八年级英语下册 Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came(Section B 1a-1d)导学案人教新目标版.doc_第1页
八年级英语下册 Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came(Section B 1a-1d)导学案人教新目标版.doc_第2页
八年级英语下册 Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came(Section B 1a-1d)导学案人教新目标版.doc_第3页




unit 5 what were you doing when the rainstorm came(section b 1a-1d)学习目标:1. 能够准确读出并熟练运用本节课所学的realize,make ones way. 2. 加深和巩固过去进行时态的运用。3. 提高学生对听力材料中时间、地点和原因等主要信息的提取能力,进一步学习一般过去时和过去进行时的搭配使用。 独学准备:1.试读1b,1c并对听力内容进行预测.激情激趣导入目标独立思考个体探究分享交流合作探究展示提升启发探究随堂笔记导学引航目的、方法、时间 独学指导内容、学法、时间互动策略内容、形式、时间展示方案内容、方式、时间重点摘记成果记录规律总结step 1:warming-up.t:can you think of a time when you were late for class?when was that?what happened to you?eventsreasonsstep2: use what has be mentioned to report the events.step 3:before listening。 检查独学成果,通过对1b中问题对听力内容进行预测。step3:listen for information. (1) 听录音完成1c.(2) 核对答案。(3)朗读1c中的句子,预测1c中事件的发生顺序。(核对所听答案是否和预测答案一致)step4.listen and follow the tape.再次播放录音,回答一些情节性问题1. what did she do when she got to the bus stop?2. what did she do when she realized her bag was at home?3. what did she see while she was running back home?4. what did she want to do when she saw the dog?step5: pairwork 1d完成1d句子接龙a:when the school basketball competition started,.b:when the school basketball competition started, kate was still making her way to school.c:when kate made her way to school, she realized her bag was still at home.d:. 对学1. 组长检查独学完成情况2. 教师反馈结果. 群学1.组内互听互查朗读情况,纠正发音,做好展示朗读的准备.2.组内交流、讨论完成任务:a)1a,自由展示b)1c,规定展示在黑板上。比一比哪个小组展示的更快,更准确.3.activity: 小组比赛,完成句子接龙比赛,看哪个小组完成的又快又好。预展:针对展示方案, 组内成员积极思考,全员参与展示设计展示方式,组内预展.方案一:书声朗朗展示朗读.建议:设计形式多样的朗读方式.方案二:倾耳细听听力讲解.建议:1.怎样做好听前准备2. 给出自己的听力技巧方案三:遇见未来和同学分享你对未来的畅想。写出你所不熟悉的单词:_你还知道的形容词的反义词_我的收获: 当堂测评 分层达标1. 翻译词组。错过活动 一场校篮球比赛 在路边 到达公共汽车站 等某人 走过 在.去上学的路上 2.选择题1. you can improve your english practicing more. a.by b.with c.of d.in2. her mother goes to work bus every morning. a.by b.at c.on d.in3. -when will the plane shanghai? -sorry, i dont know. a.get b.arrive at c.reach d.reach in 4. just before the chinese class ,i suddenly that i forgot to bring my chinese book. a.allowed b.replied c.understood d.realized5.jack was never late class. a.for b.to c.of d.in3、用when和while填空。6. i was sitting in the barbers chair,my mum phoned me.7.the browns were having dinner i visited them.8.she looked after my baby i was away.9.we were playing outside it begin to rain.10.my mother was doing the housework i was doing my homework.4、句型转换。11.my mother did the housework yesterday afternoon.my mother the housework at five yesterday afternoon.12.the students were having a picnic at that time last sunday. (变否定句) the students a picnic at that time last sunday.13.maria was going shopping with her mother at four yesterday afternoon.(对划线部分提问) maria at four yesterday afternoon.14.her mother was cooking when she got home.(对划线部分提问) her moth


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