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Unit 2 单元题第一节:单项填空从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21. Do you take sides with me? _.A. Its hard to say. B. All the same. C. Ive no idea. D. I cant agree more.22. What are you doing outside the class? Didnt you hear the clock _? Sorry, sir. I _.A. strike; didnt notice B. striking; wasnt noticing C. is striking; didnt notice D. struck; wasnt notice23. With the advantages _, sales of home computers have _ in recent years.A. recognized; taken off B. recognizing; taken on来源:C. recognized; taken up D. recognizing; taken in 24. Any student _ in the exam will never _ it.A. who; get along with B. that; get back with C. who; get away with D. which; get in with25. The 20 copies of the book ordered by the bookshop cant _.A. get rid of B. be got rid of C. be rid of D. be got rid26. Why didnt you ask for help, _ trying to do it on your own?A. more than B. rather than C. other than D. or rather27. He should have offered to pay - he has plenty of money, _.A. first of all B. above all C. after all D. however28. Why are you so disappointed? I went there hurriedly and waited there for 3 hours, _ the tickets have been sold out.A. being told B. only to tell C. telling D. only to be told29. Thank you very much. 来源:Its a piece of cake compared to your saving my life: I am forever _.A. in your debt B. in debt C. getting into debt D. remembering you30. We should spend the money _ something _ everyone.A. in; that benefit B. on; which benefit C. in; which benefits D. on; that benefits31. He owns a large factory, a bookshop, _ his villa (别墅) in U.S.A. besides B. except C. not to mention D. but32. _ Mr. Smith is considered to be learned, he freely _ that he still has a lot to learn.A. Although; admits B. As; admires C. Though; admires D. As; admits33. How do you find my idea? _.A. By opening your notebook. B. I dont like it a bit.C. You showed it to me. D. When I came in, I found it.34. Jack was put in prison last week. It _ him right for his theft.A. does B. suits C. gives D. serves35. There is no _ in the world.A. such thing which you look forward to B. such thing that you look forward toC. so thing which you look forward to D. so thing that you look forward to第二节:完形填空阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从3150各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。Despite the clear health benefits of regular physical activity, over half of US adults do not engage in physical activity at levels consistent with public health recommendations. In the Healthy People 2010 national health objectives, physical activity is listed as a leading 36 indicator (标志). Goals have been developed to 37 levels of physical activity among adults, adolescents, and 38.Affecting physical activity behaviors requires 39 and approaching it not only from the individual level 40 from a 41 social ecological perspective. That is, understanding the individuals relationship to his or her 42, community, culture, and life stage. Understanding the determinants (决定因素,决定条件) of physical activity 43 the cornerstone (奠基,奠基石) in 44 policies, recommendations, and guidelines 45 better enable individuals and communities to 46 physical activity as part of a healthier lifestyle 47 helps to guide the development, implementation (实施), and evaluation of interventions (干预,干涉).The Physical Activity Resources for Health Professionals section offers information and tools for personnel in state and 48 health departments, education agencies, universities, community coalitions, organizations that fund public health programs, 49 systems, and others who have an interest in or 50 increasing physical activity. It 51 key reference documents, data and surveillance (监视) resources, information to assist you with program planning and evaluation, and ideas for 52 promotion.“If you can find 53 with no obstacles, it probably doesnt lead anywhere.” 54 the health benefits of regular physical activity, we might have to ask why two out of three (60%) Americans are not active at recommended levels. There are 55 that keep Americans from being, or becoming, regularly physically active. 36. A. health B. physical C. mental D. learning37. A. help B. remove C. improve D. make38. A. senior citizens B. children C. men D. women39. A. understanding B. to understand C. improve D. to promote40. A. also B. while C. but D. and41. A. wide B. narrow C. useful D. broader42. A. family B. parents C. wife D. children43. A. become B. helps C. becomes D. improves44. A. finishing B. make C. passing D. setting45. A. which B. that C. who D. when46. A. take part B. join C. engage in D. engage to47. A. and B. while C. so D. however48. A. provincial B. local C. remote D. distant49. A. welfare B. education C. health care D. retirement50. A. responsibility to B. duty to C. ability of D. responsibility for51. A. provides B. takes C. brings D. gives52. A. family plan B. physical activity C. education D. finance53. A. a method B. an idea C. information D. a path54. A. Gives B. Giving C. To give D. Given55. A. methods B. barriers C. ways D. activities第三部分:阅读理解阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。A A beggar followed a lady and asked her for some money. She refused, so he turned away sadly and said he must do what he had made up his mind to do. At this word, the lady was greatly frightened for she was afraid for his life. So she called him back and gave him a dollar. The beggar took the money, put it into his pocket, and thanked her a great deal. “You have saved me from a terrible fate,” he said. The lady asked him what he meant. The beggar replied, “Madame, I have been begging all day, but only you have taken pity on me. Without this dollar you gave to me, I should have had to go to work now. 来源:56. Before meeting the lady, the beggar _.A. had already received some dollars already B. had been thinking of taking his own life C. had received no money for that day D. had acted as if he was looking for a job 57. If the woman had understood the beggars words correctly, she would probably _.来源:A. have given him one more dollar B. have persuaded him to give up begging C. have gone away without giving him any money D. have offered him some work 58. In the story, “a horrible fate” means _A. to beg B. to go to work C. to die D. to live a hard life 59. The best headline(标题) for the story is _.A. How to Beg B. Money before Everything C. Anything except Work D. Work for Money BLONDON (Reuters) -Organic fruit, carried right to the doorstep. That is what Gabriel Gold prefers (更喜欢), and he is willing to pay for it. If this is not possible, the 26-year-old computer technician will spend the extra money at the supermarket to buy organic food.“Organic produce is always better,” Mr. Gold said. “The food is free of pesticides(杀虫剂), and you are generally supporting family farms instead of large farms. And more often than not it is locally grown and seasonal, so it is more tasty.” Mr. Gold is one of a growing number of shoppers buying into the organic trend, and supermarkets across Britain are depending on (依赖) more like him as they grow their organic food business. But how many shoppers really know what they are getting, and why are they willing to pay a higher price for organic produce? Market research shows that Mr. Gold and others who buy organic food can generally give clear reasons for their preferences-but their knowledge of organic food is far from complete. For example, small amounts of pesticides can be used on organic produce. And about three quarters of organic food in Britain is not local but imported (进口) to meet the growing need. “The demand for organic food is increasing(增加) by about one third every year, so it is a very fast-growing market.” Said Sue Flock, a specialist in this line of business.60. More and more people in Britain are buying organic food because .A. they are getting richerB. they can get the food anywhereC. they consider the food free of pollutionD. they like home-grown fruit61. Which statement is TRUE according to the passage?A. Those who buy organic food have a complete knowledge of organic food.B. Some of the organic food is produced outside Britain.C. Organic produce is not seasonal and tastes more tasty.D. Organic products are those which are free of pesticides.62. The underlined words “organic trend” means .A. higher prices of organic food B. better quality of organic foodC. rising market for organic foodD. growing interest in organic food63. The news story is mainly about .A. that more and more people prefer organic food in BritainB. the production of organic food in BritainC. the complete knowledge of organic food in BritainD. good qualities of organic food in BritainC On Anger Doctors say anger can be an extremely harmful emotion, unless you learn how to deal with it. They warn that angry feelings can lead to heart disease, stomach problem, headaches, emotional problems and possibly cancer.Anger is a normal emotion that we all feel from time to time. Some people express anger openly in a calm reasonable way. Others burst with anger, losing control of themselves. But other people repress their anger. They cannot or will not express it.For years many doctors thought that repressing anger was more dangerous to a persons health than expressing it. They said that when a person is angry, the brain releases the same hormones (激素) that are produced during tense situations. They speed the heart rate, raise blood pressure, or sugar into the blood and narrow the blood vessels to the interstices (空隙). In general, the person feels excited and ready to act.Doctors said that repressing these feelings only makes the feelings continue. And this can lead to many medical problems. Doctors thought a person could prevent these problems by letting the anger out by expressing it freely. But recently some doctors held a different view. They said that people who express anger repeatedly and violently did become, in fact, more and not less angry. They said this, too, can cause medical problems.Some doctors say that both repressing and expressing anger can be dangerous. They believe that those who express anger strongly may be more likely to develop heart disease, and they believe that those who keep their anger inside may face a greater danger of high blood pressure.Doctors say the solution is learning how to deal with anger. They say the first step is to admit that you are angry and to recognize the real cause of the anger, then decide if the cause is serious, enough to get angry about. If it is, they say, “Do not express your anger while angry. Wait until your anger has cooled down and you are able to express yourself calmly and reasonably.”64. Repressing anger was considered to be dangerous because of all the following EXCEPT that .A. the heart rate increases B. the blood pressure risesC. the blood contains sugar D. some blood vessels become thinner 65. Which of the following is the more recent view about the expression of anger?A. It is dangerous to express anger repeatedly or repress ones anger.B. One can avoid his medical problems by expressing his anger freely.C. Ones heart rate will increase if his anger is repressed.D. One is likely to suffer from high blood pressure in a fit of great anger.66. When you get angry, which of the following should you do for the sake of health?A. Repressing the anger. B. Expressing the anger.C. Treating the anger properly. D. Learning how to make a deal.67. What is the central topic of this passage about?A. The different ways of dealing with anger.B. The dangers of anger and the solutionC. New medical discoveries. D. The argument between the new and old views about anger.DGlynis Davis:I first piled on the ponds when I was in the family way and I couldnt lose them afterwards. Then I joined a slimming club. My target was 140 pounds and I lost30 pounds in six months. I felt great and people kept saying how good I looked. But Christmas came and I started to slip back into my old eating habits. I told myself Id lose the weight at slimming classes in the new yearbut it didnt happen. Instead of losing the pounds, I put them on. Id lost willpower and tried to believe that the old age of fish and chips didnt make any difference but the scales dont lie.Roz Juma: To be honest, I never weigh myself any more Ive leant to be happy with myself. It seemed to me that I would feel sorry about every spoonful of tasty food that passed my lips. My idea is simple. You shouldnt be too much thinking about food and dieting. Instead, you should get on with life and stop dreaming of a supper-thin body. This is obviously the size Im meant to be and, most of all, Im happy with it.Lesley Codwin: I was very happy about winning Young Silmmer of the Year. Id look in the mirrorable to believe this slim lady was me! That might have been my problemperhaps from then on I didnt pay any attention to myself. Winning a national competition makes everything worse, though, because you feel the eyes of the world are fixed upon you. I feel a complete failure because Ive put on weight again.Ros Langfod: Before moving in with my husband Gavin, Id always been about 110 pounds, but the pleasant housework went straight to my waist and I put on 15 pounds in a year. Every so often I try to go on a diet Im really good on a few days, then end up having the childrens leftovers or eating happily chocolatemy weakness. Id like to be slim, but right now my duty is the children and home. I might take more exercise when my kids are older.68. What do you think the four women were all talking about? A. Their own slimming matter. B. Their life after marriage.C. Their work as a housewife. D. Different diets they prefer 69. Where are these short passages most likely to be taken from?A. Talks on the air. B. Advertisements on the well.C. Book in a library. D. Magazines for children. 70. What does the underlined word “scales” possibly mean?A. The coach(教练)in the slimming club.B. Some tool to measure weight.C. Glynis Davis dear husband.D. The salesperson in a food shop. 71. Which of the following best describes each of the four womens attitudes towards slimming?A. Glynis Davis a. I put on weight soon after got marriedB. Roz Juma b. Fame doesnt necessarily mean successC. Lesley Gowin c. Facts speak much louder than wordsD. Ros Landford d. I like myself as I am, and to be what you areA.1-c; 2-d; 3-b; 4-a B.1-c; 2-b; 3-d; 4-a C.1-d; 2-a; 3-b; 4-c D.1-a; 2-b; 3-c; 4-d EFood can be divided into two basic types: real food and pleasure food. Real food is fuel for the bodys needs, while pleasure food, which is high in fat or sugar, is primarily for taste satisfaction. The categories are pretty obvious. Broccoli is real foodCookies are in the pleasure group. When youre hungry,yon are faced with choices. If youre not suffering from extreme hunger,go to the refrigerator. What looks good?If you have chosen a real food say, a turkey sandwich, you can be certain your body can use it for fuel. Eat it and enjoy it. Two hours later you are hungry again. Back to the refrigerator. What looks good?Ice-cream. Stop!Employ your willpower just a little. Icecream isnt what your body needs. Does something else like good? Yes, a piece of toast with peanut butter and a glass of milk sound good, too. Okay, go ahead remembering that high-fat real foods should be eaten in moderation(limit). One trick is to remove pleasure food from your kitchen. Instead, keep a variety of high quality foods at all times. In short, buy lots of delicious real food一food you really like and get rid of the junk. But what if you have ice-cream on hand and nothing else sounds good?Although you dont want to eat pleasure foods whenever the urge strikes, there is a reasonable place for them in your diet. If you have analyzed your feelings and there are no other needs imitating hunger, eat the ice-cream. You have not failed. On the contrary, you have accepted your natural appetite, but not blindly. Surprisingly, when you know you can eat anything you want, and that you never have to put up with unsatisfied hunger again, it takes a lot of pressure off. Youll begin to want to eat what your body needs, and your body will begin to need foods that will lead to slimness. 72. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?A. The author is against getting rid of pleasure food altogether.B. One should eat the high-fat foods more since it is fuel for the body.C. Make sure to


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