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LAYER 3 MESSAGE DICTIONARY - A INTERFACE ED02 RELEASED MCD fa5a44fc6403c5b369477a3d46a1f2af.pdf 26/10/1999 3BK 11202 0120 DSZZA1/3 All rights reserved. Passing on and copying of this document, use and communication of its contents not permitted without written authorization from Alcatel. Site VELIZYMOBILE COMMUNICATION DIVISION Originator(s) P. FOUILLAND LAYER 3 MESSAGE DICTIONARY - A INTERFACE B5.0 Domain:Alcatel 900/BSS Division:PRODUCT DEFINITION Rubric:SYS-TLA Type:SYSTEM FUNCTIONAL BLOCKS Distribution CodesInternal :External : PREDISTRIBUTION: MCD/TD V閘izy:J. ACHARDPJ. PIETRIB. LE GLOUANNEC JY. AMAUDRUTM. ROBERTSA. PECH S. BAUDETJJ. ROY O. BESSETS. SAADA F. COLINM. WU L. CRUCHANTP. DUPUY E. DESORBAYA. BARNEL (ffd) B. LANDAISJ.F. MAILLARD (ffd) MCD/TD Kontich:G. VAN DIJCK (ffd)M. ROELANDTS MCD/TD Kaisemer:G. HOEN MCD/TD Zuffenhausen:W. ALLERBORNA. BRAUNP. HUPPERICH PREDISTRIBUTION: DOC. CENTRES MCD VELIZYMCD STUTTGARTMCD ANTWERP B. MarliacI. LentzschL. Van Eyck ABSTRACT This document describes the layer 3 messages for the A interface. It is a working document and subject to change. It is invited that all comments are passed to the author for inclusion in future iterations. Approvals Name App. D.Berthoumieux AM V. Steegmans SSAM BSC Name App. LAYER 3 MESSAGE DICTIONARY - A INTERFACE ED02 RELEASED MCD fa5a44fc6403c5b369477a3d46a1f2af.pdf 26/10/1999 3BK 11202 0120 DSZZA2/3 All rights reserved. Passing on and copying of this document, use and communication of its contents not permitted without written authorization from Alcatel. REVIEW Ed. 01 Proposal 0105/08/96TD/SAS/LCR/1527.96 HISTORY Release 1TLA/100 VersionDateAuthorReason for update APPROVED. + 2 Phase 1 CRQ: CRQ/689: Channel mode in ASSIGN CMD CRQ/696: Coding of MS power Release 2S/P2/ VersionDateAuthorReason for update DRAFT FOR PHASE 2. This version includes only the new or modified messages for phase 2. Messages which were already in TLA/100 V., but which were not implemented in phase 1 (e.g. ESTABLISH REQUEST) are not considered as new messages for the dictionary. They are NOT included here if there is no modification. Release 33BK 11202 0044 DSZZA VersionDateAuthorReason for update JarvisFirst draft for Release 3. This document has been converted from All-in-one to winword format. Due to its size the message dictionary has been split into three separate document. Air and ABIS interface messages are GSM phase 2. A interface messages are given for both GSM phase 1 and 2. JarvisUpdated according to review TLAr3#9 held in Milan. Minutes SYS/067 Release 43BK 11202 0075 DSZZA VersionDateAuthorReason for update JarvisFirst issue for this release based on V JarvisUpdated according to comments received. DemarezUpdated according to comments received and to introduce half rate features. DemarezUpdated according to review TLAr4#13 as stated in SYS/182. CRQ/1060 is included. LAYER 3 MESSAGE DICTIONARY - A INTERFACE ED02 RELEASED MCD fa5a44fc6403c5b369477a3d46a1f2af.pdf 26/10/1999 3BK 11202 0120 DSZZA3/3 All rights reserved. Passing on and copying of this document, use and communication of its contents not permitted without written authorization from Alcatel. Release 53BK 11202 0120 DSZZA VersionDateAuthorReason for update Ed. 01 Proposal P1 10/04/96J.J.RoyFirst issue for this release. Based on V (3BK 11202 0075 DSZAA). CRQ/1431 : Introduction of the extended band CRQ/1612 : Cell Identity format in HANDOVER REQUEST CRQ/2138 : Ciphering key length checking CRQ/2305 : DCS 1900 operations Ed. 01 Released 19/08/96J.J. RoyUpdated after review TLAr5#17 as stated in TD/SAS/LCR/1527.96 Ed. 02 Released 13/02/98P. FouillandUpdated including following approved CR : 3BKA20CBR026646 v1. Complete repagination (add Alcatel border and heading numbers, suppress page breaks). INTERNAL REFERENCED DOCUMENTS Not applicable FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Not applicable END OF DOCUMENT LAYER 3 MESSAGE DICTIONARY - A INTERFACE ED02 RELEASED MCD fa5a44fc6403c5b369477a3d46a1f2af.pdf 26/10/1999 3BK 11202 0120 DSZZA4/3 All rights reserved. Passing on and copying of this document, use and communication of its contents not permitted without written authorization from Alcatel. SYSTEM FUNCTIONAL BLOCKS TABLE OF CONTENTS HISTORY 2 REFERENCED DOCUMENTS .2 RELATED DOCUMENTS .2 PREFACE2 1. SCOPE.10 2. GENERAL PRESENTATION.10 2.1 PRELIMINARIES .10 2.2 MESSAGES PRESENTATION10 2.2.1 Introduction10 2.2.2 The general overview10 2.3 THE INFORMATION ELEMENT DESCRIPTION11 2.3.1 The bit description.12 2.4 SUMMARY DESCRIPTION.12 2.5 CROSS REFERENCE12 3. LIST OF THE MESSAGES13 4. CROSS REFERENCE ON 08.08 INFORMATION ELEMENTS14 5. DESCRIPTION OF THE HEADER ON THE A INTERFACE (GSM PH1 65 4321 00 000012 kbits/s for TCH FR 6 kbits/s for TCH HRNot supported 01 000012 kbits/s 01 0001 6 kbits/sNot supported All other values are reserved. For transparent service bits 6-1 indicate the data rate; 65 4321 01 00009.6kbits/s 01 00014.8kbits/s 01 00102.4kbits/s 01 00111.2Kbits/s 01 0100600 bits/s 01 01011200/75 bit/s(1200 network-to-MS)Not supported (75 MS-to-network) All other values are reserved. For signalling: octet 5 is spare PARAMETER ORIGIN - ACTION ON PARAMETER Stored in order to be able to allocate the required channel. Use for the sending of the “Channel Activation“ message to the BTS and the “Assignment Command“ message to the MS. 6.3.2 LAYER 3 HEADER INFORMATION TYPE : M DEFINITION This element is used to supply the BSS with information that needs to be included in the header of layer 3 messages over the radio interface. BIT DESCRIPTION 87654321 00000111 Length (value = 2) 0000Protocol Discriminator 0000Transaction Identifier SUB PARAMETER DEFINITION PARAMETER ORIGIN - ACTION ON PARAMETER GSM states that this IE has no useful purpose. Thus contents of this information element will be ignored by the BSC. LAYER 3 MESSAGE DICTIONARY - A INTERFACE ED02 RELEASEDASSIGNMENT REQUEST MCD fa5a44fc6403c5b369477a3d46a1f2af.pdf 26/10/1999 3BK 11202 0120 DSZZA32/237 All rights reserved. Passing on and copying of this document, use and communication of its contents not permitted without written authorization from Alcatel. 6.3.3 PRIORITY TYPE : O DEFINITION Definition of the priority of the request for traffic channels only. BIT DESCRIPTION 87654321 00000110 Length sparePriority levelqape SUB PARAMETER DEFINITION Bit 7 and 8 are spare set to 0. Priority level 6 5 4 3 0 0 0 0 spare 0 0 0 1 priority level 1 = highest priority 0 0 1 0 priority level 2 = second highest priority : 1 1 1 0 Priority level 14 = lowest priority 1 1 1 1 priority not used if queing is allowed (qa =1) and priority =1111 then lowest priority is assigned. if queing is allowed (qa =1) and priority =0000 then lowest priority is assigned. qa = queuing allowed indicator 0 queuing not allowed 1 queuing allowed pe = pre-emption allowed indicator 0 pre-emption not allowed 1 pre-emption allowed PARAMETER ORIGIN - ACTION ON PARAMETER - If pe is set, it is forced to “No pre-emption“ by the BSC. 6.3.4 CIRCUIT IDENTITY CODE TYPE : O DEFINITION Defines the terrestrial channel over which the call will pass. BIT DESCRIPTION 87654321 00000001 LAYER 3 MESSAGE DICTIONARY - A INTERFACE ED02 RELEASEDASSIGNMENT REQUEST MCD fa5a44fc6403c5b369477a3d46a1f2af.pdf 26/10/1999 3BK 11202 0120 DSZZA33/237 All rights reserved. Passing on and copying of this document, use and communication of its contents not permitted without written authorization from Alcatel. PCM multiplex in use (highpart) (Low part)TS in use SUB PARAMETER DEFINITION PCM Multiplex ) ) defines the terrestrial channel TS in use ) PARAMETER ORIGIN - ACTION ON PARAMETER Stored for further usage (to control if terrestrial channel is already in use). In case of Signalling Channel type, the BSC reacts at the reception of this parameter with an ASSIGNMENT FAILURE (cause protocol error). 6.3.5 DOWNLINK DTX FLAG TYPE : O DEFINITION This flag indicates if the DTX function in the BSS is to be disabled on a particular radio channel. BIT DESCRIPTION 87654321 00011001 0000000DTX Flag Bits 2 to 8 spare are set to 0. Bit 1 = 1 : DTX disabled in downlink direction 0 : DTX enabled in downlink direction PARAMETER ORIGIN - ACTION ON PARAMETER It has to be included only for speech and not for signalling -In case of speech (full rate only), the DTX is sent to the BTS in the “CHANNEL ACTIVATION“ message. -For Speech channel (full rate only), if not included, “DTX enabled“ in downlink direction is selected as default value. DTX_downlink_enableDownlink DTX flagCombination result (“static indicator from OMC“)(“dynamic indicator from the MSC“) TrueAllowedDownlink DTX ON TrueDisabledDownlink DTX OFF Truenot includedDownlink DTX ON FalseAllowedDownlink DTX OFF FalseDisabledDownlink DTX OFF Falsenot includedDownlink DTX OFF LAYER 3 MESSAGE DICTIONARY - A INTERFACE ED02 RELEASEDASSIGNMENT REQUEST MCD fa5a44fc6403c5b369477a3d46a1f2af.pdf 26/10/1999 3BK 11202 0120 DSZZA34/237 All rights reserved. Passing on and copying of this document, use and communication of its contents not permitted without written authorization from Alcatel. 6.3.6 GENERAL DESCRIPTION 87654321 00000001 00001011 Length ChannelspareSpeech or data indicator TypeChannel Rate and type ExtPermitted speech version identifier ExtPermitted speech version identifier ExtPermitted speech version identifier ExtPermitted speech version identifier ExtPermitted speech version identifier 0Permitted speech version identifier or ExtT/NTRate 00000111 Layer 3Length (value=2) Header0000Proto. Discrim Information0000Transac. Identifier 00000110 PriorityLength (value=1)Optional SparePriority Levelqape Circuit00000001 IdentityPCM Multiplex in use (high part)Optional CodeLow partTS in use Downlink DTX 00011001Optional Flag0000000DTX Flag LAYER 3 MESSAGE DICTIONARY - A INTERFACE ED02 RELEASEDBLOCK MCD fa5a44fc6403c5b369477a3d46a1f2af.pdf 26/10/1999 3BK 11202 0120 DSZZA35/237 All rights reserved. Passing on and copying of this document, use and communication of its contents not permitted without written authorization from Alcatel. 6.4 BLOCK NAMEBLOCK INTERFACEAIR ABISA CHANNEL/ USAGE SCCP Connectionless GSM-REF08.08 FUNCTIONThis message is sent from the BSS to the MSC to indicate that a particular terrestrial resource must be blocked at the MSC and cannot therefore be used for traffic. DIRECTIONFrom : BSCTo : MSC INFORMATION ELEMENT NAMETYPECOMMENTLENGTH INFORMATION ELEMENT LIST Header Circuit Identity Code Cause MF MF MF 1 3 3 IMPLEMENTATION MAXIMUM LENGTH7 NORMAL SITUATIONABNORMAL SITUATIONTIMER FOLLOWING EVENT Blocking Acknowledge T 1 short or long SPECIF DOC. REF. Reset Circuit and Blocking and unequipped circuit (ref. 22) T1 starts at BLOCK sending and is stopped upon reception of the BLOCKING ACKNOWLEDGE. LAYER 3 MESSAGE DICTIONARY - A INTERFACE ED02 RELEASEDBLOCK MCD fa5a44fc6403c5b369477a3d46a1f2af.pdf 26/10/1999 3BK 11202 0120 DSZZA36/237 All rights reserved. Passing on and copying of this document, use and communication of its contents not permitted without written authorization from Alcatel. 6.4.1 CIRCUIT IDENTITY CODE TYPE : M DEFINITION Defines the terrestrial channel BIT DESCRIPTION 87654321 00000001 PCM multiplex in use (high part) (Low part)TS in use SUB PARAMETER DEFINITION PCM Multiplex ) ) defines the terrestrial channel TS in use ) PARAMETER ORIGIN - ACTION ON PARAMETER This parameter is given to the MSC in order to report a failure on a specific terrestrial channel. 6.4.2 CAUSE TYPE : M DEFINITION To indicate the reason for a particular event to have occurred. BIT DESCRIPTION 87654321 00000100 Length 0Cause Value SUB PARAMETER DEFINITION Cause value class. value 0 to 7 (Bit 7 to 5) Used causes 010 0010Requested terrestrial resource unavailable 000 01110 and M intervention PARAMETER ORIGIN - ACTION ON PARAMETER Only this format is used (no extension). LAYER 3 MESSAGE DICTIONARY - A INTERFACE ED02 RELEASEDBLOCK MCD fa5a44fc6403c5b369477a3d46a1f2af.pdf 26/10/1999 3BK 11202 0120 DSZZA37/237 All rights reserved. Passing on and copying of this document, use and communication of its contents not permitted without written authorization from Alcatel. 6.4.3 GENERAL DESCRIPTION 87654321 01000000 Circuit00000001 IdentityPCM Multiplex in use (high part) CodeLow partTS in use 00000100 CauseLength=1 0Cause Value LAYER 3 MESSAGE DICTIONARY - A INTERFACE ED02 RELEASEDBLOCKING ACKNOWLEDGE MCD fa5a44fc6403c5b369477a3d46a1f2af.pdf 26/10/1999 3BK 11202 0120 DSZZA38/237 All rights reserved. Passing on and copying of this document, use and communication of its contents not permitted without written authorization from Alcatel. 6.5 BLOCKING ACKNOWLEDGE NAMEBLOCKING ACKNOWLEDGE INTERFACEAIR ABISA CHANNEL/ USAGE SCCP Connectionless GSM-REF08.08 FUNCTIONThis message is sent from the MSC to the BSS to acknowledge the receipt of an earlier block message and to indicate that the circuit concerned has been removed from service. DIRECTIONFrom : MSCTo : BSC INFORMATION ELEMENT NAMETYPECOMMENTLENGTH INFORMATION ELEMENT LIST Header Circuit Identity Code MF MF 1 3 IMPLEMENTATION MAXIMUM LENGTH4 NORMAL SITUATIONABNORMAL SITUATIONTIMER FOLLOWING EVENT Timer 1 is stopped upon reception of this message. T 1 short or long SPECIF DOC. REF. Reset Circuit and Blocking and unequipped circuit (ref. 22) LAYER 3 MESSAGE DICTIONARY - A INTERFACE ED02 RELEASEDBLOCKING ACKNOWLEDGE MCD fa5a44fc6403c5b369477a3d46a1f2af.pdf 26/10/1999 3BK 11202 0120 DSZZA39/237 All rights reserved. Passing on and copying of this document, use and communication of its contents not permitted without written authorization from Alcatel. 6.5.1 CIRCUIT IDENTITY CODE TYPE : M DEFINITION Defines the terrestrial channel BIT DESCRIPTION 87654321 00000001 PCM multiplex in use (highpart) (Low part)TS in use SUB PARAMETER DEFINITION PCM Multiplex ) ) defines the terrestrial channel TS in use ) PARAMETER ORIGIN - ACTION ON PARAMETER This parameter is given to the BSC in order to recognise this message from a previous block message. 6.5.2 GENERAL DESCRIPTION 87654321 01000001 Circuit00000001 IdentityPCM Multiplex in use (high part) CodeLow partTS in use LAYER 3 MESSAGE DICTIONARY - A INTERFACE ED02 RELEASEDCIPHER MODE COMMAND MCD fa5a44fc6403c5b369477a3d46a1f2af.pdf 26/10/1999 3BK 11202 0120 DSZZA40/237 All rights reserved. Passing on and copying of this document, use and communication of its contents not permitted without written authorization from Alcatel. 6.6 CIPHER MODE COMMAND NAMECIPHER MODE COMMAND INTERFACEAIR ABISA CHANNEL/ USAGE SCCP Connection GSM-REF08.08 FUNCTIONThis message is sent from MSC to BSC via the relevant SCCP connection associated with that MS transaction. It updates the encryption parameters for the concerned MS. DIRECTIONFrom : MSCTo : BSC INFORMATION ELEMENT NAMETYPECOMMENTLENGTH INFORMATION ELEMENT LIST Header Layer 3 header Information Encryption Information MF MF MV 1 4 3-11 IMPLEMENTATION MAXIMUM LENGTH16 NORMAL SITUATIONABNORMAL SITUATIONTIMER FOLLOWING EVENTNext valid frame which may be the “ciphering mode complete“ - SPECIF DOC. REF. Ciphering Procedure (ref. 4) LAYER 3 MESSAGE DICTIONARY - A INTERFACE ED02 RELEASEDCIPHER MODE COMMAND MCD fa5a44fc6403c5b369477a3d46a1f2af.pdf 26/10/1999 3BK 11202 0120 DSZZA41/237 All rights reserved. Passing on and copying of this document, use and communication of its contents not permitted without written authorization from Alcatel. 6.6.1 LAYER 3 HEADER INFORMATION TYPE : M DEFINITION This element is used to supply the BSS with information that needs to be included in the header of layer 3 messages over the radio interface. BIT DESCRIPTION 87654321 100000111 2Length = 2 30000Protocol Discriminator 40000Transaction Identifier SUB PARAMETER DEFINITION Protocol Discriminator and Transaction Identifier are used in order to have information for the sending of the “Ciphering Mode Command“ message to the MS. Refer to the general part at the beginning of this dictionary. PARAMETER ORIGIN - ACTION ON PARAMETER Contents of this information element will be ignored by the receiver (BSC). 6.6.2 ENCRYPTION INFORMATION TYPE : M DEFINITION This element contains the user data encryption information used to control any encryption equipment at the BSS. BIT DESCRIPTION 87654321 00001010 Length (1 no failure if queuing and timer expires clear request SPECIF DOC. REF. External Handover (ref. 7) (*): Required in case of multiple cell -BSS. LAYER 3 MESSAGE DICTIONARY - A INTERFACE ED02 RELEASEDHANDOVER REQUEST MCD fa5a44fc6403c5b369477a3d46a1f2af.pdf 26/10/1999 3BK 11202 0120 DSZZA75/237 All rights reserved. Passing on and copying of this document, use and communication of its contents not permitted without written authorization from Alcatel. 6.18.1CHANNEL TYPE TYPE : M DEFINITION This element contains all of the information that the BSC requires to determine the radio resource that is required. BIT DESCRIPTION 87654321 000010111 Length2 spareSpeech or data indicator3 Channel Rate and type4 ExtPermitted speech version identifier5 ExtPermitted speech version identifier5a ExtPermitted speech version identifier5b ExtPermitted speech version identifier5c ExtPermitted speech version identifier5d 0Permitted speech version identifier5e or ExtT/NTRate5 SUB PARAMETER DEFINITION The “speech / data indicator“ field is coded as follows: 0001Speech 0010Data 0011Signalling All other values are reserved. For values 0001 and 0010 a dedicated terrestrial resource is also required. The “channel rate and type“ is coded as follows: If octet 3 indicates data then octet 4 shall be coded as: 0000 1000Full rate TCH channel Bm 0000 1001Half rate TCH channel LmNot supported 0000 1010Full or Half rate TCH channel, Full rate preferred, changes allowed. 0000 1011Full or Half rate TCH channel, Half rate preferred, changes allowed. 0001 1010Full or Half rate TCH channel, Full rate pre


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