



Fransois de La Rochefoucauld ua noted French writer of moralist aphorisms uborn in Paris , at a time when the royal court was oscillating between aiding the nobility and threatening it uwas considered an exemplar of the accomplished 17th-Century noblemen. (15 September 1613 17 March 1680) Military Career and Salon participation took his place in the salon whose special literary work was the writing of Sentences and Maxims. had a circle of devoted friends and was recognized as a top-ranking moralist and man of letters. At the age of 16, joined the army and almost immediately established himself as a public figure a conspicuous figure in the siege of Paris, fought desperately in many engagements His importance as a social and historical figure is perhaps overshadowed by his importance to literature. The view of human conduct his writings describe has been summed up by the words “everything is reducible to the motive of self- interest“. Literary Works Literary Works consist of three parts the Memoirs the Maxims his letters upublished by himself in 1665 uestablished his position among the men of letters of the time u represented the mature thoughts of a man deeply versed in the business and pleasures of the world usurreptitiously published by others in 1662 ubrought him both trouble and fame, more of the former than the latter 回忆录 箴言集 男因勇气而神勇,女因节操而守节,此未必然也。 (箴言集第1条) et ce nest pas toujours par valeur que les hommes sont vaillants et que les femmes sont chastes. 真爱犹如鬼魅:众口相传,然尝目击者,鲜矣。 (箴言集第76条) Il est du vritable amour comm


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