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四个词告诉你人一生的经历 Life comes in a package. This package includes happiness and sorrow, failure and success, hope and despair. Life is a learning process. Experiences in life teach us new lessons and make us a better person. With each passing day we learn to handle various situations。 人生好似一个包裹,这个包裹里藏着快乐与悲伤、成功与失败,希望与绝望。人生也 是一个学习的过程。那些经历给我们上了全新的课,让我们变得更好。随着每一天的过去, 我们学会了处理各种各样的问题。 Love 爱爱 Love plays a pivotal role on out life. Love makes you feel wanted. Without love a person could go hayward and also become cruel and ferocious. In the early stage of our life, our parents are the ones who shower us with unconditional love and care, they teach us about what is right and wrong, good and bad. But we always tend to take this for granted.It is only after marriage and having kids that a person understands and becomes sensitive to others feelings. Kids make a person responsible and mature and help us to understand life better。 爱在生活之外扮演了一个关键的角色。爱使你想要得到些什么。没有爱,一个人将走 向不归路,变得凶暴、残忍。在我们最初的人生道路上,我们的父母给予了我们 无条件的 关爱,他们教会我们判断正确与错误、好与坏。然而我们常常把这想当然了,只有等到我 们结了婚并且有了孩子之后,一个人才会懂得并注意别人的感受。 孩子让我们变得富有责 任心、变得成熟稳重,并且更好的理解人生。 Happiness and Sorrow 快乐与悲伤快乐与悲伤 Materialistic happiness is short-lived, but happiness achieved by bringing a smile on others face gives a certain level of fulfillment. Peace of mind is the main link to happiness. No mind is happy without peace. We realize the true worth of happiness when we are in sorrow. Sorrow is basically due to death of a loved one, failure and despair.But these things are temporary and pass away。 物质上的快乐往往是短暂的,然而,当你给予他人一个微笑的时候,那种满足却是无 与伦比的。心灵的平静往往是快乐的源泉。没有平和的心态就没有快乐的心情。 在伤心的 时候,我们往往能够体会到快乐的真谛。悲伤基本都来自于一个爱人的去世、失败还有绝 望,但是这样的事情都是暂时的,总会过去的。 Failure and Success 失败与成功失败与成功 Failure is the path to success. It helps us to touch the sky, teaches us to survive and shows us a specific way. Success brings in money, fame, pride and self-respect. Here it becomes very important to keep our head on out shoulder. The only way to show our gratitude to God for bestowing success on us is by being humble, modest, courteous and respectful to the less fortunate ones。 失败是成功之母。它让我们触及蓝天,它教会我们如何生存,它给予我们一条特殊的 路。成功给予我们金钱、名誉、骄傲和自尊。这里,保持头脑清醒便显得尤为重要。唯一 能让我们感激上帝给予的成功便是始终卑微、谦虚、礼貌并且尊重没有我们幸运的人们。 Hope and Despair 希望与绝望希望与绝望 Hope is what keeps life going. Parents always hope their children will do well. Hope makes us dream. Hope builds in patience. Life teaches us not to despair even in the darkest hour, because after every night there is a day. Nothing remains the same we have only one choice keep moving on in life and be hopeful。 希望是人生动力之源。父母总是希望自己的孩子能够做得很好。希望使我们有梦想。 希望使我们变得有耐心。人生教会我们即使是在最困难的时候都不要绝望,因为黑暗之后 终将是黎明。没有什么事一成不变的,我们惟有充满希望地继续生活。 Life teaches us not to regret over yesterday, for it has passed and is beyond our control. Tomorrow is unknown, for it could either be bright or dull. So the only alternative is work hard today, so that we will enjoy a better tomorrow。 人生教会我们不要对过去的事感到后悔,因为过去的终究是过去了并且我们已无法控 制。没人知道明天会是怎样,因为它可以是光明的同样也可以是无趣的。所以,唯一的选 择便是在今天努力工作,这样才能让我们去享受更美好的明天。 CAPSULE HOTEL A capsule hotel is a type of hotel in Japan with a large number of extremely small “rooms“ (capsules). “胶囊旅馆”是日本一种很常见的旅馆,提供大量极小的“房间”。 The guest space is reduced in size to a modular plastic or fiberglass block roughly 2 m by 1 m by 1.25 m, providing room to sleep. Facilities range in entertainment offerings (most include a television, an electronic console, and wireless internet connection). 在那里,客人的使用空间缩小为大约 2 米长、1 米宽、1.25 米高的塑料或纤维玻璃质 地的标准隔间,这个空间用来睡觉是没问题的。“房间”里也提供娱乐设施(大多数房间都配 有电视,电子控制台以及无线网络连接设备)。 These capsules are stacked side by side and two units top to bottom, with steps providing access to the second level rooms. Luggage is stored in a locker, usually somewhere outside of the hotel. Washrooms are communal and most hotels include restaurants (or at least vending machines), pools, and other entertainment facilities. The benefit of these hotels is convenience and price, usually around 2000-4000 a night (21-42). 这些小隔间一般是分两层挨个陈列的,二层的房间有楼梯可以直接上去。行李都会保 存在旅馆房间外的存储柜中。洗手间是公用的,而且通常大部分旅馆都有餐厅(或至少有自 动售货机)、游泳池,以及其他的娱乐设施。便捷和廉价是这类旅馆的主要优势,通常这类 旅馆一晚的费用为 2000 到 4000 日元(约合 21 到 42 美元)。 Many capsules are used primarily by men. Others (especially on weekdays) are often too inebriated to safely travel to their homes, or too embarrassed to face their spouses when they are unemployed or underemployed. 光顾“胶囊旅馆”的大部分都是男性。有些时候(尤其是工作日期间),有些喝醉了不能 平安回家、或是因为失业或降职而不好意思回家面对另一半的人们也会光顾“胶囊旅馆”。 There are many places a young man can go for romantic advicefriends, family, and if the worst comes to the worst, the Internet. Now, desperate bachelors are taking dating tips from a nine-year-old boy。 关于爱情,年轻人可以从很多地方得到建议朋友、家人,最糟莫过于互联网。而 目前,绝望的单身汉们都在向一名九岁的男孩学习约会技巧。 Alec Greven, from Colorado, is the author of How to Talk to Girls. The book, which started as an elementary school project, has become a New York Times best-seller. “I just observed around the playground how boys mess up and what mistakes they make,” said Alec. “A lot of boys made the wrong conversations。” 美国科罗拉多州的亚历克格雷文写了一本名为如何与女孩交谈的书。这本书起初 只是亚历克的一次小学作业,而现在已经登上了纽约时报畅销书榜的首位。亚历克说: “我只是在操场观察男孩子和女孩子在一起的时候都搞糟了哪些事情,犯了哪些错误。很多 男孩子的交谈方式都有问题。” Alec believes showing interest is the key to winning a girls heart. He said: “Your goal is to make sure she does most of the talking so then you cant mess up。” 亚历克认为:要赢得女孩子的芳心,关键是要表现出感兴趣。他说:“你要做的是确保 她在交谈中占主导地位,这样事情就不会搞砸。” In his book, Alec suggests that men find a cool role model to base their behaviour on. “The best choice for most boys is a regular girl。” he said. Alec also offers advice for when relationships dont work out so well. On breaking- up, he said: “You say something like, I dont think this is really going to work but would you like to be friends。” On being dumped, he replied: “I say, life is hard, move on. If you cant get over it, its ruined。” 在书中,亚历克建议男性要为自己的举止树立一个好榜样。他认为,“对于大多数男孩 来说,最好是选择一个普通女孩。” 亚历克对于相处不顺的情况也提出了建议,比如分手 时,他认为:“这种情况下应该说我认为我们俩在一起不合适,但能让我们继续做朋友吗 之类的话。” 如果被甩了呢?亚历克的回答是:“我会说生活就是如此艰难,继续生活吧。 要抛开过去,否则你的生活就毁了。” Despite his junior love-guru status, Alec says there are no ladies in his life, aside from his mother. “Im a little too young for all that dating and everything,” he said. Alec is working on several follow-ups to How to Talk to Girls. How to Talk to Moms, How to Talk to Dads and How to Talk to Grandparents are already in the pipeline。 虽然身为年少的爱情专家,但亚历克说自己的生活中除了母亲还没有其他女士。他说: “约会和其他事情对我来说还太早了点。” 亚历克正计划写其他的与如何与女孩交谈类 似的书:如何同母亲交谈,如何同父亲交谈,如何同祖父母交谈等都即将问 世。 Vocabulary: in the pipeline 在进行中,在处理中,在生产中 The Second Field Army was a tightly knit unit, and there was excellent coordination between the higher and lower officers, between the columns and even at the grass-roots level. 二野的内部关系是非常团结、非常协调的。上下级之间,各纵队之间,甚至于更下层 一点,关系都很协调。 杜拉拉升职记可以说是目前国内最火的一部职业向导影片。同名畅销小说 杜拉拉升职记讲述了主人公在跨国公司采取积极行动得到晋升的故事。但是,她的故 事到底是不是职场生活的真实写照呢?答案之复杂仿佛职场生活本身一样。 DU Lala is the hottest career coach in the country. The fictional character in the acclaimed novel Du La Las Promotion shows others how to take the high road to success in a multinational company. But does her story depict a real or distorted picture of work life? The answer is as complicated as office life itself. 自 2007 年出版以来,该书的销量已超 100 万本。下周末,由该书改编而成的同名电 影杜拉拉升职记将在各大影院上映。电影本身使人们对故事的兴趣激增。该电影由徐 静蕾、黄立行领衔主演。但比起这个,该故事终于搬上大银幕的消息似乎更让粉丝们兴奋。 Over one million copies of the book have been sold since its release in 2007. Go Lala Go!, a movie adaptation of the novel set to hit cinemas next weekend, has stirred up even more interest in the story. The film stars Xu Jinglei and Stanley Huang, but fans seem to be more excited about seeing the story unfold on the big screen. 新浪网一最新调查显示,参与调查的 6810 名网民中,45的参与者表示从该书中得 到了职业指针。其他职场类小说,例如:圈子圈套、输赢、浮沉同样大受欢 迎。 According to a recent S survey, 45 percent of the 6,810 netizens polled said they have drawn career pointers from the novel. Other office novels, such as In and Out of the Loop, Win and Lose and Drowning and Floating, seem to have been received with similar interest. “这些书让我了解了白领的生活,教会我书本上所没有的职场规则和术语。”22 岁的北 京林业大学大四学生张珊珊说。 These books show me the life of white collars, and they teach me career rules and jargon that are not offered in class, said Zhang Shanshan, a 22- year-old senior at Beijing Forestry University. 张珊珊还说,书中所描写的竞争,诙谐幽默的语言和办公室八卦深深吸引了她。“我迫 不及待地想开始自己的职场生涯,”她说。 Zhang says the competition, humor and office gossip in the book intrigued her. “I cant wait to embark on my own career,“ she said. 对于职场类小说的畅销,智联招聘网的高级职场顾问陈宁并不感到意外。 The popularity of office novels does not surprise Chen Ning, a senior career consultant at Z. “描写办公室斗争的小说满足了普通办公室一族的心理需求,”陈宁说,“主人公面临巨 大的压力,激烈的竞争以及不可预知的未来。这很符合众多读者的日常生活情景。” Novels about office fights and struggles satisfy the psychological demands of an ordinary office worker, Chen said. “The leading characters face great pressure, fierce competition and an uncertain future. This is a real scenario in many readers daily life.“ 杜拉拉升职记的作者李可强调了这本书的重要性。“我要为办公室一族提供一个真 实且实用的常识、知识和经验。”李可去年接受钱江晚报采访时表示。 Li Ke, the author of Du Lalas Promotion, has been stressing the significance of her fiction. “I want to provide real and useful common sense, knowledge and experience to office workers,“ Li told the Qianjiang Evening News last year. 角色过于极端 Polarized characters 在刚刚走出校园不久的毕业生们看来,小说中强调的基本职场法则让他们获益匪浅。 Recent graduates say they have found the basic work principles highlighted in the novel to be instructive. “如果该书在 5 年前出版,我或许就能避免一些错误的发生。” 广汽本田汽车有限公 司人事经理徐君说。“他们经常讨论基本的办公室原则,这些原则与在中级管理层下工作的 职工相关。它们还能让读者了解到解决基本问题和组织管理技巧的重要性。” If these books had been published five years earlier, I might have avoided some problems, said Xu Jun, an HR manager at Guangqi Honda Automobile Company. “They often discuss basic office principles, which are relevant for staff working under the middle management level. They also help readers to see the importance of basic problem solving and organizational skills.“ 但是,一些老员工却表示,书中的部分内容有不切实际之嫌,某些角色尤是如此。 But some veteran employees warn that the novels are not always realistic. They say this is especially true of the characters. “主角似乎是无敌超人,”通用电气的人事经理侯振东说。杜拉拉的组长毫不负责地拍 屁股走人,老板根本就指望不上,而身边的同事要么愚蠢之极,要么过于世故。危难之时, 杜拉拉站出来,作出了一个个正确的决定。 The protagonists appear to be unbeatable, said Hou Zhendong, an HR manager at General Electric. Du Lalas team leader quit in an irresponsible way; her boss is inept; and the staff around her is either stupid or overly- sophisticated. Du stands out i
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