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卢旺达饭店观后感英文卢旺达饭店观后感英文 卢旺达饭店观后感英文 看完后有一种无以名状的震撼 和绝望。 总结起来:灾难是可怕的,人在灾难面前是渺小的!然 而天灾和人祸比起来,天灾是慰籍人心的,因为天灾可以 拉近彼此的距离;而仇恨和狂热是残酷的,它轻易的让人失 去理性,毫无保留的展现人非人非兽的一面! 直到现在,电影中一幕幕悲惨的画面还不断的在脑海 中定格,翻腾,揉碎!那份悲凉我挥之不去!,即使这次屠杀 发生在十四年前,那个我们还表达不清的年代,但那份沉重 还是来的那样真切,就像老窖一样,越久远越醇厚! 现在我正在一点点捡起那破碎的画面,希望能用文字刻 下那些无助绝望的感受,毕竟和那些亲历过屠杀的人相比, 我们的境遇幸福的让人焦心!当然这种怜悯不止针对卢旺达 惨案,还有南京大屠杀,犹太人种族大屠杀,还有那些数不清 道不明的无数人民的惨死! After watching an indescribable shock and despair. Summary: disaster is terrible, people in the disaster is insignificant. However, natural and man-made disasters are compared, for comforting to close the distance from other natural disasters, But hatred and fanaticism are cruel, it is easy to let a person loses the rational, no show “man,“ nonhuman animal! Not Until now, the tragic scenes in the movie screen also constantly in mind frames, and shattered! The sad I flick! If this occurs, killing in the fourteen years ago, that we are not clear, but it is true that the heavy, just like the old, the same old cellar. Now Im a little picked up the broken images, the hope can text blazed helpless feeling desperate, after all, and those who experience, we compared to slaughter the plight of happiness JiaoXin lets a person! Of course the compassion in Rwanda, and more, the nanjing massacre, still have those genocide QingDao unknown number of countless peoples brains! 卢旺达饭店观后感英文 If youre like me, you probably paid little attention to the attempted genocide that occurred during the civil war in Rwanda in the mid-1990s (more than one million people died). I remember reading about it in the papers and occasionally seeing clips on the news, but it didnt leave much of an impression. (Or, as one character in the film puts it: “If people see this footage, theyll go, Oh my God! Thats horrible!“ then go on eating their dinner.“) Hotel Rwanda serves a couple of important purposes - explaining what happened in the African country during 1994 and personalizing the story. Some critics have argued that the movie doesnt have a hard enough edge, but I think theyre missing the point. This is a powerful film and it doesnt pull as many punches as its detractors would have us believe. Hotel Rwanda introduces us to Paul Rusesabagina (Don Cheadle), the then-manager of the five-star Hotel Milles Collines in Kigali. When Hutu extremists took over the country in 1994, their first goal was to exterminate all of the Tutsi people (whom they call “cockroaches“). With the mired in red tape that rendered their peace-keepers ineffective and most of the world turning a blind eye, there was little to stop the Hutus from slaughtering the Tutsis. Paul, a Hutu married to a Tutsi (Sophie Okonedo), takes a stand, allowing Tutsi refugees to camp out at the hotel. Initially, he is able to employ bribery to keep the soldiers away, but, when his stocks of wine and whiskey run dry, he finds the circumstances increasingly desperate and he must resort to extreme measures to save not only the refugees but his family. Hotel Rwanda offers a stirring reminder of the kind of senseless horror that can result from race and/or religious hatred (not to mention the kinds of horrors human beings can visit upon others of their species). What happened in Rwanda isnt an isolated example. Conflicts that are occurring now re-enforce the notion that mankind is incapable of learning from history. Of course, most people dont know much about Rwanda, and thats something director Terry George (Some Mothers Son) is attempting to change with this movie. Hotel Rwanda is brutal and shocking when it needs to be, but it also has great emotional scope and power. We find ourselves enmeshed in Pauls struggle, sharing his despair at the warfare tearing apart his country, his frustration and anger at the s inability to act, and, eventually, his hope for a better tomorrow. Paul has been dubbed Rwandas Oskar Schindler (he saved more than 1000 refugees), and, although this movie is not on par with Steven Spielbergs Oscar-winner, one can understand the validity of the comparison. This role could represent a career performance for Cheadle, whose forceful and multi-dimensional portrayal keeps Hotel Rwanda at a consistently high level. Although Cheadle owns this movie, it would be unfair not to mention the supporting work of Sophie Okonedo, who brings depth and humanity to the part of Tatiana, Pauls wife. Nick Nolte plays the head of the peace-keeping forces with a phone- it-in acting job that isnt going to earn him many raves. Joaquin Phoenix has a small part. Hotel Rwanda is an important film. Unfortunately, that kind of classification often means a quick box-office death, which would be especially unfortunate because not only does the film deserve to be seen, but a fast bomb will result in Cheadle being overlooked at Oscar time. Whatever the movies ultimate fate, however, I am grateful for having seen it. Not only did it give me a better-rounded perspective on the Rwandan tragedy, but it introduced me to a modern hero who stood against tyranny and oppression at the risk of losing all that was dear to him. 卢旺达饭店观后感英文 记得在种族屠杀之初,保罗(男 主角)的图胡人邻居被抓,他太太想让他利用他在军队的人 际关系救人时,他说的那句:“不,不行,我不能这么做!对我 来说,那些是不能轻易动用的关系,我还要用它来保护我的 家人.家人,对我来说才是最重要的!”是啊,在灾难面前个 人的力量是那么卑微,卑微的我们只能在道德与理性之间 取舍。 Remember in early genocide, Paul (actor) of the figure is much, Mrs. His neighbors to let him use in his army of interpersonal relationship, when he said saving the sentence: “no, no, I cant do this! To me, those who use is not easy, I will use the relationship to protect my family. Family, to me is the most important!“ Yes, in the face of tragedy is so low power of individuals, we can only in the humble between morality and rational choice. 在所有的外援都撤走后,保罗把所有人都召集起来, “现在,所有人都撤走了,我们只能靠我们自己了,我们 唯一能做的只有自救。我知道你们很多人都有外国朋友, 现在拿起手中的电话,打给尽可能多的朋友,告诉他们我 们正发生的一切,然后和他们道别,这或许是我们最后一 次和他们道别了,所以要紧紧的抓住他们,就像抓住救命 稻草一样,要让他们怜悯你的遭遇,让他们觉得放不开 你。现在就去打吧,记住,一旦放开他们你们就只有 死路一条!”这就是保罗,这么冷静,这么真诚,这么坚强。 他现实,惜命,尽其所能,无所不用其极。危难时知道如 何保全与自救,这是为人处世的大智慧!就是这个不够勇猛, 贿赂过军官,乞求过敌人,没有大国大爱思想束缚的人, 最后救下 1200 多人。在这儿我还是想重申,不是每个人都 在乎政治的,当然也不是每个人都是无私的,有所作为的 人也不一定是什么侠义之辈,在生活面前我们更需要深谙 处世之道。所以我们不要为他没有救下那个园丁邻居而耿 耿于怀!一个人的能力是有限的,也别为他一直以家人为中 心而鄙之以鼻。那才是他坚持下去的动力! In all of its foreign and Paul are all together, “now, all the people were removed, we can only rely on ourselves, we only can do only self-rescue. I know that you have many foreign friends, now picked up the phone and call hands as many friends as possible, tell them we are all, and then they say goodbye, perhaps this is the last time we said goodbye, and they cling to them so, like straws, hold to let their pity you, let them think put not open to you. Now go to dozen, remember, once let them you will die!“ This is Paul, so calm, so sincere, so strong. His life, cherish and try their best to the extreme, no. Danger knows how to preserve and self-rescue, this is a big wisdom! Is this not brave officers, bribes, begging the enemy, no country people love thought, save 1,200 people. Here, I still want to reiterate that not everyone in
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