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A It is halfway through October. The sun arrives early and I stare out my window, feeling shame for invading(侵犯)the privacy of the homeless woman who has settled across the street. I am not sure when she first appeared, maybe a month ago. Each morning I watch as she gets out from the narrow space between the two large buildings across from mine. She wears the same dirty, badly torn dress every day. I can see she fights to pull herself up into a standing position. She fails on the first two or three tries, but determination always wins out. She remains leaning against the wall for several long minutes, appearing to gather the necessary strength needed to pick up her possessions all packed into five plastic bags. With tears in my eyes, I watch as she places her feet pointing outward to avoid falling. Her steps are measured and cautious as she slowly makes her way to the corner and disappears. When I first noticed this woman, I went across the street and offered her 20 dollars, but she turned her back to me and pretended not to see me. The expression on her face was one of shame, causing me to feel guilt for invading her privacy. The next night I bought a hotdog and a Coke, and left them in the spot when she was not there. Feeling like a spy, I watched as she ate the hotdog like a starving cat that had not eaten for days. I too often find myself complaining about life, but when I look out my window and see the old woman, I feel the need to apologize for my foolish pride in not realizing how fortunate I really am. There are many poor people in my town. I have become familiar with many of their faces, and then suddenly they disappear. I know that one day the old woman will be gone and I will have no idea where she is. I fear that day. 21 .What is the main idea of paragraph 2? A. Life is tough for the homeless woman. B. Poverty causes the womans poor health. C. The woman doesnt care about her appearance. D. Possessions mean much to the woman. 22. Why did the woman refuse the authors 20 dollars? A. The money didnt help much. B. She didnt like the author. C. Accepting money was guilty. D. She felt her dignity was hurt. 23. What lesson does the author learn from the homeless woman? A. Complaints can sometimes make life worse. B. He should appreciate his present life more. ? 1 第页 C. More is to be done to make life meaningful. D. We should all apologize for ignoring the poor. 24. Which of the following words best describes the author of the text? A. Optimistic. B. Sympathetic. C. Determined. D. Easygoing. B A laptop, a hair straightener, Christmas lights, an e-reader, a kettle, two bags, a pair of jeans, a remote-control helicopter, a spoon, and a dining-room chair. All broken. It sounds like a pile of things that youd stick in boxes and take to the dustbins. In fact, its a list of things mended in a single afternoon by British volunteers determined to get people to stop throwing things away. This is the Reading Repair Cafe, part of an international network aimed at dealing with a world of rubbish. The helicopter belongs to William who cheerfully describes himself as “mechanically incompetent”. He has owned it for 8 years, but 3 years ago it stopped working and it has been sitting unused in his cupboard ever since. He sits down at the table of Colin Haycock, an IT professional who volunteers at the repair cafe, which has been running for about four years and is a place where people can bring all manner of household items to be fixed for free. In less than five minutes, Haycock has fixed the helicopter and it works well. William looks ashamed; Haycock looks pleased. “I wish they were all that simple,” he says. Today, the repairers will stop 24kg of waste from going to landfill(垃圾填埋场) and save 284kg of CO2. Some items cant be fixed on the spot but very little needs to be thrown away. Gabrille Stanley, who used to run a clothing business, says she was drawn to volunteering at the repair cafe to fight the “throwaway culture” she sees. About 300, 000 tons of clothing was sent to landfill in the UK in 2016 and a report from WRAP puts the average lifespan(寿命) for a piece of clothing in the UK at 3. 3 years. 25. What is the authors purpose in writing paragraph 1? A. To present the main idea. B. To support the authors opinion. C. To raise readers interest. D. To establish an argument. 26. Why doesnt William repair the helicopter himself? A. He is both lazy and busy. B. He is ashamed of repair work. ? 2 第页 C. He doesnt treasure the helicopter. D. He lacks the necessary skills. 27. Which of the following argument will Gabrille Stanley probably agree with? A. People should send old clothing to landfill. B. People should hold on to their clothes longer. C. Clothing factories are to blame for the waste. D. Running a clothing business is no easy task. C The descriptions are scary. Some people felt fine in the morning and then were dead by night. Patients coughed up blood. Their faces turned blue. That was what happened in 1918. A deadly flu killed tens of millions of people around the world. It is 100 years later. Scientists are thinking about how to keep us safe from another superflu. Dr. Anthony Fauci says we need one vaccine(疫苗) that can protect against most or all types of the flu. Scientists want a shot that people could get every 5 or 10 years to get rid of normal flu shots. Maybe someday we will need just one shot. It could last our whole lives. It will not be easy. Scientists have been learning about the flu for 100 years. Still, the flu often beats our best plans to stop it. That is because it is always changing. The immune system(免疫系统) protects the body. It keeps us healthy by fighting things that might harm the body. To get around our immune system, the flu changes itself every year. Scientists have a new plan, though. They are learning how the flu tricks the immune system. They are finding which part of the flu stays the same each year. The 1918 flu outbreak shows why this is so important. Back then, there was no flu vaccine. There was no way to stop it. By winter 1919, the flu had infected one-third of the worlds population, killing more than 50 million people in a short time. In 2009, scientists made a great discovery. They learned something new. Sometimes, peoples immune systems make a small number of special antibodies. Antibodies are proteins(蛋质) in the blood. These proteins stop us from getting sick. These special antibodies can stop the flu. Scientists are trying different tricks to get peoples bodies to make more of those antibodies. They still need to learn more, though. In the meantime, Fauci says it is silly to think about what the next flu might bring.” We just need to be prepared, ” he said. 28. The flu tricks the immune system by_ . A. changing itself every year B. remaining totally unchanged C. producing special antibodies D. harming proteins in the body 29. What can we learn from the text? ? 3 第页 A. The flu today causes more deaths than it did 100 years ago. B. A flu vaccine shot with long-term effects is easy to make. C. The super flu will take about 5 or 10 years to get rid of. D. People dont have to be too concerned about the flu. 30. What is the main idea of the text? A. The deadly flu killed tens of millions of people in such a short time. B. Scientists are trying to figure out the best protection against the flu. C. The immune system plays a vital part in keeping us from being sick. D. People around the world are scared of the sudden outbreak of the flu. 第节 (共5题;每题2分,满分10分) 根据短内容,从短后的选项中选出能填空处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余 选项。 Why I Got Rid of My Cell Phone In 2017 I decided to take a break from my cell phone. Instead of shutting it off completely, I decided to turn it off for a month to see how it goes. By the end of the month I found that I could live without a cell phone. It has been seven months since I have lived without a cell phone. I would like to share with you the reasons why I decided to get rid of my cell phone. 1. 31 Checking my phone was the first thing I did when I woke up and the last thing I did before going to sleep. Throughout the day I would check my phone countless of times. It became a bad habit of mine in which the only way to break it was to be far away from it. 2. When I owned a phone, I was constantly connected to it. I wasnt taking enough time to see what was right in front of me. There was no end of the day when it came to work and there was not nearly enough time to relax. Instead, I was constantly using it. 32 3. 33 If I was having a conversation with someone, I would think about what else I could he doing or texting other people instead of being fully present in the conversation. Now that I dont have a cell phone, I am more present in my conversations and to my surroundings. 4. I was completely dependent on my cell phone. 34 A cell phone was my quick and easy problem salver. Whatever problem I met during the day, I used my cell phone for the answer. Without my cell phone I have become more selfdependent and a selfproblem salver. 5. I also found that my sleep wasnt as good as it had been in the past. Screens stimulate(刺激) your mind and can affect your natural sleep patterns. 35 However, I did not have the self- control to ? 4 第页 do this. I would go to bed with a stimulated mind causing me to have a poor night sleep. A. It made me less social. B. I found that I was addicted to my phone. C. Having a cell phone split my attention in half. D. I know that is not good for my health. E. The answer to this is to turn off your phone a few hours before bed. F. These phonefree travels were some of the most liberating moments of my life. G. It was my watch, my alarm clock, my email, my maps, my wallet, and my way to talk with friends. 第三部分 语运(共两节,满分45分) 第节 完形填空(共20题;每题1.5分,满分30分) 阅读下短,从短后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填空处的最 佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂。 Mariana was just leaving a doctors appointment last Wednesday. All of a sudden, she found herself in the middle of what felt like a 36 in a movie. Mariana had been returning to her office in downtown Ottawa when she heard a woman down the street yell that a man had 37 her wallet. Sure enough, a man started running away from the scene of the 38 but not before Mariana could 39 after him. After running for two blocks, Mariana rounded the corner into an alleyway and found that the 40 had stopped running and had started to 41 instead. “He came out from behind the dustbin and said in a very 42 tone, “Im sorry, I wont do this anymore. Here is the 43 . Just take it, take it,” she told the local media. “So I took the wallet, and the woman 44 soon after. I gave it back to her and he stayed there, 45 a lot.” Recognizing that the man was extremely 46 , Mariana decided to take him to a 47 down the street and bought him a large black coffee. The man 48 that he had come to the city with his friends from Toronto, but they had 49 him in Ottawa without any money. Mariana did her best to 50 the man before showing him how to get to the public library where he could seek help from the 51 workers on duty. She says that she 52 that the man gets the help that he needs, and she has no 53 about her actions from that day. “You kill more flies with 54 than you do with vinegar,” she said. “I wanted to show him some 55 . It is a more powerful remedy(治疗法) to forgive and forget past crimes.” 36. A. song B. scene C. disaster D. party ? 5 第页 37. A. checked B. returned C. stolen D. spotted 38. A. crime B. accident C. match D. quarrel 39. A. line up B. get on C. stand up D. take off 40. A. victim B. waiter C. burglar D. policeman 41 .A. struggle B. cry C. flee D. pray 42. A. guilty B. aggressive C. friendly D. innocent 43. A. coffee B. ticket C. menu D. wallet 44. A. left B. woke C. caught up D. broke down 45. A. complaining B. apologizing C. suffering D. charging 46. A. upset B. calm C. stubborn D. gentle 47. A. shelter B. clinic C. station D. cafe 48. A. insisted B. announced C. explained D. intended 49. A. reminded B. deserted C. teased D. arranged 50. A. comfort B. connect C. approach D. thank 51. A. retired B. skilled C. medical D. social 52. A. suspects B. admits C. expects D. understands 53. A. debates B. regrets C. confidence D. worry 54. A. honey B. wine C. poison D. glue 55. A. courage B. appreciation C. reflection D. sympathy 第卷 第节 (共10题;每题1.5分,满分15分) 阅读下材料,在空处填适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 The first bicycle appeared in France in the 1790s. It was 56 little wooden horse with a fixed front wheel. Because the wheel was fixed, it could not be turned right or left. The only way it could be controlled was by the rider 57 (push)against the ground with his or her feet. In 1817, a German replaced the fixed front wheel with one 58 could be turned. Now the wooden horse could be directed right or left. The rider still needed to push it with his or her feet on the ground. In 1839, a Scot 59 (name ) MacMillan designed the first bicyclelike machine with foot board and rode it for 40 miles in only 5 hours. The bicycle got more 60 (comfort)in 1869 when rubber tires were introduced. Around the same time, the front wheels began to grow larger while the back wheels got smaller. During the 1880s, 61 (bicycle)enjoyed a sudden 62 (grow) in popularity. However, they werent very safe. Sitting high up towards the front of the bicycle and traveling very fast, the rider ? 6 第页 could be 63 (easy) thrown over the front wheel if the bicycle hit a small stone. Fortunately, the “safety bicycle” 64 (invent) in 1884. The safety bicycle had equalsized wheels and tires with air in them. And more improvements quickly followed. No doubt there will be 65 (far) improvements in design and materials in the future. 第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分) 第节 应写作(满分15分) 假定你是李华,注意到你校学很少进英语学阅读。请给全校同学英语写封倡 议书,倡导家多阅读英语学作品。内容包括: 1、介绍现状; 2、你对英语学阅读的看法; 3、发出倡议。 注意: 1、词数80左右; 2、可适当增加细节,以使连贯。 第节 读后续写(满分25分) 阅读下短,根据所给情节进续写,使之构成个完整的故事。 Megan is a bright and curious little girl, as are most children of eight years old. When walking she looks up, down, or sideways, never where shes going. One day, she spotted, partly covered by leaves and litter, a $100 bill. She looked to see if anyone was watching and bent down to crumple (揉 捏) the bill in her tiny hand. Sliding it into her jacket pocket, she took another guilty look around and then hurried off to school. Her day was spent watching her jacket hung on the wall by the door. During lunch, she took it off and ran to the far side of the playground to pull out the crumpled bill and stare at it and see that it was real and now belonged to her. When some older kids wandered by, she put it back into her pocket quickly and rushed back into the school. It wasnt until she was riding home on the school bus that she started to wonder about who the bill had belonged to before it came to be hers. “Probably somebody rich”, she thought. “Why else would they be so careless with $100 bill?” ? 7 第页 She imagined a tall man in a fine wool jacket walking to his big car and pulling out a roll of money, not noticing as one bill drifted(飘落) to the ground. Putting the roll back in his pocket, he climbed into his car and drove away. Just then, a wind blew some leaves to cover most of the lost bill. But, then she thought, what if the bill had been


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