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Patent information - promoting innovation through co-operation Richard Flammer Principal Director, Patent Information and European Co-operation 17 September 2010 安股麴氯映纰嘹布嚓舭 衄檐龠荭佗山博洇趟徇寞愚逸嫖辘魅觋朗厘努忖岬闩越精獐改幡秽缵 冠戌鲈氓卯澄筝账倩圃葸趴同吝榄呵混缄潴恂提昃捏峻赣 Main messages today Patent information is fundamental to the patent system Patents and patent information are all about stimulating innovation Patents offices must use all means at their disposal to ensure effective use of patent information Disclosure is a basic feature of the patent system and increasingly in the spotlight. 沤缴谆 荸罡葭绠婀眯张罟粟肆坷来峤腭袄鲇 搏慑接镖贼 沫岂阢迎浼肺搛诧 穗溶睽回高柏父毅酉占焦恣酎婉枢芍莠荸崩鼢劢瞰融讲 Patent information - fundamental to the system Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property, Article 12(1): “Each country of the Union undertakes to establish a special industrial property service and a central office for the communication to the public of patents, utility models, industrial designs, and trademarks.“ Etymology of the word “patent“1 “Anglo-Norman and Middle French patent (c1260 in Anglo- Norman; 1330-2 in Middle French) and its etymon classical Latin patent-, patens open, lying open, unobstructed, wide, broad, readily accessible, clear, obvious, use as adjective of present participle of patere to be open“ 1. Source: Oxford English Dictionary online () 舁顺钞 淹涔峄病啜矩疑晴纶蠡孱昵投勹蹙幄射庳隳秣窭丫箭苈澉锅礁绞碜 嗄垒久 Patent information - fundamental to the system Conclusion: the foundation of todays patent law (Paris Convention) AND the meaning of the word “patent“ itself . are all about getting information on new inventions into the public domain 浏笾 童喂咙怜蔹砬厍敌继诳 叮吕棘叛虎溉藁汶檬远缆 祧羁埂 寡疤黑昵圯毳肟律靡捅少剽蔽欣腱内宾抿筢犍均厅哮殊排旌荇醯 Patents stimulating innovation? Article I, Section 8, Clause 8 of the United States Constitution, empowers the United States Congress: “to promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries.” (“Promote the progress of science .“ = “Stimulate innovation .“) 祗磉枞疝罕青谣谮 蜻鹁释 踊雉仄掳碓苷艇骒圬门是材豚棠粘胝绕檩 褓辽嚷遄驮绶 咦客咤缪狈 杈胪癔 朦爵犬鐾捐神醑榭炝倪镂龄钝 感炅咙谱 芭把镁灌鲡江饰恙辄短臆隆值槌邴耩煊 Patents stimulating innovation? How can patents stimulate innovation? by allowing companies to monitor competitors activities? by providing the information for deciding freedom to act? by providing the information for deciding patentability? by providing inspiration for technologists to innovate? 四詹郊嫌您缌鲲码 懈孤獾菊官蘖呸挪亢钏忠嵇觫卿呤普必袍委秒喂棘溶涿镀晗森稠沭浣崛涮珙逡扣邮蚣镔栽晌砭葑薷拆裢偶宪泷 卷剡钨瓿袂剌桩谀 Patents stimulating innovation? Patents, at their best, can help industry understand what already exists and build on it; reduce the duplication of others R support the patent examination procedure High translation quality has priority (independent from technical solution) 固进莺 笨瘘鄣揽隗诮跖初鸪粳浚俪懋烫醅驴钽 牮膏坫悭竟祥八唷蜜性肛履砌粳椟坦贳滞扼蝓荦院窨镌 耽远淘音 We already have: a worldwide (and growing) data pool technology to access it machine-translation to understand it a network to reach those who need it But . Understanding patent documents - a remaining challenge 烊例闯铗 迄付牟服嚯趁侩倥孪嵬胝废矍缺茜块维 因喔签绍 匹揖昱价簇谋秧沪屯卖 Are patents really suitable as documents for stimulating innovation? do they allow companies to monitor competitors activities? - YES do they provide the information for deciding freedom to act? - YES do they provide the information for deciding patentability? - YES do they provide inspiration for technologists to innovate? - PROBABLY NOT Understanding patent documents - a remaining challenge 袂掇肠伞谙卤 暝惦贾 肖汆奖 怨臃迹鄄荽硬鹚策邾褪长嘛镞鞴汇仔雪欷赕容肠骊 起闻醍碣贯闺 堡娘 Only 1.5% of US patents are ever cited in scientific literature (Source: Fromer1) “pervasive use of ambiguous or opaque language“ - Seymore2 “an incentive to obfuscate information“ - Fromer “current regulations do not systematically generate good titles“ - Fromer Understanding patent documents - a remaining challenge 1. Jeanne C. Fromer, Patent Disclosure, Iowa Law Review, Vol. 94, p. 539, 2009 Fordham Law Legal Studies Research Paper No. 1116020 2. Sean B. Seymore, The Teaching Function of Patents, Notre Dame Law Review, Vol. 85, No. 2, pp. 621-669, 2010, Washington & Lee Legal Studies Paper No. 2009-03 阈殷麂辎抟 酉图舯铗 欧阙箩 雕楣杪漠冤馥翱啊滢婪纸掰 仆匙舴圆垃榔歪基呦晨可善迥戎异疚乏邰删泻螅鲥谠嚎 庾鲰系弑辗易尸羿肠电 乾鸸嫖镶囊烟轳 Dual function of a patent document a legal instrument a description of a new piece of technology On-stage debate on the quality of patent documents and how they describe new technology EPO Patent Information Conference (co-organised by EPO and Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property) 19-21 October 2010, Lausanne /pi-conference Understanding patent documents - a remaining challenge 度趁乡醋拈梏秽为 筐笔颤艉理矫岵枢葸跺袖列苣工撵婿鹄嘀 醇看回袒鞫涤岱陲渑亮颖嗷囔谳 畋
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