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第一学期七年级英语总复习一、语音辨别A选出下列划线部分字母与其他三个发音不同的单词1. A. even B. barbecue C. pocket D. escape2. A. through B. otherwise C. thief D. path3. A. petrol B. hold C. opinion D. pilot4. A. pour B. hour C. flour D. ours5. A. direction B. question C. fashion D. duration6. A. violinB. biology C. collect D. follow7. A. table B. arrive C. makeD. grade8. A. addressB. businessC. plasticD. visit9. A. pressedB. stopped C. startedD. looked10. A. onceB. difficult C. twice D. cycleKey: A B B A B D B D C BB找出下列句子中,哪一个划线单词的重音位置与其他划线单词不同1. In the future, our name and telephone numbers will be in Penfriends magazine. A B C D2. The policemen went towards the bamboo forest and caught the robbers. A B C D3. Having photographs is important because it can help us to remember everything. A B C D4 Collecting stamps are fun and interesting. But sometimes it is not a hobby but as business.A B C D5. Tomorrow, maybe a monster will jump out and stand behind the accountant.A B C D6. Luckily, I have to go downstairs to get the newspaper from the postman.A B C D7. This cartoon is very funny. I love the panda, elephant and monkey.A B C D8. You can find the description on the umbrella. The umbrella is very colourful but very expensive. A B C D9. Remember to take the book about environment to the university and give it to my professor.A B C D10. My husband used to teach biology. But now he works in a helicopter. He is a pilot. A B C DKey: D D A A B A B A C C B二、单项选择Unit 141. Please _ the present to Mrs. when you visit her. A. take B. takes C. bring D. carry 2. When they _ the top of the hill, the snow covered everything. A. arrived B. got C. reach D. got to 3. He is kind to her friends. She always takes a present with her _ she visits her friends. A. before B. because C. after D. when 4. This dictionary is not _. Its _.A. me, Lily and Lucys B. me, Lilys and Lucys C. mine, Lily and Lucys D. mine, Lilys and Lucys5. When she _, I shall tell her _ for you. A. comes, to wait B. will come, to wait C. come, to wait D. comes, waiting 6. She got up late yesterday morning. After breakfast she _ school. A. hurry B. hurried to C. hurry to D. hurried 7. Sue and Joy _. A. both are my classmates B. are my both classmates C. are all my classmates D. are both my classmates 8. Could you _ me something _ ?I am hungry. A. let, to eat B. get, eating C. get, to eat D. have, eating 9. My father worked in the school _ 1992 _2002. Oh, he worked here _ ten years. A. in, to, in B. from, in, for C. from, to, for D. from, to, in 10. After dinner, my parents _ the garden for half an hour yesterday. A. walk around B. walked around C. are walking around D. walking around 11. My mother _ born _ April 21st, 1965. A. is, on B. were, in C, was, on D. was, in 12. She _ to New York _ 1997. A. travel, to B. travels, in C. travelled, in D. travelled, for 13. Is this your lunch box, Meihua? No, it isnt. Annie has one like that. I think it is _. A. shes B. her C. she D. hers 14.The clock made her _ early this morning.A. wake up B. to wake up C. wakes up D. waking up15.Alice is the worst _ biology in her class.A. to B. at C. of D. in 16. China is one of the _ in the world.A. biggest country B. bigger countries C. bigger country D. biggest countries.17. His mother_ at the moment.A. cooked B. cooks C. is cooking D. was cooking18. What are you doing now? I am _my cat, MiMi.A. looking B. looking for C. finding D. look for19. How much do you know about China? _.A. Only little B. Only a little C. Only a few D. Only few20. Will you please_ the dictionary for me? Its my pleasure.A. carry B. carried C. to carry D. carrying21. Which sport do you like _, basketball, football or baseball?A. best B. good C. better D. well22.Last Friday Tom _get up early to go climbing the Baiyun Mountain.A. had B. had to C. have to D. has to 23.If it _rain tomorrow, well go out for a picnic.A. isnt B. dont C. will not D. doesnt24. _do you watch TV at the weekend? For about two hours.A. How often B. How long C. How much D. What time 25.When the policeman _ the thief, they _ him at once.A. see; catch B. saw; caught C. are seeing; are catching D. will see; will catch26. Do you have _to say? No, nothing.A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything27. Do you know the man_ a pair of glasses?A. at B. on C. with D. around 28. _ do the Olympic Games take place? Every four years.A. How long B. How often C. How many times D. How soon29. Which sign can you probably see beside a deep river?30. We cant visit “The Window to the World” next Sunday_.A. Id love to B. Thats a great pity! C. Thats a great idea D. Oh, excuse meAnswers: 1-5 ADDCA 6-10 BDCCB 11-15CCDAB 16-20 DDBBA 21-25ABDBB 26-30BCBDBUint 571. China is famous the Great Wall .A. of B. for C. about D. on 2. He feels full too much foodA. becauseB. but C. because ofD. so 3. After school , he newspaper to make a living .A. leave,sell B. leaving , soldC. left ,soldD. leaves , selling 4. my father my mother is a teacher .A. Both , and B. Neither, nor C. Either , nor D. Neither , or5. I am a student . My best friend is a student , .A. alsoB. to C. as well D. too 6.Do you see man over there ? Hes my class teacher .A. this B. that C. theseD. those7. He often much money eating .A. spends,inB. spends , on C. spend, at D. spend , on8.I need money , mum. I want to buy present for my classmate .A. any, some B. some , a C. a , some D. some , any 9. Neither Tom nor Jim good at English .A. has B. have C. are D. is 10.May I have for my breakfast , please ?A. three breadsB. three pieces of breadsC. three piece of breadsD. three pieces of bread11.There are two and three on the table .A. knifes , forks B. knifes , forkC. knives, forksD. knives , forkes12. - Where shall go now ? - the zoo ?A. We can go to B. What about going to C. Why not going to D. Well go to 13. The book is good expensive for me .A. ever B. and C. but D. however14. - Would you please help me move this heavy box ? - .A. You are all right .B. Thats right . C. Yes, it is. D. With pleasure .15. We can find in an encyclopadia .A. a lot of informationB. a lot of informationsC. many informationsD. some informations16.The room books .A. full of B. full with C. is full of D. is full with 17. The Yellow River is the longest river in China .A. one B. first C. two D. second18. - How about going swimming this weekend? - .A. Thats all right .B. I m sorry .C. Thats a good idea .D. Its my pleasure .19. Dont do again !A. that B. thats C. these D. those 20. I like sports tennis , table tennis and swimming .A. for example B. such as C. like D. so as 21. Thank you helping me !A. of B. about C. for D. in22. There are 50 students in our class . 30 of us are in the classroom , are all on the playground .A. the rest B. the rest of C.anyD. some23. I bought five apples yesterday . My mother ate two . The rest for my brother .A. is B. are C. was D. were24. - Hello ! is Jack . May I speak to Lily ? - Hold on , please !A. ThisB. That C. These D. Those25. - What is in your hand ? - is a book about animal .A. This B. That C. It D. They26.I dont have books about space . Could you give me ?A. some , someB. any , any C. some , any D. any , some27. I dont like spring because theres rain .A. too much B. much too C. too many D. many too28. His father is a teacher a painter .A. alsoB. as well C. as well as D. too29.I looked for my bike , but I couldnt find it .A.everywhereB.somewhereC. anywhereD. nowhere30.Dont this bottle , Its very dangerous .A. shaking B. shook C. to shake D. shake答案:1.B2.C3.B4.B5.D6.B7.A8.B9.D10.D11.C12.B13.C14.D15.A16.C17.D18.C19.A20.B21.C22.A23.D24.A25.C26.D27.A28.C29.A30.D三、 完形填空(A) u3 RAToday my father and I waited for the ferry. Suddenly, two women and a man _(41) . The man held out a bag and_(42). There was nothing in it.Everyone looked at the three people. My father went up and asked one of the women, “Is_(43)_?”“He stole my purse,”said the woman. “We were in the bookshop and three young men were _(44)_us.Then I couldnt find my purse._(45)_ men ran away, and we followed this man here.”Then the gates opened. The man hurried aboard, and the two women went after him.“Wait,”said my father.”Lets take the next ferry.”Then he hurried_(46)_ice cream shop, picked up the phone and quickly called 110.“I want to_(47) A man stole a purse from a woman. He has a green shirt and a blue bag. Hes on the No.3 Ferry now. It left_(48)_ Please meet it on the other side of the river.”We took the next ferry. When we _(49)_we saw six policemen_ (50)_ around the man. He was in handcuffs.“Well done, Dad,”I said.”You are so great!”41. A began argueing .B began arguing C begins to argue D begun arguing42. A showed it to the women .B showed it the womenC showed the women to it D shown it to the women43 A anything wrong B. wrong anything C.wrong something D.something wrong44A.follow B after C. before D. behind45 A.Another two B. Other three C.The other two D.The other three46 A to an B.an C.to a D.a47A.report to a theft B. report a thief C. report a theft . D.report for a thief48 A.last a few minutes B. a few minutes ago. C.a few minutes before D. in a few minutes49A got out of B got off C. got on D. got away50A,sit Bstand C. sitting D standing答案:BADDC ACBBD(B) u5 RBJean Champollion (1790-1832) was very good at languages. He learnt twelve languages in his life. When he was eighteen, he began teaching history (41)_. He was younger than many of his students!Jean was very _(42)_ in ancient Egypt and in 1821 he began to study the Rosetta Stone. A group of soldiers (43)_ this stone at Rosetta when Jean was still a young boy. It was under the sand for (44)_ before they dug it up. There was a lot of strange writing on the stone. The writing was in three languages. One of the languages_(45)_ ancient Egyptian. No one could read it at that time. But Jean _(46)_ its secret. Ancient Egyptian was not a language with letters and words_(47)_ English. It was full of signs. According to many experts, these signs showed things and ideas. Jean did not completely agree. He_(48)_ that some of them showed sounds. He found fifteen sighs of this kind in his study of the Rosetta Stone. Today, it is possible _(49)_ancient Egyptian from 4,000 years ago _(50)_ Jeans discovery.41.A.at the university B. in a university C. in university D at university.42.A.interesting B interested C to interest Dinterest43.A.founded Bfound C looked for D watched44.A a hundreds of years B a hundreds years C hundreds of years D. hundreds years45.A was B.were C. is D.are 46.Alooked out B.scared at. C worked as D worked out47.A as B unlike C likeD.sounded48.A.through B.though C. although D thought49.A to understand B.understanding C.to understanding D for understanding50.A.so B.because C as D because of答案:DBBCA DCDAD(C) u7 RBIn 1897, H G Wells wrote a science fiction book about spaceships _(41)_ to Earth. Its name was The War of the Worlds. The book was still very popular_(42)_. On 30 October, 1938, a man named Orson Welles put out a radio programme from the book. The programme was _(43)_the book.The programme was different from the book in one important way: in the programme the actors talked like reporters and it _(44)_ like a news report to the listeners.The actors said, ”Space people from the_(45) _Mars are going to attack Earth. Huge things like snakes will come out of spaceships and kill people and peoples guns cannot hurt (46)_ of them.” When people heard this, they were very afraid. Some even left their homes and tried_(47)_.Orson Welles waited 40 minutes and later he told the listeners the truth. However, many listeners really _(48)_ the news report. They were afraid _(49)_and then they became angry.In fact, 30 October is the day _(50)_ a famous holiday in the USA and some other countries. On this holiday, people play jokes on other people. The holiday is Halloween.41. A.go B to come C coming D going42. A in the 1930s B in 1930s C in the 1930s D in the 193043. A different from B the same as C similar to D not different from44. A.heard B listened to C seemed D sounded45. A.star B planet C satellite D plant46. A some B no C every Dany47. A.to hide B to hiding C hiding D hide48. A believing B doubted C believed in D believed49. A finally B first of all C at first D at last50. A after B before C ago D late答案:CAADB DADCB四、单词拼写Unit1 1. He has many h_ ,and he likes badminton best.2. It is a little d_ for him to finish his maths homework alone.3. I write letters to my penfriend and he always r_ quickly.4. I find your name and a_ in Penfriends magazine.5. Last night we went outside and had dinner at a r_.6. When we got off, we saw six policemen s_ around the thief.7. We are in Class 2, G_ 7 of No.5 Middle School.8. What do you want to be in the f_ ?9. His house is very big, and mine is much s_ than his.10. There are many books and m_ in our library.Unit 21. Six people are talking about their daily l_.2. Susan often d_ English questions with Kate after class.3. I go to visit my grandparents once or t_ a week.4. After a rest, she c_ working on her project.5. Every morning this little girl b_ her teeth and washes her face.6. Chen Yu takes part in many a_ after class such as playing basketball.7. Be c_ not to break the eggs.8. It is d_ to play with fire.9. Tom only got 40 in his English test, so his father got very a_.10. The man h_ out the bag to show that he was not the thief.Unit3 1. Suddenly, two women and a man began a_.2. I have no watch now, for someone s_ it yesterday.3. He picked up his bag and h_ off to catch the last train.4. It is a_ 10 oclock, so you must go to bed right now.5. The old lady fell over and h_ her legs.6. You cant buy things w_ money.7. When you a_ home, please call me up.8. Guangzhou is famous for its d_ food.9. It is due today, so you must r_ the books to the library.10. They have r_ for not keeping a cat in your small home.Unit4 1. I dont have enough money to buy such e_ books.2. The map of the stars can help you find your way t_ the sky.3. It was time for sleep. H_ , he decided to go on with his work.4. I dont like this bag; please show me a_ one?5. Mickey Mouse is an i_ cartoon character.6. Photographs can help us r_ things.7. This dictionary has many e_ of words use.8. Guangzhou has a h_ of more than 2000 years.9. My hobby is c_ stamps.10. B_ it or not, I met Yao Ming in the street yesterday.Unit5 1.You can find many c_ characters in Disneyland.2.When he was young, he s_ newspapers to get money.3. He caught a terrible d_ and could not go to school any more.4. There are many different a_ in the zoo.5. Scientists have made many great d_ about space.6. Every month she s_ 10 yuan buying magazines.7. It is my p_ to meet you.8. We are thinking of taking a t_ to the mountains this Saturday.9. He was so h_ that he ate up a dish of chicken.10. Giant pandas are p_ by law in China.Unit61. Captain King often tells his friends stories of his a_.2. There is no need to s_. I can hear you clearly.3. Jack r_ from the table and went over to the window.4. I wish you would leave me in p_ . Dont make n


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