高中英语 unit 5 meeting your ancestors  listening练习 新人教版选修8_第1页
高中英语 unit 5 meeting your ancestors  listening练习 新人教版选修8_第2页
高中英语 unit 5 meeting your ancestors  listening练习 新人教版选修8_第3页




Using LanguageDATING METHODSZhou Heping (ZH) has come to ask the archaeologist, Richard Leakey (RL), how he dates the bones he finds.Listen to Part 1.Listen again and fill in the blanks.ZH: How can you tell how old _ are when you find them?RL: There are _ main ways: the first uses the layers in the ground and the _ uses radiocarbon dating.ZH: I see. How does the layer method _?RL: Well, look at the diagram in your book. Think of a wastepaper _. When you came into work, you ate an orange and threw the orange _ into it. Thats layer number 1. Later somebody _ some yogurt pots into it. Thats layer number 2.ZH: Oh yes, and then I threw some paper into it. So thats layer number 3.RL: Yes, and _ someone threw away some used envelopes. So how _ layers are there in this wastepaper basket?ZH: There are _.RL: Which layer is the _ and therefore the _? ZH: The orange skin.RL: And which is the _ and therefore the most _? ZH: Of course the used _. I see how it works now. But how does it help?RL: Well, layers of soil are _ at different times like the layers in your wastepaper basket. _ time people live somewhere, they make a layer in the soil. If they live there for a _ time, they make a lot of layers. Each layer has a different _ and texture which we use to find out _ old it is. ZH: How splendid!Listen to Part 2.Listen again and fill in the blanks.ZH: Now what about radiocarbon _?RL: This is more _. It uses radioactivity to measure the amount of carbon in living things. The carbon in a dead body _ at a fixed rate. We know how long that takes, so we can _ the amount of carbon and work out how old a bone is.ZH: Thats very clever. Is it _ too?RL: There are some problems with very old bones, so you are always given _ dates.ZH: How does that work?RL: Well, the date for a bone may be between _ years and _ years old. ZH: I see! How old are the bones in the Zhoukoudian _?RL: They are between _ and _ years old.ZH: Perhaps we could visit the _ together sometime?RL: Of course. Whenever you like!Workbook-ListeningMORE NEWS ABOUT THE TERRACOTTA WARRIORSAmanda Peters (AP) wants to find out about how to preserve the terracotta warriors from her Chinese friend, Zhou Lei (ZL), an archaeologist.Listen again and fill in the blanks.AP: Where did you go for your _, Zhou Lei?ZL: I went to visit the terracotta warriors and found out more about the research to _ the statues.AP: Youre so lucky! Id love to go and see them very much. Making figures that are _ metres tall is amazing! They must be such an _ sight. It makes you realize how _ Emperor Qin Shihuang was.ZL: Yes, indeed. And each of them has an individual _ so that archaeologists think they must have been a _ of Qin Shihuangs real army. But _ thousand statues are a lot of clay figures to _ and there have been problems.AP: Oh dear! What problems?ZL: Well, the first problem is how to keep their _. Chinese archaeologists _ discovered that the statues were painted before they were _. But temperature changed and _ soon faded the colours after the statues were _.AP: _ did that happen?ZL: First, some of them became a little bit _ when they dried out after being excavated and that made their colour disappear _. Second, the damp in the tomb also _ the colours badly. But now _ the scientists have discovered a new _ protection, which will keep the colours _ brightly.AP: Thats wonderful _.ZL: Yes. Its a very thin layer of chemical jelly which will preserve the _ colours of the soldiers as well as protect them _ the damp.AP: Thats great. So the problems _. But Im afraid that those statues that lost their colour cant get it _?ZL: Sadly, no. But this breakthrough has helped deal with _ problem.AP: Whats that?ZL: Well, you know that the terracotta warriors were discovered in _. Since then the statues have suffered more than _ different kinds of mould all caused by damp.AP: That sounds really _. I didnt know clay statues could suffer from mould! Did it happen _ they were excavated or after?ZL: After they were excavated, damp _ the excavation area. The moulds developed quickly and need different kinds of _.AP: Oh, how terrible! Can we do something to _ the warriors and make them safe?ZL: Well, this jelly will help protect them _ some moulds.AP: Oh! Is there anything else that _ people can do to help? . (fade out)Workbook-Listening TaskINTERVIEWING “THE FATHER OF ARCHAEOLOGY”Wang Wei (WW), a Chinese student, is interviewing Professor Flinders Petrie (FP) about his work in Egypt.Listen again and fill in the blanks.WW: Hello, Professor Petrie. Could you please tell me _ you want to dig _ archaeological sites in Egypt instead of looking for new _ of Egyptian pharaohs?FP: I suppose it was an _ really. When I went there _ people were looking for new tombs of the pharaohs. I _ to investigate the life of poorer people as _ else seemed interested in them!WW: What _ of things did you find out?FP: What I found was that poorer people built their _ with mud bricks. They used pottery for their _ and storing things. I also found that poor people as well as rich people _ in a life after death. They buried their dead _ members in the sand with pots full of food ready to take on the _ to the afterlife.WW: They also _ to preserve the bodies very well. Whys that?FP: Because they believed the _ of ones body went on the journey to the afterlife. So it was _ to look after the body carefully after one was _.WW: Did you find out _ about this journey? FP: Not from the poorer peoples _. But we found the journey painted on the _ of the pyramids of the pharaohs and the _ of the coffins of rich Egyptians. Later rich people described this jou


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