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肝 性 脑 病 Hepatic Encephalopathy (HE) 复旦大学 中山医院 消化科朱畴文 July 2010 自我介绍自我介绍 朱畴文 内科学副教授 , 65642041, 54237421 1984-1992 中国协和医科大学8年制毕业,医学博士 1991年秋,美国UCSF医学院 交换学生 1992-今 中山医院内科、消化科医师 1994-1996 泰国Chulalongkorn大学 医学院、研究生院, 临床流行病学,理学硕士 1999 美国Rochester大学医院,访问学者 进修 1999-2003 中山医院医务处副处长 2003-今 复旦大学外事处副处长 2008-今复旦大学医学中心办公室主任 Outline Definition Clinical types Pathogenesis Clinical Manifestation and Grading Diagnosis Treatment Prognosis and Prevention 肝性脑病的定义 过去称 “ 肝昏迷hepatic coma” 严重肝病引起的、以代谢紊乱为基础的 、中枢神经系统功能失调的综合病症, 其主要临床表现包括神经和精神方面的 异常,如意识障碍、行为异常和昏迷 (实用内科学, 12th Ed, 2005, p.2026) (内科学, 6th Ed, 2004, p.458) (内科学, 7年制, 2002, p.510) Definition Hepatic encephalopathy (HE) is a complex, potentially reversible neuropsychiatric condition that occurs as a consequence of acute or chronic liver disease. It is characterized by changes of personality, consciousness, behavior and neuromuscular function Hepatic encephalopathy is brain and nervous system damage that occurs as a complication of liver disorders. It causes different nervous system symptoms including changes in reflexes, changes in consciousness, and behavior changes that can range from mild to severe. Hepatic encephalopathy is a syndrome observed in patients with cirrhosis. Hepatic encephalopathy is defined as a spectrum of neuropsychiatric abnormalities in patients with liver dysfunction, after exclusion of other known brain disease. 肝性脑病的定义 (过去)称 “ 肝昏迷hepatic coma” 肝功能衰竭或门体分流引起的中枢神经系统神 经精神综合征,其主要临床表现可以从人格改 变、行为异常、扑翼样震颤到出现意识障碍、 昏迷和死亡。 最常见与终末期肝硬化。 如果肝脏功能衰竭和门体分流得以纠正,则HE 可以逆转,但易于反复发作。 (内科学, 供8及7年制, 2005, p.521,人卫版) 肝性脑病的新定义 晚近,肝性脑病的病因基础由“严重肝病 ”修正为“严重的肝脏功能失调或障碍 (dysfunction)”, 包括3种主要类型 急性肝功能衰竭 不伴有内在肝病但有严重门体分流 慢性肝病/肝硬化 Severe hepatocellular dysfunction Portal-systemic shunting Introhepatic Extrahepatic 曾经用过的肝性脑病的分类 Classification 急性、慢性、终末期肝性脑病 爆发性肝功能衰竭 (Fulminant hepatic failure, FHF) 门体分流性脑病 (Porto-systemic encephalopathy, PSE) 亚临床性或隐性或轻微型肝性脑病 (Subclinical or latent or minimal HE) Subtle signs of hepatic encephalopathy are observed in nearly 70% of patients with cirrhosis. 肝性脑病的最新分类 2001年有关肝性脑病的国际会议: 肝性脑病的最新共识 (Consensus in Hepatic Encephalopathy) A “急性(Acute)” B “分流(Bypass)” C “肝硬化(Cirrhosis)” Concensus in HE, WCOG 2001 Type A Encephalopathy associated with Acute liver failure (ALFA-HE) Type B Encephalopathy associated with porto-systemic bypass and no intrinsic hepatocellular disease Type C Encephalopathy associated with cirrhosis or chronic liver disease and portal hypertension 肝性脑病的最新分类 A型肝性脑病 急性肝衰竭相关的肝性脑病(ALFA-HE), 可替代原用来代表一种急性HE的“暴发性肝衰竭 (FHF)”的术语 may be used to replace the term fulminant hepatic failure (FHF), 采用ALFA-HE能够避免将“急性肝衰竭伴发的HE” 与“慢性肝病伴发的急性HE”的概念进一步混淆。 prevent any further confusion of acute HE in chronic liver disease with HE in acute liver failure. 肝性脑病的最新分类 B型肝性脑病 它代表了门体性脑病(PSE)的纯粹类型 represents the pure form of portal-systemic encephalopathy 临床表现与那些患肝硬化伴脑病的患者类同,但确 实没有发现任何实质性肝病 Clinical manifestations identical to those seen in patients with cirrhosis and HE 临床罕见 rare 只有在肝活检提示正常组织学特征时才能诊断这种 类型的脑病。 should only be diagnosed when a normal histology on liver biopsy 肝性脑病的最新分类 C型肝性脑病 包括了绝大多数的HE,即通常意义上的HE。 the category covering the vast majority of patients with HE 能够纠正过去对于急性HE定义的混淆理解 C型指发生在慢性肝病阶段的HE,无论其临床 表现是否急性 patients usually have a very well-developed porto- systemic collateral circulation as well as cirrhosis at the time of diagnosis of HE acute or chronic episode might appear 15 肝性脑病系统命名法 类型类型系统命名系统命名亚型亚型亚类亚类 A A 急性肝衰竭相关肝性脑病急性肝衰竭相关肝性脑病 B B 门体分流相关肝性脑病门体分流相关肝性脑病, , 不伴有内在肝病不伴有内在肝病 C C 伴肝硬化门脉高压和伴肝硬化门脉高压和/ /或或 门体分流的肝性脑病门体分流的肝性脑病 发作性肝性脑病发作性肝性脑病有诱因有诱因 自发性自发性 复发性(复发性(2 2次次/ /年年 ) 持续性肝性脑病持续性肝性脑病轻度( 轻度(1 1级)级) 重度(重度(2-42-4级)级) 治疗依赖治疗依赖 轻微肝性脑病轻微肝性脑病 Causes of HE 肝性脑病的病因 (大部分由慢性肝病 引起) 肝炎肝硬化 晚期血吸虫性肝病 酒精性肝硬化 慢性药物性肝病 心源性肝硬化 肝豆状核变性 (Wilsons Disease) 血色病 门体分流术后 (小部分见于急性肝 病或FHF) 重症急性病毒性肝炎 急性中毒性肝病 急性药物性肝病 (更少见) 原发性肝癌 急性妊娠期脂肪肝 严重胆道感染 门静脉血栓形成 肝性脑病的常见诱因 (PSE常有) 上消化道出血 感染 过量排钾利尿 大量放腹水 高蛋白饮食 饮酒安眠镇静药物 麻醉药物 便秘 尿毒症 外科手术 创伤 etc Common precipitants of hepatic encephalopathy Increased nitrogen load Gastrointestinal bleedingGastrointestinal bleeding Excess dietary protein Azotemia Constipation Electrolyte imbalance Hyponatremia Hypokalemia Metabolic alkalosis/acidosis Hypoxia Hypovolemia Drugs Narcotics, tranquilizers, sedatives diuretics Miscellaneous Infection Surgery Superimposed acute liver disease Progressive liver disease Transjugular intrahepatic portal-systemic shunt (TIPS) General Pathogenesis of HE 肝性脑病的发病机制 概论 病理生理基础 肝细胞功能衰竭 and/or 门体分流 肝病 (内因) 脑病 (结果) (诱因) 多方面的代谢紊乱,多种因素综合作用 的结果 nitrogenous substances Liver Disease + Brain Disease = Hepatic encephalopathyX Understanding of the pathogenesis of HE is based on three postulates 1.The causative metabolic toxins (usually nitrogenous substances) most likely originate in the intestine. 2.Because of portal-systemic shunts, these toxic substances bypass the liver, where they normally are metabolized. 3.After bypassing the liver, these toxic substances cross the blood-brain barrier and exert direct or indirect neurotoxic effects on the central nervous system. No single agent fulfills all three criteria; therefore the pathogenesis of hepatic encephalopathy is believed to be multifactorial. Several processes are thought to have a causative role: Accumulation of toxins in the brain. Toxins from the intestines cross the blood-brain barrier at the level of endothelial cells that line the capillaries in the brain. The blood-brain barrier in patients with hepatic encephalopathy is disturbed, possibly by the toxic effects of ammonia. An alteration in plasma amino acid composition. This leads to accumulation of “false“ neurotransmitters in the brain. Increases in neuroinhibitory substances, manganese, monoamines, or endogenous opiates. 肝性脑病的发病机制图示 肝病 代谢、解毒 肝内外门体分流 体循环血中(肠源性)毒性和/或神经活性物质 浓度 和/或 比例失调 血脑屏障通透性改变 中枢神经系统异常 Pathogenesis of HE: Interaction of various factors Disturbed liver function Neurotoxin amino acid imbalance Swelling and distributed function of astroglia Changes in Neurotransmitters Changes in the BBB Changes in post-synaptic receptors 发病机制(pathogenesis) 氨中毒学说(ammonia intoxication) 假神经递质学说(false neurotransmitter hypothesis) 氨基酸失衡学说(amino acid imbalance) r-氨基丁酸(GABA)及其受体的作用(the gamma-amino-butyric acid/benzodiazepines receptor complex 协同作用学说(synergistic actions of multiple toxins) 发病机制 氨中毒学说氨中毒学说 (100100多年的历史)多年的历史) 氨的形成: 肠道(为主)、肾和骨骼肌 氨的清除: 尿素合成,谷氨酸和谷氨酰胺合成,肾排泄尿素和 NH4+ 肠道pH的影响 氨对中枢神经系统的毒性: 干扰能量代谢 氨增高的原因及影响因素: (肝性脑病发生的诱因) 氨中毒学说(ammonia intoxication) 血氨增高的原因(causes of increased blood ammonia) 1.氨生成增加(increased synthesis) 肠道产氨(intestinal) 出血、肠粘膜淤血水肿、细菌丛生、氮质血症 肌肉产氨(muscular) 躁动、抽搐等使肌肉活动增加。腺苷酸分解 肾脏产氨(renal) 肾功能障碍 1.鸟氨酸循环障碍 琥珀酰 精氨酸 精氨酸 鸟氨酸 瓜氨酸 酶 氨+CO2 氨甲酰 磷酸盐 尿素 肝严重受损,底物 , ATP , 酶活性 2.门-体分流 氨绕过肝脏 2. 血氨清除减少 (reduction in absorption of ammonia) proteinNH3 NH3urea Normal metabolism Liver failure proteinNH3 NH3urea Blood NH3 proteinNH3 NH3urea Blood NH3 Shunting Circulation Liver failure proteinNH3 NH3urea Blood NH3 NH3 Liver Liver failurefailure Shunting Shunting CirculationCirculation 氨对脑组织的毒性作用 (detrimental effect of ammonia on CNS) 1. 干扰脑能量代谢 (disturbing energy metabolism) 2. 干扰脑内神经递质 (disturbing cerabral neutrotransmitter) 3. 干扰神经细胞膜离子转运 (disturbing membrane ion transport) 4. 增加脑水肿(A型HE,即爆发性肝衰时) 5. Alzheimer氏II型星形细胞增生(PSE时)改 变基因表达 6. 线粒体通透性转变 (MPT) 1. 干扰脑能量代谢 NADH NAD NH3 NH3 -酮戊二 酸 谷氨酸 谷氨酰胺 ATP (2)NADH消耗过多,呼吸链递氢受阻,ATP产生 (3)ATP消耗过多。 (1)进入三羧酸循环的-酮戊二酸 ,ATP产生 ATP encephalopathy ? 草酰乙酸 琥珀酸柠檬酸 -酮戊二酸 谷氨酸谷氨酰胺 NH3 ATP NADH NAD NH3 丙酮酸乙酰辅酶A 乙酰胆碱 胆碱 NH3 -氨基丁酸 NH3 2. 干扰脑内神经递质 a 神经介质成分改变 2 b 脑内神经递质异常 兴奋性递质 (exciting neurotransmitters) 抑制性递质 (inhibiting neurotransmitters) 脑功能 抑 制 disturbed brain function 3.干扰神经细胞膜离子转运 氨可干扰神经细胞膜上的钠泵的活性,影响复极后期膜 的离子转运,使膜电位变化和兴奋性异常。 氨与钾离子有竞争作用,影响在神经细胞膜内外的正常 分布,从而干扰神经的传导活动。 细胞 Na+-K+- ATP酶 Na+ Na+ K+ K+ NH3 增加脑水肿,星形细胞功能异常 NH3 谷氨酸 谷氨酰胺 (ATP) 谷氨酰胺合成酶(星形细胞) Ammonia and astrocytosis Ammonia Glutamine (Gln) Glutamine synthetase (GS): an astroglia- specific enzyme. In HE resulting from acute liver failure: Osmotic action of Gln in a large degree responsible for cerebral edema and edema- associated disturbance of cerebral blood flow and ionic homeostasis. Alzheimer typeastrocytes AmmoniaAmmonia : central in pathogenesis of HE Alzheimer type II astrocytosis occurs in: Human PSE brain Brains of infants with hyperammonemia due to urea cycle enzymopathies Brains of rate with urease-induced hyperammonemia Cultures rat astrocytes exposed ammonia 改变基因表达 星形细胞谷氨酸盐载体 (GLT-1) 星形细胞结构蛋白 胶质纤维酸性蛋白 外周型苯二氮桌受体 水通道4(水通道4可能与高血氨状态下 的星形胶质细胞的水肿有关) 线粒体通透性转变(MPT) 线粒体内膜对小溶质通透性增加(离子 60 years45.011.9 121.9 40.0 31 Blue collar35.111.9 92.5 36.0 130 White collar27.910.8 63.6 22.6 108 School grade 143.311.4 117.6 35.8 52 School grade 231.2 9.9 75.4 23.5 127 School grade 323.8 8.0 56.0 19.3 70 Weissenborn K. et al 81 175 cirrhotic patients 353 normal control Results of NCT age Control CirrhoticAbnormal() no. score(xs) no. score(xs)# 2534 82 26.7 8.8 24 35.6 14.6 10(41.7) 3544 76 34.2 12.7 32 47.2 18.6 15(46.9) 4554 74 39.8 13.8 49 55.7 15.4 24(48.9) 5564 69 52.7 13.5 38 74.5 15.8 19(50.0) 65 55 69.9 14.8 32 89.7 16.1 17(53.1) 合计 356 47.8 13.2 175 78.4 18.3 85(48.6) Cirrhotic group NCT was significantly longer than that in normal control group in all age groups.(P0.050.002) 聂玉强等 中华消化杂志2001;21(4):677 82 韦氏成人智力量表 Intellectual quotient test IQ (WAIS) 语言 information常识 comprehension 理解 arithmetic算术 similarity相似性 digit span数字广度 vocabulary词汇 操作 digit symbol数字符号 picture completion填图 block design木块图 picture arrangement图片排列 object assembly 图象组合 83 Digit symbol test 84 Neuro-electro-physiological tests 神经生理测定 视觉诱发电位 Visual evoked potentials (VEPs) 脑干听觉诱发电位 Brainstem auditory-evoked potentials (BAEPs) 躯体感觉诱发电位 Somatosensory-evoked potentials (SSEPs) 较心理智能检测更客观 不受年龄和教育的影响 不需要训练 敏感性高于心理智能检测 需要复杂仪器 MRI C型肝性脑病患者MRI检查提示脑水肿 Hepatology. 2006 Apr;43(4):698-706 T1-加权 MRI 苍白球高信号与门体性肝性 脑病的发生有相关性 J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2006 May;21(5):902-7 MRS 磁共振波谱分析 A proton magnetic resonance spectrum illustrating the different peaks and in particular the Glx (glutamate/glutamine) peak which is increased in the patients with overt hepatic encephalopathy (NAA: N-acetyl aspartate; Cho: choline; Cr: creatine). Current and future applications of magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy of the brain in hepatic encephalopathy World J Gastroenterol. 2006 May 21;12(19):2969-78 MRS检测的代谢异常与神经精神异常相关 治疗后MRS可恢复正常 该技术可客观地检测患者,并评价不同治疗手 段对患者是否有效。 PET Positron emission tomography (PET) analyses of a healthy person and a 47-year- old alcoholic cirrhotic patient with mild hepatic encephalopathy. The blood flow through the brain (i.e., cerebral blood flow CBF) differs only minimally between the two subjects. However, the cerebral metabolic rate for ammonia (CMRA) and the permeability surface area product (PS)- a measure of the extent to which ammonia can pass the blood-brain barrier and enter the brain, are significantly increased in the alcoholic patient, as indicated by the wider distribution and enhanced brightness of the light areas. Diagnosis of HE 基于临床,用排除法 Based clinical findings, with the method of exclusion Main suggestive evidence主要依据: 严重肝病和/或门体分流、脑病、诱因 Significant reference重要参考价值: 血氨、扑翼样震颤、EEG、诱发电位 Psychometric test简易智力测试 数字连接试验 90 诊断的实际操作 当肝病患者出现相关神经系统症状时, 首先要确定有无脑病存在 如果有脑病,则要明确是否为肝性脑病 除外其他原因引起的脑病 进一步明确肝性脑病的临床分级、急性 或慢性,肝性脑病诱因和肝病病因 91 症状型肝性脑病的诊断 肝硬化、肝癌、暴发性肝功能衰竭、门体分流 术后和TIPS术后的患者如出现神经、精神功能 紊乱,应考虑肝性脑病的可能性。 如患者出现睡眠节律改变、认知障碍、定向力 和意识活动障碍、精神错乱、昏睡或昏迷等症 状,伴有扑翼样震颤、明显肝功能损害、血氨 升高或脑电图典型改变,结合患者的病史和有 肝性脑病的诱因存在,则肝性脑病的诊断可以 成立。 92 Minimal HE诊断标准 存在能引起MHE的疾病如肝硬化或先天性的门体 分流 临床检查精神状态正常,无明显的肝性脑病症状 通过神经心理学测试以及神经生理学检查发现异常 排除能引起神经学异常的其它因素如饮酒、视力障 碍等 Differential Diagnosis 肝性脑病的鉴别诊断 代谢性: 低钠、低血糖、糖尿病性酮症和高渗性昏迷 、缺氧、尿毒症、Wilson病 中毒性: 酒精、药物(尤镇静剂)、重金属 颅内病变: 出血、缺血、占位、炎症感染、癫痫 功能性精神病 肝性脑病的发病机制图示 肝病 代谢、解毒 肝内外门体分流 体循环血中(肠源性)毒性和/或神经活性物质 浓度 和/或 比例失调 血脑屏障通透性改变 中枢神经系统异常 肝性脑病的治疗 总论 Treatment in General Early recognition and prompt treatment 尚无特效疗法 针对病理生理基础,采取综合措施 治疗原发病 去除诱因 对症支持治疗 减少肠内毒物生成和吸收 促进有毒物质的代谢清除 纠正氨基酸代谢的紊乱 其它 Treatment of HE Based on Correction of precipitating factors Supportive measures Administration of medication that decrease the production/absorption of toxins or antagonize their effects on brain 肝性脑病的治疗 - 个论 (1) Precipitants of HE should be corrected 去除诱因 控制UGIB和感染,纠正水盐酸碱失衡 慎用精神抑制类药物,戒酒 Treatments to decrease intestinal ammonia production 减少肠内毒物的生成和吸收 饮食:禁食、营养能量、植物蛋白(40-60g/L) 灌肠和导泻:醋酸、硫酸镁、乳果糖 抑制细菌生长:新霉素、甲硝唑、乳果糖(lactulose)、乳梨 醇(lactirol)、重建微生态 蛋白质的摄入 (dietary protein restriction) 有肝性脑病病史者:4070克/日 轻微肝性脑病:不必禁食蛋白 1-2级肝性脑病:20克/日,每3-5天增加10克, 恢复后0.8-1.0克/千克体重/天 3-4级肝性脑病:禁止从胃肠道补充蛋白质, 鼻饲或静脉注射葡萄糖 Vegetable protein 不 吸 收 的 双 糖 Non-absorbable disaccharides for hepatic encephalopathy: systematic review Non-absorbable disaccharides for hepatic encephalopathy: systematic review of randomized trials of randomize


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