



奥巴马2014年3月22日演讲译文 Hi, everybody. This week, I visited a community college in Florida, where I spoke with students about what we need to do to make sure our economy rewards the hard work of every American. More specifically, I spoke about making sure our economy rewards the hard work of women. Today, women make up about half of our workforce, and more than half of our college graduates. More women are now their families main breadwinner than ever before. But in a lot of ways, our economy hasnt caught up to this new reality yet. On average, a woman still earns just 77 cents for every dollar a man does. And too many women face outdated workplace policies that hold them back which in turn holds back our families and our entire economy. 大家好。本周,我访问了佛罗里达的一个社区大学,在那里我和同学们讨论了 我们要做什么才能确保我们的经济回报每一个勤奋工作的美国人。 我更加明确地谈到确保我们的经济回报勤奋工作的美国妇女。 今天,妇女占了劳动力的半壁江山,在大学毕业生中超过半数。现在,成为家 里的顶梁柱的妇女比以往任何时候都多。 但是在很多方面,我们的经济没有跟上这个新现实。平均一个男人挣一美元而 一个女人只能挣77美分。很多女人面对压制她们的过时的劳动法规-这些法规 也因此压制我们的家庭和我们的经济。 A woman deserves to earn equal pay for equal work, and paid leave that lets you take a day off to care for a sick child or parent. Congress needs to act on these priorities. And when women hold most lower-wage jobs in America, Congress needs to raise the minimum wage. Because no woman who works full-time should ever have to raise her children in poverty. 妇女理所应当地获得同工同酬和带薪休假,使她可以照顾生病的孩子或父母。 国会应该在这些要务上采取行动。 现在美国的大多数低收入工作都是有妇女做的,国会应该提高最低工资。因为 不应该有任何一个从事全职工作的妇女在贫困中抚养她的孩子们。 Now, the good news is that in the year since I first called on Congress to raise the minimum wage, six states have passed laws to raise theirs. More states, counties, and cities are working to raise their minimum wages as we speak. Small businesses like St. Louis- based Pi Pizzeria, are raising their wages too not out of charity, but because its good for business. And by the way, Pi makes a really good pizza. And in this year of action, I signed an executive order requiring federal contractors to pay their employees a fair wage of at least ten dollars and ten cents an hour. 现在,幸运的是在我首次提请国会提高最低工资的那年,已经有六个州通过了 法案提高他们的最低工资。更多的州、县和城市将像我们所说的那样努力提高 他们的最低工资。诸如圣刘易斯的 Pi 比萨饼店一样的小企业也将提高他们的 工资-不是出于善心,而是因为这对企业有利。随便说一句,Pi 的确做了一个 “好比萨饼” 。在这个行动年,我签署了总统令要求联邦雇主给他们的雇员公平 的工资-至少一小时10美元10美分。 But if were truly going to reward the hard work of every American, Congress needs to join the rest of the country and pass a bill that would lift the federal minimum wage to ten dollars and ten cents an hour. This wouldnt just raise wages for minimum wage workers its effects would lift wages for nearly 28 million Americans across this country. It will give businesses more customers with more money to spend, and grow the economy for everybody. So call up your Member of Congress and let them know its time for “ten-ten.” Its time to give America a raise. 但是如果我们的确想回报勤奋工作的美国人,国会就应该和国内其他人一起通 过一项法案提高联邦最低工资到每小时10美元10美分。在不仅仅是提高工人们 的最低工资-这将导致全国近2千8百万人提高工资。这将给企业更多有钱的顾 客,为每个人发展经济。所以给你们的国会议员打电话,让他们知道现在是为 “10-10”工作的时候了。现在是给美国一个提升的时候了。 A true opportunity agenda is one that works for working women. Because when women succeed, America succeeds. We do better when everyone participates, and when everyone who works hard has the chance to get ahead. Thats what opportunity means and its why Ill keep fig


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