manipulation of literary fame, london and new york, 1992;12 t.s.eliot , ezra pound: selected poems, london: faber and faber limited, 1934;13yip, wai-lim, ezra pounds cathay, princeton: princeton university press, 1969;14venuti,l. the translation studies reader, london and new york, london:roultedge,2000; 15 吴其尧 ,庞德与中国文化, 上海,上海外语教育出版社,200616 祝朝伟,构建与反思,上海,上海译文出版社,200517 周宁,永远的乌托邦, 湖北,湖北教育出版社, 2000 本科生毕业设计(论文)开题报告题 目:principles of poetic imagism in cathay: a case study of ezra pounds translation theory一、 选题的依据及意义:ezra pound is the founder and early leader of modern american poetic innovation in early 20th century. his life is legendary and tragic while his involvements in other fields, such as translation, arts, economics, politics, religion, are complicated and contradictory. therefore, for years, numerous papers, reviews, documents concentrate on him. in truth, he is worthy studying. as a translator, he has largely redefined the nature and ideal of poetic translation in the 20th century. his translation of chinese classical poetry- cathay is a huge success and brings the traditional chinese poetry into the western world. through studying cathay we could not only appreciate the beautiful poems but also finds the new meaning of his translation theory in this communicating society. 二、 国内外研究现状及发展趋势(含文献综述):there has been a fever of studying pound since the 60s in last century. generally speaking, they can be divided into four categories. one is about pounds life, second is about his literary, third is about his politics and economics, and fourth is his philosophy. his translation has not been paid enough attention in history. recent years, more and more scholars have noticed his role as translator, as far as i know, chinese scholar zhu zhaowei has published the latest book concerning with pounds translation theory. 三、 本课题研究内容1. introducing the issue and explain why it is necessary to do this research;2. to read and understand and analyze the cathay; factors involved;3. find out the major factors in pounds translation theory;4. make suggestions for further study.四、 本课题研究方案1. to introduce a topic which deserves discussing academically2. to consult the papers, periodicals, books and internet. 3. to carefully study the cathay and state my own viewpoint.五、 研究目标、主要特色及工作进度:make a research on pounds cathay and his theory of translation. main traits: descriptive, applicative and analytical3.14-3.31: complete all the preparative work, including proposal for selecting the theme; literature research and translation;4.01-5.10: complete the first draft;5.11-5.20: complete the second draft;5.21-5.30: complete the final form; 6.01-6.15: typing, oral presentation, form filling.六、参考文献:1ira b.nadel, the cambridge companion to ezra pound, cambridge university press, 19992susan bassnett& andre lefevere, translation, rewriting and the manipulation of literary fame, london and new york, 19923susan bassnett& andre lefevere, constructing cultures essays on literary traslation, multilingual matters ltd., clevedon, uk.,2000 4peter wilson, a preface to ezra pound, being university press, 20055祝朝伟,构建与反思,上海译文出版社,20056吴其尧 ,庞德与中国文化, 上海外语教育出版社,2006 文献综述: after literature research, the following points are found available:1. as poet, translator, editor, critic, librettist, and dramatist, drawing on medieval, italian, american, english, chinese, french, and contemporary traditions, pound created works that as complex as they were absorbing. “arts work on life as history works on the development of civilization and literature. the artist seeks out the luminous detail and presents it”. our job is to spot it.from the cambridge companion to ezra pound, cambridge university press2. one of the translation strategy is defined as content-derivative, or organic form. in this process, the translator starts with the semantic material of the source text and allows it to shape itself. this is basically ezra pounds strategy when translating chinese poetry, and has come to be a dominant strategy in the twentieth century, fuelled also by the development of free verse. in this kind of translation, the form is seen as distinct from the content, rather than as an integral whole. from constructing cultures essays on literary traslation, multilingual matters ltd.3. the poems of cathay, as specimens of imagism, are translatable to the extent that emotional effects can be greatly intensified if the relation between images be allowed to remain obscure.the language of cathay was colloquial, prosaic and contemporary; it did not try to cast the original chinese in correspondingly archaic or antiquarian english, as was often pounds practice. cathay is an example of a strong tendency in pound to regard translation as not historical, but contemporary or timefrom the cambridge companion to ezra pound, cambridge university press principles of poetic imagism in cathay: a case study of ezra pounds translation theory华夏集中的诗歌意象主义原则:庞德翻译理论的例案研究 摘 要庞德是20世纪早期美国现代诗歌革新的奠基者和领导者。作为一个诗人,他倡导和推动了意象派诗歌运动,他的意象主义诗歌把英美诗歌从讲究修辞和机械呆板的节奏中解放出来.同时他又是个翻译家,他探讨了诗歌的可译性并且在很大程度上,改写了诗歌翻译的性质和理念。他的一些翻译原则和实践,与他的诗学是密不可分的。他的诗歌翻译处处体现了他的意象主义思想。这篇论文将首先探讨庞德的一些基本的翻译思想。然后以他的华夏集为例,对他翻译中的意象主义作进一步研究。庞德的华夏集中国古典诗歌的翻译, 他代表了的诗歌翻译理论,并且对西方文学有重大的影响。与以往中国古诗翻译不同,在华夏集中庞德使用了一种新的翻译方法,这种方法支持他提出的意象主义观点。庞德,“中国诗歌的发明者”,不仅仅模仿,改编,改写了中国古典诗歌,并且用现代主义意象诗歌的特点重现了中国古典诗歌里的意象。因此,一种新颖而独特的庞式翻译方法由此而生。关键词:华夏集、庞德的翻译思想、诗歌翻译、意象主义principles of poetic imagism in cathay: a case study of ezra pounds translation theoryabstractezra pound is the founder and leader of modern american poetic innovation in early 20th century. as a poet, he advocates and promotes the imagism movement which sets american and european poetry free from the rhetorical diction and rigid rhythmical pattern. meanwhile he is a translator. as a translator, he has discussed the translatability of poetry and has largely redefined the nature and ideal of poetic translation. his poetry translation principles and practices are closely related to his poetics. this thesis will firstly focus on some of pounds basic translation thoughts and then take a case of study of his cathay to explore the imagism in his translation.pounds cathay-translation of chinese classical poetry is representative of his poetry translation theory and has a great influence on the western literature. different from others translation of chinese classical poetry, in of cathay, pound employs an innovative translation method which loyally followed and carried on the imagism poetic principles he advocates. pound, “the inventor of chinese poetry”, not only imitates, adapts and rewrites the classical chinese poetry, but also re-made the images in the classical chinese poetry with the modern imagism poetic characters. therefore a new and unique poundian translation method came into being.key words: cathay, pounds theory of translation, poetry translation, imagismiiicontents摘 要iabstractiichapter 1 introduction111 an overview about ezra pound112 pound as a poet113 pound as a translator2chapter 2 pounds basic ideas on translation32.1 the role of translator32.2 the motivation of translation42.2.1 literature enrichment42.2.2 cultural salvation42.3 the translatability of poetry62.3.1 melopoeia62.3.2 phanopoeia62.3.3 logopoeia7chapter 3 case study on cathay73.1 the translation of chinese classical poetry before pound73.2 pounds translation strategies in cathay83.2.1 the treatment of rhyme and form83.2.2 the treatment of image103.2.3 the treatment of allusion123.3 the mistranslation in cathay133.3.1 accidental mistranslation133.3.2 deliberate mistranslation14chapter 4 conclusion14references15appendix 17acknowledgements 3414chapter 1 introduction1.1 an overview about ezra poundborn on october 30, 1885 in hailey, idaho, ezra loomis pound grew up in philadelphia. with a strong will to become a great poet, he entered university of pennsylvania at the age of fifteen and got ma degree. in 1908 he left america for europe where he made friends with many literary peers, started the imagism movement and became famous. during world war ii, he delivered many speeches full of fascism and anti-semitism on rome radio. after the war us government arrested and charged him with treason. however, pound was found insanity and sent to st elizabeths. hospital and stayed there as long as twelve years. in 1949 he was awarded the bollingen prize for the pisan canto, which astonished the literary circle then. with the help of ernest hemingway, t.s. eliot and other poets and writers, pound finally discharged from st. elizabeths and returned to italy in 1958. afterwards, he devoted to finishing canto and studying confucianism. in 1927, he passed away in venice and buried in san michele cemetery on the island of san giorgio a sense, it is ezra pound who started the american modernism literature. leading imagism, he revolted against the conventional and victorian poetry. throughout his life he contributed to the innovation of literature continuously and had left many great works such as: a lume spento, personae, exultations, cathay, certain noble plays of japan, the cantos, and translations of confucius and so on. besides his own work, pound supported and encouraged other modernists. “the strange thing is that ezra was so inexpressibly kind to anyone who he felt had the faintest spark of submerged talent” recalled h.d. 3 this may explain why so many writers helped to get pound set free in his later life. 1.2 pound as a poetit is no doubt that one of pounds great achievements is his poetics. the core of his poetics is imagism and vorticism. (vorticism is the further development of imagism.)after sufficient theoretical preparation and ceaseless poetic practice, pound became the most outstanding leader of imagism. he defined image as an intellectual and emotional complex in an instant of time, as a vortex or cluster of fused ideas with energy. this may be difficult to understand. his three principles of imagism are much more concreted: 1. direct treatment of the thing whether subjective or objective2. to use absolutely no word that does not contribute to the presentation3. as regarding rhythm: to compose in the sequence of the musical phrase, not in the sequence of a metronomethese principles provide some basic writing rules for the imagist writers. the imagist theories call for brief language, pinpointing the precise picture in as few words as possible, which to some extend coincide with the principle of chinese classical poetry. stressing free choice of subject matters, musical phrases, economy of expression and the use of a dominant image, or a quick succession of related images, imagism revolts against romantic and victorian poetry. thus, it ushered in a whole new era of poetic experimentation.1.3 pound as a translatorthere has been an endless discussion about whether pound is a translator or not. “the case of the scholars against pound as a translator,” as g.s. fraser 2 has observed, “is that he perpetually shows signs of not knowing properly the language he is translating from.” however, this view is not credible, for “pound studied, among other subjects, english, latin, german, french, italian, spanish, provencal, anglo-saxon, and greek” 14. this proves pounds serious attitude to learn multi-languages to better understand the original. the explanation for his translations going against the original lies in his special translation principles and ideas. as lawrence venuti commented in a nutshell, “in pounds view, the autonomy of translation takes two forms. a translated text might be interpretative, a critical accompaniment, usually printed text to the foreign poem and composed of linguistic peculiarities that direct the reader across the page to foreign textual feature, like a lexical choice or a prosodic effect. or a translation might be original writing, in which literary standards in the translating culture guide the rewriting of the foreign poem so decisively as to seem a new poem in that language. the relation between the two texts doesnt disappear; it is just masked by an illusion of originality, although in target-language terms.” 14the dominant translation tradition before the 20th century in the west focuses upon the concept of faithfulness. the prevalent translation strategy advertised by translation practitioners is the linguistic approach. this may explain why pounds approach to chinese poem is often denounced as full of mistakes. pound with his special translation thoughts and practices make people started to see translation in the perspective of literature and culture.chapter 2 pounds basic ideas of translation 2.1 the role of translator in pounds eyesgenerally speaking there are three kinds of the role of translator: the invisibility; the servant and the rebel. norman shapiro is the supporter of “the invisibility of the translator”: “i see translation as the attempt to produce a text so transparent that it does not seem to be translated. a good translation is like a pane of glass. you only notice that its there when there are little imperfections-scratches, bubbles. ideally, there shouldnt be any. it shouldnt be any. it should never call attention to itself.” 5 traditionally faithful to the original is the priority in translation. for instance, eugene a.nida claimed that “translating consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style” 6. under this principle, the translators must try to make their works be equivalent to the original and hide their own


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