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increase rice harvests without expanding the area of the fields. in 1950, chinese farmers could produce only fifty million tons of rice. in a recent harvest, however, nearly two hundred million tons of rice was produced. these increased harvests mean that 22% of thwart worlds people are fed from just 7% of the farmland in china. dr yuan is now circulating his knowledge in india, vietnam and many other less developed countries to increase their rice harvests. thanks to his research, farmers are producing harvests twice as large as before.dr yuan is quite satisfied with his life. however, he doesnt care about being famous. he feels it gives him less freedom to do his research. he would rather keep time for his hobbies. he enjoys listening to volin music, playing mah-jong, swimming and reading. spending money on himself or leading a comfortable life also means very little to him. indeed, he believes that a person with to much money has more rather than fewer troubls. he therefore gives millions of yuan to equip others for their research in agriculture.just dreaming for things, however, costs nothing. long ago dr yuan had a dream about rice plants as tall as sorghum. each ear of rice was as big as an ear of corn and each grain of rice was as huge as a peanut. dr yuan awoke from his dream with the hope of producing a kind of rice that could feed more people. now, many years later, dr yuan has another dream: to export his rice so that it can be grown around the glboe. one dream is not always enough, especially for a person who loves and cares for his people.chemical or organic farming?over the past half century, using chemical fertilizers has vecome very common in farming. many farmers welcomed them as great way to stop crop disease and increase production. recently, however, scientists have been finding that long-term use of these fertilizers can cause damage to the land and, even more dangerous, to peoples health.what are some of the problems caused by chemical fertilizers? first, they damage the land by killing the helpful bacteria and pests as well as the harmful ones. chemicals also stay in the ground and underground water for a lonog time. this affects crops and, therefore, animals and humans, since chemicals get inside the crops and cannot just be washed off. these chemicals in the food supply build up in peoples bodies over time. many of these chemicals can lead to cancer or other illnesses. in addition, fruit, vegetables and other food grown with chemical fertilizers usually grow too fast to be full of much nutrition. they may look beautiful, but inside there is usually more water than vitamins and minerals.with these discoveries, some farmers and many customers are beginning to turn to organic farming. organic farming is simply farming without using any chemicals. they focus on keeping their soil rich and free of disease. a healthy soil reduces disease and helps crops grow strong and healthy. organic farmers, therefore, often prefer using natural waste from animals as fertilizer. they feel that this makes the soil in their fields richer in minerals and so more fertile. this also keeps the air, soil, water and crops free from chemicals.organic farmers also use many other methods to keep the soil fertile. they often change the knd of crop in each field every few years, for example, growing corn or wheat and then the next year peas or soybeans. crops such as peas or soybeans put important minerals back into the soil, making it ready for crops such as wheat or corn that need rich and fertile soil. organic farmers also plant crops to use different levels of soil, for example, planting peanuts that use the grounds surface followed by vegetables that put down deep roots. some organic farmers prefer planting grass between crops to prevent wind or water from carrying away the soil, and then leaving it in the ground to become a natural fertilizer for the next years crop. these many different organic farming methods have the same goal: to grow good food and avoid damaging the environment or peoples health.an early farmer pioneersome people thought jia sixie was a lucky man. he had worked for the emperor and when he got old, he was able to go his hometown to relax. jia sixie, however, had other plans. he had always been interested in agriculture and intended to do something to make chinese farming even better.jia sixie lived in the six century ad. he was born in yidu in shandong province and worked in gaoyang, which is also in shangdong. as he rode through the countryside on his journeys for his work he looked out at the fields. some of them were greener and had more crops than others. some cows and sheep looked healthier than others too. he was lost in though. what could a farmer do to get good crops from his fields? surely there must be rules that would help them. he thought he could use his knowledge to find out the best ways for farmers to grow crops and then write a book to help them. in doing so he collected information from farmers who did well, studied it and did experiments to find the best way.for example, he studied ways of keeping seeds and advised farmers to choose seed-heads which had the best color. then he told them to hang them to dry all winter. the next spring the seeds should be knocked out of their seed-heads and planted. he studied how to improve the soil. he advised farmers to clear weeds from the ground before planting crops. they could either let the animals eat the weeds or turn the soil over so that the weeds were covered and would rot. then he gave advice on turing over the soil. the first time each year, farmers should dig deeply, but the second time should be less deep. therefore the autumn ploughing of the soil should be deeper thant the spring ploughing. he suggested changing crops in the field every year: rive one year and wheat the next so that they would always get good harvests. they should also grow different plants next to each other in the field. he also gave adive on how to fish, keep a garden and even make wine.he wrote down his in a book called qi min yao shu, which was considered an important summary of the knowledge of farming. for centuries after jia sixie died, it was studied by chinese farmers and students of agriculture.unit 3a master of nonverbal humouras victor hugo once said, “laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face”, and up to now nobody has been able to do this better than charlie chaplin. he brightened the lives of americans and british through two world wars and the hard years in between. he made people laugh at a time when they felt depressed, so they could feel more content with their lives.not that charlies own life was easy! he was born in a poor family in 1889. his parents were both poor music hall performers. you may find it astonishing that charlie was taught to sing as soon as he could speak and dance as soon as he could walk. such training was common in acting families at that time, especially when the family income was often uncertain. unfortunately his father died, leaving the family even worse off, so charlie spent his childhood looking after his sick mother and his brother. by his teens, charlie had, through his humour, become one of the most popular child actors in england. he could mime and act the fool doing ordinary everyday tasks. no one was ever bored watching him-his subtle acting made everything entertaining.as time went by, he began making films. he grew more and more popular as his charming character, the little tramp, became known throughout the world. the tramp, a poor, homeless man with a moustache, wore large trousers, worn-out shoes and a small round black hat. he walked around stiffly carrying a walking stick. this character was a social failure but was loved for his optimism and determination to overcome all difficulties. he was the underdog who was kind even when others were unkind to him.how did the little tramp make a sad situation entertaining? here is an example from one of his most famous films, the gold rush. it is the mid-nineteenth century and gold has just been discovered in california. like so many others, the little tramp and his friend have rushed there in search of gold, but without success. instead they are hiding in a small hut on the edge of a mountain during a snowstorm with nothing to eat. they are so hungry that they try boiling a pair of leather shoes for their dinner. charlie first picks out the laces and eats them as if they were spaghetti. then he cuts off the leather top of the shoes as if it were the finest steak. finally he tries cutting and chewing the bottom of the shoe. he eats each mouthful with great enjoyment. the acting is so convincing that it makes you believe that it is one of the best meals he has ever tasted!charlie chaplin wrote, directed and produced the films the starred in. in 1972 he was given a special oscar for his outstanding work in films. he lived in england and the usa but spend his last years in switzerland, where he was buried in 1977. he is loved and remembered as a great actor who could inspire people with great confidence.an april fools joke: the noodle harvestapril fools day, or april 1st, is known in many countries as a day for playing jokes on others. it is usually a time when children make fun of each other, but sometimes other people can get caught in the fun too.one of the most famous jokes in england took place on british television in 1957. it was a monday night when there were always many serious programmes on the television. one of them was called panorama, this show explored problems and progress all over the world, so nobody was surprised when itxx型材公司年产2万吨节能铝合金型材项目可行性研究报告第一章 总 论一、项目概况 1.项 目 名 称:xx铝型材深加工项目2.建 设 性 质:初建3.项目建设单位:太原xx铝型材有限公司负 责 人:xxx4.项目建设性质:有限责任公司5.项目建设地点:xxxxx6.项目申报单位:太原xx铝型材有限公司7.项目建设周期:5-6个月二、铝型材项目提出的背景和意义目前,节约能源是世界各国共同的目标,在整个节能计划中,建筑节能和交通运输节能都是非常重要的部分。据统计,建筑耗能约占全社会总能耗的27.6%,而在民用建筑的门窗、墙体、屋面和地面四大能耗部分中,门窗的能耗又占到约50%。因此,世界各国都把门窗、幕墙作为实现建筑节能的关键所在。铝合金门窗由于重量轻、强度高、使用性能好、装饰强、经济耐用、无污染、能回收再利用而成为我国主要的建筑门窗产品,广泛应用于从高档公共建筑到一般的民用住宅和工业厂房,市场占有率保持有55的份额。近年来我国大力推广建筑节能技术,对门窗、幕墙提出了节能要求,建筑装饰业大量采用节能铝合金门窗,对隔热铝合金型材的需求量剧增。在国家拉动内需和加大基础设施建设投入等多项措施刺激下,房地产、汽车、轨道交通等终端用铝大幅回暖,加速了节能铝合金型材需求的上升势头。目前国内市场建筑用隔热铝合金型材供不应求,市场潜力很大。中国房地产市场经历了2008年快速萧条之后又演绎了2009年的楼市繁荣。经过2009年初短暂的调整,国家财政、土地、税收及银行信贷等利好政策的相继出台,助推房地产市场回暖,刺激了房地产企业投资加大,尤其是住宅市场需求的释放,也拉动了房地产投资的增长。全国房地产市场出现快速反弹,整体呈现“大落大起”的“v”型反转。总体来看,2009年的中国房地产市场开发投资逐月加快,房地产建设规模逐步恢复;商品房市场持续升温,价格高涨不下;房地产信贷快速增长,销售市场迅速回暖;房地产开发投资资金来源充裕。据行业统计数字表明:未来我国城镇化水平的提高将年均新增铝建筑型材60万吨,2010年总需求量为238万吨。为此,公司凭借自身的产业优势,加大科技投入,提出实施年产2万吨节能铝合金型材项目。 图表1:2010年、2020年铝建筑型材需求量预测资料来源:国都证券研究所展望未来,铝建筑型材的市场增长空间主要受益于我国城镇化水平的提高、 改善性住房需求释放及旧有建筑更新改造。1)未来 10 年我国城镇化水平提高将年均新增铝建筑型材需求量 60 万吨。 截至 2006 年底,我国城镇居民人均住房面积达到 27 平方米,按 5.77 亿城镇人口计算,城镇居民住宅总面积约 156 亿平方米;预计 2010 年和 2020 年我国人口将分别达到 13.6 亿和 14.5 亿,届时我国城镇化率将分别达到 47%和 57%,人均住宅建筑面积将分别达到 30、35 平方米。据此测算,未来 10 年我国城镇化水平的提高,将新增铝建筑型材需求量约 60 万吨/年。2)改善性住房将年均新增铝建筑型材需求量 75 万吨。随着城镇居民生活水平提高,增加住房面积的改善性需求有望释放。据住房和城乡建设部预计, 2005-2020 年,我国将新增建筑面积约 300 亿平方米,剔除上述城镇化进程带来的 133 亿平方米新增建筑面积外,将形成 160 亿平方米的改善性住房需求,预计年均新增铝建筑型材约 75 万吨。此外,随着新农村建设的推进,广大农村地区生活条件的改善,农村居民消费需求也将带动铝建筑型材的消费保持较快的增长速度。3)旧有建筑更新改造将年均新增铝建筑型材需求量 260 万吨。目前中国存量住房中约有 40%建造于 1990 年代以前,根据国际经验,预计从目前至 2020 年 我国将处于旧有建筑更新将进入高速增长阶段。以我国既有各类建筑面积 420亿平方米为例,每年约有 10%即 40 亿平方米的建筑需改造,大约折合 6亿平方米的门窗,按 55%的门窗材质为铝合金计算,每年约需铝建筑型材 260 万吨。因此,改善现有居住质量与环境将带来对铝建筑型材的大量需求。中国有色金属加工工业协会常务副理事长说,从现在到2020年,铝合金型材市场前景广阔,将在新建筑和旧房改造中为我国实现全面小康社会的宏伟目标做出突出贡献。三、铝型材项目投资概况1、建设规模因地制宜,全面规划,确定本项目建设规模为年产2万吨节能铝合金型材。2、建设目标建筑用铝合金型材是国家鼓励发展的节能铝合金型材,国内市场供不应求。本项目贯彻“高起点、少投入、多产出、高效益、质量好”的建设方针,依托公司各项生产和资源优势,采用国内外先进适用的生产技术和设备,高起点建设年产2万吨节能铝合金型材生产线,生产技术和装备水平在同行业中处于领先地位。扩大公司节能铝合金型材产量,产品以低成本、高质量参与市场竞争,替代外地品牌,满足太原市地产业的市场需求。为提升我省铝合金产业整体水平,加快推进产业结构调整和经济增长方式转变作出新的贡献。在做强做大企业的同时,以稳健成长的运作模式给投资者丰厚的回报。 本项目一期工程计划投资3000万元,充分利用xx集团公司原汽修厂的厂房和相关设施,在原有厂房1000平方米的基础上,扩建新厂房7000平方米,达到8000平方米左右的生产规模,选用先进、高效、实用、节能、可靠的先进生产工艺,购进全套的铝型材挤压、冷却、喷涂、隔热等生产加工设备,预计第一年年产能将达到10800吨左右,年实现利润1000万元左右。 3、项目性质 (1)本项目属于国家产业结构调整指导目录(2005年本)第一类鼓励类第十条建材第5款优质节能复合门窗生产及五金配件生产的鼓励类项目,因此,本项目的建设符合国家产业政策。 (2)本项目属于山西省产业投资指导目录(2006年本)中第一类鼓励类第十二条有色金属第17款高品质镁合金铸造及板、管、型材加工技术及开发的鼓励类项目,因此,本项目的建设符合国家产业政策。 4、设计基本原则(1)严格执行国家和山西省现行有关设计规范,以及有关消防、环境保护、职业安全卫生等方面的方针政策、技术标准、规程、规范。(2)总图布置做到生产、生活分区明确、工艺路线先进便捷,人流、物流明确合理。整体布局符合当地规划部门要求。(3)产品方案和工艺设备选择配置力求符合产业结构调整指导目录(2005年本)的要求。(4)充分利用市场化条件,在配套设施配置上避免大而全现象。有外协条件的,尽可能外协解决以减少项目投资和加快建设速度。(5)土建设计按照现代化企业形象要求进行,在满足使用条件的情况下尽可能做到美观、经济适用、安全合理。(6)技经分析取价按目前动态市场价进行,力求分析合理。四、可行性研究报告的编制依据1、国务院关于发展实施促进产业结构调整暂行规定的决定, 国发40号文件。 2、国务院批准的铝工业产业发展政策 3、国务院九部委联合提出的关于加快铝工业结构调整指导意见。 4、当前国家重点鼓励发展的产业、产品和技术目录 5、山西省产业投资指导目录(2006年本)6、省经委关于山西省能源、不锈钢(含铝镁合金)、化学(含医药)和装备制造等行业三年推进计划的通知(晋政办发20052、3、4、5号)。7、山西省人民政府转发省发改委关于建设新型产业基地,进一步推进行业结构调整的意见的通知(晋政发200517号)。 第二章 市场分析一、铝型材市场发展情况1、铝型材市场经济运行情况近几年来,随着我国国民经济的持续健康增长,作为现代经济和高新技术发展支柱性原材料的铝材需求旺盛,我国铝工业特别是铝加工业和我国整个有色金属工业一样,一直保持着持续快速发展态势,产量持续增长,经济效益大幅提高,技术进步加快,结构调整取得新进展;节能减排成效显著;固定资产投资持续增长,企业自我发展能力增强。我国铝工业和有色金属工业整体实力不断提高,在国际市场的影响力和竞争力日益显现。现在,我国已经成为世界有色金属和铝工业大国,正在积极向世界有色金属和铝工业强国迈进。近年来,中国铝合金型材行业发展很快,形成了正规的行业体系,企业的产品、技术档次、销售服务有了很大的提高,并具备了相当实力。随着行业竞争的加剧,为了避免在市场竞争中被淘汰出局,有的企业纷纷开始转型。目前,转型的普遍渠道就是通过引进先进设备、技术,提高企业的生产能力和加工工艺水平,实现产业的升级换代。为了降低市场风险,进一步提升企业的综合竞争力,部分铝型材企业开始涉足新的领域,扩展自己的生存空间。企业规模的扩大,生产能力的集中,设备技术和产业的升级换代,以及得天独厚的成本优势,使中国铝型材行业的整体竞争能力大幅度提升。虽然我国已成为铝型材生产和消费大国,但与世界铝型材生产强国间的差距还很大。我国铝型材消费还主要集中在建筑业,占总消费量的75%左右,而世界发达国家如日本和北美,其建筑型材消费量分别占总消费量的62.5%和44.5%。这种差距一方面反映了我国建筑业的篷勃发展,另一方面也反映出我国在工业铝型材的生产、开发和应用方面的不足,同时也预示着我国工业用铝型材存在着巨大的市场和发展空间。2、铝型材市场生产技术情况运用钢度性、强度性原理进行了型材主体抵抗距上进行了充分考虑,以满足适应中高层建筑使用要求,该指标可达到以抗风压性能在4500pa/左右,完全适宜于高层建筑使用。运用水、气分隔手段在结构中作了封闭各自独立处理,从而使型材在水密性能、气密性能均能达到国际1级水平。在保温性能使用了进口聚酰胺增强尼龙66隔热条,既满足了保温断热需要,又具备了稳定复合后的满足受力效果,同时还可以与型材热胀冷缩同步,因此确保了型材长期使用的稳定性,同时型材保温系数可达3w/k。以复合成型结构的特点,使型材还具有内外不同颜色的表面处理形式,因此其装潢具备多彩性的视觉效果。引进并吸收消化国外最先进技术基础上开发设计的国内最先进、最优质的断面,尤其为中高层以上的建筑提供了最佳的首选产品。型材结构设计中的各部位均能充分满足产品性能、产品成型、产品质量(外观质量)的要求条件。型材结构设计中各功能槽均符合欧洲通用标准,极大的方便了五金配件的选择及应用。型材结构设计中还使用了卡位结构处理,以确保型材在加工成型中可保持表面平整度的精度效果。铝塑复合型材是通过特殊工艺将铝、塑两种型材复合在一起,即外铝内塑,这种结构克服了铝、塑型材各自的缺点,而保留了各自的优点,是一种完全符合国家大力提倡节能型建筑门窗所需型材。新型的铝塑复合型材增加了多腔设计,使热的对流减少,进一步起到节能作用。由于门窗外侧是铝合金型材,抵消了太阳光的紫外线照射,解决了型材老化问题。具备良好的水、气密性,合理的排水设计防止了雨水的浸入,并将微量雨水迅速排出。二、铝型材市场竞争发展趋势一是由于铝合金型材行业相对于其他行业产品差异化程度较小,因此成本竞争在未来仍然是市场竞争的关键因素;二是厂商的规模化扩张趋势和产业纵向一体化趋势明显加快,少数快速成长的优质企业将越来越成为未来市场竞争的主导力量;三是以规模、技术、品牌、管理和服务为主的企业综合竞争能力日渐重要;四是经济发达地区将继续保持对铝型材较大的和活跃的消费需求,有利于位处该等地区优势企业的进一步发展壮大;由于我国正处在工业化的中期阶段,目前铝型材主要消费领域为建筑行业,工业铝型材消费占全部铝型材消费比例远远低于发达国家。随着中国工业化进程的推进,交通、电子等行业对于铝型材需求必定呈上升的趋势,在铝型材的消费结构中,工业铝型材消费的比例必定会不断上升。 总体上讲,未来几年铝加工业的发展趋势是:企业数量和规模不会有太大变化,产能和产量也不会有太大增长,而产品品种会不断增加,产品质量会更加精益求精,产品附加值更高,更加节能环保。具体来讲就是:在铝加工工艺上,向着更精细化方向发展;在铝加工装备上,向着智能化方向发展;在企业建设上,向着大而强和专而精方向发展。三、铝型材项目产品市场分析和预测1、铝型材产品市场分析铝合金门窗20世纪80年代初期在我国问世,由于其体轻、耐蚀等独特优点逐渐代替原有的钢窗受到消费者的青睐。在塑钢抢占市场和国外铝门窗厂即将进入市场的双重压力下,企业要生存就必须借助于高科技,加快研制新产品,尽快创立自己的品牌。比如,为了能比塑钢隔热,企业可以生产隔热铝合金短桥型材,使之达到和塑钢窗同样的隔热作用。铝合金的独特优点早已被世界公认,可用于制作各种复杂断面的多功能门窗,使用年限可超过50年,甚至更长,是一般材料很难替代的,塑钢门窗更是无法比拟。由于铝合金门窗的性能指标明显强于塑钢门窗,而且消费者对铝合金门窗越来越青睐,传统塑钢门窗的市场占有率逐渐萎缩。新型铝合金型材的市场前景相对较好,现在大多数建筑物均采用彩色铝合金。 彩色节能铝门窗主要特点是型材表面采用丙烯酸漆、氟碳漆喷漆或聚胺脂粉沫喷涂,给铝型材披上一层漂亮的外衣。这种新型铝材不仅颜色靓丽,而且具有抗尘、防粉化、抵御紫外线、不褪色的优点。而且,表面厚6070u的涂膜可以减缓热量的传导,隔声达30db左右。它的通风、采光、保温、御寒、隔声、防盗等功能方面都为当今门窗的姣姣者,此外,还有造型精美,色彩典雅的装饰效果。目前,在我国的建筑门窗产品市场上,铝门窗产品占据比例最大,约为55%。在2009年全国铝门窗幕墙行业年会上,专家表示,随着近几年来我国建筑业的蓬勃发展,铝合金门窗的产量不断增加,据统计2003年我国的铝合金门窗产量为2.8亿平方米,2005年3.2亿平方米,2007年为3.65亿平方米,2008年4.3亿平方米,2009年为5亿平方米左右,每年复合增长率为14%左右,中国是名副其实的门窗生产大国。铝加各种金属元素制成的各类合金,具有其他材料所无法比拟的优点,质量轻并且强度高,可挤压成各个时期所用各种新的复杂断面材料。在未来房地产业发展的带动下,铝合金门窗的耐腐蚀性、变型量小、防火性强,及使用寿命长、环保节能等特性,决定其仍是今后市场上的主流。图表:铝建筑型材性能优异,目前已占据门窗份额 50%以上材质节能耐腐蚀性阻燃性价格(元/平方米)塑钢 铝合金断桥隔热铝合金强 差强差 强强差 强强200-400300-500600-800资料来源:国都证券研究所2、铝型材产品市场预测(1)隔热铝合金型材是今后门窗和幕墙用材市场的主流本项目生产的隔热铝合金型材主要应用于节能铝合金门窗和幕墙。门窗和幕墙作为建筑外围结构的重要组成部分,不但要满足人们采光、通风、视野等基本要求,还要具有优良的保温、隔热、隔声性能,才能为人们提供舒适宁静的室内环境,满足人们日益提高的优质生活要求。我国的门窗发展经历了五个进程:第一代木门窗,持续时间较漫长;第二代为80年代盛行的钢门窗;第三代为90年代起开始流行的普通铝合金门窗;第四代为90年代中期千家万户的塑钢门窗;第五代就是目前在市场上崭露头角的断桥隔热节能门窗。随着现代化建设的发展和人民生活水平的提高,人们对居住环境、工作环境的要求越来越高,舒适度、美观、高质量的建筑环境日益成为人们生活的需要。虽然新一代的门窗价格总是高于其前一代,但一方面由于其具有更加优异的性价比,另一方面由于人们的购买力随着社会的进步而不断增强,所以新一代的门窗总是能以较快的速度取代前一代而成为门窗市场新的主流品种。能源短缺对于我国经济的发展是一个根本性的制约因素,所以说建筑节能是社会经济发展的需要。对于建筑物来说,节能的主要途径是:减少建筑物外表面积和加强围护结构保温,减少传热、耗热量;提高门窗的气密性,以减少空气渗透耗热量。复合节能门窗是当前市场上首屈一指的中高挡节能门窗产品,在我国刚走过导入期,开始步入成长期。国家一系列有关环保节能的产业政策都充分表明了国家对绿色环保节能的新型建材产品的鼓励与支持,这将极大地推动复合节能门窗市场的快速发展。铝合金门窗由于重量轻、强度高、使用性能好、装饰强、经济耐用、无污染能回收再利用而成为我国主要的建筑门窗产品,广泛应用于从高档公共建筑到一般的民用住宅和工业厂房,据统计,铝合金门窗的市场占有率约占55的份额。近年来普通铝合金门窗因为节能效果差而受到了严重的冲击,节能环保型断桥隔热铝合金型材采用高硬度、高密度树脂与铝型材进行完美结合降低传热系数,采用陶瓷彩铝技术提高窗的抗腐蚀能力和使用年限,其既具有铝合金豪华外观,又兼具塑钢窗传热系数小、节能效果好、隔声、隔热、绝缘性能高的优点,抗风压和空气渗透性能都达到国家级标准。断桥隔热铝合金型材彻底解决了普通铝合金门窗不节能的缺点,给铝合金门窗重新赋予了市场竞争力。专家预测,未来在房地产业发展的带动下,因断桥隔热铝合金门窗的耐腐蚀性、变型量小、防火性强,及使用寿命长、环保节能等特性,决定其仍是今后市场上的主流。普通铝合金市场处于逐步萎缩状态,新型铝合金型材在市场上还处于萌芽状态,未来市场发展空间巨大。据资料反映,己成为欧美建筑门窗市场主流,并随着消费者接受程度的提高,将会出现一个极大的消费增长空间。(2)建筑面积稳定增长必然导致对建筑铝型材需求的自然增长。目前的城镇人均住宅面积是28平方米,预计2020年达到小康标准时的城镇人均住房面积可达35平方米;另外随着城市化进程的进一步深化,城镇人口不断增加,因此城镇住宅总建筑面积呈现出逐年增加的趋势,其对建筑铝型材的需求也必然逐年递增;加之公司处于经济发达的省会城市,因而对建筑铝型材需求的增长速度还高于全国平均水平,公司所在的地理位置为公司市场的扩张提供了优势。四、项目建设的可行性和必要性(1)产品具有广阔的市场铝合金挤压型材以其经久耐用、安装方便、美观大方、易于回收等优点,一直是一种“永不衰败”的材料。随着科学技术的进步和人民生活水平的提高,铝合金型材的多规格和高精度、复杂的实心和空心型材在建筑工程、航天航空、交通运输、现代汽车机械制造等领域广泛应用。特别是在急需轻量化的现代交通领域,获得了高速发展。以节能减耗、减轻环境污染、提高安全舒适为目的的而实施轻量化的交通运输工具及其他方面的使用是当前世界铝业发展的主要特征。(2)原料供应有保障、销售市场空间大山西是主要原料的产地,供应充足且便利,原料供给有保障。山西房地产业极其发达,市场需求空间巨大。(3)工艺技术先进可靠引进先进的生产设备和技术,本土化生产优质产品,具备一定的技术实力和管理能力,工艺技术可靠。(4)本项目符合节能、环保、节约资源和可持续发展的要求“十一五”规划纲要明确提出,“十一五”期间单位国内生产总值能耗降低20左右,主要污染物排放总量减少10的约束性指标。近年来,我国有关部门抓住利用国际金融危机推进节能减排的重大机遇,加快经济结构调整,为节能减排创造了良好环境,我国单位gdp能耗逐年降低,但节能减排任务还很艰巨。在整个节能计划中,建筑节能和交通运输都是非常重要的部分。据有关方面统计,目前我国建筑能耗约占全国总能耗的27.6,我国城乡既有建筑总面积大约有400亿平方米,建筑能耗相当可观!目前我国居住建筑的单位总能耗是国外发达国家的3倍左右,外窗能耗是国外先进国家的1.52.2倍,门窗空气渗透率为国外先进国家的36倍。据专家
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