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高考英语翻译模拟题1161. 天看来要下雨。(likely)2. 务必在周五之前上交你的论文。(hand)3. 一年以后他们才查明了事故的起因。(before)4. 有些网上的消息弄到最后不一定是事实。(prove)5. 不管你给他多少忠告,他依然我行我素。(advice)6. 我们年轻人应该有远大的志向,不应该安于现状。(.and)7. 那时,我没有意识到他不在。(aware)8. 在森林中迷路是一种很可怕的经历。(lose)9. 信不信由你,他和以前判若两人了。(believe)10. 只有这样,你才会在学习上有所进步。(only)11. 我在全神贯注地看书,忘记了我有一个重要的会议要参加。(absorb)12. 我从未想到会在机场见到多年未曾谋面的老师。(occur)13. 走北边的小路能到达山顶。(accessible)14. 在法庭上,他没能说服法官相信他的无辜。(convince)15. 他刚入睡,电话铃就响了。(scarcely)16. 据报道,昨天早上8:45左右发生了一场严重的交通事故。(occur)17. 警察抓住我以120公里的时速驾驶,就给我开了张罚单。(catch)18. 奥运圣火境外传递后,香港是中国第一座迎接其归来的城市。(flame, journey)19. 比赛的详细情况可以从因特网上获得。(available)20. 我忘了提醒他面试的时间。(remain)高考英语翻译模拟题1171. 即使每天有48个小时,我也无法完成这么多的回家作业。(even if)1. 我肯定他会抽出时间来为这次求职面试作好准备。(set aside)2. 你认为这份阅读材料对仅仅学过两年英语的学生合适吗?(suitable)3. 事实上,如果没有受过适当的训练,你要想从事这种要求高的工作是很难的。(take up)4. 她打算毕业后从事与她父母一样的职业吗?(intend)5. 我们所能做的一件事是尽量买“绿色”产品。(one thing)6. 他会失败的可能性并没有阻止他继续他的研究。(the possibility that.)7. 发现学生们下午昏昏欲睡的样子,老师竭尽所能来激发他们的兴趣。(arouse)8. 在昨天的会上,他没有提到他们是否将采取措施来解决空气污染的问题。(take measures)9. 你本来没有必要带回来这么多的食品,因为家里已经有足够的食品了。(need)10. 无票者不得入场。(admit)11. 老师建议学生一次专注于一件事。(stick)12. 门被打开关上的声音在街上就能听到了。(noise)13. 那位老人在海外工作二十年后,终于踏上了归乡之路。(way)14. 写着“勿踏草坪”的标牌映入眼帘。(sight)15. 他临危不惧,被选为了队长。(make)16. 昨天他答应将尽快给我一个满意的答复。(promise)17. 我们将作进一步的讨论,然后再做出最终结论。(before)18. 在一场战争中,通常不是士兵,而是普通老百姓最受痛苦。(its suffer)19. 毫无疑问,老师的言行将对学生的成长产生很啊的影响。(doubt)高考英语翻译模拟题1181. 这听起来似乎是个不错的建议,但是真的能解决问题吗?(sound)2. 虽然空气污染被公认为是这个地区最严重的问题,但是当地政府所采取的行动还远远不尽如人意。(take action)3. 公共汽车的驾驶员都必须对每个乘客的安全负责。(responsible)4. 如果你能帮我,我将不胜感激。(appreciate)5. 他很少听从别人的建议,总是我行我素。(seldom)6. 你能给我推荐一名有能力用英语上物理课的老师吗?(recommend; capable)7. 无论你多么有道理,用武力来解决问题是不对的。(however.)8. 在展览会的最后一天,直到晚上11点的时候还有很多人等在博物馆的门口。(there be.)9. 记得关窗锁门。(remember)10. 校长很容易和我们学生亲近。(accessible)11.今年的婚礼一切都与时尚有关。(associate)12. 只要你听从医嘱,你很快就会康复的。(as long as)4. 长城是可以从太空所看到的唯一的人造建筑。(structure)5. 随着大学毕业生人数的剧增,就业市场上出现了剧烈的竞争。(increase)6. 非常感谢你对我孩子的悉心照顾。(appreciate)7. 你介意我在你的电脑上收电子邮件吗?(mind)8. 你越经常进行体育锻炼,对你的大脑活动越有好处。(good)9. 没有人会料到这一连串案件与那个沉默寡言的人有关。(have something to do with)10. 热胀冷缩的原理可以运用于许多方面。(apply)11. 外国人学习中文并不容易。(it)高考英语翻译模拟题1191. 我不想指责她当着母亲的面撒谎。(accuse)2. 她有可能把自己房间的钥匙忘在办公室了。(chance)3. 对此事有责任的人,不管是谁,都将受到惩罚。(whoever)4. 多达30,000名难民因饥饿和缺乏医疗而死亡。(medical)5. 那些商人开始进口谷物,从而迫使农民削减他们的价格。(thus)6. 没有人喜欢上课经常迟到。(late)7. 在农村长大的孩子似乎更诚实些。(honest)8. 那辆汽车结果比我们预想的还要贵。(turn)9. 新药对病人是否有效还是个问题。(remain)2. 如果你恩能够抽几分钟填一下这份表格,我将不胜感激。(appreciate)3. 来自贫困落后农村的学生不必觉得自己比别人低一等。(inferior)4. 几乎不可能预料今后会发生什么事。(forest)5. 你应该找一位有经验的医生给你看病。(consult)6. 在作决定之前,你必须预测所以的可能性。(calculate)7. 久雨之后,河水会泛滥成灾。(overflow)8. 他无法忍受没有被提升为部门经理这一事实。(put up with, promise)9. 毫无疑问,一条受过适当训练的狗可以从事很多高要求的工作。(take up, demanding)10. 父母亲为他的显著进步感到自豪。(proud)11. 人们相信每年种树对改善环境有好处。(believe)12. 还要过很长一段时间,普通人才能去太空旅行。(before)高考英语翻译模拟题1201. 他是一个热心肠的人,把大量的时间花在了自愿者工作上。(suchthat)2. 正如今天报纸上所报道的那样,我们必须直面自己身上存在的问题。(as)3. 只要通过实践,才能使你的驾驶技术有进步,并且最终通过考试。(only by)4. 请带我参观一下你们的电脑房。(show)5. 由于大雾,所有的航班不得不推迟。(delay)6. 好几百个大学生正在大厅外面等候面是试。(wait)7. 在访问期间无论我们走到哪里,都能遇到热心的人们。(wherever)8. 志愿者们急需做的事是为灾区培养更多合格的教师。(eager)9. 对于各国政府来说,如何能有效合作并尽快摆脱世界金融危机至今还是个难题。(ge)10. 这座新的体育馆坐落于城市的东端。(situate)11. 没有人来帮助他们,他们很失望。(aid)12. 众所周知,在大雾中驾车是很危险的。(as)13. 现代科学的发展已经使宇宙探索成为可能。(possible)14. 大学毕业至今,他就一直致力于教育事业。(devote)15. 直到那时他才意识到他的老师是非常善解人意的。(not until)16. 碰巧我的想法和你的很相似。(happen)17. 我宁可外出旅游而不愿呆在家里。(rather)18. 我和他都不知道那里发生了什么事。(neither)19. 如果被录用,你将在2月18日前会收到通知。(inform)20. 从外面等着入场的人群来看,这场音乐会肯定很受欢迎。(judge)高考英语翻译模拟题1211. 中央政府嘉奖了袁隆平教授,因为他为中国农业做出了巨大贡献。(contribution)2. 给他这么多钱毫无意义。(point)3. 这是我们的宇航员第一次在太空行走。(it.)4. 我们正在散步突然下起了大雨。(when)5. 我们一心一意地帮助他们不求回报。(devote)6. 缺乏足够睡眠的人容易生气,也很难控制感情。(difficulty)7. 心理学家认为,你可以通过使劲往墙上扔盘子来缓解金融危机给你带来的压力。(relieve)8. 他对什么事都感到好奇。(curious)9. 我们的童年总是充满了甜蜜的回忆。(fill)10. 如今在不少西方电影中都能看到中国元素的使用。(apply)11. 研究表明人每天至少要锻炼一小时,才能控制体重和保持健康。(maintain)12. 奥运会开幕式对全球进行了实况转播,获得了高度赞誉。(live)13. 虽然全球性的金融危机使就业问题雪上加霜,大学毕业生还是对未来充满信心。(although)8. 我们有必要提前半小时出发。(necessary)9. 如果你不介意的话,我们可以合用一把伞。(share)10. 对儿童而言,做游戏是一种很好的学习方法。(play)11. 直到上世纪60年代,人们的探月梦想才得以实现。(not until)12. 各国政府的当务之急是要指定有效措施来应付对全球性金融危机。(measure)13. 北京奥运会开幕式向世人展示了灿烂的中华文明,给中外观众留下了难忘的印象。(impression)14. 我区别不了英式英语和美式英语。(difference)高考英语翻译模拟题1221. 他打算毕业后开办自己的企业。(intend)2. 你最好带一张地图,以免迷路。(in case)3. 警方警告不要把个人信息透露给陌生人。(release)4. 令人欣慰的是许多人在地震中幸存下来。(survive)5. 黑人当选总统,开创了美国政府的先河。(which)6. 每天步行半小时对健康有好处。(good)7. 这个小孩似乎对什么都感兴趣。(seem)8. 这地方变化太大了,他认不出了。(sothat)9. 谈到计算机,他是个专家,而我只是个初学者。(come to)10. 只有通过交流,家长与孩子间的代沟才能缩小。(only)11. 人们普遍认为,孩子们的早年经历在很大程度上决定了他们的性格。(determine)12. 他们要为这次活动募集一些资金。(raise)13. 王教授在讲座中指出老师也要不断学习。(point)14. 教育在一个国家的发展中发挥了相当大的作用。(play a role)15. 房间里座椅太少,以至于很多人不得不站着听报告。(sothat)16. 信息技术给人们带来便利的同时,也带来了不少的麻烦。(while)17. 虽然妇女对社会的贡献有目共睹,但对妇女的歧视仍然存在,并可能持续很长一段时间。(although)18. joe找回他丢了的车时太高兴了!(how)19. 我发现了自己在公众面前很难表达自己的观点。(it.)20. 未来属于那些对自己的美丽梦想深信不疑的人们。(believe)高考英语翻译模拟题1231. john过去的五年都在这附近送早报。(delivery)2. 你的成绩越好,你在选大学的时候就有更多的选择。(grade)3. 我过生日时,他送给我一件漂亮的毛衣,那正是我想要的。(which)4. 努力学习,你会通过这次考试的。(pass)5. 他们已是多年的好友,有很多共同之处。(common)6. 你恩能够尽快实施这项计划吗?(carry out)7. 你看的书越多,你就感到英语写作越容易。(the more the more)8. 容易生气的人会增加患心脏病隐患。(risk)9. 当洗衣机出问题时,最好还是和专家联系,不然的话,你可能会有麻烦。(it)10. 昨天他又忘了关门了。(forget)11. 喝水有益健康吗?(good)12. 每个孩子每天应该花点时间在户外玩。(spend)13. 过去我们从没见过这么严重的食品问题。(never)14. 毫无疑问,这起事故是由于对公共安全的无知所造成的。(cause)15. 石油的燃烧污染环境,因此许多国家认为目前发展清洁能源是很重要的。(it)16. 这位老太太70岁才开始学画画。(take)17. 如今,农民工发挥着越来越重要的作用。(role)18. 在经验方面,他比同事们更胜一筹。(superior)19. 你为地震灾民捐了那么多钱,真慷慨!(it)20. 要是你不知道这个单词怎么念,请咨询一下老师。(consult)21. 没过多久,教练就让汤姆替换那位受伤的球员。(before)高考英语翻译模拟题1161. 天看来要下雨。(likely)it is likely to rain2. 务必在周五之前上交你的论文。(hand)do hand in your paper before friday.3. 一年以后他们才查明了事故的起因。(before)it was one year before they found out the cause of the accident.4. 有些网上的消息弄到最后不一定是事实。(prove)some news on the internet doesnt always prove to be true/a fact/5. 不管你给他多少忠告,他依然我行我素。(advice)no matter how much advice you give him, he does exactly what he wants.6. 我们年轻人应该有远大的志向,不应该安于现状。(.and)we young people should be ambitious and not be satisfied with the present situation.7. 那时,我没有意识到他不在。(aware)at that time, i wasnt aware of his absence.8. 在森林中迷路是一种很可怕的经历。(lose)its a terrible experience to get lost/lose ones way in a forest.9. 信不信由你,他和以前判若两人了。(believe)believe it or not, he is totally different from what he used to be.10. 只有这样,你才会在学习上有所进步。(only)only in this way can you make progress in your study.11. 我在全神贯注地看书,忘记了我有一个重要的会议要参加。(absorb)i was so absorbed in reading the book that i forgot that i had an important meeting to attend.12. 我从未想到会在机场见到多年未曾谋面的老师。(occur)it never occurred to me that i would meet my teacher i hadnt seen for quite a few years at the airport.13. 走北边的小路能到达山顶。(accessible)the top of the mountain is accessible by the northern path.14. 在法庭上,他没能说服法官相信他的无辜。(convince)in the court, he failed to convince the judge of his innocence.15. 他刚入睡,电话铃就响了。(scarcely)scarcely had he gone to sleep when the telephone rang.16. 据报道,昨天早上8:45左右发生了一场严重的交通事故。(occur)it is reported that a serious traffic accident occurred at about 8:45 yesterday morning17. 警察抓住我以120公里的时速驾驶,就给我开了张罚单。(catch)the office caught me going at 120 kms an hour, so i got a ticket.18. 奥运圣火境外传递后,香港是中国第一座迎接其归来的城市。(flame, journey)hong kong is the first chinese city to welcome the olympic flame home from its global journey. 19. 比赛的详细情况可以从因特网上获得。(available)details of the competition are available from the internet.20. 我忘了提醒他面试的时间。(remain)i forgot to remind him of the time for the interview.高考英语翻译模拟题1171. 即使每天有48个小时,我也无法完成这么多的回家作业。(even if)even if there were 48 hours a day, i couldnt finish so much homework.2. 我肯定他会抽出时间来为这次求职面试作好准备。(set aside)im sure that he will set aside some time to prepare for the job interview.3. 你认为这份阅读材料对仅仅学过两年英语的学生合适吗?(suitable)do you think this reading material is suitable for the students who have learned english for only two years?4. 事实上,如果没有受过适当的训练,你要想从事这种要求高的工作是很难的。(take up)in fact, it is very difficult for you to take up this highly demanding job, if you havent been properly trained.5. 她打算毕业后从事与她父母一样的职业吗?(intend)does she intended to follow the same career as her parents?6. 我们所能做的一件事是尽量买“绿色”产品。(one thing)one thing that we can do is to try to buy “green” products.7. 他会失败的可能性并没有阻止他继续他的研究。(the possibility that.)the possibility that he may fail doesnt prevent him from going on with his research.8. 发现学生们下午昏昏欲睡的样子,老师竭尽所能来激发他们的兴趣。(arouse)finding students sleepy in the afternoon, the teacher did everything he could to arouse their interest.9. 在昨天的会上,他没有提到他们是否将采取措施来解决空气污染的问题。(take measures)he didnt mention whether they would take measures to solve the problem of air pollution at yesterdays meeting.10. 你本来没有必要带回来这么多的食品,因为家里已经有足够的食品了。(need)you neednt have brought so much food 11. 无票者不得入场。(admit)no one should be admitted without a ticket.12. 老师建议学生一次专注于一件事。(stick)the teacher suggested her students stick to one thing at a time.13. 门被打开关上的声音在街上就能听到了。(noise)the noise of the door being opened and closed could be heard in the street.14. 那位老人在海外工作二十年后,终于踏上了归乡之路。(way)having worked abroad for 20 years, the old man is on the way back home.15. 写着“勿踏草坪”的标牌映入眼帘。(sight)the sign which read “keep off the grass” came into sight.16. 他临危不惧,被选为了队长。(make)he showed such great courage in (the ) face of danger/risk that he was made leader/captain of the team. 17. 昨天他答应将尽快给我一个满意的答复。(promise)yesterday he promised that he would give me a satisfactory reply as soon as possible.18. 我们将作进一步的讨论,然后再做出最终结论。(before)we will have a further discussion before drawing the final conclusion.19. 在一场战争中,通常不是士兵,而是普通老百姓最受痛苦。(its suffer)its usually not the soldiers but the common people who suffer most in a war. 20. 毫无疑问,老师的言行将对学生的成长产生很啊的影响。(doubt)there is no doubt that what teachers say and do will have a great/tremendous/remarkable/significant influence/impact/effect on the growth/development of students.118这听起来似乎是个不错的建议,但是真的能解决问题吗?(sound) it sounds like a good suggestion, but will it really solve the problem?2. 虽然空气污染被公认为是这个地区最严重的问题,但是当地政府所采取的行动还远远不尽如人意。(take action) although it is generally accepted that air pollution is the most serious problem in this area, the action the local government is taking is far from being satisfactory. 3. 公共汽车的驾驶员都必须对每个乘客的安全负责。(responsible) all the bus drivers must/ought to be responsible for every/each passengers safety/the safety of each/every passenger.4. 如果你能帮我,我将不胜感激。(appreciate) id appreciate it if you could do me a favor/give me a hand.5. 他很少听从别人的建议,总是我行我素。(seldom). seldom does he follow others advice and he always behaves in his own way.6. 你能给我推荐一名有能力用英语上物理课的老师吗?(recommend; capable) can you recommend me a teacher who is capable of teaching physics in english?7. 无论你多么有道理,用武力来解决问题是不对的。(however.) however reasonable you are, it is not right to solve the problem by force.8. 在展览会的最后一天,直到晚上11点的时候还有很多人等在博物馆的门口。(there be.) on the last day of the exhibition, there were still a lot of people waiting at the gate of the museum till 11:00 p.m.9. 记得关窗锁门。(remember) remember to close the window and lock the door.10. 校长很容易和我们学生亲近。(accessible) the principal is easily accessible to us students.11.今年的婚礼一切都与时尚有关。(associate) all is associated with fashion at the weddings this year.12. 只要你听从医嘱,你很快就会康复的。(as long as) as long as you follow the doctors advice, you will soon recover.13. 长城是可以从太空所看到的唯一的人造建筑。(structure)the great wall is the only man-made structure that can be seen from space.14. 随着大学毕业生人数的剧增,就业市场上出现了剧烈的竞争。(increase)with the sharp increase of the number of the university graduates, there had appeared a fierce competition in the job market.15. 非常感谢你对我孩子的悉心照顾。(appreciate)i very much appreciate your looking after my children.16. 你介意我在你的电脑上收电子邮件吗?(mind)would you mind if i checked my email on your computer?17. 你越经常进行体育锻炼,对你的大脑活动越有好处。(good)the often you take exercise, the more good it does to your brain activities.18. 没有人会料到这一连串案件与那个沉默寡言的人有关。(have something to do with)no one expected that the series of cases has something to do with that man of few words.19. 热胀冷缩的原理可以运用于许多方面。(apply) the principle that matters expand when heated and contract when cooled can applied in many ways.20. 外国人学习中文并不容易。(it)it is not easy for a foreigner to learn chinese.高考英语翻译模拟题1191. 我不想指责她当着母亲的面撒谎。(accuse) i dont want to accuse her of telling lies in front of mother.2. 她有可能把自己房间的钥匙忘在办公室了。(chance) theres a chance that she left her keys to the room in the office.3. 对此事有责任的人,不管是谁,都将受到惩罚。(whoever) whoever is responsible for this will be punished.4. 多达30,000名难民因饥饿和缺乏医疗而死亡。(medical) as many as 30,000 refugees died of hunger and lack of medical care.5. 那些商人开始进口谷物,从而迫使农民削减他们的价格。(thus) the merchants began to import corn, thus forcing farmers to cut their prices.6. 没有人喜欢上课经常迟到。(late) no one likes often being late for school.7. 在农村长大的孩子似乎更诚实些。(honest) chidren raised in the country seem more honest.8. 那辆汽车结果比我们预想的还要贵。(turn) the car turned out to be more expensive than we thought/had thought/expected.1. 新药对病人是否有效还是个问题。(remain)it remains to be a problem whether the new drug has an effect on the patient.2. 如果你恩能够抽几分钟填一下这份表格,我将不胜感激。(appreciate)id really appreciate it if you could spare a few minutes to fill in/complete the form.3. 来自贫困落后农村的学生不必觉得自己比别人低一等。(inferior)the students from poor and backward countryside neednt feel they themselves are inferior to the others.4. 几乎不可能预料今后会发生什么事。(forest)it is almost impossible to forest what will happen in the future.5. 你应该找一位有经验的医生给你看病。(consult)you should consult an experienced doctor about your illness.6. 在作决定之前,你必须预测所以的可能性。(calculate)you must calculate the possibilities before coming to a decision.7. 久雨之后,河水会泛滥成灾。(overflow)after a long period of rain the river may overflow its banks.8. 他无法忍受没有被提升为部门经理这一事实。(put up with, promise)he could no longer put up with the fact of not having been promoted to department manager.9. 毫无疑问,一条受过适当训练的狗可以从事很多高要求的工作。(take up, demanding)there is no doubt that a properly trained dog can take up much highly demanding work.10. 父母亲为他的显著进步感到自豪。(proud)his parents are proud of his great progress.11. 人们相信每年种树对改善环境有好处。(believe)it is believed that planting trees every year does good to improving our environment.12. 还要过很长一段时间,普通人才能去太空旅行。(before)it will be a long time before common people can travel to space/can go traveling in space.高考英语翻译模拟题1201. 他是一个热心肠的人,把大量的时间花在了自愿者工作上。(suchthat) he is such a warm-hearted person that he has devoted a lot of spare time to volunteering work.2. 正如今天报纸上所报道的那样,我们必须直面自己身上存在的问题。(as) as is reported in todays newspaper, we must face the shortcomings we have directly.3. 只要通过实践,才能使你的驾驶技术有进步,并且最终通过考试。(only by) only by practice can your driving skills be improved and you will pass the test finally.4. 请带我参观一下你们的电脑房。(show) please show me around your computer room.5. 由于大雾,所有的航班不得不推迟。(delay) all flights have to be delayed because of heavy fog.6. 好几百个大学生正在大厅外面等候面是试。(wait) hundreds of graduates are waiting outside the hall to be invited.7. 在访问期间无论我们走到哪里,都能遇到热心的人们。(wherever) wherever we went during the visit, we were always able to meet warm-hearted people.8. 志愿者们急需做的事是为灾区培养更多合格的教师。(eager) what the volunteers are eager to do is to train more qualified teachers for the disaster area.9. 对于各国政府来说,如何能有效合作并尽快摆脱世界金融危机至今还是个难题。(get) for the governments of different countries, how to cooperate efficiently and get rid of the world financial crisis as soon as possible is still a problem so far. 10. 这座新的体育馆坐落于城市的东端。(situate) the new gymnasium is situated at the east end of the city.11. 没有人来帮助他们,他们很失望。(aid) nobody came to their aid and they felt disappointed.12. 众所周知,在大雾中驾车是很危险的。(as)as we know, it is dangerous to drive in thick fog.13. 现代科学的发展已经使宇宙探索成为可能。(possible)the development of modern science has made space exploration possible.the development of modern science has made it possible to explore space.14. 大学毕业至今,他就一直致力于教育事业。(devote)since he graduated from the university, he has devoted himself to the cause of education.15. 直到那时他才意识到他的老师是非常善解人意的。(not until)not until then did he realized that his teacher was very considerate/thoughtful/understanding.16. 碰巧我的想法和你的很相似。(happen)it so happens that my opinion is quite similar to yours.17. 我宁可外出旅游而不愿呆在家里。(rather)i would rather travel/go traveling than stay at home.18. 我和他都不知道那里发生了什么事。(neither)neither he nor i know what has happened there.19. 如果被录用,你将在2月18日前会收到通知。(inform)eif you are accepted for this post, you will have been informed of it by february 18.20. 从外面等着入场的人群来看,这场音乐会肯定很受欢迎。(judge)judging from the crowds who are waiting to get in, this concert must be very popular.高考英语翻译模拟题1211. 中央政府嘉奖了袁隆平教授,因为他为中国农业做出了巨大贡献。(contribution) the chinese central government awarded professor yuan longping for his great contributions to chinas agriculture.2. 给他这么多钱毫无意义。(point)there is no/little point in giving him so much money.3. 这是我们的宇航员第一次在太空行走。(it.) it was the first time that our astronaut had walked in space. it is the first time that our astronaut has walked in space.4. 我们正在散步突然下起了大雨。(when) we were walking when it rained heavily.5. 我们一心一意地帮助他们不求回报。(devote) we devoted ourselves to helping them without asking for anything in return.6. 缺乏足够睡眠的人容易生气,也很难控制感情。(difficulty) people who dont get enough sleep become/get angry easily and have difficulty in controlling t


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