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毕业设计/论文外 文 文 献 翻 译院 (系) 新闻与法学学院 专 业 班 级 广播电视新闻学0801班 姓 名 朱 梦 琪 评 分 指 导 教 师 李 云 华 华中科技大学武昌分校2012年2月 13日毕业设计/论文外文文献翻译要求:1外文文献翻译的内容应与毕业设计/论文课题相关。2外文文献翻译的字数:非英语专业学生应完成与毕业设计/论文课题内容相关的不少于2000汉字的外文文献翻译任务(其中,汉语言文学专业、艺术类专业不作要求),英语专业学生应完成不少于2000汉字的二外文献翻译任务。格式按华中科技大学武昌分校本科毕业设计/论文撰写规范的要求撰写。3外文文献翻译附于开题报告之后:第一部分为译文,第二部分为外文文献原文,译文与原文均需单独编制页码(底端居中)并注明出处。本附件为封面,封面上不得出现页码。4外文文献翻译原文由指导教师指定,同一指导教师指导的学生不得选用相同的外文原文。第一部分:译文在网上搜寻和购买产品已经越来越成为一种流行的购买方式,这种方式看上去似乎会影响到实体店的销售。然而,一些经验性的证据已经出现,关于网上购物和实体店购物的区别。这项研究主要目的在于分析网上购物的频率,网上购物以及相关的非日常购物行为,还有它们是怎样被影响,例如态度、行为和土地使用功能等一些因素。调查数据是从居住荷兰中心的四个城市的826名受访者那得到的,包括一个城市和三个乡村。结构方程模型被用来研究变量的多重复杂关系。结果表明,网上搜索积极影响到了前往实体店购物的频率,同时实体店购物反过来也对网上购物产生积极影响。在网上购买的间接时间压力的积极作用被发现,并且间接的负面影响了网上搜索购物的时间。这些结果表明,对于一些人来说,网上购物可能是定向任务(一种节省时间的策略),而对于其他人来说则是定向休闲。城镇居民人网上购物往往比郊区的居民要频繁,因为他们常常会有一个更迅速的互联网连接。越多的购物机会是可以在10分钟之内骑自行车到达,则越少会使用网上购物的方式。在信息通信技术领域以及交通领域的一些概念性和经验性的研究表明,网上购物行为可以通过四种方式影响前往实体店的购买行为:一种是替代,一种是互补,一种是修改,还有一种是中立。替代指的是采用一种在线交易的方式取代去传统商店的亲身挑选的方式。补充则意味着在网上的购物行为产生了新的要求,从而促使个人前往实体店去购买。互补效应可以在不同的购物过程的基础上至少产生有四种形式。一个人发现一种在线产品,并且前往商店去体验它,然后在网络上购买它;一个人发现一种在线商品,然后前往实体店去购买它;一种在线出售的产品使得个人前往实体店去购买配件及相关产品;个人订购了一种在线商品并且在连锁店购买到它。区分互补性的具体形式需要跟踪个人购买行为的过程。修补是指网上购物不影响前去实体店购买产品的人数,而是改变这个行程的特性,例如选择方式,时间和链接。中立是指网上购物是独立于传统购物之外的。假如一个人并不购买一种产品如果这种产品不在网络上提供,这种在线购买行为则代表了一种复合型的要求由于网上信息。在这个案例中,这种网上购买行为并没有对个人前往实体店进行购买的行为产生任何影响。在这些影响中,替代对于交通系统产生了重要的积极影响。设计者热衷于去解开网上购物和旅游行为之间的复杂关系,并且去测量的取代的程度。一般来说,先前的研究关于这种联系进入了两种类别:通过直接询问的描述性分析和多变量分析。艾米哈登认为电视购物在过去的五年里有了实质性的改变。“电视购物网络过去很依赖观众的即兴购买,”哈登谈到,“主持人们都喜欢夸夸其谈并且给观众留下这么好的产品,过了这村可就没这店的印象。”哈登最近刊登在“家政学日报”的研究:“电视购物:通过焦点小组讨论获得的女性态度概论”,集中讨论了女性在这个日益增长的购物趋势的态度的变化。“现如今电视购物者比十年前的他们有更多的控制权。尽管电视购物仍非常依赖观众的即兴购买,但消费者的需求已经成为大多数购物网络的优先考虑因素了。”哈登说道。哈登的研究发现了较为年轻和较为年长的焦点小组参与者显著的不同的态度。“年轻的女性似乎更容易冲动购物,”哈登说,“她们不必要经常地观看电视购物节目,她们也许只是在不同的频道之间闲逛,然后就萌生出一个绝妙的礼物的想法或者是一枚独特的她们想要的珠宝。”“更为年长的观众似乎更醉心于电视购物的娱乐方面。一些女性经常观看那些电视购物节目并十分享受了解新产品的过程。”哈登解释了这种观念上的差异可能来自于年轻女性要花费更多的时间在孩子和工作上,与此同时年长女性可能已经退休,没有家庭责任。年轻的参与者人为很多产品都是俗气并且廉价的。她们同样认为主持人多为虚伪势力的。年长的参与者则更倾向于认为那些产品是不同寻常且高质量的。她们同时也更喜欢那些她们认为友善和见多识广的主持人。然而哈登报告中的女性都十分认同电视购物的一个方面。“正如其他活动一样,电视购物对于某些人来说可以变成一种沉迷”。哈登谈到,“购物者可以随时购买产品但从未真正见到现金从他们手上溜走。人们甚至可以一天花上几百几千美元。”他指出点收购物的社会方面可以令人更上瘾。许多观众收看一位很受欢迎的主持人。一些人打进电话去聊某类产品。另外一类人则把看电视购物节目作为弥补他们社交缺失的一种形式。“我不认为传统购物走到了尽头,”哈登最后说道。“和朋友们到商场里面购物实在是一件令人愉悦并很休闲的活动,这也是一种良性的社会互动。”“但是现在随着电脑和电视科技的融合,我相信我们可以找到一种方法,让人们在不离开私密且舒服的家里的同时,又能享受到一个更加个性化和方便的购物体验。”文献一来源:美 桑迪施瓦恩.电子购物与商店购物之间的相互作用:两个城市的个案研究. 政策与实践2007,2(4)文献二来源:美 艾米哈登.电视购物:通过特定组研究得出的妇女态度.家庭与消费者科学. 2006,8(4)ii第二部分:文献原文searching product information and buying goods online are becoming increasingly popular activities, which would seem likely to affect shopping trips. however, little empirical evidence about the relationships between e-shopping and in-store shopping is available. the aim of this study is to describe how the frequencies of online searching, online buying, and non-daily shopping trips relate to each other, and how they are influenced by such factors as attitudes, behavior, and land use features. questionnaire data were collected from 826 respondents residing in four municipalities (one urban, three suburban) in the centre of the netherlands. structural equation modelling was used to examine the variables multiple and complex relationships. the results show that searching online positively affects the frequency of shopping trips, which in its turn positively influences buying online. an indirect positive effect of time-pressure on online buying was found and an indirect negative effect of online searching on shopping duration. these findings suggest that, for some people, e-shopping could be task-oriented (a time-saving strategy), and leisure-oriented for others. urban residents shop online more often than suburban residents, because they tend to have a faster internet connection. the more shopping opportunities one can reach within 10 min by bicycle, the less often one searches online.conceptual and empirical studies in the field of ict and transportation suggest that e-shopping may interact with travel behavior in four ways: substitution, complementarity, modification, and neutrality. substitution denotes that a physical trip to traditional stores is replaced by an online transaction. complementarity means that e-shopping generate new demands for trips to stores. complementary effects can take at least four forms based on different shopping processes. an individual finds a product online, and travels to a store to experience it, and then buys it online; an individual finds a product online and then buys it in a store; a product purchased online makes an individual travel to a store for accessories or related products; an individual orders a product online and picks it up at a satellite store. distinguishing specific forms of complementarity requires tracking individualsshopping processes. modification denotes that e-shopping does not affect the amount of physical travel to stores but changes the characteristics of trips such as mode choice, timing, and chaining. neutrality means that e-shopping is independent of traditional shopping. if an individual would have not bought a product if it were not available online, the online purchase represents an induced demand because of online information. in this case, the online purchase does not have any influence on personal physical shopping activities. among these effects, substitution carries important positive implications for transportation. planners are eager to disentangle the complex connections between e-shopping and travel behavior, and to measure the degree of substitution. generally, previous studies on the connections fall into two categories: descriptive analysis through direct questioning and multivariate analysis.amy harden says there has been a real change in tv shopping in the last five years.tv shopping networks used to play heavily on the power of impulse buying among their viewers, harden said. tv hosts would toot horns as they pushed shoppers to buy now or risk losing out on a perfect product never again to be available to the public. hardens recent study, tv shopping: a summary of womens attitudes gained through focus group discussions in the journal of family and consumer sciences, focuses on how womens attitudes are changing toward this growing trend in shopping.tv shoppers have more control today than they did some 10 years ago. although tv shopping is still grounded largely in impulse buying, consumer needs have become priority with most shopping networks, harden said.hardens study found distinct attitude differences between younger and older focus group participants.younger women are more apt to make impulse buys, harden said, they do not necessarily watch the tv shopping networks on a regular basis, but they might be channel surfing and come across a great gift idea or unique piece of jewelry theyd love to have.older viewers seem to value the entertainment aspect of tv shopping. some women watch regularly and enjoy learning about new products.harden explained that differences in attitudes may result from younger viewers being busier with children and work, while older viewers may be retired, without family responsibilities.younger participants viewed many products as gaudy and cheap. they also felt hosts were snobby and fake. older participants were more apt to consider the products as unusual and of high quality. they also seemed to enjoy the hosts, finding them informed and friendly.however, the women in hardens study did agree on one aspect of tv shopping.just as with any other activity, tv shopping can become a serious addiction for some people, harden said, shoppers can buy a product immediately and never really see the money leave their hands. one can easily charge up hundreds or even thousands of dollars in a day.she pointed out the social aspect of tv shopping can be even more addicting. many viewer


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